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CS 6340 – LLVM Primer
Mayur Naik

Welcome! This primer has four parts:
• Part I: Overview of LLVM
• Part II: Structure of LLVM IR
• Part III: The LLVM API
• Part IV: Navigating the Documentation

Part I: Overview of LLVM

What is LLVM?
A modular and reusable compiler framework supporting multiple front-ends and back-ends.
Human friendly
Machine friendly
Source Code (C++, C, Java, etc.)
Binary Code (x86,ARM, etc.)
processor expand #includes and #defines
Parser check for syntax
mistakes, build Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
Generator convert AST to
intermediate representation (IR)
Optimizer transform the program to an equivalent one that is more efficient
Backend convert IR to
target-specific assembly code
Assembler convert target-
specific assembly code to target- specific machine code
Linker combine multiple
machine code files into single image (e.g. executable)
Front End
Back End
focus of our course

Architecture of LLVM
Front Ends
Clang Gollvm
… Front End
Back Ends
… Back End
C/C++ Go
LLVM Optimizer
C Source Code:
if (b==0) a=0;
%cmp = icmp eq i32 %0, 0
br i1 %cmp, label %if.then, label %if.end
x86 assembly:

LLVM Passes
C source file
your code here
Clang frontend
LLVM … LLVM optimizer
X86 backend
The LLVM Optimizer (opt) is a series of “passes” that run one after another – Two kinds of passes: analysis and transformation
· Analysis pass analyzes LLVM IR to check program properties
· Transformation pass transforms LLVM IR to monitor or optimize the program => Analysis passes do not change code; transformation passes do
LLVM is typically extended by implementing new passes that look at and change the LLVM IR as it flows through the compilation process.

Example: Factorial Program
Factorial.c Factorial.ll Factorial.s

• Easy to translate from the level above
• Easy to translate to the level below
• Narrow interface (simpler phases/optimizations)
• The IR language is independent of the source and target languages in
order to maximize the compiler’s ability to support multiple source and target languages.
Example: Source language might have “while”,“for”, and “foreach” loops
– IR language might have only “while” loops and sequence
– Translation eliminates “for” and “foreach”

LLVM IR Normal Form
InsteadofhandlingASTof “((1+X4)+(3+(X1*5)))”
Add(Add(Const 1, Var X4),
Add(Const 3, Mul(Var X1,
Const 5)))
we have to handle:
tmp0 = 1 + X4
tmp1 = X1 * 5
tmp2 = 3 + tmp1
tmp3 = tmp0 + tmp2
• Translation makes the order of evaluation explicit.
• Names intermediate values.
• Introduced temporaries are never modified.

Generate LLVM IR Yourself!
C source code output LLVM IR
factorial.c -S -emit-llvm
perform preprocessing and compilation steps only, and emit textual assembly
Output to target file

History of LLVM
• The LLVM project was initially developed by Vikram Adve and Chris Lattner at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2000. Their original purpose was to develop dynamic compilation techniques for static and dynamic programming languages.
• In 2005, Lattner entered Apple and continued to develop LLVM.
• In 2013, LLVM initially represented Low-Level Virtual Machines, but as the LLVM
family grew larger, the original meaning was no longer applicable.
• Today, LLVM + Clang comprise a total LOC of 2.5 million lines of C++ code.

Where is LLVM Used?
• Traditional C/C++ toolchain: Qualcomm Snapdragon LLVM compiler for Android
• Programming languages: Pyston – performance oriented Python implementation by LLVM
• Language runtime systems: LLILC – LLVM based .NET MSIL compiler
• GPU: Majority of OpenCL implementations based on Clang/LLVM
• Linux/FreeBSD: Debian experimenting with Clang/LLVM as an additional compiler
Contributing companies
Source: “ Where is LLVM being used today?”, https://llvm.org/devmtg/2016-01/slides/fosdem-2016-llvm.pdf 12

