程序代写代做代考 Excel CEE 4024: Construction Control Techniques Fall 2020 – Project 1 : Bluebeam

CEE 4024: Construction Control Techniques Fall 2020 – Project 1 : Bluebeam
Introduction :
This project is designed for you to explore the essentials of Bluebeam Revu, the PDF collaboration program designed specifically for the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. For the construction professional, it includes sketch, markup, measurement, and takeoff tools as well as powerful search features specifically designed to work with construction documents.
For this assignment you will follow the Learning Bluebeam 2019 course on linkedinlearning.vt.edu. The course is thought by Jim Rogers . Once you accessed the platform search for the course by using its name and complete the modules before starting the project to become familiar with the tools used. You will complete the steps in this tutorial and submit the generated products as described in the tutorial as a part of the project.
Learning Objectives:
Software Utilized:
Bluebeam Revu Extreme 20
Installation: Please follow the downloading instructions document uploaded in the project folder for detailed steps to install and register the Bluebeam software
Additional Resources:
Linkedin Learning: Bluebeam: Tips and Tricks by Jim Rogers
Bluebeam Official Tutorials: https://support.bluebeam.com/training-videos/ Submission Requirements:
The deliverables should be submitted in a zip file format.
– The name of the file should be lastname_firstname_hw#. – Keep a back-up of all the files that you are submitting.
• Selecting the right version of Bluebeam & Setting up the program
• Creating PDFs
• Document, mark-up, and commenting project plans
• Scaling and take-offs from project plans
• Creating an active punch list and Using Studio Sessions for collaboration

Tasks & Submissions Details (100 Marks) Module 1: Selecting the right version of Bluebeam
Tasks required for this module: None Submissions required for this module: None
Module 2: Initial Program Setup
Tasks Required for this module:
1. Download a custom tool from the Bluebeam support website
2. Create a profile (including the custom tool downloaded) with your name as
discussed in the module
3. Export the profile you have created
Submissions required for this module:
1. Submit the .rpx (Revu profile file) you have created (10 Marks)
Module 3: Creating PDF
Tasks Required for this module:
1. Create a Custom RFI Form Template with your name and Course number CEE 4024 using the markup tools as mentioned in the module.
2. UsethecustomRFITemplateyouhavegeneratedandcreateaRFIfor landscape information as discussed in the module.
3. SavetheRFIyouhavegenerated. Submissions required for this module:
1. Submit the .pdf file you have created (15 Marks)
Module 4: Document, Markup and Commenting
Tasks Required for this module:
1. Use atleast 5 markup tools on the first page and create layers for markups as described in the module.
2. Create a puchlist for carpentry issue and add it to the punchlist layer 3. Savethepdfyouhavegenerated.
Submissions required for this module:
2. Submit the .pdf file you have created (20 Marks)

Module 5: Advanced Search Features Tasks Required for this module:
1. Use the visual search engine to identify number of toilets and the number of washbasins in the set of plans as described in the module by changing the options available to find exact count
2. Create a field report with total count in it and a sample image you have used for search similar to the RFI document
3. Savethefieldreportpdfyouhavegenerated
Submissions required for this module:
1. Submit the .pdf file you have created (15 Marks) Module 6: Scaling and Taakeoffs
Tasks Required for this module:
1. Use different measurement tools and complete the area takeoffs for all the following rooms after completing the module:
a. OfficeRooms
b. ConferenceRooms
2. Export the quantity takeoffs to excel sheet (csv file)
3. Savethepdfyouhavegenerated(setofplans)andtheexcelsheet
Submissions required for this module:
1. Submit the .pdf file you have created with quantity takeoffs(15 Marks)
2. Submit the excel sheet you have generated with quantity takeoffs(10 Marks)
Module 7: Maintaining As-Built Drawings
1. Tasks required for this module: None
2. Submissions required for this module: None
Module 8: Creating an active Punchlist
Tasks required for this module:
1. Usethepunchlisttoolstocreateatleastcoupleofpunchlistandassignitto the relevant contractor as described in the module
2. Create a pdf file which you will send to the respective contractor with details of the issues
3. Savethepdffileyouhavegenerated(fileyougeneratedtosendtocontractor) Submissions required for this module:
1. Submit the .pdf file you have created with punchlist items (15 Marks)