程序代写 Objective:

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022

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Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
You will create a static random-access memory chip using D-Latches. With an SRAM you are able to store multiple bits at various address locations. Your goal now is to gain knowledge on how to create a memory device that can hold 16-bit wide values and display in the 7-segment HEX displays and decimal.
NOTE: Before we start building our memory chip, we should be familiar with the operation and behavior of latches and flip-flops. The following pages have some introduction and background information on latches and flip-flops. Your actual task for this lab exercise starts on page 9.
Design Objective:
§ You will design an 16 x 4 SRAM by extending the SRAM shown in figure 16. The output of this SRAM will be connected to a 4-to-7 decoder that outputs to the 7-segment-display. Input to this SRAM is using 4 switches and a key to signal WRITE to memory signal.
§ You will design an 16 x 32 SRAM ( 16 locations 32 bits each) by extending the SRAM shown in figure 16. The output of this SRAM will be connected to an appropriate decoder ( you have to figure out what decoder to use. You may use LPM module, if you find, or extend the decoder code given below in Figure 18) that outputs to the 7-segment-display.
§ You have to find a way how to input 32 bits to memory word using 4 times 8 switches and keys.
Latches – These are sequential devices that watch their input continuously and can change their output
at ANY time (some cases require clock signal or enable signal to be asserted (set to High) ).
Latches are said to be LEVEL triggered. In level triggering the circuit will become active when the gating or clock pulse is on a particular level, high or low.

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
Flip-flops – Sequential device that samples its input and changes its output ONLY when the clock signal is changing (at the rising or falling edge of the clock). In essence, flip-flops trigger their output based on an event (clock event).
Flip-flops are said to be EDGE triggered. In edge triggering the circuit becomes active at negative or positive edge of the clock signal. For example if the circuit is positive edge triggered, it will take input at exactly the time in which the clock signal goes from low to high. Similarly input is taken at exactly the time in which the clock signal goes from high to low in negative edge triggering.
What do we mean by “sequential” device?
For a sequential device, its output depends not only on its current input but on the past sequence of inputs, possibly arbitrarily back in time. Therefore, we can conclude that such devices have some sort of memory feature because they must remember their previous value generation in order to compute the next output.
We will now review: SR-Latch, SR-Latch with Control, D-Latch, D Flip-flop and SRAM cells.

SR-LATCH Design:
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
Figure 1. SR-Latch circuit using NOR gates
Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
The Set/Reset Latch (SR-Latch) is a basic storage device used to store a binary bit. This latch has two functions, SET and RESET, which are controlled by the configuration of the input signals, S and R, respectively. These functions are demonstrated by the table in Figure 2. This table shows that when input S is 1 and input R is 0, the latch is in the “Set” state and its output, Q, will always be one. Likewise, when the input S is 0 and input R is 1, the latch will be in the “Reset” state and its output, Q, will always be zero. Furthermore, when both inputs are 0, the latch will hold the state of the previous output and will show no change in its output. However, when both inputs are 1, the latch will be in the undefined state; therefore, it will be impossible to predict the next state. In fact, one of the requirements of the SR latch is that the outputs Q and Q’ always be compliment of each other.
The output equations for the SR-Latch are shown below in Figure 3. Notice that the output, Q, is simply R nor Qp’, which the previous Q’ state.

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
Figure 2. Truth table for SR-latch Figure 3. Equations for the SR-latch
Figure 4. Control SR-Latch using NAND gates
This latch is similar to the SR-Latch in that it stores a binary bit, but uses an extra control but to determine state changes. For example, when the control signal, C, is 0, then the latch exhibits no

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
changes and retains the previous state/bit. However, when the control signal is 1, the state of the latch is determined in the same manner as the regular SR-Latch using only inputs, S and R. This behavior is shown below in Figure 5, where Qn, denotes the next state of Q. The equations for the output are shown below in Figure 6, where the up arrow denotes the logical NAND operation and Q bar represents the output Q’.
Figure 5. Truth table for Control SR-Latch
D-LATCH Design:
Figure 6. Equations for Control SR-Latch

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
Figure 7. D-Latch using NAND gates
We obtain a D-Latch when we tie a NOT gate to the bottom NAND gate and only input D is used instead of independent Set and Reset. This will assure that S and R are always compliment or opposite of each other, thus eliminating falling into the undefined state when S=1, R=1.
This latch also stores a binary bit, but uses only one input signal and a clock signal. This latch is similar to the Control SR-Latch described above in that the clock signal is use in the same manner as the control signal. This relationship can be seen from the truth table of Figure 8 below. This table demonstrates that the D-Latch is a simplified version of an SR-Latch in that it has three states, Set, Reset, and No Change, but requires only a input signal and a clock rate. The equations for the output of the D-Latch can be seen in Figure 9 below, notice that the equations look very similar to that of the Control SR-Latch.
Figure 8. Truth table for D-Latch
Figure 9. Equations for D-Latch

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
Two D-Latches are connected in series. Notice that the output, Q, of the first latch is tied to the input of the second latch, D, and both latches use the same clock signal, but the first latch inverts the clock signal.
Figure10. Master-Slave D Flip-flop
It is important to note that this is a negative edge-triggered circuit, as opposed to the pulse-triggered design of the latches. This means that the output Q will equal the input D only on a clock edge (in this case, a falling edge). Therefore, Q can only change at the moment the clock goes from 1 to 0.

