程序代写代做代考 graph C CSSE 304 Days 27 and 29

CSSE 304 Days 27 and 29
Questions about Exam 2 expectations? Finish set! And define discussion Receivers
Escape procedures
Intro to call/cc call/cc examples
Can we do mutation in other ways?
2. Alternativeusingtheribcagewithvectors approach to environment implementation
– See the ribcage diagram on next slide.
– A reference is a datatype whose fields are a vector and
an index. I recommend that you investigate this one.
– deref is implemented using vector-ref
– set-ref! is implemented using vector-set!
3. A“normal”memorymodel…
– A single vector to contain all values – A reference is an index (an address) – Allocation and Garbage Collection?

Ribcage structure
Top‐level define
• Note that define and set! do different things
• dynamic global environment vs static local environments
• Should local environments extend the global environment?
– If you do it, be careful!
– Ifyoudoit,Idonotwanttohelpyouwith debugging that requires tracing!

Something Very New
• We finished the discussion of things you need as background for A17.
• You need to finish A16 and A17a before you’ll be ready to discuss details of A18.
• You also need to know about call/cc and a data‐ structures representation of continuations.
• We will work on those for the next 4 or 5 class meetings.
Receivers Escape procedures
call/cc involves both receivers and escape procedures, so we look at both of those first.
Before those, a quick review of continuations

What we’ll do today and next time is loosely based the book Scheme and the Art of Programming by George Springer and Daniel Friedman.
Review of Continuations
• Consider the evaluation of the expression:
(let ([x (+ y 2)])
(if (< x 4) 5 (- x 6)) What is the continuation of (+ y 2) ? 6 ? (- x 6) ? (< x 4) 4 Receivers • A receiver is an argument (which happens to also be a procedure) passed to a procedure, with the intention that the procedure will eventually pass values to that receiver. • Example: The continuations that we pass to CPS procedures are receivers. • Sometimes receivers are called "callbacks" Old Receiver Example: call‐with‐values • > (call-with-values
(lambda () (values 3 4))
(3 4)
• list is a receiver
(we previously called it the consumer)

new receiver example
From TSPL: The following shows the use of call-with-output-file to write a list of objects (the value of list-to-be-printed), separated by newlines, to the file named by “myfile.ss.”
(call-with-output-file “myfile.ss” (lambda (p) ; this is the “receiver”
(let f ([ls list-to-be-printed])
(if (not (null? ls))
(write (car ls) p)
(newline p)
(define call-with-output-file (f (cdr ls))))))) (lambda (filename proc)
(let ((p (open-output-file filename)))
(let ((v (proc p)))
(close-output-port p)
The receiver expects to receive an output port as its argument
An escape procedure
• Pretend that we have a procedure escape-+ that adds its arguments and returns this sum as the final answer, no matter what the context.
(* (escape-+ 5 6) 3)  (escape-+ (escape-+ 2 4) 5)

An escape procedure
• Pretend that we have a procedure escape-+ that adds its arguments and returns this sum as the final answer, no matter what the context.
(* (escape-+ 5 6) 3) 11 (escape-+ (escape-+ 2 4) 5)6
Escaper (a mostly fictitious procedure)
• More generally, suppose that we have a procedure escaper that takes a procedure as an argument and returns an equivalent escape procedure.
•(escaper+)createsaprocedurethatis equivalent to escape-+
• (+ 3 ((escaper +) 4 5))  • (+ ((escaper (lambda (x)
(- (* x 3) 7))) 4) 

Escaper (a mostly fictitious procedure)
• More generally, suppose that we have a procedure escaper that takes a procedure as an argument and returns an equivalent escape procedure.
•(escaper+)createsaprocedurethatis equivalent to escape-+
•(+ 3 ((escaper +) 4 5))  9 • (+ ((escaper (lambda (x)
(- (* x 3) 7))) 4)5) 8
You can experiment with
• You can define escaper by loading escaper.ss in the following way:
escaper.ss is linked from the schedule page
sliderule 1:12pm > petite escaper.ss
Petite Chez Scheme Version 6.7
Copyright (c) 1985-2001 Cadence Research Systems > ((call/cc receiver-4))
“escaper is defined”
> (cdr ((escaper cdr) ‘(4 5 6)))
(5 6)

