程序代写代做代考 go distributed system graph c# clock algorithm game flex chain concurrency computer architecture Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Radu Nicolescu Department of Computer Science University of Auckland
29 July 2020

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
1 Organisation
2 Distributed algorithms
3 Graphs and spanning trees revisited
4 Basics
5 Echo algorithm
6 Echo algorithm revisited
7 Echo/size algorithm
8 Further algorithms
9 Project and practical work
10 Readings

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
• For additional details, see the DCO and the Canvas Syllabus • https://courseoutline.auckland.ac.nz/dco/course/COMPSCI/711/1205
• https://canvas.auckland.ac.nz/courses/45914
• Introduction to several fundamental distributed algorithms
• Three assignments, totalling 30
• A bigger assignment, called project plus report, totalling 30
• Exam: theory of the distributed algorithms, 40
• Assignments: practical implementations, emulations of specific distributed algorithms on a single computer

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Distributed algorithms
• Computing: computer systems, networking, computer architectures, computer programming, algorithms
• Parallel computing: multi-processors/cores, parallel systems, threading, concurrency, data sharing and races, parallel programming (data and task parallelism), parallel algorithms
• Distributed computing: distributed systems, message passing, communication channels, distributed architectures, distributed programming, distributed algorithms
• concurrency of components
• paramount messaging time
• lack of global clock in the async case • independent failure of components

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Overlap between parallel and distributed computing
• One litmus test:
• Parallel computing: tight coupling between tasks, that
cooperate on shared memory
• Distributed computing: loose coupling between nodes, that cooperate by messaging
• Another difference – specific for algorithms:
• In classical algorithms, the problem is encoded and given to
the (one single) processing element
• In parallel algorithms, the problem is encoded and partitioned, and then its chunks are given to the processing elements
• In distributed algorithms, the problem is given by the network itself and solved by coordination protocols
• More: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_computing#Parallel_and_distributed_computing

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Typical scenario in distributed computing
• computing nodes have local memories and unique IDs
• nodes are arranged in a network: graph, digraph, ring, …
• neighbouring nodes can communicate by message passing
• independent failures are possible: nodes, communication channels
• the network topology (size, diameter, neighbourhoods) and other characteristics (e.g. latencies) are often unknown to individual nodes
• the network may or may not dynamically change
• nodes solve parts of a bigger problem or have individual problems but still need some sort of coordination – which is achieved by distributed algorithms

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Recall from graph theory
• Graphs, edges, digraphs, arcs, degrees, connected, complete graphs, size, distance, diameter, radius, paths, weights/costs, shortest paths, spanning trees, …
• geodesic distance between a pair of nodes = minimum length of a connecting path, aka length of a shortest path (hop count in unweighted graphs)
• min
• diameter = maximum distance, between any pair of nodes
• max min
• radius = minimum maximum distance, for any node to any other node (minimum attained at centers)
• min max min

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Typical graphs notations
Graph: (V,E)
• V, set of nodes (vertices), N = |V|
• E,setofedges,M=|E|
• D, diameter = longest geodesic distance (longest shortest path) between any two nodes
• node eccentricity = longest geodesic distance (longest shortest path) from this node to other nodes
• D, diameter = maximum eccentricity, over all node pairs
• R, radius = minimum eccentricity, from any node
• centre (node) = node with minimum eccentricity (not unique)

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Geodesics examples
• Three distinct spanning trees (rooted at 1) on the same undirected graph
• Diameter, radius, centre(s), of base graph?
• Diameter, radius, centre(s), of each spanning tree?

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
BFS and DFS spanning trees
• Reflexive edge: an edge that loops back to the same node
• Default assumption: unless specifically said so, graphs are
irreflexive (no reflexive edges)
• Given a spanning tree, we define
• Tree edge: an edge that belongs to the spanning tree
• Frond edge: an edge that does not belong to the spanning tree
• BFS spanning tree characterisations
• Each node at graph hop distance d from root appears at depth
d in the tree
• Frond edges only between nodes at depths differing by at most
one (thus linking nodes on different branches)
• DFS spanning tree characterisation
• Frond edges only between between nodes on the same branch (a frond links an ancestor with a descendant)

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
BFS and DFS spanning trees – examples
• Three distinct spanning trees (rooted at 1) on the same undirected graph
• Which one is BFS or DFS (start from root node 1)?
• Left is BFS; Right is DFS (when we first go to node 2)
• Middle is neither, but could be BFS, if we start from 2…
• … orDFS,ifwestartfrom3or4

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Rounds and steps
• Nodes work in rounds (macro-steps), which have three sub-steps:
1 Receive sub-step: receive incoming messages
2 Process sub-step: change local node state
3 Send sub-step: send outgoing messages
• Note: some algorithms expect null or empty messages, as an explicit confirmation that nothing was sent

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Timing models
1 Synchronous models
• nodes work totally synchronised – in lock-step
• easiest to develop, but often unrealistic and less efficient
2 Asynchronous models
• messages can take an arbitrary unbounded time to arrive • often unrealistic and sometimes impossible
3 Partially synchronous models
• some time bounds or guarantees • more realistic, but most difficult
• Quiz: guess which models have been first studied? Heard of Nasreddin Hodja’s lamp? ,