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
This flip-flop stores a binary bit, but uses two D-Latches in a master-slave configuration. It is different from the regular D-Latch because its state changes do not depend on the state of the clock signal, but the transition of the clock signal from zero to one. This can be seen from the truth table of Figure 11, where the left column represents the clock signal; DM is input and CM is clock for the master D-Latch. When the clock transitions from 0 to 1, the previous input is used to generate the global output for the system. The reason for this is that at state 0, the slave latch exhibits no change (retaining the global output, Q0), while the master latch generates a new input for the slave latch, q1. Then, when the clock state changes to 1, the master latch exhibits no change (retaining the previous output, q1), while the slave latch generates a new output based on the previous output (output of the master latch), Q1. Likewise, this pattern continues throughout the table.
Figure 11. Truth table for Master-Slave D flip-flop
The SRAM is made up of static-RAM cells that are created from Master-slave D flip-flop.
Figure 12. Static-RAM cell made of positive-edge triggered flip-flop 8

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
The static-RAM cell is shown in fig. 1. It has 3 inputs:
• IN: This is the latch data input.
• Select_Chip: This input activates the cell when it is high. If this input is low, then the cell will not
store data, and there will be no output.
• Write_Enable: This input allows the latch to store the data from the IN data input.
Tristate Logic Buffer
You may have noticed a symbol in figure 12 called TRI, which you may or may not have seen before. This is a tristate logic buffer. This buffer outputs the input only when its B input is 1, otherwise the output is cut off completely and no signal is sent.
Figure 13. Tristate Logic Buffer
Figure 14. Tristate Logic Buffer Truth Table
Figure 14 shows the truth table of the tristate logic buffer. As long as the B input is 1, the C output
will equal the A input. When the B input is 0, the C output will not output anything, neither low
nor high. You can find this buffer symbol in Quartus under libraries/primitives/buffer/tri (See figure 15).

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
Figure 15. Libraries in Quartus showing the path to tri symbol Internal Structure of a 4 x 4 Static RAM
When a static RAM is specified to be 8 x 4 that means that there are 8 storage Locations that are 4
bits wide.

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
Figure 16. Internal structure of a 4×4 static RAM
Fig. 16 shows the structure of a 4 x 4 static RAM. Since there are 4 storage locations that are 4 bits wide, you will need 16 static-RAM cells to store all of the data. This schematic shows the benefits of using a tristate logic buffer. The output of each column can connect to the same output pin without the use of a multiplexer to separate the lines. As long as the tristate buffer cuts off the output of the other cells, the one cell that is on will be the only output that will be connected to the output pin.
The static RAM has several outputs:
§ DataIn[3..0]: This is the input that will be written into the SRAM at a certain address.
§ A[1..0]: This is the address input. This input determines which row of SRAM Cells will be turned
on to write or read data. A standard 2-to-4 decoder is used to decode the address input and control the SRAM cells.

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
§ WE: The Write Enable input. This input tells the SRAM to write to the cells when it is high. If it is low, the chip will not allow any data to be written to any cell.
§ OE: The Output Enable input. When this input is high, it will allow the SRAM to output the data at the chosen address. Otherwise, the tristate buffer will cut the output of the SRAM off.
§ CS: The Chip Select input. This input, when low, prevents any output from the SRAM and
prevents any writing. It turns the SRAM off. Set this high to turn the SRAM on. The data output is determined by the same address input used to write to the cells.
The A[1..0] decoder:
The function of the address decoder is to generate a one-hot code word from the address. The output is use for row selection.
Figure 17. Decoder conceptualization

Design Problem:
Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
§ You will design an 16 x 4 SRAM by extending the SRAM shown in figure 16. The output of this SRAM will be connected to a 4-to-7 decoder that outputs to the 7-segment-display. Input to this SRAM is using 4 switches and a key to signal WRITE to memory signal.
§ You will design an 16 x 32 SRAM ( 16 locations 32 bits each) by extending the SRAM shown in figure 16. The output of this SRAM will be connected to an appropriate decoder ( you have to figure out what decoder to use. You may use LPM module , if you find, or extend the decoder code given below in Figure 18)that outputs to the 7-segment-display.
§ You have to find a way how to input 32 bits to memory word using 4 times 8 switches and keys. Design Constraints:
§ D-flip-flop – You must use D-flip-flops to design your SRAM cell
§ 4-to-16 Decoder – We will provide you with the VHDL code for this decoder. No need to design a
decoder yourself; however, feel free to make your own. The VHDL code for this decoder is provided below in Figure 18.