Part II: Structure of LLVM IR

Three formats:
• In-memory: binary in-memory format, used during compilation process
• Bitcode: binary on-disk format, suitable for fast loading (Obtained by “clang -emit-llvm -c factorial.c -o xxx.bc”)
• Assembly: human-readable format
(Obtained by “clang -emit-llvm -S -c factorial.c -o xxx.ll”)
%tmp2 = sub i32 %a, 1 %tmp3 = add i32 %b, 1
ret i32 %tmp3 …
Compare to Java: instead of .class (bytecode), you get .bc
3332C2D3 230AD100 C44582F2 A221020C A579E5F6 A25430FF …

Program Structure in LLVM IR
Instruction Basic Block Function Module
Basic Block

Program Structure in LLVM IR
Module is a top-level container of LLVM IR, corresponding to each translation unit of the front-end compiler.
Function is a function in a programming language, including a function signature and several basic blocks. The first basic block in a function is called an entry basic block.
Basic Block is a set of instructions that are executed sequentially, with only one entry and one exit, and non-head and tail instructions will not jump to other instructions in the order they are executed.
Instruction is the smallest executable unit in LLVM IR; each instruction occupies a single line.

LLVM IR Iterators
Function 1 Function 2
Function n
Basic Block 1 Basic Block 2
Basic Block n
Basic Block
Instruction1 Instruction 2
Instruction n

LLVM IR Iterators
Iterator types:
• Module::iterator
• Function::iterator
• BasicBlock::iterator
• Value::use_iterator
• User::op_iterator
Example uses:
Approach 1 (using STL iterator):
for (Function::iterator FI = F->begin(); FI != F->end(); FI++) {
for (BasicBlock::iterator BI = FI->begin(); BI != FI->end(); BI++) { // some operations
} }
Approach 2 (using auto keyword):
for (auto FI = F->begin(); FI != F->end(); FI++) {
for (auto BI = FI->begin(); BI != FI->end(); BI++) { // some operations
} }
Approach 3 (using InstIterator):
#include llvm/IR/InstIterator.h
for (inst_iterator It = inst_begin(F), E = inst_end(F); It != E; ++It){
// some operations
} 18

Variables and Types
Two kinds of variables: local and global
“%” indicates local variables: %1 = add nsw i32 %a, %tmp
“@” indicates global variables: @g = global i32 20, align 4
Two kinds of types: primitive (e.g. integer, floating-point) and derived (e.g. pointer,
Integer type is used to specify an integer of desired bit width: i1 A single-bit integer
i32 A 32-bit integer
Pointer type is used to specify memory locations:
i32** A pointer to a pointer to an integer.
i32 (i32*) * A pointer to a function that takes as argument a pointer to an integer, and returns an integer as result.
More details at https://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#type-system

The SSA Form
The Static Single Assignment (SSA) form requires that every variable be defined only once, but may be used multiple times.
SSA was proposed in 1988 and an efficient algorithm was developed in IBM, which is still in use in many compilers.
C Code SSA Form
int square(int x) int square(x_1) {{
x = x * x; x_2 := x_1 * x_1;
return x; return x_2; }}
Notice how a new assignment to variable “x” is represented as an assignment to a new variable “x_2”
More about the SSA form:

The SSA Form
SSA is commonly used in compilers because it simplifies and improves a variety of compiler optimizations.
LLVM IR makes use of the SSA form.
int square(int x) int square(x_1) define i32 @square(i32) local_unnamed_addr #0 {{{
x = x * x; x_2 := x_1 * x_1; %2 = mul nsw i32 %0, %0
return x; return x_2; ret i32 %2 }}}

