程序代写代做代考 graph C algorithm SCC Algorithms

SCC Algorithms
September 29, 2020
1 Strongly Connected Components
We say that a directed graph G = (V, E) is strongly connected if for every pair of vertices u and v, there is a path from u to v and there is a path from v to u.
Let G = (V, E) be a directed graph. We say that a set of vertices V ′ ⊂ V is a strongly connected component of G if the following holds.
1. For every pair of vertices u and v in V ′, there is a path from u to v that goes through only vertices in V ′, and here is a path from v to u that goes through only vertices in V ′.
2. There is no super set V ′′ of V ′ with the following property: For every pair of vertices u and v in V ′′, there is a path from u to v that goes through only vertices in V ′′, and here is a path from v to u that goes through only vertices in V ′′.
Given a directed graph G = (V, E) our goal is to identify all strongly connected components of G. Consider the following graph with 6 vertices A, B, C, D, E, F . With following edges: A to B, B to C, C to A, D to E, E to F, F to D, B to D. This graph has two SCC’s: A,B,C and D,E,F.
Before we derive at our algorithm, we start with the following observation:
LetV′ beaSCCofgivengraph: Foreveryvertexu∈V′,weifmakethecallDFS(G,u)then this procedure will discover every vertex in V ′.
For example, consider the above graph: If we make DFS(G,D) then it will mark vertices D, E, and F. This suggests the following initial algorithm to compute SCC: Pick a vertex v and call DFS(G,v). Collect all the vertices marked. This is one SCC of the graph. Now pick another (unmarked) vertex u and call DFS(G,u), and collected all vertices marked. This is another SCC of the graph. Repeat this process.
Let us see how this algorithm works on our example graph: Suppose we first pick D and call DFS(G,D). This will mark D, E and F. Thus {D,E,F} is a component of G. Now pick another unmarked vertex, say B, and call DF S(G, B). This will mark A, B, C which is another component.
Even though the above algorithm seems to be correct, there is a caveat. Suppose that the first DFS call we make is DFS(G,B). What happens? This procedure will mark all vertices of the graph. Clearly {A,B,C,D,E,F} is not a SCC.
Our algorithm works when the first DFS call we make is DFS(G,D) and does not work if the first call we make if DFS(G,B). How can we know which DFS call should be made first? For the algorithm to work correctly, we must first start DFS from a vertex in the bottom most component, next from a vertex in the next bottom most component and so on. Thus our first goal is to determine an order in which DFS call should be made so that our algorithm works. Thus our algorithm to compute SCC consists of 2 steps

Step 1. Compute an ordering of vertices
Step 2. Perform DFS based on this ordering to compute SCC.
We will again use DFS to compute an ordering! Below is an algorithm. This algorithm assigns a number to each vertex which is exactly the finish time of DFS on that vertex. Given a graph G let Gr be a graph in which every edge direction is reversed.
Compute Order Algo
1. InputG=(V,E).
2. ComputeGr =(V,Er).
3. Set Discover[u] to F for every u ∈ V .
4. counter = 0;
5. Foreveryx∈V
• if Disvover[x] is F, Call FinishDFS(Gr,x).
Procedure FinishDFS(G,v)
1. Discover[x] = T ;
2. For every y such that ⟨x,y⟩ ∈ E
(a) if Discover[y] is F, DFS(G,y).
3. counter++;
4. FinishTime[x] = counter;
The above algorithm assigns a finish time to each vertex. Note that vertex x for which DFS(Gr,x) finishes first will have a finish time of 1. In general, if DFS(Gr,x) finishes before DFS(Gr,y), then FinishTime(x) < FinishTime(y). Now we are ready to give the algorithm to compute SCCs of a graph. SCC Algo 1. Input directed graph G = (V, E). 2. Call ComputeOrder(G). 3. Let v1, v2, · · · vn be the ordering vertices of v such that F inishT ime(vi) > F inishT ime(vi+1).
4. Set Discover[u] to F for every u ∈ V .
5. for i in range [1,···,n], if Discover[vi] is F
• SetS=∅.
