CS代考 BMEG 400C / 591C

Modern Biomedical Optical Imaging BMEG 400C / 591C
Project A: 3D OCT Signal & Image Processing Value: 30%
In Lectures (Numerical optical signal processing & OCT signal processing), we have covered many different optical signal processing methods and OCT image processing algorithms.
For your Project A (3D OCT Signal & Image Processing), you need to download the file containing 3D volumetric OCT raw data (“RawOCT.mat”) from Canvas. The data consists of 1536 sampling points × 500 depth scans × 500 cross-sectional scans. Based on materials covered during the class, develop MATLAB OCT processing code and process the data with it.

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After processing the data, write a project report which includes the following information:
o OCT process flowchart
• Describe each step in the process (with a flowchart) and include the
MATLAB script corresponding to the process step.
• Describe the fundamental principle of each step with a mathematical formula
– Search for OCT literature referencing these steps and cite them properly (APA style)
o Insert final processed parameters and images • Parameters:
– Dispersion coefficients (up to 5th order)
– Axial motion correction parameter plot
– Interpolated tilt correction parameter plot
– Representative cross-sectional OCT images (fast- and slow-scan
– En face projection image.
Please include a readme.txt file along with the MATLAB code in your submission and explain how to run your code. Your code should be able to read the input data from the directory and save the results (parameters and images) in the same folder.

[Grading Criteria]
Processing flowchart
Description of each processing step
• Narrative (written) description (
• Mathematical formula ( /10)
• MA TLAB Script ( /10)
Processing results
• Parameters ( /15)
o Dispersion coefficients (
o Axial motion correction parameter plot ( o Interpolated tilt correction plot ( /5)
• Images ( /15)
o Cross-sectionalimages–alongfastandslowscan
direction ( /10)
o En face projection image ( /5)
Writing quality & formatting
• Writing is clear and concise.
• Subheadings used to clarify organization. /10
• Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct.
• APA format is followed for writing, citations, bibliography.
TOTAL: /100

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