程序代写代做代考 Lambda Calculus C CSSE 304 Day 11

CSSE 304 Day 11
Your list-recur examples Lambda Calculus syntax Free and Bound Variables (if time) Lexical address
Student Questions?
path-to solution
• Notice that I avoided using append

list-recur abstracts list recursion
• From last time: Try to come up with at least one other procedure that is easy to write using list-recur. Hopefully something
that is not a clone of one that we wrote.
• And write it!
(define list-sum (list-recur 0 +)
(define list-prod (list-recur 1 *)
(define apply-to-all (lambda (proc)
(list-recur ′()
(lambda (x y)
(cons (proc x) y)))))
(define member?-c (lambda (item)
(list-recur #f (lambda (x y)
(or (equal? item x)
(define length (list-recur 0 (lambda (x y) (+ 1 y))))
One of these may be a bad idea!
Your examples?
List of procedures problem
>(define a )
>(list ((car a) 4 7) ((cadr a) 4 7))
(11 28)

List of procedures problem
> (define a ′(+ *))
; Does this work?
> (list ((car a) 4 7) ((cadr a) 4 7))
(11 28)
List of procedures problem
> (define a (list + *) )
;fill it in!
> (list ((car a) 4 7)
((cadr a) 4 7))
(11 28)

Variable Definitions and Uses
• In (define x (+ x 3)), the two places
that the symbol x appears are fundamentally different. l-value, r-value
• definition (binding) vs. use (occurrence).
• declaration vs. reference.
• the value named by a variable is that variable’sdenotation. Thevariable denotes the value.
• In Scheme, can determine the relationship between a variable reference and the declaration that bound it by looking at the code . static (lexical) scoping.

Scoping rules in C
#include int main() {
int x = 3; int y;
int x = 5;
y = x + 2; }
printf(“%d\n”, x+y); }
A lot like Scheme (lexical scope).
You can tell which definition goes with each use by
looking at the code; you do not have to consider what happens at run-time.
lambda-calculus expressions
::= |
(lambda () ) |
( )
We call these three types of expressions • variableuses,
• abstractions,and
• applications.
Is this language too restrictive?
Derive ((lambda (x) (x y)) z)
For now we just treat expressions as a syntactic construct. We will consider the meanings of these expressions later.

Occurs free and occurs bound
For now, treat these as strictly syntactic properties. Variable x occurs free in the LcExp e iff
one of the following is true:
F1. e is a variable, and e is the same as x.
F2. e is an abstraction (λ (y) e’), where y is different from x and x occurs free in e’.
F3. e is an application (e1 e2) where x occurs free in e1 or in e2. Variable x occurs bound in the LcExp e iff
one of the following is true:
B1. e is an abstraction (λ (y) e’), where x occurs bound in e’, or
x and y are the same variable and x occurs free in e’.
B2. e is an application (e1 e2) where x occurs bound in e1 or in e2.
Variable x occurs free in the LcExp e iff
one of the following is true:
F1. eisavariable,andeisthesameasx.
F2. e is an abstraction (λ (y) e’), where y is different from x
and x occurs free in e’.
F3. e is an application (e1 e2) where x occurs free in e1 or in e2.
Variable x occurs bound in the LcExp e iff
one of the following is true:
B1. e is an abstraction (λ (y) e’), where x occurs bound in e’, or
x and y are the same variable and x occurs free in e’. B2. e is an application (e1 e2) where x occurs bound in e1 or in e2.
Does x occur free/bound in …
• x • (lambda (x) (x t))
• (x t)
• ((lambda (x) x) x)
• (lambda (x) (lambda (t) (t x)))
Which rules in the above definitions tell us the answers?
For now, this is mainly about applying recursive rules

When dealing with the syntax or meaning of a program, we
Follow the _grammar_
Occurs free and occurs bound
Variable x occurs bound in the LcExp e iff
one of the following is true:
B1. e is an abstraction (λ (y) e’), where x occurs bound in e’,
x and y are the same variable and x occurs free in e’.
B2. e is an application (e1 e2) where x occurs bound in e1 or in e2. Let’s follow the grammar to write
(occurs-bound? sym exp)
::= |
(lambda () )|
( )

lexical depth and lexical address
(If we have time today)
• Whatarethey?
• Whataretheygoodfor?
lexical depth and lexical address
• The lexical depth of a bound variable occurrence is the number of levels of nested declarations between it and its declaration.
• In (lambda (z) (lambda (x)
(lambda (y) (x y))))
the occurrence of y has depth 0 and the occurrence of x has depth 1. There are no occurrences of z.
• This is used by the Scheme run-time system when looking up a local variable’s value.
• More on that later.

lexical depth and lexical address
• Besides lexical depth, the other part of a variable’s lexical address is its position within a declaration list.
• In(lambda(xz) (lambda (y)
((x y) z)))
The occurrence of x has depth 1 and position 0. The occurrence of y has depth 0 and position 0. The occurrence of z has depth 1 and position 1.
lexical address example
(lexical-address ‘(lambda (a b c) (if (eq? b c)
((lambda (c) (cons a c))
b))) 
(lambda (a b c)
(if ((: free eq?) (: 0 1) (: 0 2))
((lambda (c) ((: free cons) (: 1 0)
You will write lexical- address as part of A10.
Also un-lexical-address.
(: 0 0)) (: 0 1)))
(: 0 0)))

lexical address exercise
(lexical-address ‘((lambda (x y)
(((lambda (z) (lambda (w y)
(+ x z w y))) (list w x y z))
(+ x y z))) (y z))) 