• SccDFS(G,vi).

• Output S.
where SccDFS is the following algorithm; Procedure SccDFS(G,x)
1. Mark v;
2. S=S∪{x}.
3. For every y such that ⟨x,y⟩ ∈ E
• if u is unmarked, DF S(G, u).
The run time of this algorithm is O(m + n).
We will now prove the correctness of the above algorithm. For this we will consider component graph of G. Let C1,C2,···Cl be SCC’s of G. We say that there is an edge from Ci to Cj, if there exists a vertex x ∈ Ci and a vertex y ∈ Cj such that ⟨x,y⟩ is an edge of G. A component that has no edges to any other component is called bottom most/sink component.
We make two observations.
Observation 6. If we start DFS(G,x) from a vertex x ∈ Ci, then it will discover every vertex of Ci.
Observation 7. If there is an edge from Ci to Cj, then there is no edge from Cj to Ci. Observation 8. If Ci is a SCC in G, then Ci is a SCC in Gr.
Claim If there is an edge from Ci to Cj, then there is a vertex in Cj whose finish time is higher
than the finish time of every vertex from Ci (when DFS was performed on the reverse graph). Proof. We consider two cases.
Case 1: First vertex (among the vertices of Ci and Cj) on which DFS is called belongs to Ci.
Let that vertex be u. By observation 8, Ci is a SCC in Gr. By observation 6, DFS(Gr,u) will discover every vertex of Ci. By observation 7, since there is no edge from Ci to Cj (in the reverse graph), DFS(Gr,u) will not call DFS on any vertex from Cj. Thus every DFS is finished on every vertex from Ci before we start DFS on any vertex from Cj. Thus the claim holds.
Case 2. First vertex (among the vertices of Ci and Cj) on which DFS is called belongs to Cj. Let that vertex be u. What happens when we do DFS(Gr,u). At some time this will make a call call to DFS(Gr,x) such that there is an edge from x to a vertex y in Cj (note that such a vertex x must exist). When this happens, DFS(Gr,x) will attempt to call DFS(Gr,y). If y were already discovered, then it must be the case that at some time DFS(Gr,z) is called for some z ∈ Ci. This will discover every vertex from Ci and DFS is finished on every vertex from Ci. Thus finish time of x is more than the finish time of every vertex from Ci. If y were not discovered, then DFS(Gr,y) will be made. Again, every vertex of Ci will be discovered and will be finished before control comes back to x. Thus again, finish time of x is more than the finish time of every vertex from Ci.
The correctness of the algorithm follows from the above claim. Think about it.

2 Tarjan’s SCC Detection Algorithm
Basic Definitions & Background. You have already read and learned about the depth-first exploration (we will refer DFS explore). The basic idea is to recursively “explore” from vertices that are yet to be marked visited/discovered. We will associated with each vertex two properties: starttime and finishtime–they represent the order in which the recursive call to the vertex initiates and terminates, respectively. Initially, both starttime and finishtime of all vertices are undefined. Given a directed graph G = (V, E), its DFS exploration is encoded as follows:
1. cnt = 0;
2. for all v in V
3. if v does not have starttime then
4. DFS(v);
5. DFS(v)
10. endtime(v) = cnt; cnt++;
starttime(v) = cnt; cnt++; forallv-> v’
if v’ does not have starttime then
Note that, not all edges of G results in a recursive call (Lines 7–9). The edges that results in recursive calls are referred to as tree edges; these edges constitute the DFS-tree resulting from the DFS exploration of the graph. There are three other types of edges:
1. forward edge: an edge from a vertex u to its descendent v in the DFS-tree. (starttime(u) < starttime(v) and finishtime(v) < finishtime(u)); 2. backward edge (backedge): an edge from a vertex u to its ancestor v in the DFS-tree (dual of forward edge condition); 3. cross edge: any edge that is not a tree, forward or backward edge. This type of edge does not connect ancestor-descendants in the DFS-tree. Overview of the algorithm Tarjan’s SCC algorithm will use backedges to identify candidate vertices that belong the same SCC. We will proceed by introducing couple of concepts/properties that are central to understanding the algorithm. These concepts are defined in the context of DFS exploration. Given a graph G = (V, E) containing C1, C2, . . . , Ck strongly connected components (SCCs), for a DFS exploration of the graph 1. the entry-vertex of an SCC is the first vertex in that SCC that is visited in the DFS explo- ration. That is, the starttime of the entry-vertex in an SCC is smaller than that of any other vertices in the same SCC. 2. the index(v) is the starttime of the vertex v and the lowlink(v) is the smallest index of vertex u, an ancestor1 of v in the DFS tree, that v may reach. 