留学生辅导 NC/W19 Lab N 1 LAB N

NC/W19 Lab N 1 LAB N
Automating the Control
Note: We make a RISK-V CPU in which memory architecture is 32 bits. In lecture time we covered a 64 bits RISK-V CPU. Thus, the length of registers are 32 bits as well as memory addressing.
Perform the following groups of tasks:

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1. Create a directory for this lab and copy to it the files cpu.v and ram.dat that were created in the previous lab. Copy also the file LabM10.v and name it LabN1.v.
2. Recall the single cycle RISK-V data path.
3. LabN1 determines the address of the instruction to be executed next (i.e. PCin) based on whether we are jumping, branching, or continuing sequentially. But rather than representing this logic behaviorally in a testing module, let us implement it structurally in a circuit whose output is PCin.
4. Before we proceed, we need to add one more output to our yIF from lab M, i.e., PC, which a register defined in yIF. Here is the completed yIF as follows:

module yIF(ins, PC, PCp4, PCin, clk); output [31:0] ins, PC, PCp4;
input [31:0] PCin;
input clk;
wire zero;
wire read, write, enable; wire [31:0] a, memIn; wire [2:0] op;
register #(32) pcReg(PC, PCin, clk, enable); mem insMem(ins, PC, memIn, clk, read, write); yAlu myAlu(PCp4, zero, a, PC, op);
assign enable = 1’b1; assign a = 32’h0004; assign op = 3’b010; assign read = 1’b1; assign write = 1’b0;
5. But if PCin is an output of a circuit, how can you ever set it in order to fetch the very first instruction of your program? We clearly need a mechanism to force the CPU to stop the current program and switch to another. To that end, let us introduce two new signals: INT, a 1- bit interrupt signal, and entryPoint, a 32-bit signal containing the address to switch to. Our PCin logic now becomes:
//————————Prepare for the next ins if (INT == 1) PCin = entryPoint; else
if (beq && zero == 1)
PCin = PCin + branchImm shifted left twice; else if (jal)
PCin = PCin + jImm shifted left twice; elsePCin = PCp4;
Note that if the interrupt signal INT is set, we fetch the next instruction from address entryPoint thereby affecting a context switch. With this new scheme, PCin is no longer set externally and, hence, can indeed be an output of a circuit.
6. We want to add the following yPC to our cpu:
module yPC(PCin,PC,PCp4,INT,entryPoint,branchImm,jImm,zero, isbranch,isjump);
The yPC component takes 8 inputs and determines PCin accordingly. The jump and branch inputs are simply flags that are set to 1 if the current instruction is a jump or a branch on equal. Here is the block diagram of the component.

NC/W19 Lab N 3
7. To implement this module, we clearly need several multiplexers to choose between alternates. Since we have three nested if statements, we will need three mux’s.
8. The first mux chooses between sequential processing (i.e. PCp4) and branching. Its control signal is the and of branch ad zero; i.e. we branch if this is a beq instruction and its registers are equal. The branch target address, bTarget, is computed by multiplying imm by 4 and adding the result to PCp4.
module yPC(PCin, PC, PCp4,INT,entryPoint,branchImm,jImm,zero,isbranch,isjump);
output [31:0] PCin;
input [31:0] PC, PCp4, entryPoint, branchImm;
input [31:0] jImm;
input INT, zero, isbranch, isjump;
wire [31:0] branchImmX4, jImmX4, jImmX4PPCp4, bTarget, choiceA, choiceB;
wire doBranch, zf;
// Shifting left branchImm twice
assign branchImmX4[31:2] = branchImm[29:0];
assign branchImmX4[1:0] = 2’b00;
// Shifting left jump twice
assign jImmX4[31:2] = jImm[29:0];
assign jImmX4[1:0] = 2’b00;
// adding PC to shifted twice, branchImm
yAlu bALU(bTarget, zf, ?, ?, ?);
// adding PC to shifted twice, jImm
yAlu jALU(jImmX4PPCp4, zf, ?, ?, ?);
// deciding to do branch
and (doBranch, isbranch, zero);
yMux #(32) mux1(choiceA, PCp4, bTarget, doBranch);
yMux #(32) mux2(choiceB, choiceA, jImmX4PPCp4, isjump);
yMux #(32) mux3(?, choiceB, entryPoint, INT);
9. The second mux chooses between the previous mux output (choiceA) and jumping. Its control
signal is isjump. The jump target is calculated from shift left twice of jImm.
10. The third mux chooses between the previous mux output and entryPoint. Its control signal is

