程序代写代做代考 Lambda Calculus assembler C mips CSSE 304 Day 13

CSSE 304 Day 13
Your questions on Exam 1? Lexical Address examples Computation in the lambda Calculus \reverse and reverse! Syntactic extensions

lexical address solution
(lexical-address ‘((lambda (x y)
(((lambda (z) (lambda (w y)
(+ x z w y))) (list w x y z))
(+ x y z)))
(y z))) 
((lambda (x y) (((lambda (z)
(lambda (w y)
((: free +) (: 2 0) (: 1 0) (: 0 0) (: 0 1))))
((: free list) (: free w) (: 0 0) (: 0 1) (: free z))) ((: free +) (: 0 0) (: 0 1) (: free z))))
((: free y) (: free z)))

lexical address solution 2
(lexical-address ‘(let ([a 3] [b 4])
(let ([a (+ b 2)] [c a]) (+abc)))) 
(let ((a 3) (b 4))
(let ((a ((: free +) (: 0 1) 2))
(c (: 0 0)))
((: free +) (: 0 0) (: 1 1) (: 0 1))))
Introduction to define‐syntax

Syntactic extension
• A mechanism for adding new syntax to a programming language.
The “macro” of “macro-assembler”
• A “macro” is a “super-instruction”, a.k.a pseudo-instruction.
• An instruction that the assembler translates into a sequence of machine instructions.
• macros are an example of syntactic extension.
Example in MIPS: la $t1

is translated into something like
lui $t1,

ori $t1, $t1, http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/MIPS_Assembl y/Pseudoinstructions

Syntactic extension in C
#define square(x) ((x) * (x))
#define max(x, y) (((x)>(y)) ? (x) : (y))
#include int main () {
int n = 5, m = 7; double y = 6.17;
printf(“%d\n”, square(m + 7*n/3)); printf(“%lf %d\n”, max(n,y), max(m,n));
Note that #define does not define procedures; it defines syntactic substitutions (macros). This can be seen by running the C pre-processor:
output from CPP
#define square(x) ((x) * (x))
#define max(x, y) (((x)>(y)) ? (x) : (y))
printf(“%d\n”, square(m + 7*n/3)); printf(“%lf %d\n”, max(n,y), max(m,n));
gets replaced by
(without the extra line breaks that I added for readability)
printf(“%d\n”, (( m + 7*n/3 ) *
( m + 7*n/3 )) );
printf(“%lf %d\n”, ((( n ) > ( y )) ? (n):( y)),
((( m ) > ( n )) ? ( m ) : ( n )) );

Syntactic extension in Scheme
• lambda is a core syntactic form; let is not.
– Expressions involving let may be syntactically transformed into applications of lambda- expressions (as you did in the let->application HW procedure).
• There are many syntactic forms in Scheme
– most are not core forms, but are transformed into core forms before execution.
• Not everyone
agrees on which forms are core forms.
• Here is Kent
Dybvig’s list (TSPL section 3.1):
Scheme core forms

The syntactic expansion process
• expansion happens before interpretation.
• The syntax expander is called on each top- level form.
– If the form is a syntactic extension, it is expanded, and the expander is called again on the new form.
– If it is a core form, the expander is called on any subforms (e.g. the body of a lambda form).
– This continues until the form consists only of core forms. Then the form is interpreted.
define-syntax and syntax-rules
General form:
(define-syntax (syntax-rules ( {}* )
{ [pattern template] }+ ))
What gets expanded
How to expand it

define-syntax and syntax-rules
my-let is equivalent to (unnamed) let
pattern (define-syntax my-let (syntax-rules () keyword list is empty
[(_ ((x v) …) e1 e2 …) ((lambda (x …) e1 e2 …)
assumed to be the name of the form, no matter what you put here
v …)]))
replace my-let expression with an application of a lambda expression
Live coding time
• my-let
• my-if
• ++
• ++-post
• my-and
• for loop (a couple of versions)