程序代写代做代考 algorithm flex go kernel graph Introduction to statistical computing in R

Introduction to statistical computing in R
Jennifer Wilcock STAT221 2020 S2 Weeks 7 – 12
The course overall
Covers topics in statistical computing (the use of computers in a statistical context) and computational statistics (computationally intensive statistical methods).
In weeks 1 to 6:
• two topics in statistical computing:
– programming in R
– generating pseudo-random numbers from different distributions • an important area of computational statistics
– Monte Carlo integration and MC simulation
– that make use of these random numbers
In weeks 7 to 12 the focus will be on working with and understanding the structure of observed data:
• histograms and kernel density estimators, for estimating probability densities
• some aspects of statistical graphics in R
• using MC sampling in randomization tests, jack-knife techniques, and bootstrapping, where a given dataset is repeatedly resampled.

Some examples in R
x = rnorm(100)
# display 4 subgraphs in one (2 rows by 2 columns)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
hist(x, main = “Frequency Histogram”)
hist(x, freq = F, main= “Density Histogram”)
hist(x, prob = T, breaks=5, main = “not enough classes”) hist(x, prob = T, nclass = 30, main = “too many classes”)
Frequency Histogram Density Histogram
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
not enough classes too many classes
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −2 −1 0 1 2
• Notice that the argument freq = FALSE can be shortened to freq = F
• Alsothatfreq = Fissameasprob = T
• Another way of specifying the number of bins is to use nclass = 30 instead of breaks = 30
• Many functions in R have arguments which overlap in terms of their functionality, so you can use whichever feels most natural to you
We will start by thinking about what’s on the y-axis
• Frequency histograms count the number of times an observation lands in each bin • Height of the rectangle is proportional to this number
• Denote the frequency count in bin i as fi, with the bin width all equal to h
• Scale for the y-axis is commonly:
# remember to change back to the default layout afterwards (1 row by 1 column)
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
0.0 0.2 0.4
0 10 20
0.0 0.3 0.6
0.0 0.2 0.4

– frequency count fi – “frequency histogram”
– proportion pi = fi – “relative frequency histogram”
– probability density di = fi – “density histogram”
• We know that the total area of the density histogram bins is equal to 1, just like a probability
• In this case, the histogram can be thought of as an estimate of the true probability density
Relative Frequency Histograms in R
• Relative frequency histograms cannot be produced directly using the hist function
• But you can use the hist function to calculate the bin counts, which can then be turned into
proportions and plotted separately
• The plot function has different “methods” of plotting, depending on what is input
• Here it identifies that an object from the hist function is provided so applies the histogram method of plotting
Histogram of x Relative Frequency Histogram
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
H = hist(x)
H$counts = H$counts / sum(H$counts)
plot(H, freq=TRUE, ylab=”Relative Frequency”,
main=”Relative Frequency Histogram”)
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
What’s in a histogram object?
When we stored a histogram as an object, we can see many quantities that R is calculating to generate the histogram
0 5 10 15 20
Relative Frequency
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

x = rnorm(100) H = hist(x)
Histogram of x
−2 −1 0 1 2
H # the name of the object we want to look at
## $breaks
## [1] -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
## $counts
## [1] 1 2121122181313 4 4
## $density
## [1] 0.02 0.04 0.24 0.22 0.44 0.36 0.26 0.26 0.08 0.08
## $mids
## [1] -2.25 -1.75 -1.25 -0.75 -0.25 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 ##
## $xname
## [1] “x”
## $equidist
## [1] TRUE
## attr(,”class”)
## [1] “histogram”
• H$breaks gives the values t1, . . . , tb+1, where b is the number of bins. Every observation should be at least t1 and less than tb+1.
• H$mids gives the midpoint of each bin interval • H$counts gives the frequency counts in each bin • H$density gives the density height of each bin
Overlaying a density histograms with the true density
If we know the true density (for example, because we sampled from it), then it is straightforward to overlay the true probability density function over the top of the density histogram
0 5 10 15 20

x = rnorm(100) hist(x, freq=F)
x.to.plot = seq(-5,5,0.01)
y.to.plot = dnorm(x.to.plot, mean=0, sd=1) lines(x.to.plot, y.to.plot)
Histogram of x
−2 −1 0 1 2
The lines command draws straight lines between points, so to draw a ‘smooth curve’ in R, we just draw straight lines between lots of points that are very close together. Here is the same ‘curve’ with the points further apart:
Histogram of x
hist(x, freq=F)
x.to.plot = seq(-5, 5, 0.4)
y.to.plot = dnorm(x.to.plot, mean=0, sd=1) lines(x.to.plot, y.to.plot)
−2 −1 0 1 2
Density Density
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

