CS代考 CS 111 Summer 2022

CS 111 Summer 2022
Lecture 15 Page 1
Operating System Principles: Virtual Machines
Operating Systems

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

• What is a virtual machine?
• Why do we want them?
• How do virtual machines work? • Issues in virtual machines
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What Is a Virtual Machine?
• Remember, in CS, “virtual” means ”not real”
– But it looks like it’s real
• So a virtual machine isn’t really a machine
– But it looks like a machine
• What do we mean by that?
• A virtual machine is a software illusion meant to appear to be a real machine
• Virtual machines abbreviated as VMs
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What’s That Really Mean?
• We have an actual computer
• We do something in software to make it look like we have multiple computers
– Or that it’s a different kind of computer
– Making use of the actual computer to do so
• The virtual machine must appear to apps and users to be a real machine
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Graphically, . . .
We implement a virtual server on the real hardware With a set of virtual components
We have a real server computer With a real CPU
And real RAM
And real peripherals
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• Use the real hardware to implement the virtual hardware
– Instructions for the virtual CPU run on the real CPU
– Real RAM stores the data for virtual RAM
– A real disk stores data for the virtual disk
• But to what purpose?
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Why Do We Want Virtual Machines?
• For several reasons
– Fault isolation
– Better security
– To use a different operating system
– To provide better controlled sharing of the hardware
• Let’s consider each reason separately
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Fault Isolation
• Operating systems must never crash
– Since they take everything down with them
• But crashing a virtual machine’s operating
system need not take down the entire machine – Just the virtual machine
• So our correctness requirements can be relaxed
• Similar advantages for faults that could damage devices
– They damage the virtual device, not the physical
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Better Security
• The OS is supposed to provide security for processes
• But the OS also provides shared resources – Such as the file system and IPC channels
• A virtual machine need not see the real shared resource
• So processes in other virtual machines are harder to reach and possibly damage
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Using a Different Operating System
• Let’ssayyou’rerunningWindows
• ButyouwanttorunaLinuxexecutable
• Windowshasonesystemcallinterface,Linuxhasa different one
– So system calls from your Linux executable won’t work on Windows
• ButifyouhaveavirtualmachinerunningLinuxon top of the real machine running Windows . . .
– Now your application can run fine
– Assuming you get the virtualization right . . .
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Sharing a Machine’s Resources
• In principle, an OS can control how to share resources among processes
• But actually guaranteeing a particular division of resources is hard
• It’s easier to guarantee an entire virtual machine gets a set division of resources
– So the processes running in it will not steal resources from the other virtual machines
• A very big deal for cloud computing
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How Do We Run Virtual Machines?
• Easiest if the virtual and real machine use the same ISA
– Tricky and probably slow, otherwise – So the same ISA is the common case
• Basically, rely on limited direct execution
– Run as much VM activity directly on the CPU as
– When necessary, trap from the VM
• But trap to what?
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The Hypervisor
• Also known as the Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM)
• A controller that handles all virtual machines running on a real machine
• When necessary, trap from the virtual machine to the VMM
• It performs whatever magic is necessary
• And then returns to limited direct execution
• Much like a process’ system call to an OS
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When Is Trapping to
the VMM Necessary? Whenever the VM does something privileged
– Kind of like trapping to the OS when a process wants to do something privileged
The initial system call instruction will trap to the VMM
Which will typically forward it to the VM’s OS
But subsequent privileged operations trap back
to the VMM Summer 2022
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The Old Architecture
(user and system) applications
Application Binary Interface
Running in privileged mode!
Instruction Set Architecture
Operating System services
middleware services
general libraries
drivers Operating System kernel
privileged instruction set
general instruction set
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Operating System services
middleware services
general libraries
drivers Operating System kernel
privileged instruction set
general instruction set
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Architecture With a VMM
(user and system) applications
Application Binary Interface
Running in un- privileged mode!
The VMM is running in privileged mode!
Instruction Set Architecture
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A More Complex Case
Three virtual machines
With three system call interfaces
App 3 App 4 App 5
Operating System kernel A
Operating System kernel B
Operating System kernel C
One set of hardware
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privileged instruction set
general instruction set
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How Do System Calls Work Now?
Using a privileged instruction
It’s sent to the VMM instead
App 1 makes a system call
The virtual machine
Which OS A can’t perform
Operating System kernel A
privileged instruction set
general instruction set
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The VMM can’t perform the system call correctly
The VMM doesn’t understand OS A’s internal state
And the VMM may not even offer that syscall itself
But the VMM knows where A’s trap table is located
So it can invoke A’s code to handle the syscall!
Yeah, But . . .
Operating System kernel A
privileged instruction set
general instruction set
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If it’s a syscall, it may need to use privileged instructions to do its work
But OS A can’t use privileged instructions
No problem!
OS A traps when it tries to use a privileged instruction
And the VMM catches the trap and does the instruction for A!
Yeah, But, Again . . .
Operating System kernel A
privileged instruction set
general instruction set
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What’s the Point of That?
• IftheVMMisgoingtodotheinstruction,whynot just run A with privilege?
– So it can do its own instructions
• Well,theVMMmightdecidenottodotheinstruction
– If, for example, it tries to access another VM’s memory
• OrtheVMMmightblockVMAandrunVMBfora
while instead
• The key point: the VMM controls what happens
– Even though the OS in the VM thinks it is in control
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If A is running in non-privileged mode, how can we enforce this interface?
A Potential Issue
How can we prevent App 1 from messing with A’s internal data?
E.g., stop App 1 from killing App 2?
Operating System kernel A
privileged instruction set
general instruction set
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The Core of the Problem
• OS A thinks it’s in control
• OS A believes it’s providing segregated virtual memories to App 1 and App 2
• The key technology for doing so is managing page tables and CPU registers pointing to them
• But OS A has no control over those registers – The VMM does
• But the VMM knows nothing of the page tables OS A “controls”
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Virtualizing the Memory
App 3 App 4 App 5 App 6
Operating System kernel A
Operating System kernel B
Operating System kernel C
privileged instruction set
general instruction set
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How To Virtualize Memory
• The virtual OS thinks it has physical memory addresses
– It provides virtual memory addresses to its processes
– Handling the virtual-to-physical translations • The VMM has machine addresses
– Which it translates to physical addresses within a single VM
– Still using the same paging hardware
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App 1 issues virtual address X
Causing a TLB miss and a trap
The VMM invokes OS A
Operating System kernel A
For Example
Since only OS A understands App 1’s page table
The VMM catches the trap
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And we eventually unwind to run App 1
The VMM installs the right machine address for X in the TLB
causes another trap
to the VMM Lecture 15 Page 27
OS A looks up virtual address X in App 1’s page table
And tries to
install the
physical page
number for X in
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Operating System kernel A