4 Lab N NC/W19
11. Replace ? in the yPC module with proper entries.
12. Modify LabN1.v so that it instantiates yPC in addition to the five components it already instantiates. This requires changing PCin from reg to wire and adding declarations for the new signals.
13. In addition, modify the body of LabN1.v so it starts with a context switch to launch our program. Here is the new template:
initial begin //————————————Entry point entryPoint = 32’h28; INT = 1; #1;
//————————————Run program repeat (43) begin
//———————————Fetch an ins clk = 1; #1; INT = 0;
// Temporally set
isjump = 0;
isbranch = 0;
RegWrite = 0; ALUSrc = 1; op = 3’b010; MemRead = 0; MemWrite = 0; Mem2Reg = 0; //———–Set control signals
as before but add isbranch and isjump
//———————————Execute the ins clk = 0; #1;
//———————————View results
//———————————Prepare for the next ins
do nothing!
end $finish; end
Notice that the “Set control signals” section must now detect beq and jal and set the two signals isbranch and isjump accordingly. Note also that the “Prepare for the next ins” section is now empty since its behavioral logic has been promoted to a circuit.
14. Compile and run LabN1. The generated output should be exactly as in the previous lab. Specifically, The last two lines of the output should be:
02802023: rd1= 0 rd2=36 exeOut= 32 zero=0 wb=32
02a02223: rd1= 0 rd2=15 exeOut= 36 zero=0 wb=36
15. Our “Set control signals” section sets seven control signals:
ALUSrc, RegWrite, Mem2Reg, MemRead, MemWrite, isjump, isbranch
(It also sets the 3-bit op signal but let us ignore that for now.) We seek to automate the

NC/W19 Lab N 5 generation of these eight signals by building structural circuits that output them.
16. As a first step toward this goal, let us build the circuit yC1 that takes the opCode as input (i.e. ins[6:0]) and determines if the instruction is load, store, branch-on- equal, jump, or R-type, and outputs islw, isStype (for sw), isbranch, isjump, or isRtype accordingly:
module yC1(isStype, isRtype, isItype, isLw, isjump, isbranch, opCode); output isStype, isRtype, isItype, isLw, isjump, isbranch;
input [6:0] opCode;
wire lwor, ISselect, JBselect, sbz, sz;
// opCode
// SB-Type 1100011
// UJ-Type 1101111
// S-Type 0100011
// Detect UJ-type
assign isjump=opCode[?];
// Detect lw
or (lwor, opCode[?], opCode[?], opCode[?], opCode[?], opCode[?]); not (isLw, lwor);
// Select between S-Type and I-Type
xor (ISselect, opCode[?], opCode[?], opCode[?], opCode[?], opCode[?]); and (isStype, ISselect, opCode[?]);
and (isItype, ISselect, opCode[?]);
// Detect R-Type
and (isRtype, opCode[?], opCode[?]);
// Select between JAL and Branch
and (JBselect, opCode[?], opCode[?]);
not (sbz, opCode[?]);
and (isbranch, JBselect, sbz);
17. Ignoring the first two bits of opcode, which bit is the distinguisher for the jal instruction?
18. Given the given code you can ask the same type of question for each type. Add yC1 to your cpu.v file and replace ? with a proper value.
19. Given you have implemented yC1 properly, save LabN1.v into LabN2.v instantiate an yC1 module, change isjump and isbranch from register to wire and remove all assignment for these two signals. Compile and run your code. You should get the same result as before. If you don’t get the same result, it means you made a mistake in yC1 then you need to revise your module again. Note that yC1 produce isStype, isRtype, isItype and isLw therefore you need to define corresponding wires for them in LanN2.v.