There is also a function curve that will do this for you automatically:
hist(x, freq=F)
curve(dnorm(x), from = -2.5, to = 2.5, add = TRUE)
Histogram of x
−2 −1 0 1 2
Now thinking about the x-axis
Plots of the same data can look very different depending on:
• the bin widths used
• the location of the bin starting points
• whether the bins have equal width or not
We will look at a random sample from a gamma distribution and do some frequency histograms with this dataset:
and look at the effect of bin width and bin location. First, we look at varying the bin width/number of bins:
x = rgamma(100, shape = 3, scale = 8)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
hist(x, main = “”, breaks = 3) hist(x, main = “”, breaks = 4) hist(x, main = “”, breaks = 8 ) hist(x, main = “”, breaks = 20)
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
In general:
• more bins gives a rougher appearance
• either too few or too many bins obscures the structure in the data that we are looking to see.
The appearance can also be affected by the location of the bin cutpoints:
x = rgamma(30, shape = 3, scale = 8)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
hist(x, main = “”, breaks = c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80)) hist(x, main = “”, breaks = c(-8, 2, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 82)) hist(x, main = “”, breaks = c(-6, 4, 14, 24, 34, 44, 54, 64, 74, 84)) hist(x, main = “”, breaks = c(-4, 6, 16, 26, 36, 46, 56, 66, 76, 86))
0 10
0 20 40
0 4 8
0 15 30

0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Frequency Frequency
048 048
Frequency Frequency
048 048

Start of lecture 2 material Bin Width Choice
• Typically, intervals in histograms are chosen to be equal in length, but they do not have to be
• We have seen that the appearance of a histogram is affected by both the number of bins and also by the location of the break points.
• We can think of the number and locations of the bins (or breakpoints) as ’parameters’, where we want to find the optimal values of these parameters for a given dataset or sample so that we can
’see’ the structure in the data
• Of these two ’parameters’, the most important is choosing the number of bins, or equivalently how wide each bin should be
Algorithms in hist for choosing the number of bins
• There are three algorithms available in hist for calculating the number of bins for a histogram
• The default algorithm is Sturges rule (Sturges)
• The other two algorithms were developed by Scott (Scott) and by Freedman and Diaconis (or FD)
• Have a look at the help page using ?hist
• The number of bins determines coarseness of histogram
• The more observations you have, the more classes you can have and still get a “reasonable looking” histogram
• So the algorithms will need to depend on the sample size, n.
Sturges Rule
• Recall that the bin width is called h
• A rule designed for symmetric unimodal distributions (e.g. normal distribution):
h = xmax − xmin ⌈1 + log2 n⌉
• or, equivalently, that the best number of bins is given by ⌈1 + log2 n⌉
• Here, the sample size is n, and ⌈y⌉ (the ceiling of y) rounds y up to the next integer:
⌈2.01⌉ = ⌈2.9⌉ = ⌈3⌉ = 3
Sturges Rule in hist
• Sturges rule is a guideline (one of many such ‘Rules of Thumb’) • R uses Sturges rule as a default in the hist function
• However R also modifies the break points given by Sturges rule to make the histogram look “pretty” (the precise definition of this modification is beyond the scope of this course, but you can have a
look at ?pretty)
Lets go back to this example:
x = rnorm(100) hist(x, freq=F)

