程序代写代做代考 C interpreter mips computer architecture javascript assembler Fortran Java compiler assembly UCCD1133

Introduction to Computer Organisation and Architecture
Chapter 5 Program Execution
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Computer Architecture Levels of Abstraction
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How to Compile & Run a Program
1. Compiler
2. Assembler
3. Linker
4. Loader
High Level Code
Assembly Code
Object File
Object Files Library Files
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How to Compile & Run a Program
High Level Code
Assembly Code
Object File
Source Program
Written by programmer in some formal programming language
Object Program
Equivalent machine language translation of the source program, usually with extension ‘.obj’
Object Files Library Files
Executable Program
Machine language program linked with necessary libraries and other files, usually with extension ‘.exe’
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• Compiler converts a single HLL file into a single assembly file.
• Example:
• Input:foo.c(Ccode) • Output:foo.s(MIPS)
• Programming in HLL
• Allow the programmer to think in a more natural language for their intended use
• Fotran for scientific computation • Cobol for business programming • Lispforsymbolmanipulation
• Java for web programming
• Improve programmer productivity – more understandable code that is easier to design, debug and validate
• Improve program maintainability
• Allow programs to be independent of the computer (compilers and assemblers can translate high-level language programs to the binary instructions of any machine)
• Emergence of optimizing compilers that produce very efficient assembly code optimized for the target machine
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• Most programmers don’t write assembly code for a number of reasons, including:
• Readability: HLL’s are clearer than assembly.
• Portability: Assembly code is ISA specific.
• Productivity: One line of HLL code often takes many lines of assembly, and programmers can write a fixed number of lines of code a day.
• Some reasons to write code in assembly in the real world: • To exploit hardware features that have no analogues in HLL
• there are some things that cannot be expressed in HLL (e.g., I/O, accesses to special registers).
• Programs with speed- and size-critical, in particular, embedded apps
• Humans can out code compilers in certain circumstances (performance and code size).
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Example Program: C Code
int f, g, y; // global
int main(void) {
f = 2;
g = 3;
y = sum(f, g);
return y; }
int sum(int a, int b) {
return (a + b);
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Example Program: MIPS Assembly
.data f: g: y: .text main:
addi $sp, $sp, -4
sw $ra, 0($sp)
addi $a0, $0, 2
sw $a0, f
addi $a1, $0, 3 sw $a1, g jal sum
sw $v0,y
lw $ra, 0($sp)
addi $sp, $sp, 4
jr $ra
# stack frame # store $ra # $a0 = 2 #f= 2
# $a1 = 3 #g= 3
# call sum #y=sum()
# restore $ra # restore $sp # return to OS
add $v0,$a0,$a1 #$v0=a+b jr $ra # return
int f, g, y; // global variables
int main(void)
f = 2;
g = 3;
y = sum(f, g);
return y; }
int sum(int a, int b) { return (a + b);
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• The assembler convert the assembly language code into an object file containing machine language code.
• An assembler
• Reads and uses assembler directives, such as
• .text: subsequent items put in user text segment • .data: subsequent items put in user data segment • .global sym: declares sym as global label
• Replace pseudoinstructions
• Assigns instruction addresses
• Record the addresses of the symbols (labels and global variable names) in the symbol table.
• Create a relocation table to list the items that needs the address later. • Example:lui$4,l.str
• the l.str is a label from somewhere, but don’t know the value yet.
• Produce the machine code and stored it in the object file.
• Example:
• Input:foo.s(MIPS)
• Output:foo.obj(Objectfile)
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• The translation process has two major parts.
• During the first pass, the assembler
• Reads each line of an assembly file.