Phi Nodes
A problem arises with SSA when the same variable is modified in multiple branches.
In the example, to return variable “x”, the SSA form has two choices “x_2” and “x_3” depending on the path taken.
A Phi node abstracts away this complexity by defining a new variable “x_3” which is assigned the value of “x_1” or “x_2”.
C Code
x = 0;
if (y < 1) { x++; } else { x--; SSA Code x_1 := 0; if (y_1 < 1) { x_2 := x_1 + 1; } else { x_3 := x_1 - 1; return x; // do I return x_2 or x_3? }} x_4 := phi(x_2, x_3); // return x_4 instead return x_4; 22 C Program and its LLVM IR Counterpart C code: Factorial.c int factorial(int n) { int acc = 1; while (n > 0) { acc = acc * n;
n = n – 1; }
return acc; }
LLVM IR: Factorial.ll
%n.addr = alloca i32, align 4
%acc = alloca i32, align 4
store i32 %n, i32* %n.addr, align 4 store i32 1, i32* %acc, align 4
br label %while.cond
br i1 %cmp, label %while.body, label %while.end
while.body: ; preds = %while.cond
%3 = load i32, i32* %n.addr, align 4 %sub = sub nsw i32 %3, 1
store i32 %sub, i32* %n.addr, align 4 br label %while.cond
while.end: ; preds = %while.cond }
%0 = load i32, i32* %n.addr, align 4 %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %0, 0
; preds = %while.body, %entry
%1 = load i32, i32* %acc, align 4 %2 = load i32, i32* %n.addr, align 4 %mul = mul nsw i32 %1, %2
store i32 %mul, i32* %acc, align 4
%4 = load i32, i32* %acc, align 4 ret i32 %4

Basic Blocks & Control Flow Graph (CFG)
while.body while.end
Basic blocks

LLVM Class Hierarchy
Value User
Instruction Operator
CmpInst ConcreteOperator

More classes at https://llvm.org/doxygen/classllvm_1_1Value.html

Instructions and Variables
LLVM IR example
Each Variable <=> the Instruction that assigns to it.
There is a unique instruction assigning to each variable since LLVM IR uses the SSA form.
Thus, each instruction can be viewed as the name of the assigned variable.

%0 = load i32, i32* %x, align 4

%1 = load i32, i32* %y, align 4

%add = add nsw i32 %0, %1

Instruction I
llvm::outs() << *I.getOperand(0); will not output the operand variable “%0”; it will output the instruction that assigns to it: “%0 = load i32, i32* %x, align 4” https://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html 26 Printing Information Use outs() and errs() to print instead of using std::cout , std::cerr, and printf. Also, there is no equivalent of std::endl in LLVM. • Example 1 - printing a function name (Function* F) : std::cout << F->getName().str() << std::endl; outs() <getName() << “\n”; • Example 2 - printing an instruction (Instruction *I): I->dump() or outs() << *I << “\n”; • Example 3 - printing a basic block (BasicBlock* BB): BB->dump() or outs() << *BB << “\n”; 27 Instruction: AllocaInst An instruction to allocate memory on the stack. int z; %z = alloca i32, align 4 int* z; %z = alloca i32*, align 8 More details at https://llvm.org/doxygen/classllvm_1_1AllocaInst.html alloca: i32: align: Allocate memory in stack Integer of size 32 bits Memory alignment (4 bytes) alloca: I32*: align: Allocate memory in stack Pointer to 32-bit integer Memory alignment (8 bytes) 28 Instruction: StoreInst An instruction for storing to memory. E.g. store T v, T* %y Store value v of type T into location pointed to by register %y. The value may be a constant or a register. int x = 5; T = i32 int* x = 0; T = i32* %x = alloca i32, align 4 store i32 5, i32* %x, align 4 store: Set value of integer pointed to by register %x to 1 %x = alloca i32*, align 8 store i32* null, i32** %x, align 8 store: Set value of pointer pointed to by register %x to NULL More details at https://llvm.org/doxygen/classllvm_1_1StoreInst.html 29 Instruction: LoadInst An instruction for reading from memory. E.g.%x=loadT, T*%y Load value of type T into register %x from location pointed to by register %y. T = i32 int x = ...; ... = 1 / x; int*x =...; if (x) ... %x = alloca i32, align 4 %1 = load i32, i32* %x %div = sdiv i32 1, %1 load: Load integer value into register %1 from location pointed to by register %x %x = alloca i32*, align 8 %1 = load i32*, i32** %x %tobool = icmp ne i32* %1, null load: Load pointer value into register %1 from location pointed to by register %x 30 T = i32* More details at https://llvm.org/doxygen/classllvm_1_1LoadInst.html Instruction: BinaryOperator An instruction for binary operations. int x = 0; int y = 2; z = y + x; Could be +, -, *, / %1 = load i32, i32* %y, align 4 %2 = load i32, i32* %x, align 4 %z = add nsw i32 %1, %2 Could be add, sub, mul, udiv, sdiv add: Store the sum of %1and %2 in %z (nsw: no signed wrap) More details at https://llvm.org/doxygen/classllvm_1_1BinaryOperator.html 31 Instruction: BinaryOperator operations • ‘add' Instruction: The 'add' instruction returns the sum of its two operands. = add ,
• ‘sub’ Instruction: The ‘sub’ instruction returns the difference of its two operands. = sub ,
• ‘mul’ Instruction: The ‘mul’ instruction returns the product of its two operands. = mul ,
• ‘udiv’ Instruction: The ‘udiv’ instruction returns the unsigned integer quotient of its two operands.
= udiv ,
• ‘sdiv’ Instruction: The ‘sdiv’ instruction returns the signed integer quotient of its two operands.
= sdiv ,