## [1] -2.2147
## [1] 2.401618
Histogram of x
−2 −1 0 1 2
The minimum and maximum were -2.214700 and 2.401618, so Sturges rule would give a bin width h of h = 2.401618 − (−2.214700) = 0.5770397
⌈1 + log2 100⌉ (max(x)-min(x))/ceiling(1+log2(100))
## [1] 0.5770397
However, R actually modified this to a bin width of 0.5 instead, which makes the x-axis easier to read as it gives rounder numbers.
Breakpoints Specification in R
Suppose you want to overrule R and specify the bins in the histogram? For example, suppose you want to apply Sturges Rule exactly . . .
• We have already seen that the hist function allows the user to specify either the number of classes/bins, or to specify the breakpoints between each bin
• If the break points are t1,t2,…,tb+1, then an observation x belongs to bin i if ti ≤ x < ti+1 • Note that these intervals are left closed and right open • So if an observation falls exactly on breakpoint ti then it will go into the upper bin • However, this convention can be switched to ti < x ≤ ti+1 using the right=TRUE argument Forcing Sturges Rule in R This can be calculated in R using set.seed(1) x = rnorm(100) h = (max(x) - min(x)) / ceiling(1 + log2(100)) # Sturges Rule 10 Density 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 breakpoints = seq(min(x), max(x) + h, h) hist(x, breaks=breakpoints, freq=F) Histogram of x −2 −1 0 1 2 3 x • Notice the trick of the upper limit of the sequence being set to max(x) + h to ensure it is beyond the maximum of the data • If seq(min(x), max(x), h) then the last breakpoint will (usually) be below the maximum of the data We can compare the two plots side-by-side: set.seed(1) x = rnorm(100) h = (max(x) - min(x)) / ceiling(1 + log2(100)) # Sturges Rule breakpoints = seq(min(x), max(x) + h, h) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) hist(x, freq=F, main="Prettified") hist(x, breaks=breakpoints, freq=F, main="Using Sturges rule") 11 Density 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Prettified Using Sturges rule −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 xx par(mfrow=c(1,1)) Area Under Density Histogram The area under a density histogram should be equal to 1. This area is the sum of all rectangles and is: b 􏰉f(ti)h i=1 Recall, that we can use the data stored in the object H once it has been created by R: ## [1] -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 ## [1] 0.02 0.04 0.24 0.22 0.44 0.36 0.26 0.26 0.08 0.08 # to do this calculation. So we can show that this holds empirically using R: sum(H$density * (H$breaks[2] - H$breaks[1])) ## [1] 1 where (H$break[2]-H$break[1]) is the bin width h. Using Histograms to Estimate Densities • Histograms can be interpreted as an estimate of the density function for a continuous random variable 􏰊 # so we were able to use H$breaks H$breaks # and H$density H$density 12 Density 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Density 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 • Height of the bin at a given value on the x-axis is the density estimate • Therefore if there are fi observations in the interval [ti,ti+1), then the estimated density is f(x) = fiI(ti ≤ x < ti+1) 􏰊 nh where h is the bin width and I is an indicator function equal to 1 if the condition in parentheses holds and otherwise 0 (we also stated this on page 3 of these notes). An example • Lets say you want to estimate the density when x = 0.6. • How do you do this from the histogram output in R? • First, find the bin in which x = 0.6 falls, then obtain the height of the bin • This can be read off the histogram graph by eye • But to be more precise, use the histogram object itself: set.seed(1) x = rnorm(100) H = hist(x, freq=F) x.to.find = 0.6 min(which(H$breaks >= x.to.find))
## [1] 8
H$breaks[7:8] ## [1] 0.5 1.0
H$density[7] ## [1] 0.38
Histogram of x
−2 −1 0 1 2
In this case, x = 0.6 is between the 7th and 8th breakpoints which define the interval [0.5, 1), which has density given by :
f(0.6) = H$density[7] = 0.38
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Example with real data: Ages With Unequal Bin Widths
breakpoints=c(16,17,18,19,20,21,25,30,45,65,75) H=hist(survey$Age,breaks=breakpoints) # defaults to density for unequal bins
Histogram of survey$Age
20 30 40 50 60 70
The area is the sum of all rectangles, but now the bin width varies in each bin hi, given by
b 􏰉f(ti)hi i=1
The bin widths aren’t given directly by the hist function, but you can use the diff function to find them:
sum(H$density * diff(H$breaks)) ## [1] 1
Other (Equal) Bin Width Rules of Thumb
• If we know the true density, we can compare the histogram estimate of the density with the true density
• One idea is to measure how close Sturges Rule gets to the true density “on average” across lots of samples (simulations) from a particular population distribution
• If we have different such Rules of Thumb we could determine which one performs best “on average” (see Wikipedia for examples)
• How do we measure the performance?
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30

Mean Integrated Squared Error
• Let’s define the error at any particular x value to be f(x)−f(x) where f(x) is the true density and 􏰊
values of x:
f(x) is the density estimate
• A common measure of performance is the mean integrated squared error (MISE) evaluated over all
􏰋􏰎 ∞ 􏰆 􏰇2 􏰌 􏰊
f(x) − f(x) dx (1) • This measure evaluates the fit of the estimated density to the true density, but averaged (hence the
expectation) over all possible samples from the population distribution
Discussion of the MISE
• You’ve already seen the mean squared error (MSE). The MSE is useful for measuring performance for single parameters, but is not directly suitable for functions
• Hence the need for the integration in the MISE
• Note also that the true density f(x) is not random, but f(x) is random as it depends on the
randomly selected sample even for fixed x 􏰊
• For example, for x = 0.6, f(0.6) is random as it depends on the randomly selected sample data that went to make up the density histogram

