程序代写 COMP3411/9814 22T1

COMP3411/9814 22T1
Revision and Exam Hints

4-6pm 4 May

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

35 multiple choice questions scaled to 60% of final mark

The tutorial exercises give you the best practice for what questions to expect in the exam, so …
Go over your tutorials and make sure you understand the solutions!
Know your tutorial exercises!

What are the different types of agents and how do they differ? When are different types of agents applicable?

Prolog Programming
Given a program, what is the correct output?
Given an incomplete program, what additional code is needed to get the desired output?

What are the different types of search algorithms?
Order of search
Optimality Complexity
What are their properties?
Can you demonstrate different search algorithms on a simple example?

Constraint Satisfaction
What are the different CSP strategies?
 e.g forward checking, arc consistency
Can you apply them on a small example?

Can you write down the truth table for a formula in propositional logic?
Do you understand what a model is and can you find it for a given formula?
Can you translate a statement in English into logic and vice versa? Do you know how to derive a canonical form?
Can you apply resolution theorem proving to a simple problem?

Do you understand how to represent actions (e.g. STRIPS)
Can you apply a planning algorithm (e.g. forward, backward chaining) to generate a plan?

Reinforcement Learning
Can you explain how Q-learning works?
Can you calculate value functions and Q values?

Decision Trees
Can you calculate the entropy and information gain to work out how to split a node in a decision tree?
Can you calculate errors to decide how to prune a decision tree?

Neural Networks
Given a network and an activation function, can you propagate value through a network to get an output (i.e. forward pass)?
Can you apply the perceptron training rule?

Inductive Logic Programming
Do you understand inverse substitutions?
Can you find the least general generalisation of two clauses? Can you apply DUCE operators?

Can you work out if a sentence is recognised by a grammar or can the grammar generate some sentences?
Can you write a simple Definite Clause Grammar?

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