Instruction: ReturnInst
Return a value (possibly void), from a function.
return void; ret void
return 0; ret i32 0
More details at https://llvm.org/doxygen/classllvm_1_1ReturnInst.html

Instruction: CmpInst
This instruction returns a bool value or a vector of bool values based on comparison of its two integer, integer vector, or pointer operands.
Type: i1
int a = (x==y) %cmp = icmp eq i32 %x, %y
icmp eq: Compare %x and %y, and set %cmp to 1 if %x is equal to %y, and to 0 otherwise
More details at https://llvm.org/doxygen/classllvm_1_1CmpInst.html

Instruction: CmpInst
Possible conditions :
• eq:
• ne:
• ugt:
• uge:
• ult:
• ule:
• sgt:
• sge:
• slt:
• sle:
not equal
unsigned greater than unsigned greater or equal unsigned less than unsigned less or equal signed greater than signed greater or equal signed less than
signed less or equal

Instruction: BranchInst
Conditional branch instruction.
If (a==0) { // br1
return 0; } else {
// br2 return 1;
%cmp = icmp eq i32 %a, 0
br i1 %cmp, label %IfEqual, label %IfUnequal
IfEqual :
ret i32 0
IfUnequal :
ret i32 1
br: Determine which branch should be executed;
jump to %IfEqual if %cmp is true, and to %IfUnequal otherwise
More details at https://llvm.org/doxygen/classllvm_1_1BranchInst.html

Instruction: PHINode
The ‘phi’ instruction is used to implement the ‘phi’ node in the SSA form.
int x = 0; if (y < 1) x++; else x--; return x; br i1 %cmp, label %then, label %else then: ; preds = %entry %inc = add nsw i32 0, 1 br label %if.end else: ; preds = %entry %dec = add nsw i32 0, -1 br label %end end: ; preds = %else, %then ret i32 %x PHI instruction: %x = phi i32 [ %inc, %then ], [ %dec, %else ] phi:Assign to %x the value of: • %inc if predecessor basic block is %then, and • %dec if predecessor basic block is %else More details at https://llvm.org/doxygen/classllvm_1_1PHINode.html 37 Checking Instruction Type A dynamic cast converts an instruction to a more specific type in its class hierarchy at runtime: auto *AI = dyn_cast(Instruction)
Pointer that points to the Target type Instruction you target type instruction instruction want to cast
If target type is not in original instruction’s class hierarchy, AI will point to NULL. This property can be used to check if an instruction is of a particular type:
if (LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast(I)) {
// if I can be converted to LoadInst, do something