Start of lecture 3 material
Other (Equal) Bin Width Rules of Thumb
• Minimizing the MISE for the normal density (by choosing optimal bin widths) resulted in Scott’s Normal Reference Rule for choosing bin width:
h = 3 . 5 × σ􏰊 n1/3
• This normal reference rule is sensitive to outliers, due to the use of the sample standard deviation σ􏰊
• The Freedman-Diaconis Rule replaces the 3.5σ􏰊 with twice the interquartile range (2 ∗ IQR) which
is more robust to outliers:
h = 2 × IQR n1/3
• There are many others! See Wikipedia page on “histogram” for more examples
Which Rule of Thumb to Use?
• There is no master rule telling you which Rule of Thumb to use
• A rule of thumb is that the Sturges rule produces fewer bins than Scott’s, and Scott’s produces fewer than Freedman-Diaconis, at least when the underlying distribution is normal or exponential
• But this is just a rule of thumb and for particular dataset/population distribution there will be exceptions
• In practice, statisticians often plot the histogram a few times using different numbers of bins until it ‘looks right’
• What do we mean by ‘looks right’?
– need bin width large enough so the general shape (bell shaped, skewed, heavy tailed, one or more modes, etc.) of the underlying density can be visualised; and
– sufficiently small to visualise the sample variation, so that the detail of the sample uncertainty is not lost
A few extra good points, raised by students
• Just like with the density histogram, the area under a relative frequency plot is equal to one. However the height of the bins in a density histogram gives the density, but the height of the bins in a relative frequency plot is only equal to the density when the width of the bins is equal to one.
• In R we can use either = or <- for ‘assigning’ things, but they mean exactly ythe same thing and you can use either. The modern, up to date thing to write is =, but people who have been using R for a long time often use <-. This is because the software people used before R (called S+, and before that S) used <- so this was also carried over to R. <- is a bit more flexible since you can also write assignments in the opposite direction, using ->.
## [1] 10
## [1] 11
## [1] 12
v = 10 v
v <- 11 v 12 -> v v

• I mentioned ‘generic’ functions in lecture 2. These are frequently used functions such as plot, summary, and print, that work on many different kinds of ‘objects’. These generic functions work by looking for the ‘class’ of the object, and then doing the appropriate thing for that class. You can see all of the available methods for a generic function by using the R function methods, for example:
## [1] summary.aov
## [3] summary.aspell*
## [5] summary.connection
## [7] summary.Date
## [9] summary.ecdf*
## [11] summary.glm
## [13] summary.lm
## [15] summary.loglm*
## [17] summary.matrix
## [19] summary.negbin*
## [21] summary.packageStatus*
## [23] summary.POSIXct
## [25] summary.ppr*
## [27] summary.princomp*
## [29] summary.rlang_error*
## [31] summary.rlm*
## [33] summary.srcref
## [35] summary.stl*
## [37] summary.tukeysmooth*
## see ‘?methods’ for accessing help and source code

Variations of the histogram
There are several variations aimed at improving the basic histogram for density estimation, and we will look briefly at a few of these.
The most common is the frequency polygon, covered next. The aim here is to ‘smooth’ the histogram by connecting points on it by a continuous curve. The simplest approach being the frequency polygon.
Another method is the average shifted histogram, or ASH, which is also briefly covered. This is intended to overcome the problem of the appearnace of a histogram being sensitive to the location of the bins.
A third is the histospline. This is constructed by interpolating knots of the empirical CDF with a cubic spline, and then differentiating this spline (and isn’t discussed any further in this course).
Finally, kernel estimators, where the bins (or kernels) are centred on each data point, and have different shapes. Here the problem of the choice of the location of the bins doesn’t arise, although there is still the problem of having to decide which shape of kernel to use).
Frequency polygons
• Histograms are not very good density estimators as they are discontinuous
• An obvious alternative, therefore, is to use frequency polygons which are continuous. For example
Frequency polygon
x = rnorm(100)
H = hist(x, breaks=5, freq=F, main=”Frequency polygon”, xlim=c(-4,4))
lines(H$mid, H$density, lwd=2, col=”blue”)
−4 −2 0 2 4
• For a frequency polygon, you can evaluate f(xi), for each xi that is at the midpoint of an interval [ti,ti+1), and connect this points with straight lines (i.e., linear interpolation)
• The vertices of the polygon are at the values (H$mids, H$density) from the histogram object
This is very basic, but is ‘smoother’ than the histogram itself, so possibly an improvement.
The result from the line plot at the ends is not quite right, however, as the frequency polygon should come down to zero. Probably the easiest way to resolve this problem is to add more bins, so that the first and last bins have a count of zero.
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

