CS代写 XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Anatomy of a GPU General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

University of Leeds

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Lecture 14: Introduction to GPGPU programming
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Anatomy of a GPU Previous lectures
General purpose programming on a GPU Today¡¯s lecture Summary and next lecture
Previous lectures
So far we have looked at CPU programming.
Shared memory systems, where lightweight threads are
mapped to cores (scheduled by the OS) [Lectures 2-7]. Distributed memory systems, with explicit communication
for whole processes [Lectures 8-13].
Many common parallelism issues (scaling, load balancing,
synchronisation, binary tree reduction).
Also some unique to each type (locks and data races for shared memory; explicit communication for distributed memory).
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Anatomy of a GPU Previous lectures General purpose programming on a GPU Today¡¯s lecture
Summary and next lecture
Today¡¯s lecture
Today¡¯s lecture is the first of 6 on programming GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) for general purpose calculations.
Sometimes referred to as GPGPU programming for General Pupose Graphics Processing Unit programming.
GPU devices contain multiple SIMD units.
Different memory types, some ¡®shared¡¯ and some that can be
interpreted as ¡®distributed.¡¯
Programmable using a variety of C/C++-based languages, notably OpenCL and CUDA.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Anatomy of a GPU
General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Development of GPUs
Overview of GPU architecture Books
Development of GPUs1
Early accelerators were driven by graphical operating systems and high-end applications (defense, science and engineering etc.).
Commercial 2D accelerators from early 1990s. OpenGL released in 1992 by Silicon Graphics.
Consumer applications employing 3D dominated by video games. First person shooters in mid-90s (Doom, Quake etc.)
3D graphics accelerators by Nvidia, ATI Technologies, 3dfx. Initially as external graphics cards.
1Sanders and Kandrot, CUDA By Example (Addison-Wesley, 2011). XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Anatomy of a GPU
General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Development of GPUs
Overview of GPU architecture Books
Programmable GPUs
The first programmable graphics cards were Nvidia¡¯s GeForce3 series (2001).
Supported DirectX 8.0, which includes programmable vertex and pixel shading stages of the graphics pipeline.
Increased programming support in later versions.
Early general purpose applications ¡®disguised¡¯ problems as being
1 Input data converted to pixel colours.
2 Pixel shaders performed calculations on this data.
3 Final ¡®colours¡¯ converted back to numerical data.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Anatomy of a GPU
General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Development of GPUs
Overview of GPU architecture Books
In 2006 Nvidia released its first GPU with CUDA.
General calculations without converting to/from colours.
Now have GPUs that are not intended to generate graphics. Modern HPC clusters often include GPUs.
e.g. Summit has multiple Nvidia Volta GPUs per node. Vendors include Nvidia, AMD and Intel.
Originally designed for data parallel graphics rendering. Increasing use of GPUs for e.g. machine learning1 and
1Now also have neural processing units (NPUs) for machine learning. XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Anatomy of a GPU
General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Development of GPUs
Overview of GPU architecture
Overview of GPU architectures
Design and terminology of GPU hardware differs between vendors. Nvidia different to AMD different to Intel different to . . .
Typically will have ¡®a few¡¯ SIMD processors: SIMD: Single Instruction Multiple Data. Streaming multiprocessors in Nvidia devices.
SIMD processors contain SIMD function units or SIMD cores: Each SIMD core contains multiple threads.
Executes the same instruction on multiple data.
Threads ¡Ê SIMD Cores ¡Ê SIMD Processors ¡Ê GPU and XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Anatomy of a GPU
General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Development of GPUs
Overview of GPU architecture
SIMD processor
Thread scheduler
Local memory
A typical SIMD processor has: A thread scheduler.
Multiple SIMD function units (¡®f.u.¡¯) or SIMD cores, each with 32/64/etc. threads.
Local memory
Not shown but usually present:
Registers, special floating point units, . . .