6 Lab N NC/W19
20. Now we seek to set signals for ALUSrc, RegWrite, Mem2Reg, MemRead and MemWrite using the output of yC1. If you pay attention to the RISK-V single cycle data path, given the output of yC1, we can set all these of these signals. Add the following module to your cpu.v file:
yC2(RegWrite, ALUSrc, MemRead, MemWrite, Mem2Reg, isStype, isRtype, isItype, isLw, isjump, isbranch);
output RegWrite, ALUSrc, MemRead, MemWrite, Mem2Reg; input isStype, isRtype, isItype, isLw, isjump, isbranch;
// You need two or gates and 3 assignments;
This module represents the second part of the control unit (hence the C in its name). It takes six of the signals generated by yC1 as input, and generates the six control signals we need.
21. To build this component, we need to implement the logic of the “Set control signals” section in hardware.
22. To that end, we switch from sequential, if-then-else thinking, to parallel, declarative thinking, and ask: What should the value of RegWrite be if you know the instruction type?
23. Complete the module, save LabN2.v into LabN3.v instantiate an yC2 module. In LabN3.v change the definition of RegWrite, ALUSrc, MemRead, MemWrite and Mem2Reg to wire from reg and remove setting of signals in the body of repeat structure. The output should be the same as before meaning control signals are detected and set by yC2.
yIF myIF(ins, PC, PCp4, PCin, clk);
yID myID(rd1, rd2, imm, jTarget, branch, ins, wd, RegWrite, clk);
yEX myEx(exeOut, zero, rd1, rd2, imm, op, ALUSrc);
yDM myDM(memOut, exeOut, rd2, clk, MemRead, MemWrite);
yWB myWB(wb, exeOut, memOut, Mem2Reg);
assign wd = wb;
yPC myPC(PCin, PC, PCp4, INT, entryPoint, branch, jTarget, zero, isbranch, isjump);
assign opCode = ins[6:0];
yC1 myC1(isStype, isRtype, isItype, isLw, isjump, isbranch, opCode);
yC2 myC2(RegWrite, ALUSrc, MemRead, MemWrite, Mem2Reg,
isStype, isRtype, isItype, isLw, isjump, isbranch);
24. In addition, change the declaration of the five control signals from reg to wire and remove their
references from the Our “Set control signals” section:
initial begin //————————————Entry point entryPoint = ?; INT = 1; #1;
//————————————Run program repeat (43) begin
//———————————Fetch an ins clk = 1; #1; INT = 0;
//———————————Set control signals

NC/W19 set only the op signal Lab N 7 //———————————Execute the ins
clk = 0; #1; //———————————View results
//———————————Prepare for the next ins
do nothing!
end $finish; end
Except for op, our CPU has become capable of self-setting the signals it needs.
25. Compile and run LabN2. The generated output should be exactly as in the previous lab.
Specifically, The last two lines of the output should be:
02802023: rd1= 0 rd2=36 exeOut= 32 zero=0 wb=32
02a02223: rd1= 0 rd2=15 exeOut= 36 zero=0 wb=36
26. We now turn our attention to the op signal. This is the hardest control signal to generate because it depends sensitively on the instruction. Indeed, we may need to look at both the opCode (ins[6:0]) and the funct3 (ins[14:12]) before becoming able to determine the correct op value.
27. We overcome the above difficulty by dividing the problem into two and building two back-to-back circuits: The first, yC3, is responsible for non-R-type instructions and the second, yC4, takes care of R-types. These two circuits interact with each other through a new 2-bit signal ALUop as shown in this block diagram:
28. The yC3 circuit must generate ALUop as shown in the table below. Note that since jal doesn’t involve the ALU, it doesn’t matter what operation is performed. Note also that yC3 cannot determine the operation for R-types since it doesn’t see the funct3.
2 ALUop 2 3 op

I lw S sw I addi
SB beq UJ jal
29. Add the following module to your cpu.v file:
addition 00 addition 00 addition 00
subtraction 01 don’t-care xx unknown 10
module yC3(ALUop, isRtype, isbranch); output [1:0] ALUop;
input rtype, isbranch;
// build the circuit
// Hint: you can do it in only 2 lines
30. We now turn our attention to the fourth and last part of our control unit, yC4. This unit sees the funct3 and the ALUop signal generated by yC3 and outputs the 3-bit ALU signal op. Because of this, it is sometimes referred to as the ALU Control Unit. Here is the specification of this unit:
00 don’t-care don’t-care 01 don’t-care don’t-care 10 111 and 10 110 or 10 000 add
addition 010 subtraction 110 conjunction 000 disjunction 001
addition 010
As you can see, this unit operates primarily based on ALUop. If this signal is 00 or 01 then yC4 trusts and findings of yC3 and generates op accordingly. But if ALUop is 10 then yC4 knows that this is an R-type instruction and hence generates op based on the function code.
31. Add the following module to your cpu.v file:
module yC4(op, ALUop, funct3); output [2:0] op;
input [2:0] funct3;
input [1:0] ALUop;
// instantiate and connect endmodule
To implement this circuit, see the diagram discussed below.