x = rnorm(100)
H = hist(x, breaks=seq(-5,5), freq=F, main=”Extra Breaks Added”)
lines(H$mid, H$density, lwd=2, col=”blue”)
Extra Breaks Added
We could also include a greater number of bins . . .
−4 −2 0 2 4
par(mfrow = c(1,2)) set.seed(1)
x = rnorm(100)
H = hist(x, breaks=seq(-5,5, 0.5), freq=F, main=”Extra Breaks Added”)
lines(H$mid, H$density, lwd=2, col=”blue”)
H = hist(x,breaks=5,freq=F,main=”Original plot”,xlim=c(-4,4)) lines(H$mid, H$density, lwd=2, col=”blue”)
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Extra Breaks Added Original plot
−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
There are also methods to optimize bin widths for frequency polygons rather than histograms, which we
don’t cover but which you can investigate yourself.
Average shifted histogram
This is implemented in the package ash, and is a method developed by Scott.
## $x
## [1] -4.90000000 -4.70000000 -4.49999999 -4.29999999 -4.09999999 -3.89999998
## [7] -3.69999998 -3.49999998 -3.29999997 -3.09999997 -2.89999997 -2.69999997
## [13] -2.49999996 -2.29999996 -2.09999996 -1.89999995 -1.69999995 -1.49999995
## [19] -1.29999994 -1.09999994 -0.89999994 -0.69999994 -0.49999993 -0.29999993
## [25] -0.09999993 0.10000008 0.30000008 0.50000008 0.70000008 0.90000009
## [31] 1.10000009 1.30000009 1.50000010 1.70000010 1.90000010 2.10000011
## [37] 2.30000011 2.50000011 2.70000011 2.90000012 3.10000012 3.30000012
## [43] 3.50000013 3.70000013 3.90000013 4.10000014 4.30000014 4.50000014
## [49] 4.70000014 4.90000015
## $y
## [1] 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
## [7] 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.001215121
## [13] 0.006270626 0.020372035 0.045934591 0.079957992 0.116066602 0.156690662
## [19] 0.201725164 0.250360022 0.306195604 0.360351018 0.398514833 0.415361517
## [25] 0.405820566 0.370237003 0.322667250 0.273492335 0.229852972 0.199534942
x <- rnorm(100) ab <- c(-5,5) bins <- bin1(x, ab, 50) f <- ash1(bins, m=5) f # data # bin interval # bin x into 50 bins over ab # where m is a smoothing parameter 20 Density 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Density 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 ## [31] 0.173522343 0.146444635 0.124887482 0.107680762 0.089558950 0.071857182 ## [37] 0.053975395 0.036783676 0.022127211 0.010111010 0.002430242 0.000000000 ## [43] 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 ## [49] 0.000000000 0.000000000 ## ## $m ## [1] 5 ## ## $ab ## [1] -5 5 ## ## $kopt ## [1] 2 2 ## ## $ier ## [1] 0 hist(x, freq=F, xlim=c(-3,3)) lines(f$x, f$y) Histogram of x −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 x • This method aims to overcome the problem of the appearance of a histogram being sensitive to the location of the bins (rather than the width (or ‘shape’) of the bins)) • The estimate of the density at a given point is taken to be the average of several histograms with equal bin widths but different bin locations. • This method has good statistical properties and is computationally efficient in the multivariate case. 21 Density 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Kernel density estimation Key concepts • The frequency polygons are not very smooth, whereas in real life applications we expect the underlying probability density function to be smoothed. • The idea with a kernel density estimator is to spread the mass of each sample data point out smoothly using a small “kernel” centred on each datapoint • The contribution from each small kernel is then summed up to give the density estimate set.seed(1) n=10 x=rnorm(n) h=0.25 plot(x, rep(0,n), ylim=c(0,1), xlim=c(-2.5, 2.5),xlab="x", ylab="Density") x.to.plot=seq(-5, 5, 0.01) for (i in 1:n) { lines(x.to.plot, dnorm(x.to.plot, x[i],h)/n, col="red") lines(rep(x[i], 2), c(0, dnorm(x[i], x[i], h))/n, lty=2) } temp <- function(x.to.plot){mean(dnorm(x.to.plot, x, h))} lines(x.to.plot, sapply(x.to.plot, temp), col="blue") Density 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 −2 −1 0 1 2 x KDE Derivation (NOT EXAMINABLE) • To derive the theory for the kernel density estimator, we have to go back some first year definitions • Let X be a continuous random variable with cdf given by F(x) then the density is defined as f(x) • Given a sample of data X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn then the cdf is naturally estimated using F􏰊 ( x ) = 1 􏰉 I ( X i ≤ x ) n We start by thinking about the ECDF: 22 set.seed(2) n=10 x=sort(rnorm(n)) allx=c(-100,x,100) y=(1:n)/n ally=c(0,y,1) plot(allx,ally,xlim=c(-2.5,2.5),ylim=c(-0.05,1.05),xlab="x",ylab="cdf F(x)",type="s") points(x,y,pch=19) points(x,c(0,y[-n])) rug(x) −2 −1 0 1 2 x The derivative of this estimator is useless since it is just mass points at each datapoint, and it is not a continuous density function as needed. Instead, let’s consider a local linear approximation to the derivative of F􏰊(x), for some small h > 0: f(x)= F􏰊(x+h)−F􏰊(x−h)
The numerator is a proportion of the datapoints in the interval (x − h, x + h]:
F􏰊(x+h)−F􏰊(x−h) = =
and so the density derivative becomes
number of points in (x−h,x+h] n
􏰈I(x−h 1.
cdf F(x)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Equation (2) is called a kernel density estimator.
Examples of kernels
Commonly the Gaussian density function is used as the kernel, but there are a huge number of kernels people use. A selection of the most commonly used kernels are plotted below.
xx = seq(-2, 2, 0.01)
plot(xx, kdgaussian(xx), type = “l”, col = “black”,ylim = c(0, 1.4),xlab=”u”,ylab=”k(u)”) lines(xx, kduniform(xx), col = “grey”)
lines(xx, kdtriangular(xx), col = “blue”)
lines(xx, kdepanechnikov(xx), col = “darkgreen”)
lines(xx, kdbiweight(xx), col = “red”)
lines(xx, kdtriweight(xx), col = “purple”)
lines(xx, kdtricube(xx), col = “orange”)
lines(xx, kdparzen(xx), col = “salmon”)
lines(xx, kdcosine(xx), col = “cyan”)
lines(xx, kdoptcosine(xx), col = “goldenrod”)
legend(“topright”, c(“Gaussian”, “uniform”, “triangular”, “Epanechnikov”,
“biweight”, “triweight”, “tricube”, “Parzen”, “cosine”, “optcosine”), lty = 1, col = c(“black”, “grey”, “blue”, “darkgreen”, “red”, “purple”, “orange”,
“salmon”, “cyan”, “goldenrod”))
Gaussian uniform triangular Epanechnikov biweight triweight tricube Parzen cosine optcosine
−2 −1 0 1 2
We will use a package called evmix in R to implement kernel density estimation, since this was written by a staff member at UC who has very recently left, Carl Scarrott.
Kernel Density Estimator
The kernel density estimator (given by equation (2) in the derivation earlier) is
1􏰉 􏰀Xi−x􏰁 f(x) = k
1. non-negative k(u) ≥ 0 􏰎∞
k(u)du = 1 3. symmetry k(−u) = k(u)
0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2
nh h where the kernel function k(·) usually has the properties:
2. integrates to one