Thread scheduling is performed in hardware. and XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Anatomy of a GPU
General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Development of GPUs
Overview of GPU architecture
CPU with a single GPU
CPU ‘host’ GPU ‘device’
Processor Processor Processor Processor
Global memory
Constant memory
The data bus between CPU and GPU is very slow. Faster for integrated GPUs.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Anatomy of a GPU
General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Development of GPUs
Overview of GPU architecture
SIMD versus SIMT
Nvidia refer to their architectures as SIMT rather than SIMD. Single Instruction Multiple Threads.
Conditionals can result in different operations being performed by different threads.
However, cannot perform different instructions simultaneously.
Therefore ¡®in between¡¯ SIMD and MIMD.
Will look at this more closely in Lecture 17, where we will see how it can be detrimental to performance.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Anatomy of a GPU
General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Development of GPUs Overview of GPU architecture Books
McCool et al. [Lecture 1] includes some OpenCL, but does not address GPUs specifically. Books for GPU programming include:
Heterogeneous computing with OpenCL 2.0, Kaeli, Mistry, Schaa and Zhang (Morgan-Kauffman, 2015).
Quite detailed and practical, not too technical.
CUDA by example, Sanders and Kandrot (Addison-Wesley, 2011).
Slightly old, but a gentle introduction.
Only considers CUDA, whereas we will use OpenCL, but may still be useful.
You do not need any of these books for this module!
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Anatomy of a GPU General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Available languages
Installing and building OpenCL Platforms, devices and contexts ¡®Hello world¡¯
GPU programming languages 1. CUDA
The first language for GPGPU programming was Nvidia¡¯s CUDA. Stands for Common Unified Device Architecture. C/C++-based (a FORTRAN version also exists).
First released in 2006.
Only works on CUDA-enabled devices, i.e. Nvidia GPUs.
As the first GPGPU language it has much documentation online. Therefore we will reference CUDA concepts and terminology quite frequently, often in footnotes.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Anatomy of a GPU General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Available languages
Installing and building OpenCL Platforms, devices and contexts ¡®Hello world¡¯
GPU programming languages 2. OpenCL
Currently the main alternative to CUDA is OpenCL (2008). Stands for Open Computing Language.
Maintained by the Khronos group after proposal by members of Apple, AMD, IBM, Intel, Nvidia and others.
Runs on any (modern) GPU, not just Nvidia¡¯s.
Can also run on CPUs, FPGAs (=Field-Programmable Gate
Arrays), ….
C/C++ based.
Similar programming model to CUDA. OpenCL 3.0 released Sept. 2020.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Anatomy of a GPU General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Available languages
Installing and building OpenCL Platforms, devices and contexts ¡®Hello world¡¯
Directive based programming abstractions
OpenACC (2011):
Open ACCelerator, originally intended for accelerators. Uses #pragma acc directives.
Limited (but growing) compiler support ¡ª e.g. gcc 7+.
GPU support from version 4.0 onwards, esp. 4.5 (gcc 6+). Usual #pragma omp directives, with target to denote GPU.
Both give portable code, but both require some understanding of the hierarchical nature of GPU hardware to produce reasonable performance.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Anatomy of a GPU General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Available languages
Installing and building OpenCL
Platforms, devices and contexts ¡®Hello world¡¯
Installing OpenCL
Already installed on cloud-hpc1.leeds.ac.uk (and most Macs). Otherwise, download drivers and runtime for your GPU
Nvidia: https://developer.nvidia.com/opencl
Intel: https://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-opencl/download AMD: https://www.amd.com/en and search for OpenCL.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Anatomy of a GPU General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Available languages
Installing and building OpenCL
Platforms, devices and contexts ¡®Hello world¡¯
OpenCL header file
All OpenCL programs need to include a header file.
Since the name and location is different between Apple and other UNIX systems, most of the example code for this module here will have the following near the start:
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include #else
Note that the coursework will be marked on a system similar to cloud-hpc1.leeds.ac.uk, so it must run on that system.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Anatomy of a GPU General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Available languages
Installing and building OpenCL
Platforms, devices and contexts ¡®Hello world¡¯
Compiling and running
We use the CUDA nvcc compiler on cloud-hpc1.leeds.ac.uk: nvcc -lOpenCL -o .c
Note there is no ¡®-Wall¡¯ option for nvcc.