Some page frame actually contains page X
OS A knows that
But the VMM
doesn’t know about
App 1’s address
Who knows which page frame?
So the VMM must consult OS A to perform the translation
Looked at Another Way
Operating System kernel A
The VMM, since it controls all page frames
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Some Outcomes TLB misses are much more expensive
– Since we’ll be moving back and forth from privileged mode to unprivileged
– Paying overhead costs each time – And we’ll run more systems code
We’ll need extra paging data structures in the VMM
– More overhead
Virtual machines are thus likely to suffer
performance penalties Summer 2022
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Making VMs Perform Better • Adding special hardware
– Some CPUs have features to make issues of virtualizing the CPU and memory cheaper
• Paravirtualization
– The basic VM approach assumes the guest OSes in
VMs don’t know about virtualization
– If you make some changes to those OSes, they can help make virtualization cheaper
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Virtual Machines and
Cloud Computing
• Cloud computing is about sharing hardware
among multiple customers
• The cloud provider sells/rents computing power to customers
– Handling all the difficult issues for them – So they can just run their applications
• Cloud providers need lots of customers, to make money
– Which implies they need lots of hardware
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The Cloud Environment
A warehouse full of vast numbers of machines
Typically tens of thousands
Packed tightly into racks
Connected by high speed internal networks
And connected to the Internet, to allow customers remote access
The expectation is that the environment will run applications for many separate customers at a time
Many of which might require multiple computers to run properly With strong guarantees of isolation between customers
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But Why VMs in the Cloud?
• The cloud provider makes the most money by making the most efficient use of the hardware
– More customers on the same amount of hardware = more profits
• Often, a customer doesn’t need the full power of a machine
– You make more money by using part of that machine for another customer
• But you need strong isolation
• Like that provided by virtual machines . . .
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• You run everyone in a virtual machine
• Some customers have many virtual machines to handle their big jobs
• Some customers’ virtual machines share physical machines with other customers’ VMs
• Customers’ work loads fluctuate
• You want the most efficient packing of VMs
onto physical machines possible
– To maximize profits
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An Implication
• Say you’ve loaded VM Y onto physical machine A
– Which is perhaps also running VMs P, Q, and R
• VM Y is running too slowly
• So you decide to move VM Y to lightly loaded physical machine B
– Without interfering with computations in VM Y
– Or other computations on physical machines A and
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VM Migration
• Move VMs from one server to another • Must be invisible
– No observable interruption of service
– Must work the same on the new server • But it must be fast
– A VM might be large
– You’re burning resources to move it
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How To Move a VM
• Essentially it’s a bunch of bits
• Copy the bits to another machine and you have the same bits there
– And thus the same virtual machine
• Assuming both machines are of the same
– ISA, memory, etc.
– And, in clouds, they will be
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A Complicating Issue
• The bits keep changing
• The programs running in the VM on the old nodes change some bits
– As does the system software in the VM
• And moving a lot of bits across the network isn’t quick
– So there will be lots of time for bits to change Summer 2022
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Dealing With This Complication
• There are several approaches
Non-live migration
Pre-copy live migration
Post-copy live migration
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Freeze the VM during migration The bits don’t change
But the VM doesn’t run
2. Movethebitsstartingatonetime, then iterate until no more changes
• Running on old server till done 3. Moveminimumbitsasofonetime,
then pull over whatever else you need CS 111 • Starting on new server at once
Summer 2022