• If a line begins with a label, records in its symbol table the name of the label and the address of the memory that the instruction occupies.
• During the second pass, the assembler
• Use the symbol table to produces machine code.
• The process is similar to Chapter 4.
• Instructions and data words that reference an external symbol defined in another file cannot be completely assembled.
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Example Program: Symbol Table
addi $sp, $sp, -4
sw $ra, 0($sp)
addi $a0, $0, 2
sw $a0, f
addi $a1, $0, 3
sw $a1, g
jal sum
sw $v0, y
lw $ra, 0($sp)
addi $sp, $sp, 4
jr $ra
# stack frame # store $ra #$a0= 2 #f=2 #$a1= 3 #g=3
# call sum
# y = sum()
# restore $ra
# restore $sp
# return to OS
sum: add $v0,$a0,$a1 #$v0=a+b jr $ra # return
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Example Program: Symbol Table
main: addi $sp, $sp, -4
sw $ra, 0($sp)
# stack frame # store $ra #$a0= 2 #f=2 #$a1= 3 #g=3
# call sum
# y = sum()
# restore $ra # restore $sp # return to OS # $v0 = a + b # return
addi $a0, $0, 2
sw $a0, f
addi $a1, $0, 3
sw $a1, g
jal sum
sw $v0, y
lw $ra, 0($sp)
addi $sp, $sp, 4
jr $ra
add $v0, $a0, $a1
jr $ra
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Object File Format
❑ Object file header: size and position of the other pieces of the object file
❑ Text segment: the machine code for the routines (instructions) in the source file.
Maybe unexecutable because of unresolved references.
❑ Data segment: binary representation of the data in the source file. The data also may be incomplete because of unresolved references to labels in other files.
❑ Relocation information: identifies instructions and data that depend on absolute addresses
j, jal, and some loads and stores (e.g. lw $t1, 100($zero) ) use absolute addresses These references must change if portions of the program are moved in memory.
❑ Symbol table: addresses with external labels in the source file and lists unresolved reference.
❑ Debugging information: contains a concise description of the way the program was compiled for debugging purpose.
A UNIX assembler produces an object file with 6 distinct sections.
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• Most programs are very large and consist of several modules. Even small programs use existing code provided by the programming environment called libraries.
• Assembler only sees one compiled program at a time. It’s the job of the linker to link them together.
• A linker combines several object files into a single executable and resolves absolute addresses.
• It calculates the absolute address of each label to be jumped to (internal or external) and each piece of data being referenced.
• It enables separate compilation of files
• Changes to one file do not require recompiling of whole program
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• A linker
• Merge text / data segments
• Resolve reference
• Search for reference (data or label) in all symbol tables • Ifnotfound,searchlibraryfiles(forexample,printf) • Determinetheabsolutememoryaddresses
• Fill in the absolute address in the machine code.
• Example:
• Inputs: foo.obj, lib.obj • Output: abc.exe
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Executable File Format
Executable file header Text Size Data Size
0x34 (52 bytes) 0xC (12 bytes)
Text segment Address Instruction
0x00400000 0x00400004 0x00400008 0x0040000C 0x00400010 0x00400014 0x00400018 0x0040001C 0x00400020 0x00400024 0x00400028 0x0040002C 0x00400030
0x23BDFFFC 0xAFBF0000 0x20040002 0xAF848000 0x20050003 0xAF858004 0x0C10000B 0xAF828008 0x8FBF0000 0x23BD0004 0x03E00008 0x00851020 0x03E00008
Data segment
Address Data
0x10000000 f 0x10000004 g 0x10000008 y
addi sw addi sw addi sw jal sw lw addi jr add jr
$sp, $sp, -4 $ra, 0 ($sp)
$a0, $0, 2
$a0, 0x8000 ($gp)
$a1, $0, 3
$a1, 0x8004 ($gp) 0x0040002C
$v0, 0x8008 ($gp) $ra, 0 ($sp)
$sp, $sp, -4 $ra
$v0, $a0, $a1 $ra
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Example: Procedure A Object File
Procedure A needs to find the address for the variable labeled X to put in the load instruction and to find the address of procedure B to place in the jal instruction.
lw $a0, xxx($gp) jal B
refer to the address of data word X