Escape Procedures
• Let p be a procedure. If an application of p abandons the current continuation and does something else instead, we call p an escape procedure.
• An example of a Scheme escape procedure that we have already used:
• Isescaperanescapeprocedure?
dining out example from Springer and Friedman, Part 5 intro
(define dine-out
(lambda (restaurant)
(enter restaurant)
(let ([food-I-ordered
(eat food-I-ordered)
(pay-for food-I-ordered restaurant)
(exit restaurant))))
Read excerpt from the book

“call‐with” procedures
• (call‐with‐values producer consumer)
– Thereceiveristheconsumer.
– It receives the values returned by a call to the producer.
• (call‐with‐input‐file filename proc)
– Thereceiverisproc.
– It receives the input port obtained by opening the input file whose name is filename.
• (call‐with‐current‐continuation receiver)
– The receiver receives the current continuation.

call/cc • call/cc is an abbreviation for
call-with-current-continuation .
• call/cc is a procedure that takes one argument; the argument is a
• this receiver is a procedure that takes one argument; that
argument (in this case) is a continuation.
• A continuation is a procedure (that takes one argument); that continuation embodies the context of the application of call/cc. The continuation is an escape procedure.
• The application (call/cc receiver) has the same effect as (receiver continuation), where the continuation is
– anescapeprocedurethatembodiestheexecutioncontextoftheentire call/cc expression.
call/cc definition summary
• (call/ccreceiver)(receivercontinuation), • Hence the name:
• Rephrasing it: What is that continuation?
If c is a procedure that represents the execution context of this application of call/cc, then the continuation is equivalent to (escaper c).

call/cc example
• (call/cc receiver) (receiver continuation) • Consider
(+ 3 (call/cc (lambda (k) (* 2 (k 5)))))
– The receiver is
– The context c is
– The continuation is
– Thus
(+ 3 (call/cc (lambda (k) (* 2 (k 5)))))
is equivalent to
More call/cc examples
a) (+ 3 (call/cc (lambda (k) (* 2 5)))) b) (+ 3 (call/cc (lambda (k)
(k (* 2 5)))))
c) (define xxx #f)
(+ 5 (call/cc (lambda (k)
(* 7 (xxx 4))
(set! xxx k)
2))) ; xxx is equivalent to?
(call/cc receiver) (receiver continuation) (+ 3 (call/cc (lambda (k) (* 2 (k 5)))))

More call/cc examples
a) (+ 3 (call/cc (lambda (k) (* 2 5)))) b) (+ 3 (call/cc (lambda (k)
(k (* 2 5)))))
(+ 5 (call/cc (lambda (k) take the photograph
(set!xxxk) savethephotograph 2))) ; xxx is equivalent to?
(* 7 (xxx 4)) rub the photograph d) (call/cc procedure?)
c) (define xxx #f)
(call/cc receiver) (receiver continuation) (+ 3 (call/cc (lambda (k) (* 2 (k 5)))))
(define (list‐index item L)
[(null? L) ‐1]
[(eq? (car L) item) 0]
[else (+ 1 (list‐index item
• Standard approach:
But “standard recursion” seems so much more natural!
What is the problem with this?
One solution: accumulator approach
(cdr L)))]))
Can use call/cc to escape with the -1 answer?

Still more call/cc examples
e) (define list-index (lambda (sym L)
(lambda (answer)
(let loop ([L L])
(cond [(null? L) (answer -1)]
[(eqv? sym (car L)) 0]
[else (+ 1
(loop (cdr L)))]))))))
> (list-index ‘a ‘(b a c)) 1
> (list-index ‘a ‘(b d c)) -1
f) ((car (call/cc list)) (list cdr 1 2 3))
Interlude: quotes
• Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming. ‐ C.A.R. Hoare
Do you know what he is famous for?
• There is no code so big, twisted, or complex that
maintenance can’t make it worse. ‐ Gerald Weinberg
• Computer Science is the only discipline in which we view adding a new wing to a building as being maintenance. – Jim Horning

Two more call/cc examples
g) (let ([f 0] [i 0])
(call/cc (lambda (k) (set! f k))) (printf “~a~n” i)
(set! i (+ i 1))
(if (< i 10) (f "ignore"))) h) (define strange1 (lambda (x) (display 1) (call/cc x) (display 2))) (strange1 (call/cc (lambda (k) k))) i) “mondo bizarro” example (define strange2 (lambda (x) (display 1) (call/cc x) (display 2) (call/cc x) (display 3))) (strange2 (call/cc (lambda (k) k))) We probably will not do this one in class; good practice for you. 15