程序代写代做代考 data structure gui graph KIT206 database Selected Scenarios for HRIS

Selected Scenarios for HRIS
Use Case #8: User_views_StaffList
The system needs to be able to generate an interactive list of staff employed by the School.
The user views the staff list when the application first loads or when switching to the staff list view. This list should display names in the format ‘Family Name, Given Name (Title)’, as in ‘Einstein, Albert (Dr)’, and be ordered alphabetically by family name. In addition to using the list to access staff details, the user can also filter the list, either by a staff member’s employment category or (if time available in project) partial name match, or both. For basic filtering, the user should be able to list all staff, or just those who are academic, technical, administrative, or casual. If implementing name matching then the list contents would be restricted to show only those staff whose given name or family name contains the text entered by the user. Partial matches that span combinations of given and family name do not need to be supported, so look for matches within both names independently.
1. HRIS database exists and is populated with data
Software Reaction
1. User starts application
1. System creates MainView with StaffTab visible, which contains the StaffListView and StaffDetailsView
2. System retrieves basic staff details from database: name, title and category
3. Staff are sorted alphabetically by family name 4. System shows names in StaffListView
2. User selects staff tab
1. System shows staff tab
3. User selects a staff category (including the ‘all staff’ category) from a dropdown list of categories
1. System updates current set of filters to include selected category
2. System creates temporary list of staff based on current set of filters (category or name, if present)
3. System refreshes the StaffListView with the filtered list
3. User modifies text in filter-by-name text field
1. No reaction; not supporting automatic refresh of list contents
4. User presses enter key inside filter-by- name text field
1. System updates current set of filters to include given text or, if search text is blank, removes any existing text from set of filters
2. System creates temporary list of staff based on current set of filters (category or name, if present)
3. System refreshes the StaffListView with the filtered list
5. User selects staff name in list
See UC16_User_selects_StaffDetails

Scenario Notes:
Actions 1 is a precondition for all others. The other actions may occur in any order, although it is more typical for Action 3 to be followed by Action 4 (the user pressing enter to trigger name-based filtering). The reaction to Actions 2 and 4 produces the intersection of the two filters.
Post Conditions
StaffListView displays all or a subset (particular category or with matching names) of
staff names
Required Views: (GUIs)
MainView containing StaffTab (list + detail), and StaffListView
1. If the database is inaccessible or another unexpected error occurs then the system should respond with a message to this effect, requesting that the user close and restart the software. (In a later release the system should be made robust to such exceptions and be able to reload the database without being restarted.)
Use Cases utilised

Use Case #16: User_selects_StaffDetails
When the users selects a name in the list the system will show more details about the staff member (referred to as the Staff Details view), which should include: Name; Campus; Phone Number; Room Location; Email Address; Photo; Consultation hours; Table of units he or she is involved with in the current semester.
From either the staff list + detail or unit timetable displays the user can select a staff member to view their details (the second will be implemented if time allows). In the first case they select the staff member’s name in the list, while in the second case they select a staff member in an entry in the timetable.
In addition to the basic details about each staff member, if development time allows then staff member’s current availability should also be displayed: ‘teaching’ (with details of the unit code and room) if they are in a timetabled class; ‘consulting’ if it is during their consultation times; and ‘free’ otherwise.
1. HRIS database exists and is populated with data
Software Reaction
1. User selects staff name in StaffListView
1. System retrieves any additional details about the staff member not previously loaded
2. System determines availability status of staff member by comparing current system time with staff member’s consultation times and timetabled classes he or she teaches
3. If not previously loaded system retrieves list of units the staff member is involved in teaching
4. System enlarges application window size if too small to display StaffDetailView.
5. System presents staff details and availability information in StaffDetailView
2. User selects staff name in timetable entry in UnitTimetableView
1. System switches to StaffTab
2. Remaining reactions as per response to action (1)
3. User clicks ‘Activity Grid’ button
See UC19_User_shows_ActivityGrid
Scenario Notes:
Actions 1 or 2 are independent triggers for viewing staff details.
Post Conditions
StaffDetailView displays details
Required Views: (GUIs)
StaffTab StaffListView StaffDetailsView UnitTimetableView

1. If the database is inaccessible or another unexpected error occurs then the system should respond with a message to this effect, requesting that the user close and restart the software. (In a later release the system should be made robust to such exceptions and be able to reload the database without being restarted.)
Use Cases utilised
UC8_User_views_StaffList (precondition for action 1) UC19_User_shows_ActivityGrid

Example low fidelity prototypes
These represent one possible way of presenting parts of the HRIS application.
List area
Detail area
Name: Dr Jane Doe Campus: Hobart
Consultation hours:
6226 1234
C400 jane.doe@utas.edu.au
0900-1100 Tuesday 1300-1500 Friday
Teaching this semester:
KIT206 Software Design and Development KIT107 Programming
Activity Grid
Filter by name: j Show:
Doe, Jane (DAlrl)
Doe, Jane (MAcsa)dJeamneicDoe Doe, Jane (DTer)chnical
Doe, Jane (MAdsm)JoinhisntrSamtiivteh Smith, JohnC(aDsru)al
Smith, John (Dr) John Smith, John (Dr)
Smith, John (Mr)
HeatMaps Units Staff