NC/W19 Lab N 9 32. Consider the following circuit which is made up of five simple gates:
33. Argue that this circuit does indeed behave as required by the table. At first glance, it may seem impossible that any circuit can sometimes ignore one of its inputs but this one does: funct3 is ignored if ALUop is 00 or 01.
34. Complete the development of yC4. Its body should have exactly eight lines since it is made up of eight primitive gates (2 not, 2 xor, 2 and, 2 or gates).
35. Save LabN3.v as LabN4.v and modify its instantiation section as follows:
yIF myIF(ins, PC, PCp4, PCin, clk);
yID myID(rd1, rd2, imm, jTarget, branch, ins, wd, RegWrite, clk);
yEX myEx(exeOut, zero, rd1, rd2, imm, op, ALUSrc);
yDM myDM(memOut, exeOut, rd2, clk, MemRead, MemWrite);
yWB myWB(wb, exeOut, memOut, Mem2Reg);
yPC myPC(PCin,PC,PCp4,INT,entryPoint,branch,jTarget,zero,isbranch,isjump); assign opCode = ins[6:0];
yC1 myC1(isStype, isRtype, isItype, isLw, isjump, isbranch, opCode);
yC2 myC2(RegWrite, ALUSrc, MemRead, MemWrite, Mem2Reg,
isStype, isRtype, isItype, isLw, isjump, isbranch); yC3 myC3(ALUop, isRtype, isbranch);
assign funct3=ins[14:12];
yC4 myC4(op, ALUop, funct3);
assign wd = wb;

10 Lab N NC/W19
36. In addition, change the declaration of the op signal from reg to wire and remove it from the Our “Set control signals” section:
initial begin
//————————————Entry point entryPoint = ?; INT = 1; #1;
//————————————Run program repeat (43)
//———————————Fetch an ins clk = 1; #1; INT = 0;
//———————————Set control signals
do nothing!
//———————————Execute the ins clk = 0; #1;
//———————————View results
//———————————Prepare for the next ins
do nothing!
end end$finish;
Notice that the control signal section has become empty. The CPU is now capable of executing the program without any assistance from external modules.
37. Compile and run LabN3. The generated output should be exactly as in the previous lab. Specifically, The last two lines of the output should be:
02802023: rd1= 0 rd2=36 exeOut= 32 zero=0 wb=32
02a02223: rd1= 0 rd2=15 exeOut= 36 zero=0 wb=36
38. In this task we repackage our components so as to fully separate the concerns. Let us put all the needed instantiation in one module that represents the CPU chip:
module yChip(ins, rd2, wb, entryPoint, INT, clk); output [31:0] ins, rd2, wb;
input [31:0] entryPoint;
input INT, clk;
In fact, this module needs not have any output (the program makes changes to the registers and to memory) but we have declared ins, wb, and rd2 simply to be able to test it (rd2 helps us test sw).

NC/W19 Lab N 11
39. Add the yChip module to your cpu.v file and complete its development. You simply need to copy all the instantiation lines, along with their corresponding declarations, from LabN4 to the body of this module.
40. Save LabN4 as LabN5.v and modify it by replacing all the instantiated circuits with an instantiation of yChip:
module labN;
reg [31:0] entryPoint; reg clk, INT;
wire [31:0] ins, rd2, wb;
yChip myChip(ins, rd2, wb, entryPoint, INT, clk);
//————————————Entry point entryPoint = ?; INT = 1; #1;
//————————————Run program repeat (43)
//———————————Fetch an ins
clk = 1; #1; INT = 0;
//———————————Execute the ins clk = 0; #1;
//———————————View results $display(“%h: rd2=%2d wb=%2d”, ins, rd2, wb);
end end$finish;
41. Compile and run LabN5. The generated output should be similar to the previous. In particular, the last two lines of the output should be:
02802023: rd2=36 wb=32
02a02223: rd2=15 wb=36

The CPU built in this Lab communicates with the outside world through four channels:
 The clock signal (input)
 The interrupt signal (input)
 The entry point signal (input)
 The BIU (Bus Interface Unit in yIF and yDM) (input and output)
The clock rate is determined based on the longest path that an instruction takes. For the subset we considered, this would be the lw instruction.

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