Write your own LLVM Pass!
An LLVM pass is created by extending a subclass of the Pass class. We illustrate this for a function pass.
ID is the identifier of the pass class and must be explicitly defined outside the class definition.
runOnFunction will be called for each function in the module. It must return true if it modifies the LLVM IR, and false otherwise.
The RegisterPass class is used to register the pass. The template argument is the name of the pass class and the constructor takes 4 arguments: the name of the command line argument, the name of the pass, a bool if it modifies the CFG, and a bool if it is an analysis pass.
Upon compiling using cmake, a shared static library file “MyAnalysis.so” will be created.
To invoke this pass, run the following command:
opt -load MyAnalysis.so -MyAnalysis factorial.ll
More details at https://llvm.org/docs/WritingAnLLVMPass.html
#include “llvm/Pass.h” #include “llvm/IR/Function.h”
using namespace llvm;
class MyAnalysis: public FunctionPass { static char ID;
MyAnalysis() : FunctionPass(ID) { }
bool runOnFunction(Function &F); }
char MyAnalysis::ID = 1;
bool MyAnalysis::runOnFunction(Function &F) { // Your function analysis goes here return false;
static RegisterPass X(
”MyAnalysis”, ”MyAnalysis”, false, false );


The Name of a Module
Class llvm::Module constStringRef getName( ) const
• Get a short “name” for the module, useful for debugging or logging. Example:
Module M = …
outs() << "Module name is" << M.getName() << "\n"; 41 Iterating over Functions in a Module Class llvm::Module constiterator_range functions( )
• Get an iterator over functions in module. Example:
Module M = …
for (auto &f : M.functions()) {
// some operations here }

Counting Instructions in a Function
Class llvm::Function
unsigned getInstructionCount( ) const
• Return the number of non-debug IR instructions in this function.
• This is equivalent to the sum of the sizes of all the basic blocks contained in the function.
Module M = …
for (auto &f : M.functions()) { // Get number of instructions in function f
NumOfFunctions += 1;
NumOfInstructions += f.getInstructionCount(); }

Checking an Instruction’s Kind
Class llvm::Instruction unsigned getOpcode( ) const
• Return a member of one of the enums, e.g. Instruction::Add. Example:
Instruction instr = …
switch (instr.getOpcode()) { case Instruction::Br:
NumOfBranchInstrs += 1;
break; }

Checking an Instruction’s Kind
Class llvm::Instruction constbool isBinaryOp( ) const
• Check if the instruction is a binary instruction. Example:
Instruction instr = …
if (instr.isBinaryOp()) {
NumOfBinaryInstrs += 1; }

Getting an Instruction’s Operands
Class llvm::User
Value* llvm::User::getOperand( unsigned i) const
• Return the operand of this instruction, 0 for first operand, 1 for second operand.
BinaryOperator *BO = …
Value* op1 = BO -> getOperand(0); Value* op2 = BO -> getOperand(1);
Also, any public function defined in a super-class can be called by an object of a sub-class

Getting an Instruction’s Operands
Class llvm::Value Type* getType( ) const
• All values are typed; get the type of this value.
BinaryOperator *BO = …
Type* t = BO->getOperand(0)->getType();

Getting an Operand’s Type
Class llvm::Type bool isIntegerTy( ) const
• True if this is an instance of IntegerType.
BinaryOperator *BO = …
if (!BO->getOperand(1)->getType()->isIntegerTy())

Evaluating a Conditional Expression
Class llvm::CmpInst
bool llvm::CmpInst::isTrueWhenEqual( ) const
bool llvm::CmpInst::isFalseWhenEqual( ) const
• Determine if this is true/false when both operands are the same (e.g. 0 == 0 TODO).
CastInst *CI = …
if (CI->isTrueWhenEqual()) {
// some operations }
if (CI->isFalseWhenEqual()) {
// some operations }

