程序代写代做代考 Document version: 1.1 (2015-11-15) Curtin University – Department of Computing

Document version: 1.1 (2015-11-15) Curtin University – Department of Computing
Assignment Cover Sheet / Declaration of Originality
Complete this form if/as directed by your unit coordinator, lecturer or the assignment specification.
Last name:
Student ID:
Other name(s):
Unit name:
Unit ID:
Lecturer / unit coordinator:
Date of submission:
Which assignment?
(Leave blank if the unit has only one assignment.)
I declare that:
• The above information is complete and accurate.
• The work I am submitting is entirely my own, except where clearly indicated otherwise and correctly referenced.
• I have taken (and will continue to take) all reasonable steps to ensure my work is not accessible to any other students who may gain unfair advantage from it.
• I have not previously submitted this work for any other unit, whether at Curtin University or elsewhere, or for prior attempts at this unit, except where clearly indicated otherwise.
I understand that:
• Plagiarism and collusion are dishonest, and unfair to all other students.
• Detection of plagiarism and collusion may be done manually or by using tools (such as Turnitin).
• If I plagiarise or collude, I risk failing the unit with a grade of ANN (“Result Annulled due to Academic Misconduct”), which will remain permanently on my academic record. I also risk termination from my course and other penalties.
• Even with correct referencing, my submission will only be marked according to what I have done myself, specifically for this assessment. I cannot re-use the work of others, or my own previously submitted work, in order to fulfil the assessment requirements.
• It is my responsibility to ensure that my submission is complete, correct and not corrupted. Date of
Signature: signature:
(By submitting this form, you indicate that you agree with all the above text.)