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Synchronous model – equivalent versions
• Synchronous model – version 1
• all nodes: process takes 1 time unit
• all messages: transit time (send −→ receive) takes 0 time units
• Synchronous model – version 2
• all nodes: process takes 0 time units
• all messages: transit time (send −→ receive) takes 1 time units
• The second (and equivalent) version ensures that synchronised models are a particular case of asynchronous models

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Asynchronous model
• Asynchronous model
• all nodes: process takes 0 time units
• each message (individually): transit time (send −→ receive) takes any real number of time units
• or, normalised: any real number in the [0, 1] interval
• thus synchronous models (version 2) are a special case
• often, a FIFO guarantee, which however may affect the above timing assumption (see next slide)
• Time complexity (worst-case) = supremum of all possible normalised async runs
• NOTE: async time complexity ≥ sync time complexity as the sync run is just one of the all possible runs

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Asynchronous model
• Asynchronous model with FIFO channels
• the FIFO guarantee: faster messages cannot overtake earlier
slower messages sent over the same channel
• congestion (pileup) may occur and this should be accounted for
• the timing assumption of the previous slide only applies to the top (oldest) message in the FIFO queue
• after the top message is delivered, the next top message is delivered after an additional arbitrary delay (in R or [0, 1])… [Lynch]
• thus, a sequence of n messages may take n time units until the last is delivered
• essentially, a FIFO “channel” may not be a simple channel, but need some middleware (to manage the message queue)
• suggestion to develop robust models, who do not rely on any implicit FIFO assumption [Tel]

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
• In general, both models are non-deterministic
• Sync and async: often a choice needs to be made between
different requests (e.g. to consider an order among neighbours) • Async: messages delivery times can vary (even very widely)
• However, all executions must arrive to a valid decision (not necessarily the same, but valid)
• If always same decisions, then the system is called confluent

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Starting and stopping options
• Starting options
• Single-source or centralised or diffusing: starts from a
designated initiator node
• Many-source or decentralised: starts from many nodes, often
from all nodes, at the same time • Termination options
• Easy to notice from outside, but how do the nodes themselves know this?
• Sometimes one node (often the initiator) takes the final decision and can notify the rest (usually omitted phase)
• In general, this can be very challenging and requires sophisticated control algorithms for termination detection

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Echo algorithm
• Echo is a fundamental diffusing (single source) algorithm, which is the basis for several others
• combines two phases (imagine a stone thrown into a pond creating waves which echo back)
• a broadcast, ”top-down” phase, which builds child-to-parent links in a spanning tree
• a convergecast, ”bottom-up” or echo phase, which confirms the termination
• parent-to-child links can be built either at convergecast time or by additional confirmation messages immediately after the broadcast (not shown in the next slides)
• after receiving echo tokens from all its neighbours, the source node decides the termination (and can optionally start a third phase, to inform the rest of this termination)

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Echo algorithm
• Echo algorithm is an instance of a large family known as wave algorithms (not further discussed here)
• In the sync mode, the broadcast phase of Echo determines a BFS spanning tree – Echo is also known as SyncBFS
• In the async mode, the broadcast phase of Echo determines a spanning tree, but not necessarily a BFS spanning tree

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Echo Algorithm – Sync
Time Units = 0 Messages = 0

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Echo Algorithm – Sync
Time Units = 1 Messages = 3

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Echo Algorithm – Sync
Time Units = 2 Messages = 7

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Echo Algorithm – Sync
Time Units = 3 Messages = 10

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Echo Algorithm – Sync
Time Units = 3 ≤ 2D+1 Messages = 10 = 2|E|

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Echo programs (Tel)
• Each node has a list, Neigh, indicating its neighbours
• There are two different programs: (1) for the initiator, and (2)
for the non-initiators
• Here, the programs are high-level pseudocode, not in the basic Receive/Process/Send state-machine format (but can be reduced to this)
• With the exception of the initiator’s first step, nodes become active only after receiving at least one message; i.e. nodes are idle (passive) between sending and receiving new messages
• Exercise: try to translate the following pseudocodes into a state machine format

Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings
Echo program for initiator (Tel)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11
let parent = null let rec = 0
for q in Neigh do send tok to q
while rec < | Neigh | do receive tok rec += 1 decide 28/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Echo program for non-initiators (Tel) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 let parent = null let rec = 0 receive tok from q parent = q rec += 1 for q in Neigh \ parent do send tok to q while rec < | Neigh | do receive tok rec += 1 send tok to parent // non-deterministic choice! // count all received tokens // forward and return 29/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Sync vs. Async • Using the informal complexity measures appearing in the preceding slides (there are others), we conclude • Sync: time complexity = O(D), message complexity = O(|E|) • The same Echo programs run also in the async mode and obtain valid results • However, the runtime complexity measure changes (drastically) • Async: time complexity=O(|V|), message complexity=O(|E|) • Why? • For the time complexity, we take the supremum over all possible normalised executions (delivery time in [0, 1]) 30/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Echo Algorithm - Async 1 24 3 Time Units = 0 Messages = 0 31/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Echo Algorithm - Async 1 24 3 Time Units = ε Messages = 3 31/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Echo Algorithm - Async 1 24 3 Time Units = 2ε Messages = 4 31/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Echo Algorithm - Async 1 24 3 Time Units = 3ε Messages = 6 31/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Echo Algorithm - Async 1 24 3 Time Units = 4ε Messages = 7 31/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Echo Algorithm - Async 1 24 3 Time Units = 1 Messages = 7 31/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Echo Algorithm - Async 1 24 3 Time Units = 2 Messages = 8 31/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Echo Algorithm - Async 1 24 3 Time Units = 3 Messages = 9 31/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Echo Algorithm - Async 1 24 3 Time Units = 4 Messages = 10 31/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Echo Algorithm - Async 1 24 3 Total Time Units = 4 Time Units on Broadcast = 1 ≤ D Time Units on Convergecast = 3 = |V | − 1 Messages = 10 31/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Echo algorithm revisited • Like other members of the wave algorithm family, Echo can be adapted to determine: • The size of the network (number of nodes) • The number of nodes which have a given property • The maximum, minimum or sum of all values contained in nodes (assuming that each node contains a numerical value) • In general, functions which are associative and commutative, such as + (why?) • A “leader” (e.g. the node with the highest ID) • A simple “trick”: values can be attached to the tokens! • Forward token with null/zero value • Return token to parent with subtree value 33/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Echo/size program – associativity and commutativity a bc ad1e2f3a bc bc d1e2f3 d1e2f3 Non-determnistic but confluent evaluations – all return 6! • Left: (1+2)+3, (2+1)+3, 3+(1+2), 3+(2+1) • Right: 1+(2+3), 1+(3+2), (2+3)+1, (3+2)+1 35/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Echo/size program for initiator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 let parent = null let rec = 0 letsize=1 for q in Neigh do send (tok,0) to q while rec < | Neigh | do receive (tok , s) // order irrelevant; + commutative rec += 1 size += s decide size 36/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Echo/size program for non-initiators 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 37/46 let parent = null let rec = 0 letsize=1 receive (tok,s) from q // choiceirrelevant;+associative parent = q rec += 1 for q in Neigh \ parent do send (tok,0) to q while rec < | Neigh | do receive (tok,s) rec += 1 size += s // fan-outtokens:s=0 // fan-in tokens: s=subtree size send (tok , size ) to parent // only children really contribute Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Further algorithms • Besides some basic fundamental algorithms, we intend to cover (or have a good look at) some of the most challenging distributed algorithms • Distributed MST (Minimal Spanning Tree): Dijkstra prize 2004 • Byzantine agreement: ”the crown jewel of distributed algorithms” – Dijkstra prize 2005, 2001 • The relation between Byzantine algorithms and blockchains • all these have practical significance and applications 39/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Project and practical work • Practical work is necessary to properly understand the concepts • Unfortunately, we cannot afford to experiment with real distributed systems (sorry for this /) • We need to play the ”Game of Distribution” and simulate or, better, emulate distributed systems on a single lab machine • For uniformity and fairness in marking, we use .NET, specifically with C# (or F#) • The final exam is focused on concepts, does not contain ”technological” questions (related to .NET) 41/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Prerequisites (cf. 335) • Familiarity with C#, at least to the level presented in the C# 5.0 Specifications, Chapter Introduction (pp 1–32): https://www.microsoft.com/en- nz/download/details.aspx?id=7029 • Familiarity with basic .NET API or ability to learn this on the fly, as needed • Familiarity with the specific API that we will use to emulate distributed systems • Familiarity with searching and reading the MSDN library • Familiarity with Linqpad http://www.linqpad.net/ 42/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings How to emulate sync and async distributed systems? • Single process/task emulation by well defined calls among ”nodes” • Multi-task emulation via channels (or pipelines or actors) • Multi-process emulation by HTTP/REST calls (e.g. Nancy, Sinatra) 43/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Readings • Textbooks (in library, also limited previews on Google books) • Lynch, Nancy (1996). Distributed Algorithms. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. ISBN 978-1-55860-348-6. • Tel, Gerard (2000), Introduction to Distributed Algorithms, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-52179-483-1. • Fokkink, Wan (2013), Distributed Algorithms - An Intuitive Approach, MIT Press (Second Edition 2018 also available). • Research and overview articles (generally overlapping the textbooks) will be indicated for each topic 45/46 Organisation Topics Graphs Basics Echo Echo+ Size Further Project Readings Readings 2 • My articles (in collaboration) on bio-inspired models for distributed algorithms may offer additional views • network discovery • firing squad synchronisation (graphs and digraphs) • DFS, BFS, edge and node disjoint paths • dynamic programming (DP), belief propagation (BP) • image processing (stereo, skeletonisation, region growing) • Byzantine agreement • formal verification • hard problems (SAT, TSP, QSAT) • Pre-print versions published in the CDMTCS research reports https://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/staff- cgi- bin/mjd/secondcgi.pl?date 46/46