1ancestor relationship of a vertex includes itself. 4 Based on the above concepts, the following claims hold true (WLOG self-loops are not considered). Claim 1 For a DFS exploration, there is exactly one entry vertex per SCC. Why? Claim 2 In a DFS exploration, for any entry vertex v, if v belongs to a non-trivial SCC (containing more than one vertex), there is a backedge to v. For a non-trivial SCC C, in a DFS exploration if v is the entry vertex, then it must be reachable from at least one other vertex u in C. As u and v belongs to the same SCC, and v is the entry vertex in the DFS exploration, u is reachable from v in the DFS tree, which, in turn, implies that the edge from u to v is a backedge. Claim 3 In a DFS exploration, for any entry vertex v of SCC C, index(v) = lowlink(v) and for all other vertices u (if one exists) in C, index(u) > lowlink(u).
Assume that v is an entry vertex of an SCC C and its index(v) ̸= lowlink(v); in particular, the index(v) > lowlink(v).2 Therefore, v can reach one of its ancestor w (with lowlink(v) = index(w)) in the DFS tree, which further implies that v and w can reach other and w must be in the SCC C. In other words, the w is another entry vertex of C, which contradicts claim 1.
The second part of the claim follows from the first part.
Claim 4 If a vertex v in an SCC has a tree edge (from the DFS tree) to another vertex u in another SCC, then lowlink(v) < lowlink(u). Use component graph to prove this. The above claims are used in the following steps for Tarjan’s algorithm. 1. For all vertices v that are yet to get an index value, start the recursive DFS exploration. (a) Initialize the index and lowlink values to be same (starttime of the recursion for the vertex). (b) Push v to a Stack. 2. For all children of v (a) Recursively explore all the children of v that are yet to get an index value. These may be children belonging to the same SCC as v, in which case, their lowlink can be less than equal to the lowlink of v. Update lowlink(v) to a child’s lowlink, if the latter is less than lowlink(v). (b) If a child u is already in the stack, then it must have been visited before v. If it is the case that the edge from v to u is cross edge, then v and u do not belong to the same SCC. This is avoided (see Step 3 below) by ensuring that at the time v is pushed to the stack only its ancestors from DFS tree are present in the stack. That is, the edge from v to u is a backedge; the lowlink(v) is updated to index(v) if the latter is less than the former. 2Note that, index(v) cannot be less than lowlink(v) as the node itself is considered one its ancestor. 5 3. After all the children have been examined, if the lowlink(v) = index(v), then one can infer that v is the entry vertex of some SCC. All vertices in the stack from the top till v belong to the same SCC. Pop the vertices from the stack until v is popped as well and add all the popped vertices to a new SCC. The claims 1, 2, 3 and 4 are used in the above algorithm—lowlink of each vertex is computed as DFS exploration proceeds, and when the exploration of a vertex is complete, if it is identified as the entry vertex in the DFS exploration, then that vertex along with its descendents (in DFS tree) that are not already part of some other SCC are placed in a new SCC. We need to show that the lowlink is computed in a way (step 2) that satisfies claim 3 and popping vertices from the stack till the identified entry vertex is popped indeed identifies a new SCC (step 3). We will first prove an invariant property for the stack. Claim 5 In the above algorithm, when any vertex v is pushed to the stack, the contents of the stack are ancestors of v from the DFS tree. WLOG, assume that v is the first vertex (starting from the bottom of the stack) such that the stack contents below v contains at least one vertex u that is not v’s ancestor in the DFS tree. There must be some vertex w that is one of the common ancestors of both u