程序代写 G6046 Software Engineering

G6046 Software Engineering
Seminar session: Understanding requirements Summary
This exercise is designed to ensure that you understand:
 User requirements

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 System requirements
o Functional requirements (mandatory and desirable)
o Non-functional requirements (mandatory and desirable)  Domain requirements (and what to do about them)
Work in teams to analyse the task. Doing this task will help you understand what you need to do to write a proper set of system requirements for your coursework project. There is no single correct solution. A possible solution will be posted on Canvas.
You have been given the following set of user requirements
“Fandango Corp produce toy robots to help children learn about electronic and mechanical systems. The toys have become quite successful with children and schools hoping to interest teenagers in careers in science and engineering. Fandango Corp want to produce a remote software control system for their latest robot Freddie.
Freddie is around 50cm tall and walks on two legs. The robot has its own embedded OS is controlled by a wireless link from a remote computer. The remote computer might be a PC or a Mac and needs to operate over a range of no less than 5m. The wireless link must not interfere with any other wireless equipment or the Internet connection to the remote machine. The software needs to use a Graphical User Interface with buttons to allow the user to send the robot direct commands such as ‘walk’ and ‘stand up’. The software can also be used to chain together commands to define simple behaviours for the robot to perform. The robot has a grabber arm that can pick up small objects of no more than 50g. The design team think that more than 50g might cause the robot to tip over. As the robot is quite expensive, tipping over is a bad because the robot could easily be damaged. The robot also has a voice synthesiser than users can program to make it say sentences in English. It is intended for children though.
The software must be simple enough for a 10-year-old child to use and the interface needs to be simple and intuitive. Fandango might like to have a version of the software that runs on an Android tablet later on. If there is a fault in the software, the robot must stop and wait for software to be rebooted. Similarly, for safety, the robot must stop if the wireless connection is lost. The robot needs to be aesthetically pleasing and not obviously offensive to any cultural group.”
Produce a set of system requirements suitable for delivering these requirements. You may make reasonable assumptions to complete the exercise.
Dr Kingsley Sage Dr

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