Store Instruction Operands
Class llvm::StoreInst
Value* getValueOperand( )
• Return 1st operand of store instruction. Value* getPointerOperand( )
• Return 2nd operand of store instruction.
store i32 0 , i32* %x, align 4
StoreInst *SI = …
Value* S = SI -> getValueOperand();
// same as Value* S = SI -> getOperand(0);
Value* S = SI -> getPointerOperand();
// same as Value* S = SI -> getOperand(1);

Load Instruction Operand
Class llvm::LoadInst Value* getPointerOperand( )
• Return operand of load instruction.
%1 = load i32, i32*
LoadInst *LI = …
Value* L = LI -> getPointerOperand();
// same as Value* L = LI -> getOperand(0);

Getting the Value of a Constant
Class llvm::Constant
Constant* get(Type* Ty, uint64_t V, bool isSigned = false)
• If Ty is a vector type, return a Constant with a splat of the given value.
• Otherwise return a ConstantInt for the given value.
Type *IntType = …
DebugLoc Debug = …
Value* Line = llvm::ConstantInt::get(IntType, Debug.getLine()); Value* Col = llvm::ConstantInt::get(IntType, Debug.getCol());

Checking if Constant is Zero
Class llvm::Constant bool isZeroValue( ) const
• Return true if the value is zero or NULL. Example:
Value* V = …
if (ConstantData *CD = dyn_cast(V))
return CD->isZeroValue();

Getting the Constant Value of PHINode
Class llvm::PHINode Value* hasConstantValue( ) const
• If the specified PHI node always merges the same value, return the value, otherwise return null.
PHINode *PHI = …
Value* cv = PHI->hasConstantValue();

Getting Incoming Values of PHINode
Class llvm::PHINode
unsigned getNumIncomingValues( ) const
• Return the number of incoming values into a PhiNode instruction. Example:
PHINode *PHI = …
unsigned int n = PHI->getNumIncomingValues();

Getting an Instruction’s Debug Location
Class llvm::Instruction
const DebugLoc& getDebugLoc( ) const
• Return the debug location of an instruction as a DebugLoc object. Example:
Instruction instr = …
const DebugLoc& Debug = instr.getDebugLoc();

Getting a Debug Location’s Line
Class llvm::DebugLoc unsigned getLine( ) const
• Get the line number information from a DebugLoc object. Example:
DebugLoc Debug = …
unsigned DebugLine = Debug.getLine();

Getting a Debug Location’s Column
Class llvm::DebugLoc unsigned getCol( ) const
• Get the column number information from a DebugLoc object. Example:
DebugLoc Debug = …
unsigned DebugLine = Debug.getCol();

Creating a Function Type
Class llvm::FunctionType
FunctionType* FunctionType::get(Type* Result,
ArrayRef< Type*> Params,
bool isVarArg)
• Create a FunctionType with given types of return result and parameters.
LLVMContext Ctx = …
Type *ArgsTypes[] = …
FunctionType* FType = FunctionType::get(
Type::getVoidTy(Ctx), ArgsTypes, false);

Inserting a Function in a Module
Class llvm::Module
FunctionCallee getOrInsertFunction(StringRef Name, FunctionType* T,
AttributeList AttributeList)
• Look up or insert the specified function in the module symbol table.
• Four possibilities: If it does not exist, add a prototype for the function and return it. Otherwise, if the existing function has the correct prototype, return the existing function. Finally, the function exists but has the wrong prototype: return the function with a constantexpr cast to the right prototype. In all cases, the returned value is a FunctionCallee wrapper around the ‘FunctionType T’ passed in, as well as a ‘Value’ either of the Function or the bitcast to the function.
Module *M = …
Value* Sanitizer = M->getOrInsertFunction(
SanitizerFunctionName, FType);

