程序代写代做代考 go Mandarin & English Data analysis 

Mandarin & English Data analysis 

Wo shi laoshi. I am a teacher.
SG1 teacher

Wo gaoxing. I am happy.

Ta gaoxing -le. S/he is happy.

Wo chi pingguo. I eat apple.
eat apple

Ta kan -le dianshi. S/he watched TV.
SG3 watch PERF TV

Wo chi -le yi wan mian. I ate one bowl of noodle.
PFV one bowl noodle

Zhei ge nanren yong yi ba dao sha -le nei ge xiaohair.
This CL man with one CL knife kill that CL kid
This man killed that kid with a knife.

Nei ge nanren zai jiuba li he -le henduo jiu.
LOC bar in drink a lot of alcohol
That man drank a lot of alcohol in a bar.

Xiaoli zuotian gen ta mama yiqi qu mai bu -le.
yesterday with Mom together go buy cloth
Xiaoli went to buy cloth with her Mom yesterday.

mian zhu hao -le. Noodles are cooked.
cook done

Pingguo chi wan -le. Apples are eaten.

Ta bei sha -le. ______________

Zhei ke da shu bei feng chuizou -le.
CL big tree PASS wind blow away
This big tree was blown away by wind.

Zhei ge beizi bei Xiaoli dasui -le. This cup was broken by Xiaoli.
cup break

Zhei ge xiaohair gei ta mama mai -le yi ben shu. ______________

Xiaoli gei ta pengyou ji -le yi feng xin. Xiaoli sent a letter to her friend.
to friend CL

Zhei bu shi wo de shu. This is not my book.

Wo jia qianmian you yi jia shudian.
house in front of EXIST CL bookstore

Shudian zai wo jia qianmian. The bookstore is in front of my house.

Wo de pingguo zai zhuozi shang. My apple is on the table.
table on

Zhuozi shang you pingguo. There is an apple on the table.

Zhuozi shang you -le yi ge pingguo. There (suddenly) was an apple on the table.

Xiaoli zai na’er. Xiaoli is there.

Xiaoli de mao zai zhe’er. Xiaoli’s cat is here.

Xiaoli zhidao zhei jian shi. Xiaoli knows this matter.
know CL matter

Xiaoli zhidao zhe jian shi ma? Does Xiaoli know this matter?

Xiaoli zhidao bu zhidao zhe jian shi? Does Xiaoli know this matter or not?

Xiao li zhidao zhe jian shi, duibudui? Xiaoli knows this matter, doesn’t he?

*PFV=perfective aspect

Questions (please list as many data as you can):
Fill in the missing translation.
What is the word order of mandarin? Does mandarin follow the word order correlates? What is your evidence? Do Mandarin and English share the same word order?
What are the structures for existential and predicate locative clauses in English and Mandarin? Is “you” a verb in Mandarin?
From the date, is “gaoxing” a verb or an adjective? Give your evidence. Is “happy” a verb or an adjective?
Does Oblique have the strict word order in clause in Mandarin? How about in English?
How do Mandarin and English mark indirect objects?
Does Mandarin distinguish between alienable and inalienable possession? How about English?
From the data, how many ways for mandarin to form a yes/no question? Are they the same ways for English to form a yes/no question?

LT 3326 Assignment
Due on Oct 14