fCMSC330 Spring 2018 Midterm 1 9:30am/ 11:00am/ 3:30pm Solution
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Discussion Time (circle one) 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm
● Do not start this test until you are told to do so!
● You have 75 minutes to take this midterm.
● This exam has a total of 100 points, so allocate 45 seconds for each point.
● This is a closed book exam. No notes or other aids are allowed.
● Answer essay questions concisely in 2-3 sentences. Longer answers are not needed.
● For partial credit, show all of your work and clearly indicate your answers.
● Write neatly. Credit cannot be given for illegible answers.
Programming Language Concepts
Ruby Regular Expressions
Ruby execution
Ruby Programming
OCaml Typing
OCaml Execution
OCaml Programming
1. [10 pts] Programming Language Concepts 1.1 [7 pts] Circle the correct answer:
a. True / False:
b. True / False:
[1,2,3] is a list/array of three ints in both OCaml and Ruby Static type checking occurs at compile time
In dynamically typed languages, a type error will go unnoticed if
c. True / False:
the line containing the error is never executed
d. The OCaml compiler does which of the following if you omit a case in a pattern
e. True / False:
f. True / False:
g. True / False:
Nothing / Emits a warning / Emits an error
Ruby variables are declared explicitly
All values in Ruby are objects
Ruby code blocks are first class, e.g., they can be stored in arrays
1.2 [3 pts] Show the contents of the closure for f after executing the following code:
let add = (fun x -> (fun y -> x + y + 10));;
let f = add 5;;
fun y -> x + y + 10 Code may not have x-> …
optionally: add = … y is not present
2. [10 pts] Ruby Regular Expressions
2.1. [3 pts] Write a regular expression that accepts precisely 8, 9, or 10 letters /^[A-Za-z]{8,10}$/
Notes: You must include ^ and $ or the match is not precise; using \w rather than [A-Za-z] is imprecise, since \w allows numbers and underscores
2.2. [3 pts] Write a string that matches the following regular expression: /^www(\.[a-zA-Z]+)*(\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3})$/
Note: The above is any url that begins with www followed by a period then one or more letters. This pattern (after www) may be repeated 0 or more times. The string ends with a period then either 2 or 3 letters.
2.3. [4 pts] Circle all of the given strings that match the following regular expression /^[0-9]+(,[0-9])*$/
”3562″ “0432,7,7384” ”8392,6,3″ “8265,”
3. [13 pts] Ruby execution
Write the output of the following Ruby code. If there is an error, then write ERROR. If nil is printed write “nil” and not the empty string. Hint: select invokes the block passing in successive elements, returning an array containing those elements for which the block returns a true value.
3.1. [2 pts] x = []
x[3] = 4
puts x[“3”]
3.2. [2 pts]
m = {“hello” => 3, “world” => 4} puts m[3]
puts m[“hello”]
3.3. [2 pts] x = {}
puts x[“hi”]
3.4. [2 pts]
x = [2, false, 4, nil, 6, 0, 8] puts x.select {|y| y}
Output: ERROR
Output: nil 3
Output: ERROR
Output: [2, 4, 6, 0, 8]
3.5. [2 pts]
x = “hello”
y = “hello”
puts (x == y)
puts (x.equal? y)
Output: true
3.6. [3 pts] class Foo
@@x = []
def initialize(ele)
@@x.push ele
def add(ele)
@@x.push ele
@@x end
f = Foo.new 5
g = Foo.new “hi”
puts (f.add true)
Output: [5, “hi”, true]
4. [18 pts] Ruby Programming
Implement a Graph class, which represents a directed graph as a collection of nodes that are linked by edges. Cycles, including self-edges, are allowed, but there can be at most one edge between any pair of nodes. A template for your implementation is given on the next page. You may NOT edit the initialize method, whose implementation implies you should store your graph as a hash. Implement the following methods.
4.1 [8 pts] addEdge(str) adds an edge represented by the str input parameter to the graph. The str input parameter has the format ‘start: nodename end: nodename’, where a valid nodename is a combination of one or more letters (uppercase or lowercase) followed by a dash (‘-’) followed by one or more digits. For example:
g = Graph.new
g.addEdge(“start: Node-5 end: tidepod-6”)
g.addEdge(“start: tidepod-6 end: A-7”)
g.addEdge(“start: A-8 end: tidepod-6”)
will create a graph g with the edges (Node-5, tidepod-6), (tidepod-6, A-7), and (A-8, tidepod-6) in it. If the input string to addEdge is incorrectly formatted, then nothing will be added. For example:
g.addEdge(“start: Node5 end: hello-6”)
will add no edges to g because Node5 is an invalid nodename.
4.2 [5 pts] inDegree(node) takes a node (a string) and returns the number of edges ending at that node. For example, for the graph g above, g.inDegree(“Node-5”) is 0, while g.inDegree(“tidepod-6”) is 2. The inDegree of a node with no incoming edges (or any edges at all) in the graph is 0.
