CMSC330 Spring 2019 Midterm 1
9:30am/ 11:00am/ 3:30pm
Name (PRINT YOUR NAME as it appears on gradescope)”
● Do not start this test until you are told to do so!
● You have 75 minutes to take this midterm.
● This exam has a total of 100 points, so allocate 45 seconds for each point.
● This is a closed book exam. No notes or other aids are allowed.
● Answer essay questions concisely in 2-3 sentences. Longer answers are not needed
● For partial credit, show all of your work and clearly indicate your answers.
● Write neatly. Credit cannot be given for illegible answers.
Programming Language Concepts
Ruby Regular Expressions
Ruby Execution
Ruby Programming
OCaml Typing
OCaml Execution
OCaml Programming
1.[10 pts] Programming Language Concepts Circle your answer
A. TuplesinOCamlaresimilartostructsinCinthattheyarebothfixed-sizedcollectionsof heterogeneous data. ( T / F )
B. Ruby has type inference for its variables. ( T / F )
C. Indynamicallytypedlanguages,typeerrorsmaygounnoticediftheyareinsiderarely
used conditional branches. ( T / F )
D. Alet…inexpressioninOcamlisusedtodefineanamedlocalexpression.
(T / F)
E. Becauseofdynamictypechecking,Rubyallowsprogramswithtypeerrorstorun.
(T / F)
F. Ruby arrays can hold different objects and dynamically resizable.
(T / F)
G. Both Procs in Ruby and functions in OCaml have “first class” status; e.g., they can be
passed to and returned from methods/functions. ( T / F )
H. Iftwoobjectsarestructurallyequal,theymustbephysicallyequaltoo.
(T / F)
I. A closure consists of function code and bindings for its free variables.
(T / F)
J. Compiled languages typically run slower than interpreted languages because of the
extra overhead of converting source code to machine code at runtime.
(T / F)
2. [10 pts] Ruby Regular Expressions
A. (2pts)Whatistheoutputofthefollowing?
“I am Groot!” =~ /^\w+ \w+ (\w+).$/
puts $1
Answer: Groot
B. (4pts)WriteaRubyregularexpressionthatmatchesdatesoftheformMM/DD/YYYY. MM and DD can be ONE or TWO digits (they do not need to be valid months or days respectively, see examples below). YYYY must be exactly FOUR digits. The regex must match the string exactly.
Examples: 7/4/1776
5/16/2019 (This is the date of your final!)
99/99/9999 (This is valid format, although not a valid month or day)
Answer: /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}$/
Other answer: /^(\d{1}|\d{2})\/(\d{1}|\d{2})\/\d{4}$/ Other answer: /^\d\d?\/\d\d?\/\d{4}$/
C. (4pts)Circleallthosestringsthatmatchtheregularexpression /[A-Z]+[a-z]*:\s?[0-5]+$/. Put another way, circle each string s for which s =~ /[A-Z]+[a-z]*:\s?[0-5]+$/ does not return nil.
123Anwar: 12 eastman: 34 CMSC:330 Mike: 56
3. [17 pts] Ruby Execution
Write the printed output of the following code snippets 1. (3 pts)
x = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
puts x[0]
puts x[5]
y = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
puts x == y
Answer: 1
Nil (empty string also accepted)
grades = {“Alice” => 0, “Bob” => 4, “Chris” => 3 }
if grades[“Alice”] then
grades[“Alice”] = 2
puts grades[“Alice”]
sum = 0
grades.keys.each {|k| sum = sum + k.length }
puts sum
Answer: 2 13
3. (3 pts)
2. (3 pts)
Answer: 20 12
def math(x)
if x % 2 == 0
puts yield(x)
puts yield(x+1)
math(10) {|z| z+10}
math(3) {|z| z*3}
math(0) {|z| z-4}
4. (4 pts)
h = { 1 => “cat”, 2 => “squirrel”, 3=>”chicken” }
x = h.keys.collect{|k| h[k] }
puts x[1]
Answer: “squirrel”
5. (4 pts)
class ToolchainManager
@@x = []
def initialize(version)
@count = 1 end
def update()
@count += 1
def to_s
@@x.length.to_s + “,” + @count.to_s
cargo =“1.33.0”)
puts cargo
puts cargo
puts cargo
cult =“1.33.5”)
puts cult
Answer: 1,1 2,2 3,3 4,1
4. [18 pts] Ruby Programming
Implement an HashStack class. HashStack is a like a hash, but if you add a mapping for a key that’s already in the HashStack, it remembers the old mapping and pushes the new one, like a stack. When you remove an entry, the old mapping is restored.
(7pts) insert(k, v) adds a mapping from k to v in your HashStack instance. If a mapping for k already exists, the new mapping overrides it, but the old mapping is remembered. Return nil for a fresh mapping; if overriding an existing mapping, return the old value.
(7pts) remove(k) removes the most recent mapping for k, returning the value component of it. If a mapping for k doesn’t exist, return nil.
(4pts) find(k) returns the value most recently mapped to by k. If a mapping for k doesn’t exist, return nil. Leaves the existing mapping(s) in place.