Usually the kernel function is a valid probability density function. h is the ‘bandwidth’, and acts as a smoothing parameter.
Some definitions of kernels
All the kernels shown in the plot are defined on u where u is [−1, 1], and are zero outside of this range. The only exception is the Gaussian kernel which is defined on the whole real line.
Common functions for k(u) are
rectangular triangular biweight
Epanechnikov cosine
exp(−u /2)

2π 1
1 − |u|
15(1−u2)2 16
3(1−u2) 4
π cos􏰆πu􏰇 42
An example using the rectangular kernel
• The rectangular kernel function k(·) is the density function for the Uniform distribution on [−1, 1], and is given by:
􏰍 1/2 for|u|≤1 k(u) = 0 for |u| > 1.
• The area under each kernel between (x − h, x + h] is given by h, so the sum in Equation (2) is 1, so it is a density.
The following example simulates 20 datapoints from a standard Normal and calculates the kernel density estimate. A rectangular kernel is used with the bandwidth h set to h = 0.25. Also plotted is the corresponding density histogram with default settings.
set.seed(1) n = 20
x = rnorm(n)
h = 0.25
x.to.plot = seq(-4,4,0.001)
y.to.plot = dkden(x.to.plot, x, h, kernel=”rectangular”)
# kernel density estimator
plot(x.to.plot, y.to.plot, type=”l”,xlab=”x”,ylab=”Density”, ylim=c(0,0.75),
main = “KDE of x”)
rug(x) # adds a tickmark on x axis where each datapoint is located
# density histogram
hist(x, freq=F, xlim=c(-4,4), ylim=c(0,0.75))