and v, and u and v are in two different branches of the DFS tree rooted at w. As u is not v’s ancestor in the DFS tree, u cannot reach v. The exploration from u terminates before exploration from v starts (finishtime(u) < starttime(v)). Furthermore, all vertices in the stack below u are u’s ancestors (as per our assumption). Therefore, on termination of exploration from u, one of the following holds: 1. u’s lowlink is equal to its index; in which case u will be removed from the stack (step 3 of the algorithm); OR 2. u’s lowlink is less than its index value, which implies there is some ancestor of u (below u in the stack) that has its lowlink equal to index value; in which case u is removed from the stack as well (step 3 of the algorithm). u cannot be in stack below v if u is not v’s ancestor, which contradicts our assumption. Lemma 1 Lowlink computed as per Step 2 of the above algorithm satisfies claim 3. The correctness of Step 2a of lowlink computation is immediate. The lowlink value is recursively updated (if needed) from the unexplored children. Either the child belongs to the same SCC as v or the child belongs to a different SCC. In case of former, the lowlink of the child is less than or equal to the lowlink of the v. In case of latter, the child cannot reach any vertex with index value less than v and therefore, its lowlink is not less than the lowlink already assigned to v and is not used to update lowlink of v (Claim 4). The step 2b, on the other hand, may be the result of crossedge or backedge. The existence of crossedge implies the existence of some vertex in the stack that is not v’s ancestor. This is invalidated by claim 5. Therefore, step 2b corresponds to only backedges, in which case the lowlink is correctly updated as well. Step 2 only considers the tree edges and backedges. 6 Lemma 2 Step 3 of the algorithm identifies only the vertices of the SCC to which v belongs. Assume that there is at least one vertex u in stack above v, when exploration from v finishes, and u does not belong to the SCC Cv of v. Therefore, u belongs to a different SCC Cu that can be reached from v and none of the vertices from that Cu can reach any vertex in Cv. The entry vertex (say, w, which is not necessarily ̸= u) of Cu is visited at least before u (below u in stack) and after v (above v in stack) due to DFS exploration; The lowlink and index value of w are equal (Lemma 1) and finishtime(w) < finishtime(v). This implies, on termination of exploration from w, all vertices (including u), which are descendents of w and are present in stack, are removed from the stack and added to the Cu (Step 3 of algorithm). Therefore, u cannot be present in the stack, when exploration from v finishes. Lemma 3 Step 3 of the algorithm identifies all the vertices of the SCC to which v belongs. Assume all vertices belonging to SCC of v are not present in the stack above v, when the recursive exploration from v finishes. Let u be one such vertex that belongs to the SCC of v but it not present in the stack above v. From Lemma 2, we know that u cannot be removed from the stack and added to a different SCC. This implies, u is not visited before the exploration from v finishes. This contradicts the property of DFS exploration: all descendents of v are visited before exploration from v finishes. Pseudocode The correctness of the algorithm follows from the above lemmas. 1. cnt = 0; 2. for all vertices v in V 3. if v does not have an index value 4. TarjanDFS(v); 5. TarjanDFS(v) // Step 1 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. index(v) = lowlink(v) = cnt; cnt++; push v to stack S; onstack(v) = true; // Step 2 for all v->v’ // Step 2a
if v’ does not have an index value
lowlink(v) = min(lowlink(v), lowlink(v’));
// Step 2b
elseif onstack(v’) == true
lowlink(v) = min(lowlink(v), index(v’));
// Step 3: on termination of for all
if index(v) == lowlink(v)
create a new SCC C
pop all vertices from stack till v (including v) and add to C

Properties to note The algorithm does not necessarily compute the lowlink of a vertex v as the smallest index of its ancestor. It computes lowlink such that the claim 3 is satisfied (Lemma 1).
Investigate the order in which SCCs are identified by Tarjan’s and Kosaraju’s algorithm. Is there any relationship of the order and the topological order in the component graph.