程序代写代做代考 assembly Hive c++ mips data structure assembler CS 241 — Winter 2017 — Assignment 3

CS 241 — Winter 2017 — Assignment 3
Assignments for CS 241
← Assignment 2
Assignment 3
Assignment 4 ↓
Friday, January 20, 2017 at 5:00 pm
Friday, January 27, 2017 at 5:00 pm
Friday, February 3, 2017 at 5:00 pm
P1 • P2 • P3 • P4
Assignments 3 and 4 may be done in either Racket or C++14 or Scala. See language-specific notes for each option at the end of this document.
In assignments 3 and 4, you will incrementally write an assembler for MIPS assembly language (CS241 dialect).
Note carefully: In order to do assignment 4, you must do assignment 3 first. We will not be distributing a solution to assignment 3 for you to use as a starting point for assignment 4.
Reminder: For this and future assignments, be sure to run the command source /u/cs241/setup to gain access to the CS 241 tools.
Part I. Tree Parsing
Problem 1 — 15 marks of 66 (filename: traverse.rkt or traverse.cc or Traverse.scala)
Write a Racket, C++, or Scala program that reads a pre-order traversal of a non-empty tree from standard input and prints the corresponding post-order traversal for that tree. Each line of both the input and output will consist of two non-negative integers:

for example the following input:
1 3
2 2
5 0
6 0
3 1
7 0
4 4
8 0
9 0
10 0
11 1
12 0
corresponds to this tree.
and the output of the program given the above input would be:
5 0
6 0
2 2
7 0
3 1
8 0
9 0
10 0
12 0
11 1
4 4
1 3
Test your program with different input.
You must solve this problem by constructing a tree from the given pre-order traversal, and then performing a post-order traversal on this tree. We reserve the right to hand-check that you have done this.
Submit a file called traverse.rkt or traverse.cc or Traverse.scala containing the Racket, C++, or Scala source code for your program.
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Part II. Writing an Assembler
For the remaining problems in assignment 3 and assignment 4 you will implement an assembler for progressively larger subsets of MIPS assembly language. Subject to the assumptions stated in the problems, your assembler must report all errors, and must correctly translate all correct assembly language programs to MIPS machine language.
We have provided a scanner (also called a tokenizer) for MIPS assembly language for each available language option (see language-specific notes). You should use this scanner as a starting point for your assembler.
Each problem in Part II requires you to submit a program that reads from standard input and writes to standard output as well as standard error. The input and output specifications are identical regardless of which language you choose. The only difference is that you must submit the appropriate .rkt or .cc or .scala file depending on your choice of language.
For each problem, we ask you to implement support for additional instructions. You may submit the same assembler for all the problems. We encourage you to submit to Marmoset early. As soon as you implement support for the instructions specified by a problem, submit the current version of your assembler to Marmoset. That way, if you do not complete all of the problems before the deadline, you will still get credit for those that you did complete.
Hint: Depending on the design decisions you make in your solutions to problems 2 and 3, you may have to restructure your code to get a working solution to problem 4. Therefore, you may want to read and understand all of the problems (especially up to and including problem 4) before beginning problem 2. However, if you find this overwhelming, you may find it easier to just focus on solving problems 2 and 3 first, and deal with problem 4 when you come to it. The decision is yours.
Problem 2 — 17 marks of 66 (filename: asm.rkt or asm.cc or Asm.scala)
Begin by writing an assembler that correctly translates input containing no labels and no instructions other than .word. You may assume that the input to your assembler contains no labels and no instructions other than .word.
Your assembler should never crash, even if the input is not a valid assembly language program. Your assembler should not silently ignore errors in the input program. If the input contains a line that is not valid in MIPS assembly language, your assembler should print an appropriate error message containing the word ERROR in all capitals to standard error and stop. It is good practice, but not a requirement, to embed ERROR within a meaningful error message.
Hint: there are relatively few ways in which an assembly language program can be valid (and all the valid forms are spelled out here), but many ways in which it can be invalid. You will find it much easier to write code that looks for valid input and rejects everything unexpected, rather than code that explicitly looks for all the different ways in which the input could be invalid.
If the input contains a correct MIPS assembly language program, your assembler should output the equivalent MIPS machine language to standard output.