Creating a Call Instruction
Class llvm::CallInst
static CallInst* Create(FunctionCallee Func, ArrayRef< Value *> Args,
const Twine & NameStr,
Instruction * InsertBefore = nullptr)
• Create a CallInst object. Example:
Function *Fun = …
std::vector Args = …
CallInst *Call = CallInst::Create(Fun, Args, “”, &I);

Getting Global Information
Class llvm::Value LLVMContext& getContext( ) const
• Get global information about program including types and constants. Example:
Module* M = …
LLVMContext& Ctx = M->getContext();

Getting the Int32 Type
Class llvm::Type
IntegerType* getInt32Ty(LLVMContext& C)
• Get an instance of Int32 type. Example:
LLVMContext Ctx = …
Type* IntType = Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx);

Getting the Void Type
Class llvm::Type
Type* getVoidTy(LLVMContext& C)
• Get an instance of void type. Example:
LLVMContext Ctx = …
Type* voidType = Type::getVoidTy(Ctx);

Part IV: Navigating the Documentation

Know Your LLVM Version
The links in this section may yield inaccurate information for uncommon APIs, since they point to the latest LLVM version whereas we use LLVM 8.
The LLVM version changes often due to frequent releases; so a naive web search could also produce inaccurate information.
E.g. the return type of llvm::Module::getOrInsertFunction() in different LLVM versions:
vs. StringRef Name,Type *RetTy, ArgsTy…Args)
StringRef Name,Type *RetTy, ArgsTy…Args)

LLVM Programmer’s Manual
A simple and basic way to find what functions you want. Highlights some of the important classes and interfaces available in the LLVM source-base.
Useful content for the labs:
• The isa<>, cast<> and dyn_cast<> templates: A way to convert one class to the desired class.
• The Core LLVM Class Hierarchy Reference: Overview of important functions in each class.
• Helpful Hints for Common Operations: Simple transformations of LLVM code (traversing, creating, etc.).

LLVM Doxygen Sources
Very detailed and complete list guide of LLVM classes and functions.
• Inheritance graph: Relationships between different classes.
• APIs: List of functions for this class; Details and description about those members (arguments, syntax, etc.).
• Source code: Source code (C code) is provided.
• “References” / “Referenced by” sections: Relationship between functions.

LLVM Doxygen Sources
Inheritance graph (example of Instruction Class)
• Go left to find super-classes, go right to find sub-classes
E.g. User is the super-class of instruction; PHINode is the sub-class of instruction.
• Public function from Left-hand side classes can be used in Right-hand side classes E.g. Public functions from Instruction class can be used for PHINode objects.

LLVM Doxygen Sources
APIs (example of Instruction Class)
Function name
Function syntax Function description
References/Referenced information
Left click
Left click

LLVM Doxygen Sources
Source code (example of Instruction Class)
Hover your cursor on / left click these “blue” links for more information
Left click

LLVM Doxygen Sources
References/Referenced by sections (example of Instruction Class)
getSuccessor() references getOpcode() here
getSuccessor() is referenced by GetSuccessorNumber()

Google / Stack Overflow
Google your question:
• APIs & Classes: Google “llvm+[class/APIs you want to search]” directly. (Normally it will lead you to doxygen documentation)
Use Stack Overflow:
• Search for or ask your question at https://stackoverflow.com/

Further Reading
• Language Frontend with LLVM Tutorial https://llvm.org/docs/tutorial/MyFirstLanguageFrontend/index.html
• LLVM Programmer’s Manual http://llvm.org/docs/ProgrammersManual.html
• LLVM Language Reference Manual http://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html
• Writing an LLVM Pass http://llvm.org/docs/WritingAnLLVMPass.html
• LLVM’s Analysis and Transform Passes http://llvm.org/docs/Passes.html
• LLVM Internal Documentation http://llvm.org/docs/doxygen/html/
• LLVM Coding Standards http://llvm.org/docs/CodingStandards.html