KDE of x Histogram of x
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
The rectangular kernel gives quite a rough appearance to the kernel density estimator.
An example comparing different kernels
Here we use a range of different kernels with a small simulated dataset. The bandwidth h = 0.3 is the same in all cases.
set.seed(1) n = 20
x = rnorm(n)
h = 0.3
x.to.plot = seq(-4, 4, 0.001)
plot(x.to.plot, dkden(x.to.plot,x,h, kernel=”triangular”), col=”blue”,type=”l”, ylim=c(0,0.8),xlab=”x”,ylab=”Density”)
lines(x.to.plot, dkden(x.to.plot,x,h, kernel=”epanechnikov”), col=”darkgreen”) lines(x.to.plot, dkden(x.to.plot,x,h, kernel=”biweight”), col=”red”) lines(x.to.plot, dkden(x.to.plot,x,h, kernel=”triweight”), col=”purple”) lines(x.to.plot, dkden(x.to.plot,x,h, kernel=”tricube”), col=”orange”) lines(x.to.plot, dkden(x.to.plot,x,h, kernel=”parzen”), col=”salmon”) lines(x.to.plot, dkden(x.to.plot,x,h, kernel=”cosine”), col=”cyan”) lines(x.to.plot, dkden(x.to.plot,x,h, kernel=”optcosine”), col=”goldenrod”) rug(x)
legend(“topright”, c(“triangular”, “Epanechnikov”,
“biweight”, “triweight”, “tricube”, “Parzen”, “cosine”, “optcosine”),
lty = 1, col = c(“blue”, “darkgreen”, “red”, “purple”, “orange”,

“salmon”, “cyan”, “goldenrod”))
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
−4 −2 0 2 4
We can see that the KDE is essentially the same for all the kernels.
triangular Epanechnikov biweight triweight tricube Parzen cosine optcosine

Start of lecture 4 material
Choice of bandwidth h is critical
As in histogram estimation, it turns out that the bandwidth (like the bin width) is the parameter that
has the most effect of the appearance of the kernel density estimator.
Optimal bandwidths have been derived for different situations using the MISE as a criterion.
We can see the effect of changing the bandwidth in the following plot, each using the same default kernel and the same dataset.
set.seed(1) n=20 x=rnorm(n)
x.to.plot=seq(-4, 4, 0.0001)
par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
plot(x.to.plot, dkden(x.to.plot,x,0.05), main=”Bandwidth h=0.05″,
type=”l”, ylim=c(0,1.1),xlab=”x”,ylab=”Density”) plot(x.to.plot, dkden(x.to.plot,x,0.1), main=”Bandwidth h=0.1″,
type=”l”, ylim=c(0,1.1),xlab=”x”,ylab=”Density”) plot(x.to.plot, dkden(x.to.plot,x,0.3), main=”Bandwidth h=0.3″,
type=”l”, ylim=c(0,1.1),xlab=”x”,ylab=”Density”) plot(x.to.plot, dkden(x.to.plot,x,1), main=”Bandwidth h=1″,
type=”l”, ylim=c(0,1.1),xlab=”x”,ylab=”Density”)
Bandwidth h=0.05 Bandwidth h=0.1
−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
Bandwidth h=0.3 Bandwidth h=1
−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
par(mfrow=c(1, 1)) We can see that:
• The bandwidth of h = 0.05 is undersmoothing as there is too much variation 28
0.0 0.6
0.0 0.6
0.0 0.6
0.0 0.6

• The bandwidth of h = 1 is oversmoothing as there is too little variation • The bandwidth of h = 0.3 seems about right.
Bandwidths in different R packages
There are lots and lots of packages in R that do kernel density estimation.
Minimising the MISE is difficult to do, so that many methods have been developed to this task, leading to these packages.
The different packages are optimised for different tasks. Some are very computationally efficient – they may be very fast for low dimensional problems, or capable of handing high dimensions. Some may be slower but more accurate.
Popular packages/functions include:
• density, which is part of the base installation of R, and does univariate density estimation • ks
• KernSmooth
• np
• sm
• GenKern
• kerdiest
plus many more.
However these packages differ primarily in terms of how they specify and select the bandwidth, so care needs to be taken when specifying the bandwidth, because of these different definitions.
For example, if We look at the differences between the definitions used in the kernel density estimates from the:
• inbuilt density function and
• dkden function from the evmix library
then they are different (for all kernels except the Gaussian kernel), despite the user specifying the same
bandwidth value.
For example, we can compare the bi-weight kernel, which is
xx = seq(-2, 2, 0.01)
plot(xx, kdbiweight(xx), type = “l”, col = “red”, ylim = c(0, 1.4),xlab=”u”,ylab=”k(u)”)