Non-Live Migration
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Pre-Copy Live Migration
At some point, MOVE! freeze the old,
REPEAT! move last changes, start the new
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Post-Copy Live Migration
Main M a i( n) ({)
{ . Gradually page . .
across missing bits
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Advantages and Disadvantages
Non-live migration
+ Simple + Safe
+ Predictable delay
+ Predictable amount of data moved – Long halts
– May move more than needed
– Uses resources on both servers till migration completes

Advantages and Disadvantages
Pre-copy live migration
+ Job is (almost) always running – Unpredictable completion time – Uses resources on both
servers till migration completes
– May use unpredictable amount of network resources
Though failure of source server will
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– Short period when job isn’t running
– Migration failure won’t lose VM, but could lose most recent version
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Advantages and Disadvantages
Post-copy live migration
+ Minimizes amount of data to move
+ Predictable maximum of network resources used
– Uses resources on both servers for
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unpredictable time
– Short (maybe . . .) period at start when job isn’t running
– Migration failure can lose VM
Consistent state is split between source and destination
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Push vs. Pull • Why do we migrate a VM?
1. A server is overloaded, so we move a VM to another server
That’s a push
2. A server is underloaded, so we move a VM from another server
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That’s a pull
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• Pushing evens out the load among servers
– Allowing flexibility in assigning VMs to servers – Possibly helpful in consolidating related VMs
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• Pulling concentrates cloud load on the smallest set of servers
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– Allowing some servers to become unused
– Which both provides flexibility
– And allows them to be put in low power mode

Migration Costs
• Migration is not a free operation
• Essentially all bits of a VM must be moved across the network
– Using network bandwidth
• Migration may have a performance impact on
the VM and the servers
• Migration can take seconds to minutes
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Major Questions For VM Migration
• When should a migration occur?
• Which server should be migrated from?
• Which VM on that server should move?
• Which server should the VM be migrated to?
• Which style of migration should be performed?
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– Can the new location meet the user’s Service Level Agreement (SLA)?
– Will the new location optimize the VM’s communications?
– Will the new location decrease the number of powered servers?
– Can the VM share memory pages in the proposed new location?
– How much data must be moved to migrate the
VM there, and how will that affect other needs?Lecture 15 Page 51
Where To Move a VM To? • Severalimportantcriteria

Answering Those Questions • Often reduces to a bin packing algorithm
• Which tends to be NP-hard
– Where n may depend on the number of servers
and/or VMs considered
– The more factors considered, the harder to solve
• So estimation techniques are used
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VMs Aren’t Just For Cloud Computing
• As you should know, since your projects use them
• They allow experimentation not easily performed on real hardware
• They allow basic servers to safely divide their resources
• They allow greater flexibility in the software your computer can run
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Virtual machines are a critical technology for modern computing
Virtual machines are implemented on real machines
The key issue is providing each VM the illusion of complete control
While also providing good performance
VMs are of special importance in cloud
computing Summer 2022
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程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com