程序代写代做代考 algorithm graph MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST

MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST
Distributed MST
Radu Nicolescu Department of Computer Science University of Auckland
14 Aug 2020

MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST
1 Minimum spanning trees
2 Prim MST
3 Kruskal MST
4 Bor ̊uvka MST
5 Discussions – Prim, Kruskal, Boruvka
6 Distributed MST (Sync)
7 Sync MST – Level 0 Components
8 Sync MST – Level 1 Components
9 Sync MST – Level 2 Components
10 Memento

MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST
Spanning trees (ST)
121212 333
111111 (1) (2) (3)
For (1) and (2), consider that the top node is the root
• (1) : min-height ST
here also BFS ST (cf. sync Echo)
• (2) : shortest paths ST (cf. sync/async Bellman-Ford)
• (3) : minimum ST (cf. sync/async GHS) here also DFS ST (cf. sync/async Cidon)
• (1,2,3,…) : arbitrary ST (cf. async Echo)

MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST
Minimum spanning tree (MST) algorithms
• If edges have different weights, then there is a unique MST
• Prim (1957); Jarn ́ık (1930); Dijkstra (1959): O(M log N) or
O(M + N log N)
• Kruskal (1956): O(M log N); Reverse-Kruskal: O(M log N…)
•Bor ̊uvka(1926);Choquet(1938);Florek,L􏰂ukasiewicz,Perkal, Steinhaus, and Zubrzycki (1951); Sollin (1965)1: O(M log N)
• faster algorithms – almost linear: Chazelle (2000); randomization; integer weights; …
• Distributed MST (sync,async): GHS – Gallager, Humblet and
Spira (1983): O(N log N); improvements linear O(N); or even
1“Because Sollin was the only computer scientist in this list living in an English speaking country, this algorithm is frequently called Sollin’s algorithm” (Wiki)

MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST
Side-bar: Minimum spanning networks in biology

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Bor ̊uvka – red: Common MWOE (min-weight out edge)
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Bor ̊uvka – red: Common MWOE (min-weight out edge)
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Bor ̊uvka – red: Common MWOE (min-weight out edge)
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MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST
Prim and Kruskal as particular cases of Boruvka
• Kruskal is a restricted Boruvka, where we only use the overall lowest cost MWOE (not necessarily common) – thus, at any given step, we only merge 2 trees (one single 2-way merge)
• Prim is a restricted Boruvka, where we only use the MWOE of the chosen tree – thus, at any given step, we merge the chosen tree with one node (a ”level 0” tree)
• Boruvka deals with all MWOEs at the same ”step” (called ”level” in the distributed case) – thus, we can perform several multi-way merges ”simultaneously” (at the same ”step”)
• Quotation marks indicate that many things may happen at the same ”step” or ”level” …
• The distributed MST versions exploit this ability of Boruvka

MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST
All unrooted trees (edge shapes) with 4 & 5 nodes
• Looking for MWEs (minimal working examples) where Kruskal is essentially different from Boruvka: 4 or 5 nodes?
• Here the selected roots have minimum eccentricities
• WLG (without loss of generality), are these all that need consideration?

MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST
Five nodes – Kruskal essentially different from Boruvka?
• B step 1: collects all red (Common MWOE) and blue (one way MWOE) edges
• K collects in order: red edges (costs 1 ,2), then costs 3, 4
• Figure codes: B ̸= K : essential differences, B = K : NO
essential differences
13 4
B ̸= K 2
34 13
B = K B ̸= K 42

MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST
Four nodes
• On 4 nodes, Kruskal is NOT essentially different from Boruvka 123
21 13

MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST
Further discussions
Prove, for Boruvka’s algorithm:
• In any multi-way merge there is always one Common MWOE • The Common MWOE is unique
Prove that these hold for:
• Level 0 trees, i.e. initial nodes (size 1 trees) • Level k trees, for any k ≥ 0

MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST
Distributed MST (Sync)
• Based on Bor ̊uvka; see Lynch §4.4
• Nodes have unique IDs
• Nodes know their adjacent neighbours
• Nodes know the graph size, N (required for synchronisation) • could be obtained by a preliminary phase, based on Echo
• Edges have unique weights or same weight edges can be ordered
• e..g, by lexicographical comparisons, where each edge {i,j} is represented by an ordered triple (w,v,v′),v < v′, where w = edge weight, v, v′ = ID’s of i, j 20/34 MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST Sync MST – Comparing weights with equal weights 2 10 1 10 3 10 4 {1,2} = (10,1,2) < {1,3} = (10,1,3) < {4,3} = (10,3,4) 21/34 MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST Distributed MST (Sync) • Timecomplexity: O(NlogN) Message complexity: O ((N + M ) log N ) • Levels: O(logN); each level defines a spanning forest • Level 0 components are the individual nodes • Level k + 1 builds larger components by merging 2 or more level k components into new components • Thus, level k ≥ 0 has component subtrees of size 2k , at least • Each component has a distinguished leader; the leader ID identifies the component • For connected graphs, the algorithm ends with a MST (unique, if edges have different weights) 22/34 MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST Distributed MST (Sync) • Details may vary, with slightly different performance... • The following diagrams use a set of suggestive, but not exactly necessary, messages • initiate • test • accept, reject • report • connect (implies a change-root), connect! • To ensure correct component identification, each level k > 1 takes a predefined number of steps, O(N) – nodes may need to stay idle until this count is completed
• depending on the actual algorithm details, this may happen in different ways

MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST
Sync MST – Level 0 Components
2 3487
4 2
5 693

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Sync MST – Level 0 Components
2 3487
4 2
5 693

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Sync MST – Level 1 Components
2 3487
4 2
5 693

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Sync MST – Level 1 Components
2 3487
4 2
5 693

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Sync MST – Level 1 Components
2 3487
4 2
5 693

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Sync MST – Level 2 Components
2 3487
4 2
5 693

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Sync MST – Level 2 Components
2 3487
4 2
5 693

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Sync MST – Level 2 Components
2 3487
4 2
5 693

MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST
Sync MST – Memento
• Distributed Sync MST is based on Bor ̊uvka
• Bor ̊uvka can be viewed as extension of both Prim and Kruskal
• At each given step: Prim grows one single tree; Bor ̊uvka grows all trees simultaneously
• At each given step: Kruskal merges exactly two trees; Bor ̊uvka merges all trees simultaneously (2-way or n-way unions)
• The steps of sequential Bor ̊uvka correspond to more complex levels (phases) in distributed Sync MST

MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST
Sync MST – Memento
• The MST is unique, if weights are pairwise distinct (but this can always be arranged, e.g. by lexicographic comparisons)
• There is one single common MWOE, aka the core, in all tree unions in the algorithm (obvious for 2-way unions, but needs proof for more)
• The leader of a union of trees is one of the two endpoints of the core, i.e. of the single common MWOE (this also ensures that the root stays reasonably close to the leaves)
• A level k union tree has size ≥ 2k , thus tree sizes grow exponentially and there are at most log N phases
• To ensure required synchronicity, each level requires O(N) steps (this is ok, as there are only few levels)

MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST
Sync MST – Memento
• The accept and reject messages are not really needed; i.e. the test messages may hold enough info for this decision
• The report messages are evaluated on-the fly, at each node, and only the best MWOE’s details are forwarded up, towards the leader
• The report messages leave behind a route to the node holding the best MWOE of that subtree
• The connect messages are routed on the tree path which goes from the leader to the node holding the overall best MWOE
• The connect messages reshape the tree, by transporting the leadership, i.e. resetting parent and child pointers along their path

MST Prim MST Kruskal MST Bor ̊uvka MST Disc Sync MST Sync MST 1 Sync MST 2 Sync MST 3 Sync MST
Async MST – GHS and variants
Specific difficulties of the async version – not present in the sync version:
• Two neighbours may pe part of the same component tree, but they have not learned this yet (logical error)
• Not all component trees may have a guaranteed size > 2k ; some may grow much faster than others (complexity issue)
• More generally, component trees may be at different levels… (logical and complexity issues)
Read more in Lynch’s textbook:
• §4.4 : sync GHS
• §15.5 : async GHS, plus summary revision of sync GHS • §15.3 : async STtoLeader (on unrooted STs)