Here is an example session with a HashStack.
irb(main):003:0> m =
=> #
irb(main):004:0> m.insert(“a”,2)
=> nil
irb(main):005:0> m.insert(“b”,3)
=> nil
irb(main):006:0> m.find(“b”)
=> 3
irb(main):008:0> m.insert(“a”,3) # overrides existing mapping
=> 2
irb(main):009:0> m.find(“a”)
=> 3
irb(main):010:0> m.remove(“a”)
=> 3
irb(main):011:0> m.find(“a”)
=> 2
irb(main):012:0> m.remove(“a”)
=> 2
irb(main):013:0> m.find(“a”)
=> nil
irb(main):015:0> m.remove(“b”)
=> 3
class HashStack
// DO NOT modify the initialize method
def initialize
@h = {} end
def insert(k, v)
if (@h[k])
x = @h[k][@h[k].length – 1]
return x
@h[k] = [v]
return nil
def remove(k)
x = @h[k].pop
if(@h[k] == [])
return x end
nil end
def find(k)
return @h[k][@h[k].length – 1]
nil end
5. [14 pts] OCaml typing
A. (6pts)Writeanexpressionofthefollowingtypewithoutusingtypeannotations
a. float * (float list) * string
Answer: (1.0, [1.0], “hi”) (or other correct answer)
b. float -> float list -> float list Answer: funab->(a+.1.)::b
c. int -> ‘a -> ‘a
Answer: funab->ifa=1thenbelseb
B. (8pts)GivethetypethatOCamlwillinferforfineachofthefollowing.Ifthereisatype error, circle where the issue is and explain
a. let f x = x * 4 Answer: int -> int
b. let f a b = (a::b)::[b] Answer: ‘a -> ‘a list -> ‘a list list
c. type vector = { x : int; y : int } let f v a = v.x > a
Answer: vector -> int -> bool
d. type int_option = Nothing | Something of int
let f = fun a -> match a with
Nothing -> 0
| Something i -> []
Answer: Type error: Every branch of the match statement must be the same type.
6. [13 pts] OCaml Execution
Give the value of the final expression in each of the following. If there is a type error, show where. If an exception is raised, say what it is.
A. (2pts)
let rec f l =
match l with
[] -> []
| h1::h2::t -> (h1*h2)::(f t);;
f [1;2;3;4;5;6]
Answer: [2;12;30]
B. (2points)
let f2 f x y =
if (f x y) = 0 then 1
else 0;;
f2 (fun a b -> a*b) 10 0
Answer: 1
C. (3points)
let f (m, s) x =
if (x > m) then (x, s+x)
else (m, s+x);;
fold f (0,0) [10;3;8;0]
Answer: (10, 21)
D. (2points)
let f a = a * 2;;
map f [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
Answer: [2;4;6;8;10]
E. (4points)
type float_tree =
| Node of float_tree * float_tree * float;;
let t1 = Leaf ;;
let t2 = Node(Node(Leaf, Leaf, 5.0), Leaf, 4.0) ;;
let t3 = Node(Leaf, Leaf, 3.0) ;;
let tree_func t =
match t with
Leaf -> false
| Node(l,r,f) -> l = Leaf && r = Leaf;;
map tree_func [t1;t2;t3]
Answer: [false;false;true]
7. [18 pts] OCaml Programming
1. (5 pts) Write a function partial_sum with type float -> float list -> float . The partial_sum function should take a minimum value and a list and then return the sum of all of the values in the list that are greater than or equal to the provided minimum value. For full credit, you must use map and/or fold (in a non-superfluous way) to implement partial_sum.
partial_sum 3.1 [] = 0.0
partial_sum 2.4 [5.3; 2.4; 1.0] = 7.7
Answer: let partial_sum min lst = fold
(fun acc x -> if x >= min then x +. acc else acc) 0.0 lst
2. (6 pts) At your favorite Mexican Grill, burrito bowls can have three types – Veggie, Chicken or Steak. An order can either be some kind of bowl or a bag with a pair of orders in it, expressed as the order type as follows:
type order =
| Chicken_bowl
| Steak_bowl
| Bag of order * order
Write a function is_veggie of type o rder -> bool that computes whether an order consists entirely of vegetarian items.
is_veggie Veggie_bowl = true
is_veggie (Bag(Veggie_bowl,Veggie_bowl)) = true
is_veggie (Bag(Veggie_bowl,Bag(Veggie_bowl,Steak_bowl))) = false is_veggie (Bag(Bag(Veggie_bowl,Veggie_bowl),Bag(Veggie_bowl,Veggie_bowl))) Answer:
let rec is_veggie ord = match ord with
| Veggie_Bowl -> true
| Bag (o1, o2) -> (is_veggie o1) && (is_veggie o2) | _ -> false
3. (7 pts) Write a function bag_order that takes an order list and produces a single order, containing all of the orders in the list. If given an empty list, throws exception Invalid_argument “empty”
bag_order [Veggie_bowl] = Veggie_bowl
bag_order [Veggie_bowl; Chicken_bowl] = Bag(Veggie_bowl, Chicken_bowl)
bag_order [Veggie_bowl; Chicken_bowl; Steak_bowl] =
Bag(Veggie_bowl, Bag(Chicken_bowl, Steak_bowl))
let rec bag_order lst =
match lst with
| [] -> raise (Invalid_argument “empty”)
| [h] -> h
| h::t -> Bag(h, bag_order t)
(* Note that order matters above. Bag(bag_order t, h) would be
incorrect. *)
Next question is optional and worth zero point.
4. ( 0 pts) Write a function flat_bag that takes an order and “flattens” it, so that for any Bags in the order, the left component of the Bag is never itself a Bag. The order of the non-bag elements should be the same. Hint: You will want to use the b ag_order function to help.
let b = (Bag (Bag(Veggie_bowl, Veggie_bowl),Steak_bowl));;
flat_bag b = Bag (Veggie_bowl, Bag (Veggie_bowl, Steak_bowl));;
flat_bag (Bag(b,b)) =
Bag (Veggie_bowl, Bag (Veggie_bowl, Bag (Steak_bowl,
Bag (Veggie_bowl, Bag (Veggie_bowl, Steak_bowl)))));;
Answer: Left as an exercise for the reader.