4.3 [5 pts] outDegree(node) takes a node (a string) and returns the number of edges that start at that node. For example, for graph g above, g.outDegree(“Node-5”) and g.outDegree(“A-8”) are both 1. A node with no outgoing edges has degree zero, as does a node with no edges at all.
Implement your solutions on the next page.
class Graph
def initialize # do not change, add to, or delete this method
@g = { } end
def addEdge(str)
if line =~ /^start: ([a-zA-Z]+\-\d+) end: ([a-zA-Z]+\-\d+)$/
if(@g[$1] == nil)
@g[$1] = [$2]
end end
def inDegree(node)
counter = 0 @g.each do |k,v|
if v.include?(node)
counter = counter + 1
end end
def outDegree(node)
return @g[node].length
return 0
end end
5. [17 pts] OCaml Typing
Determine the type of the following definitions. Write ERROR if there is a type error.
5.1. [2 pts]
type ‘a option = Some of ‘a | None let f a =
if a < 0 then None else Some a
int -> int option
5.2. [3 pts]
let f x y = [x;y] ;;
‘a -> ‘a -> ‘a list
5.3. [3 pts]
let rec g l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| [x] -> []
| h1::h2::t -> (h1,h2)::(g t)
‘a list -> (‘a * ‘a) list
Write an expression that has the following type, without using type annotations
5.4 [3 pts] bool -> bool -> bool list
fun a b -> [a||b];;
fun a b -> if a then [a] else [b];;
fun a b -> if a || b then [a;b] else [b;a];;
5.5 [3pts] (int * ‘a) -> int fun (a,b) -> a + 5;;
fun (3,x) -> 3;;
5.6 [3 pts]
let rec fold f a l =
match l with
| [] -> a
| h::t -> fold f (f a h) t
fold: (‘a -> ‘b -> ‘a) -> ‘a -> ‘b list -> ‘a
Define a function f that when used in the following expression will not produce any type errors. The implementation and type of fold are given for reference, above.
fold f ([],0) [5;4;3;2;1]
let f (l,i) x = (x::l, x+i);;
let f a x = a;;
6. [15 pts] OCaml Execution
let rec fold f a l =
match l with
| [] -> a
| h::t -> fold f (f a h) t
let rec map f l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| h::t -> (f h)::(map f t)
Determine the final value of the following expressions. Write EXCEPTION if an exception is thrown or ERROR if there is a type error.
6.1. [2 pts] let f a =
if a = 1 then “harambe”
else 0 in f5
6.2. [3 pts] (you might find it useful to refer to the map and fold definitions given above) let xs = map (fun (x,y) -> x) [(2,”a”);(3,”b”)] in fold (fun a h -> a * h) 1 xs
6.3.[2pts] letfa=funb->ifa>bthenaelsebin map (f 1) [0;1;2;3]
[1; 1; 2; 3]
6.4. [2 pts] let f a b = if a=b then (a-1) else (b+1) in f (4,8)
Note: EXCEPTION is incorrect. The expression above results in a type error that is detected at compile time, not an exception that is thrown at run time.
(-4, 1)
6.6. [3 pts] (you might find it useful to refer to the type ’a option given in 5.1) let rec f l =
match l with
| [] -> 0
| None::t -> f t
| (Some _)::t -> 1 + (f t)
in f [Some “a”; None; None; Some “b”; Some “c”]
let sub x y = x – y in let part = sub 3 in let y = 2 in
(sub 3 7, part y)
7. [17 pts] OCaml Programming
7.1. [8 pts] Write a function int_of_digits that takes a list of digits and returns an int having those digits. For full credit, you must implement int_of_digits using fold (see the top of question 6 for its definition). Examples:
int_of_digits [] = 0
int_of_digits [0] = 0
int_of_digits [1;2;3] = 123
int_of_digits [1;0] = 10
let int_of_digits lst = fold (fun a x -> a*10 + x) 0 lst
7.2. [9 points] Using the int_tree type below, write a function sum_level that sums all the node values at a given level within the tree (starting at 0 for the top). Leaves present at a given level do not contribute (i.e., they have count zero). If the level is greater than the depth of the tree, return 0.
type int_tree =
| IntNode of int * int_tree * int_tree
sum_level (IntLeaf) 0 = 0;;
sum_level (IntLeaf) 1 = 0;;
sum_level (IntNode (1,IntNode(2,IntLeaf,IntLeaf),IntLeaf)) 0 = 1;;
sum_level (IntNode (1,IntNode(2,IntLeaf,IntLeaf),IntLeaf)) 1 = 2;;
sum_level (IntNode (1,IntNode(2,IntLeaf,IntLeaf),IntNode(3,IntLeaf,IntLeaf))) 1 = 5;;
Write your code here (add the rec keyword if you need it):
let rec sum_level t n = match t with
IntLeaf -> 0
| IntNode(m,_,_) when n=0 -> m
| IntNode(m,l,r) -> sum_level l (n-1) + sum_level r (n-1)