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Problem 3 — 17 marks of 66 (filename: asm.rkt or asm.cc or Asm.scala)
Add support for label definitions to your assembler. Other than the inclusion of label definitions, the restrictions, assumptions and output requirements (including error-checking) stated in problem 2 apply to problem 3.
In addition, if the input is a correct MIPS assembly program, your assembler should output a symbol table: a listing of the names and values of all defined labels to standard error. The list should be printed on several lines, one line for each label in the input. Each line should consist of the label (without the trailing colon), followed by a space, followed by the value of the label (in decimal). The labels may appear in the symbol table in any order.
In handling labels, you may use any data structure or data structures you choose, but be sure to take efficiency into account.
Click here to return to the top of Assignment 3.
Problem 4 — 17 marks of 66 (filename: asm.rkt or asm.cc or Asm.scala)
Modify your assembler to allow labels to be defined and also to be used as operands.
Other than the inclusion of label definitions and labels as operands, the restrictions, assumptions, and output requirements (including error-checking) stated in problem 2 apply to problem 4. (Note that you need not list the names and values of defined labels as in problem 3.)
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Assignment 4
Assignments for CS 241
↑ Assignment 3
Assignment 4
Assignment 5→
Friday, January 27, 2017 at 5:00 pm
Friday, Feburary 3, 2017 at 5:00 pm
Friday, February 10, 2017 at 5:00 pm
P1 • P2 • P3 • P4 • P5 • P6 • P7 • P8
Note: The restrictions, assumptions, and output requirements (including error-checking) as stated in assignment 3 apply throughout assignment 4 as well. In addition, your solution for each problem should continue to be a correct solution for each problem that came before it (for example, a correct solution of A4P3 will also meet the requirements of A4P1 and A4P2).
Problem 1 — 9 marks of 68 (filename: asm.rkt or asm.cc or Asm.scala)
Modify your assembler to correctly handle jr and jalr instructions.

Click here to return to the top of Assignment 4.
Problem 2 — 9 marks of 68 (filename: asm.rkt or asm.cc or Asm.scala)
Modify your assembler to correctly handle add, sub, slt, and sltu instructions.

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Problem 3 — 9 marks of 68 (filename: asm.rkt or asm.cc or Asm.scala)
Modify your assembler to correctly handle beq and bne instructions with an integer or hex constant as the branch offset.

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Problem 4 — 9 marks of 68 (filename: asm.rkt or asm.cc or Asm.scala)
Modify your assembler to correctly handle beq and bne instructions with a label as the branch target operand.

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Problem 5 — 8 marks of 68 (filename: asm.rkt or asm.cc or Asm.scala)
Modify your assembler to correctly handle the lis, mflo, and mfhi instructions.

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Problem 6 — 8 marks of 68 (filename: asm.rkt or asm.cc or Asm.scala)
Modify your assembler to correctly handle the mult, multu, div, and divu instructions.

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Problem 7 — 8 marks of 68 (filename: asm.rkt or asm.cc or Asm.scala)
Modify your assembler to correctly handle the sw and lw instructions.
Your assembler should correctly translate any MIPS assembly language program, and write ERROR to standard error for any input that is not a valid MIPS assembly program.
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Problem 8 — 8 marks of 68 (filename: relasm.rkt or relasm.cc or RelAsm.scala)
Execute one of the following Unix commands, depending on your chosen implementation language:
cp asm.rkt relasm.rkt

cp Asm.scala Relasm.scala

cp asm.cc relasm.cc

Now, modify your relasm file to make it a relocatable assembler. That is, when given an assembly file on standard input, it will send the corresponding relocatable MERL code to standard output. All other behaviour should be as stated in problem 7 (message containing ERROR to standard error on erroneous input, etc.). In particular, to solve this problem, you must compute the correct MERL header and relocation table and surround your output with these. You may find the provided tool printmerl (e.g. printmerl < foo.merl) helpful for verifying your solution. You are not being asked to support linking and are therefore not required to implement .import and .export Click here to return to the top of Assignment 4. Language-Specific Details Racket The provided starter asm.rkt has a function called scan that takes as input a string and returns a list of tokens. The Using Racket in CS 241 document contains hints and techniques for using Racket to write the assembler. See also the comments in the provided scanner. Run a Racket program using the command: racket asm.rkt Scala The provided starter Asm_scala.zip has a Seq[Seq[Token]] called Asm.tokenLines which contains the all the tokens in the assembly program. You can see an example of its use in Asm.assemble. When submitting to Marmoset, you should zip all of your .scala files into a .zip file and submit that to Marmoset. Compile the starter code in Scala using the command scalac Asm.scala Scanning.scala. The command will create a number of .class files. You can then run the code via the command scala Asm from the current directory. Scala has extremely large numbers of members for each class in the standard library. You may find it helpful to use an IDE such as IntelliJ IDEA with autocompletion. C++ The provided starter asm.zip has a method called ASM::Lexer::scan that returns a vector of token pointers. When submitting to Marmoset, if you have chosen C++, you will need to add all of your files to a .zip (or similar archive) and submit that to Marmoset. The STL Quick Reference for CS 241 document outlines the parts of the STL most likely to be of use in CS 241. You are strongly advised to check for pointer-related errors by vetting your programs with valgrind. To do this, run "valgrind program optionsAndArguments" instead of just "program optionsAndArguments" on a Linux or Macintosh computer — valgrind is not available for the Solaris or Windows environments. Marmoset will run your submissions with valgrind as well, and will reject any submission that is reported to leak memory. Be aware that running valgrind increases the execution time of your program by a factor of 5 to 20. Compile a program in C++ using the command "g++ -o asm asm.cc lexer.cc kind.cc". This command will create a file called asm containing the compiled code. Run the program using the command: ./asm