To execute on a GPU it will be necessary to use the batch queue (see next slide). However, it is also possible to run an OpenCL code on the login node¡¯s CPU by launching as any normal executable:
./ [any command line arguments]
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Anatomy of a GPU General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Available languages
Installing and building OpenCL
Platforms, devices and contexts ¡®Hello world¡¯
Running on GPU via batch jobs
The batch node of cloud-hpc1.leeds.ac.uk may be configured with a Tesla T4 GPU.
Hence GPU jobs should be executed via the batch queue using the following approach:
Compile your code as described in previous slide;
Create a job submission script as outlined below;
Submit ot the batch queue using sbatch in the usual manner.
Here is a typcal batch script to run ¡°gpu-example¡±:
#SBATCH –partition=gpu –gres=gpu:t4:1
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Anatomy of a GPU General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Available languages
Installing and building OpenCL
Platforms, devices and contexts ¡®Hello world¡¯
Compiling and running: Macs
Use the OpenCL framework:
1 gcc -Wall -framework OpenCL -o .c
If you see deprecation warnings, drop -Wall, or add -DCL SILENCE DEPRECATION or -Wno-deprecated.
If you see deprecation errors, try clang or another version of gcc.
Launch as any normal executable
1 ./ [any command line arguments]
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Anatomy of a GPU General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Available languages
Installing and building OpenCL Platforms, devices and contexts ¡®Hello world¡¯
Platforms, devices and contexts
Since OpenCL runs on many different devices by many different vendors, it can be quite laborious to initialise.
Need to determine:
Common interface between host (CPU) and vendor-specific OpenCL runtimes.
Belongs to a platform; may be more than 1.
Need to initialise:
Coordinates interaction between host and a device (e.g. a GPU). One per device.
Command queue
To request action by a device. Normally one per device, but can have more [Lecture 19].
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Anatomy of a GPU General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Available languages
Installing and building OpenCL Platforms, devices and contexts ¡®Hello world¡¯
Initialisation code
Most code for this module will come with helper.h, which contains two useful routines:
simpleOpenContext GPU()
Finds the first GPU on the first platform. Prints an error message and exit()s if one could not be found.
Compiles an OpenCL kernel to be executed on the device. Will cover this next lecture.
You don¡¯t need to understand how these routines work, but are welcome to take a look.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Anatomy of a GPU General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Available languages
Installing and building OpenCL Platforms, devices and contexts ¡®Hello world¡¯
Using simpleOpenContext GPU()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
#include “helper.h” // Also includes OpenCL. int main() {
// Get context and device for a GPU.
cl_device_id device;
cl_context context = simpleOpenContext_GPU(&device);
// Open a command queue to it.
cl_int status;
cl_command_queue queue = clCreateCommandQueue(
context ,device ,0,&status);
… // Use the GPU through ¡¯queue¡¯.
// At end of program.
clReleaseContext(context); }
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Anatomy of a GPU General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Available languages
Installing and building OpenCL Platforms, devices and contexts ¡®Hello world¡¯
¡®Hello world¡¯ in OpenCL
Code on Minerva: displayDevices.c
Since most GPU¡¯s cannot print in the normal sense, there is no simple ¡®Hello World¡¯ program.
Instead, try the code displayDevices.c (which doesn¡¯t use helper.h).
Loops through all platforms and devices. Lists all OpenCL-compatible devices.
Also a list of extensions; e.g. cl khr fp64 means that device supports double precision floating point arithmetic.
In the output, a compute unit is a SIMD processor or streaming multiprocessor.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Anatomy of a GPU General purpose programming on a GPU Summary and next lecture
Summary and next lecture
Summary and next lecture
Today we have started looking at GPU programming: Overview of GPU architectures.
Options for programming: OpenCL, CUDA, . . .
How to install, compile and run an OpenCL program.
displayDevices.c, which lists all OpenCL-enabled devices using the functions:
Next time we will implement a ¡°real¡± program in OpenCL: vector addition.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

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