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity decode4to16 is
oct : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
dec : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));
end decode4to16;
architecture arch of decode4to16 is
with oct select
“0000000000000001” when “0000”,
“0000000000000010” when “0001”,
“0000000000000100” when “0010”,
“0000000000001000” when “0011”,
“0000000000010000” when “0100”,
“0000000000100000” when “0101”,
“0000000001000000” when “0110”,
“0000000010000000” when “0111”,
“0000000100000000” when “1000”,
“0000001000000000” when “1001”,
“0000010000000000” when “1010”,
“0000100000000000” when “1011”,
“0001000000000000” when “1100”,
“0010000000000000” when “1101”,
“0100000000000000” when “1110”,
“1000000000000000” when “1111”,
“0000000000000000” when others;

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
Figure 18. VHDL code for 4to16 decoder
1. Open Quartus and create a new project
2. Create Block Diagram Files for SR-Latch and Control SR-Latch following the design on figures 1
and figure 4. Run waveform simulations and confirm that you obtain the same results as shown
in Figures 2 and 5.
3. Create a new Block Diagram File and design a D-latch using the scheme given previously in figure
7. Convert your D-latch to a symbol.
4. Test your circuit by using a vector waveform tool and make sure that your waveform gives you
the same behavior described by the truth table in Figure 8.
5. Take your D-latch symbol, duplicate it and arrange as shown in Figure 12. With this setup we are
actually creating a SRAM with Master-slave D-flip-flop. Convert this SRAM circuit into a symbol.
6. Arrange 16×4 SRAM symbols using the logic of the Figure 16. Alternatively, if you find it
overwhelming to stack 64 SRAM cell symbols in your screen, you can take advantage of symbol creation in Quartus. For example, in a new block diagram file, you can create a single “stack” of 16×1 SRAM cells, turn this into a symbol and then in another block diagram file join four of these 16×1 stacks together.
Figure 19a and figure 19b exemplify this approach for a stack of 8 SRAM cells. You can follow this approach to extend it for 16:

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
Figure 19a. Stack of 8 SRAM cells

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
Figure 19b. 8×4 SRAM (Each SRAM symbol shown is a stack of 8 SRAM cells)
7. Run a vector waveform simulation to see if the SRAM functions as it should. Show that CS turns the chip off or on, when WE allows you to write, and when OE shows the output.
8. Convert your final SRAM into a symbol. You can now connect it to a 4-to-7 decoder which will allow you to output your results to the 7-segment display (See Appendix).
9. Pin Assignment: Create a new text file to add your pin assignments.
DataIn[3..0]: Assign to switches 3, 2, 1, and 0. Address[2..0]: Assign to switches 6, 5, and 4. Chip_Select: Assign to switch 17. Output_Enable: Assign to switch 16. Write_Enable: Assign to switch 15.
Lab 3 Seven Segment Decoder Output: Assign to the 7 segments of HEX display 0.
Click here for pin assignment manual

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
You should now be able to answer the following questions:
• What is the difference between a latch and a flip-flop?
• Explain the behavior of a SR Latch
• Explain how the gated (control) SR-Latch is a modified SR-Latch
• Explain how the D-Latch is a modified gated SR-Latch
• Explain how to build a Master-Slave flip flop.
• Explain how to build SRAM cells from flip flops
• Why do we want to avoid the scenario when S=1 and R=1 in an SR-Latch? Could this
scenario happen in a D-Latch? Why or why not?
• What is the difference between edge-triggered and level triggered devices? Is the flip-
flop used for the SRAM cell in this lab level or edge triggered?
• Can you explain how an SRAM works?

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
Output to the 7 Segment Display
For our labs, we need to output to the 7-segment display. In order to do that, we change our binary outputs to hex digits. Every group of four binary digits of our output will be mapped to a hexadecimal digit on the 7-segment display. In order to do that, we use a Case statement in VHDL. It works exactly like a switch statement in C or C++. The 7-segment display has 7 bits, each one corresponding to one of its LEDs. Depending on the input of the hex digit (4 bits) we map it to a set of corresponding 7 bits for the 7-segment display. Figure 20 shows the code that accomplishes that. Finally, we invert the 7 bits because the LED driver circuit is inverted.

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner

Lab Exercise: Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in VHDL and Model-SIM , Quartus,
Report and DEMO required, VIDEO REQUIRED!
March 2022
Instructor: Professor Izidor Gertner
Figure 20. A 4-to-7 digit decoder to h

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com