−2 −1 0 1 2
If we specify the bandwidth as h = 0.2 then we get:
library(evmix) set.seed(1) x=rnorm(10) h=0.2
# Use inbuilt density function
y = density(x, bw = h, kernel=”biweight”, from=-4, to=4) plot(y, col=”red”, main=”biweight kernel”, ylim=c(0,1)) # use evmix
x.to.plot = seq(-4, 4, 0.01)
y.to.plot = dkden(x.to.plot, x, h, kernel=”biweight”) lines(x.to.plot, y.to.plot, col=”blue”)
0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2

biweight kernel
−4 −2 0 2 4
N = 10 Bandwidth = 0.2
However, comparing the Gaussian kernel density plots, we can see that they are the same:
library(evmix) set.seed(1) x=rnorm(10) h=0.2
# Use inbuilt density function
y = density(x, h, kernel=”gaussian”, from=-4, to=4) plot(y, col=”red”, main=”normal kernel”, ylim=c(0,1)) # use evmix
y.to.plot = dkden(x.to.plot, x, h, kernel=”gaussian”) lines(x.to.plot, y.to.plot, col=”blue”, lty=2)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

normal kernel
−4 −2 0 2 4
N = 10 Bandwidth = 0.2
We have just compared two packages/functions here, but these differences are true in general.
The most common bBandwidth specification
The most common definition of the bandwidth is the value h in equation (2) above:
1􏰉 􏰀Xi−x􏰁 f(x) = k
nh h
Given all the kernels (except the Gaussian) listed on page 25 are only defined on |u| ≤ 1 then on the
original x-scale they are bounded between [xi − h, xi + h] around each datapoint xi
The following graph is a KDE for a single datapoint at x = 0 using a rectangular kernel and bandwidth 0.2, using the package evmix:
library(evmix) x=0
h = 0.2
x.to.plot = seq(-1, 1, 0.001)
y.to.plot = dkden(x.to.plot, x, h, kernel=”rectangular”)
plot(x.to.plot, y.to.plot, type=”l”, col=”blue”, main=”evmix dkden function”)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

evmix dkden function
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
The evmix package by default uses the definition of the bandwidth given above (with the bandwidth argument called lambda), so that the density has a height of 2.5 = 1 which is the reciprocal of twice the
2h bandwidth (i.e. the range over which the kernel mass is spread).
We can compare this to the plot when we use the density function, but with the bandwidth also set to be $0.2):
y = density(x, h, kernel=”rectangular”, from=-1, to=1, n=10000) plot(y, col=”red”, main=”density function”)

density function
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
N = 1 Bandwidth = 0.2
An alternative bandwidth specification
The problem with the usual definition is that each kernel has different “spread”.
A common alternative is to specify bandwidth as number of “standard deviations” of the kernel function itself.
Table of kernel variances below given on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_(statistics)
Gaussian rectangular triangular biweight Epanechnikov cosine
1 − 8/π2
This is the bandwidth definition in the density function. Consequences of this alternative bandwidth
The Gaussian kernel has standard deviation 1, and the two bandwidth definitions are the same in this case.
This is why the lower graph comparing the Gaussian kernels is same for evmix library and density function.
However, the rectangular kernel has standard deviation 1/ 3 (sd = var). As a consequence, a bandwidth of 0.2 given to the density function equates to the usual bandwidth being:
h= √ =0.346
1/ 3
This is why the KDE is spread over [−0.346, 0, 346] with a height of 1/2h = 1.443.

Bandwidth Specification in R Functions
The bandwidth argument for the density function is bw. The functions in the evmix library can take both definitions:
• lambda – usual bandwidth h from eq. (2)
• bw – kernel standard deviations
The evmix library has functions to convert between them:
• klambda – convert bw to lambda
• kbw – convert lambda to bw
Fow example, the following demonstrates how the bandwidth value can be converted between these
different definitions, using evmix:
library(evmix) set.seed(1)
n = 10
x = rnorm(n) bw = 0.4
# Use inbuilt density function
y = density(x, bw, kernel=”biweight”, from=-4, to=4) plot(y, col=”red”, main=”biweight kernel”)
# Convert bw to lambda equivalent
h = klambda(bw, kernel=”biweight”)
# Use evmix function with usual bandwidth
x.to.plot = seq(-4, 4, 0.01)
y.to.plot = dkden(x.to.plot, x, lambda = h, kernel=”biweight”) lines(x.to.plot, y.to.plot, col=”blue”, lty=2)
biweight kernel
−4 −2 0 2 4
N = 10 Bandwidth = 0.4
The plots now overlay each other because the bandwidths are equivalent.
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4