程序代写代做代考 Application Development with .NET (31927) .NET Application Development (32998)

Application Development with .NET (31927) .NET Application Development (32998)
Lecture 8: Windows Forms in C#: Part – 2

• MessageBox in details • With buttons
• With Icons
• Dialogs:
• File Open
• Save, etc.
• Handling Multiple Forms
• ToString() method and overriding • Generics introduction

MessageBox with Buttons
• MessageBox.Show(Over20overloadedoptions)
• Will display message on the screen in a dialog box. User clicks OK to close box. Useful for
displaying debugging messages, etc.
• MessageBoxButtons is use to specify which buttons to display.
• The buttons available are show below:
Available button combination

MessageBox with Buttons
• To check the user input/selection DialogResult is used
• DialogResult is an enum which Specifies identifiers to indicate the return value of a dialog box
on the button clicked.

MessageBox with Buttons

MessageBox with Buttons

MessageBox with Icons
• MessageBoxIcon is use to specify which icon to display.
• MessageBoxIcon is an enum which Specifies the icon o display.
Available button combination

MessageBox with Icons

MessageBox with Icons

MessageBox with Icons

Common Dialogs boxes:
• Dialog boxes are type of windows, which is used to initiate communication or dialog between a computer and its user.
• A dialog box is most often used to implement a command or to respond to a question.
• Windows.Form is a base class
• Dialog boxes are of two types, which are given below.
• Modal dialog box: Temporarily halts the application and the user cannot continue until the dialog has been closed/completed
• Modeless dialog box: Used when the requested information is not essential to continue and the dialog can be left open while continuing the work.
Reference: https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/dialog-boxes-in-c-sharp/

Common Dialogs boxes:
• Common Dialogs boxes: The dialog boxes which are common to all windows applications.
• Performs common tasks such as open a file, save a file, selecting font etc.
• Steps to use Common Dialog boxes:
1. Create an instance of the required common dialog box, 2. Set the properties as required,
3. Call the ShowDialog() method to invoke it.
ShowDialog() returns a the enum called DialogResult. Reference: https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/dialog-boxes-in-c-sharp/

Common Dialogs boxes:
1. OpenFileDialog: Allows to choose a file to be opened in an application.
Reference: https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/dialog-boxes-in-c-sharp/

Common Dialogs boxes:
2. SaveFileDialog: Allows to choose a file to be opened in an application.
Reference: https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/dialog-boxes-in-c-sharp/

Common Dialogs boxes:
3. FontDialogBox: Allows the user to select font settings.

Common Dialogs boxes:
4. ColorDialog: Allows the user to select a color.

Handling Multiple Forms
• Majority of the Windows applications uses multiple forms.
• Applications usually have a main form which loads at the start up
• Other forms are accessible from the main form based on the program requirement.
• Example:
• Main Form: Login Form
• Other forms: Profile pages, data entry page etc.

Handling Multiple Forms – Example
About Form
Show About form

ToString() method and overloading
• What is ToString(): Returns a String Representation of the current object
• Object.ToString is the major formatting method in the .Net Framework
• System.Object is the base class of all reference in the .Net Framework.
• Through inheritance, behaviors/methods in the System.Object class are also available to every type .Net FrameWork.
• Hence ToString() method is available to all the types in the .Net Framework.

ToString() method and overriding

ToString() method and overriding

• Allows to design classes and methods decoupled from data types
• Generic classes are widely used by the collection classes available in
the System.Collections.Generic namespace.
• Generics allow us to create a parameterized type
• They allow us to create code that is independent of the specific type and rely on the properties of the type.
• Particularly useful for cases where there are multiple sections of code performing the same duty but on different data types

Task: Check whether two values are equal
This solution works for integer values only!
Can it work for string or other type?
Example: Version1

Task: Check whether two values of any type are equal
This solution works! And can be used with any types
1. All type are inherited from System.Object
2. Performance degradation due to boxing and unboxing
3. Its is not strongly typed any more!
Example: Version2

Task: Check whether two values of any type are equal
This solution works and solves the previous issues!
Example: Version3