instruction that refer to the addresses of procedures B

Procedure B needs the address of the variable labeled Y for the store instruction and the address of procedure A for its jal instruction.
Example: Procedure B Object File
sw $a1, yyy($gp) jal A
refer to the address of data word Y

instruction that refer to the address of procedures A

Example: Executable File
Procedure A
Procedure B
* $gp is initialized to 1000 8000hex
* Recall that MIPS instructions are word aligned, so jal
drops the right two bits to increase the instruction’s address range. Thus, it use 26 bits to create a 28-bit byte address. Hence, the actual address in the lower 26 bits of the jal instruction in this example is 10 0040hex, rather than 40 0100hex.

Static vs Dynamically Linked Libraries
• Statically Linked Library: fastest way to call library routines. Problems:
• if the library has new release, the program still uses the old version (unless recompile if we have the source files)
• When the program runs, the entire library is loaded including unused parts (library can be larger than the main program)
• An alternative is dynamically linked libraries (DLL), common on Windows & UNIX platforms
• Library routines are not linked and loaded until a routine is called during execution. • Only the required routine is linked.
• Use of a dynamic linker-loader.
• Find the desired routine, remap it, and “link” it to the calling routine
• Overall, dynamic linking adds quite a bit of complexity to the compiler, linker, and operating system.
• But, advantages more than disadvantages.

Dynamically Linked Libraries
Space/time issues
▪ + Storing a program requires less disk space
▪ + Sending a program requires less time
▪ + Executing two programs requires less memory (if they share a library) ▪ – At runtime, there’s time overhead to do link
• Upgrades
▪ + Replacing one file upgrades every program that uses that library
• Microsoft’s Windows relies extensively on dynamically linked libraries, and it is also the default when executing programs on UNIX systems today.

• A program that links without error can be run.
• Before being run, the program resides in a file on secondary storage, such as a disk. It needs to be brought into memory, usually by operating system, to start running.
• The operating system loads a program by:
• Reads the executable file’s header to determine the size of the text and data segments.
• Creates a new address space for the program.
• Copies the instruction and data from executable file into the new address space • Copies arguments passed to the program onto the stack
• Initializes the machine registers
• Most registers are cleared.
• Sets $gp to 0x1000 8000 (the middle of the global data segment)
• Sets $sp to 0x7FFF FFFC (the top of dynamic data segment)
• Jump to the beginning of the program • Performajal0x00400000.
• Example:
• Input: abc.exe
• Output: Page <23>

Example Program: In Memory
$sp = 0x7FFFFFFC
$gp = 0x10008000
PC = 0x00400000
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Interpreter vs compiler
❑ Interpreter and compiler are both translator
convert high level language commands into machine code.
❑ A compiler translate the whole code into machine code before running the program.
Compiled programming languages include Java, Fortran and C++.
❑ An interpreter translate one instruction at a time. The CPU execute each instruction before the interpreter moves on to the next instruction.
Unlike compilation, interpretation has
– No linking
– No object code generated
– Source statements executed line by line
Interpreted languages include JavaScript, PHP, Python and Ruby.
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Interpreter vs compiler
Interpretation in one stage.
Compilation and execution in two stages.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Compiler
❑ Advantages
Faster Execution
Single file to execute
Compiler can do better diagnosis of syntax and semantic errors, since it has more info than an interpreter (Interpreter only sees one line at a time)
Can find syntax errors before run program Compiler can optimize code
❑ Disadvantages Harder to debug
Takes longer to change source code, recompile and relink
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Interpreter
❑ Advantages Easier to debug
Faster development time
Interpreter closer to high-level, so can give better error message Provides instruction set independence: can run on any machine
❑ Disadvantages
Slower execution times
No optimization
Need all of source code available
Source code larger than executable for large systems
Interpreter must remain installed while the program is interpreted
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Hybrid System
❑ Nearly all Java language processors conform to this hybrid system.
❑ Java programs are compiled to an intermediate form call bytecodes. Bytecode
programs are executed by a Java virtual machine.
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