HRIS models::Package diagram Example UML diagrams for the HRIS
The bidirectional dependency is because views pass messages back to controllers

HRIS models::Teaching::Teaching classes
+id: integer +FamilyName: string +GivenName: string +title: string +Campus: Campus +Room: string +Email: string +Photo: URL +Category: Category
+all staff *
+currently displayed *
+has consultation times
+taught by
+is taught via
This additional collection will become clear when we study WPF and data binding
+Day: DayOfWeek +Start: Time +End: Time
+Availability(when: DateTime): Availability
Details have been omitted from these ‘imported’ classes
+teaches part of
+coordinated by
+all units
+Room: string +Campus: Campus
+Code: string +Title: string
(from Control)
(from Control)
* *
+currently displayed
Hobart Launceston
Academic Technical Administrative Casual
Free Consulting Teaching
+table of
Depending on how much you plan to implement you
may wish to replace the ‘taught by’, ‘teaches part of’ and ‘coordinated by’ associations with attributes containing identifying information instead of references to actual objects, so rather than connecting those objects at runtime you load a new copy of the relevant object from the database as needed, or pass the identifying number or string to another part of the program for it to find the actual object previously loaded.
For example, this could work for generating a list of units a staff member is involved in teaching, which ideally should be a genuine collection of Unit objects, but could equally be a collection of strings (the user won’t know). However, this quick and easy way of doing the connections makes some later tasks more challenging.
+maxFrequency: integer
+FrequencyAt(hour: integer, day: DayOfWeek): integer
This is ONE possible way or representing heat map and maybe clash map data. Details of the internal data structure used are not shown. Note that this is a a model class and has no graphical presence other than that presented by some view class in your system.
This is ONE option for a model suitable for display in the Activity Grid. Internally this may have a 2D array or a collection of entries per hour of the day (i.e., rows of the activity grid)
REWORK THIS TEXT: In an ideal OO model (whch is what we were looking for in Assignment 1) there would be
associations between Staff and Unit and UnitClass (you may have called yours Lesson).
To enable independent loading of entities from the database these connections have
been replaced in this sample model with identifying information in attributes (each Unit has the integer ID of its coordinator, each UnitClass has the integer ID of the staff member teaching it, each Staff member has a collection of unit codes).
(In the future, when you use the Entity Framework to manage object persistence in a database, this will not be necessary.)

HRIS models::Control::Control classes
These control class will need additional methods to those shown. You may also find that a different set of methods suits your implementation better.
Given Staff and Units interact, you may have your controllers talk to each other to get relevant information
You may have one or more additional control classes relating to generation of heat and clash maps
+currNameFilter: string +currCategoryFilter: Category
+LoadStaff() +FilterBy(category: Category) +FilterByName(name: string) -ApplyFilters() +ShowStaffDetails(s: Staff)
+LoadUnits() +UnitsFor(s: Staff)

HRIS models::Database::Database classes
The adapter provides access to the School Database and can load collections of Staff, Units and UnitClasses or complete the details of individual items
Optional: these could probably be rolled into the SchoolDBAdapter; they would contain similar operations to what I’ve shown in the SchoolDBAdapter at the moment
+FetchBasicStaffDetails(): Staff[*] +CompleteStaffDetails(s: Staff): Staff +FetchUnits(): Unit[*] +FetchClasses(u: Unit): UnitClass[*]
This set of operations is for an optimised pattern of database retrievals, where objects containing the bare minimum of details are loaded first, then their details are filled in later, as needed.

HRIS models::View::View classes
Essentially your main window
You might not realise all of these as distinct classes (UserControls in WPF), but you will likely have greater complexity in your GUI than these classes describe
One possible arrangement of classes for different kinds of colour grid view
+SetModel(s: Staff)
+category drop down +name search
+names list
+teaching list
May be built from a table or list control (with suitable formatting applied)
+timetable table
+units list
You were not expected to include these library classes in your design
One option for displaying tabular information is actually to use a ListBox with a suitable DataTemplate

HRIS models::Sequence diagrams::UC8_User_views_Staff::UC8 sequence diagram
App: MainView
: StaffController
: SchoolDBAdapter
: User
«create» 2:
1 : starts system
: StaffListView
3 : LoadStaff()
4 : FetchBasicStaffDetails() 5 : staff
9 : ApplyFilters()
13 : ApplyFilters()
7 : selects staff category
6 : staff
8 : FilterBy(category: Category)
11 : presses enter in name field
10 : list updated
12 : FilterByName(name: string)
14 : list updated

HRIS models::Sequence diagrams::UC16_User_selects_StaffDetails::UC16 sequence diagram
: User
1 : selects name
2 : ShowStaffDetails(s: Staff)
5 : selects staff name
: StaffListView
: UnitTimetableView
6 : ShowStaffTab()
App: MainView
: StaffController
opt s is incomplete
3 : CompleteStaffDetails(s: Staff)
: SchoolDBAdapter
4 : SetModel(s: Staff)
9 : SetModel(s: Staff)
: StaffDetailsView
7 : ShowStaffDetails(s: Staff)
opt s is incomplete
8 : CompleteStaffDetails(s: Staff)
Frames showing optional or alternative actions are an advanced diagramming technique we haven’t covered and you were not expected to use