程序代写代做代考 compiler C SENG265 FALL 2020 ASSIGNMENT 1

Due: Oct 13, 2020 by 10:00 am, by ”git push”. (Late submissions not accepted)
1 Assignment Overview
This assignment involves writing a command line application to process streams of text from a file. The program will read lines of text from a given file, compute the frequency of words of certain length from the file and print these frequencies to standard output.
The overall goal of this assignment is to introduce C programming in a unix setting, with particular emphasis on C array and string processing. Your eventual submission will consist of the source files for the program, accompanied by test cases. There are three parts to this assignment and Sections 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 below contain Specifications for each of the three programs. Section 3 describe the Constraints you should consider in your implementation, and Section 2 describes the Testing component. What you should Submit is outlined in Section 4 and the Evaluation scheme is given in Section 5.
Your code is expected to compile without warnings in Senjhalla (the virtual- box+vagrant virtual machine) using the -Wall -g and -std=c99 compile flags with the gcc 9.3.0 compiler.
Because a later assignment will test your knowledge of dynamic memory allocation, you are asked to not use dynamic memory allocation for this assignment, as it is useful to learn how to rely exclusively on automatic allocation.
1.1 Assignment Package
These instructions assume you have completed Lab 2 and you have cloned your git repository to the home directory in your Senjhalla virtual machine. If you have not yet done so, refer to the Lab 2 video and slides.
Download the assign1.zip package from Connex and unzip it into the a1 folder of your git repository. The folder structure is shown in Fig. 1.
Add your code to the src files provided with your solution to parts A, B, and C. You may create additional files in src but do not rename word_count.c. A suggested template has been provided for you in word_count.h.
cases hold the test files for parts A, B, and C. The input files have the format t*.txt and the corresponding expected output format is c*.txt. For example, the expected output for a solution to Part B, using input t04.txt, will be found in cases/B/c04.txt.

Figure 1: Assignment package
The test folder contains the framework that will be used for evaluation. See section 5 for details on how to run the tests. You may add your own tests to the existing tests, but they will not be used in your evaluation.
1.2 Part A. Frequency of words of all lengths
The first part of the assignment is to write a C program, contained in the source files called word_count.c and word_count.h, which counts the number of words of all lengths. You have been provided skeleton template files in the assignment package.
The program must compile, with no warnings, and run using the following com- mands:
$ gcc -Wall -std=c99 -o word_count word_count.c
$ ./word_count –infile
After compiling, a correct implementation will take the name of a word list file as a command line argument and output the frequency of words of all lengths in that file, e.g in the form of a function Count[arg] where arg is the length of the word. For example, consider the following as input file input_file.txt:
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
To the last syllable of recorded time;

There are 2 words of length 2: to and of, and so Count[2]=2;
There are 3 words of length 3: and (twice) and the, and so Count[3]=3;
There are 2 words of length 4: last and time, and so Count[4]=2;
And finally there are 5 words of length 8: tomorrow (3 times), syllable and recorded, and so Count[8]=5;
Therefore the complete output of the program should be:
Count[02]=02; Count[03]=03; Count[04]=02; Count[08]=05;
A note on output formatting: For all three parts of the assignment the outputs could be rendered as single 0 padding, e.g.
Correct: Count[08]=05; or Incorrect: Count[8] = 5; Incorrect: Count[08]= 5; or even
Incorrect: Count[8] = 0005;
Tests associated with this part are located in cases/A and test/test_A.h.
1.3 Part B. SORTED Frequency of words of all lengths
The second part of the assignment implements the same program as in Part A but the output is sorted by frequency of words, and outputted in descending order of frequency. You will also output the median word length. In the case of an even number of word lengths, take the average between the two middle bucket word lengths. Do not print the median if –print-words argument is also provided (as in Part C).
Add an additional optional argument to your Part A code (i.e. do not create a new C source file), that will be run as shown. You cannot assume that the arguments will be run in this order.
$ ./word_count –sort –infile
For example, for the same input file as above, the output should be:
Count[08]=05; Count[03]=03; Count[02]=02; Count[04]=02;
Median word length: 3.5

In the case of a tie (as shown above) then you do a secondary sort based on the word length bucket/bin value. As in the example, Count[02] is a smaller word length than Count[04] so it is sorted above the longer world length.
Tests associated with this part are located in cases/B and test/test_B.h. 1.4 Part C. SORTED Frequency of words of all lengths with Words
The third part of the assignment adds in the option to display the unique words found for each word length in alphanumeric order. Add an additional optional ar- gument to your Part A & B code (i.e. do not create a new C source file), that will be run as shown. You cannot assume that the arguments will be run in this order.
$ ./word_count –sort –print-words –infile
For example, for the same input file as above, the output should be:
Count[08]=05; (words: ”Tomorrow”, ”recorded”, ”syllable” and ”tomorrow”) Count[03]=03; (words: ”and” and ”the”)
Count[02]=02; (words: ”To”, ”of” and ”to”)
Count[04]=02; (words: ”last” and ”time”)
Tests associated with this part are located in cases/C and test/test_C.h.
2 Test Inputs
You should test all of your programs with a variety of test inputs, covering as many different use cases as possible, not just the test input provided. You should ensure that your programs handle error cases (such as files which do not exist) appropriately and do not produce errors on valid inputs. Since thorough testing is an integral part of the software engineering process, you will be expected to submit one test input.
You have been provided a set of 10 test input files (t01.txt to t10.txt) and 21 (c01.txt to c07.txt) expected output files (7 for each part) located under the cases folder. Your code also needs to be able to handle basic user error. See test/test_input.h for expected behaviour when handling incorrect command-line arguments. Do not
use exit() to exit the program.
You have also been provided a testing framework that allows you to run these tests using a makefile.
To run the makefile:
$ make test
This will compile and run the test framework in test and create the binary tests.out. You can re-run the tests using ./tests.out. If you modify you code, you will need to re-compile using make first.

The output is formatted as follows:
Fig.2 shows an example of the test output.
When a test fails, you are provided with the function that failed, the truncated Expected (green) output from the c*.txt file and the Actual (red) output from your program, at the point it failed. You can turn tests off while testing by un- commenting TEST_IGNORE() in test function(s) located in test_A.h, test_B.h, test_C.h. There are 9 tests that are ignored that will used during the evaluation of your code.
In the provided example, out of the 34 possible tests, 6 tests have failed, and 9 tests ignored.
3 Constraints
You are NOT allowed to use malloc/realloc for this assignment. Therefore, you can make the following assumptions in your code:
• The maximum file size is 5000 bytes
• The maximum words in a file is 750
• The maximum word size is 34 bytes
• Lower case and upper case words should be treated as different words (i.e.
Tomorrow and tomorrow are printed separately)
• The only allowed special characters to be included in the input file are .,;().
No other special characters are expected to be included in the input file.
• In the case of a tie in the word frequency/count, then sort normally by word
• Do NOT use exit() to exit the program on an error.
4 What you must submit
• C source-code name word_count.c and other files which contains your solu- tion for Parts A, B and C of Assignment #1 located in src
• Ensure your ALL work is committed to your local repository and pushed to the remote before the due date/time. (You may keep extra files used during development within the repository.)
5 Evaluation
The teaching staff will primarily mark solutions based on the input files provided for this assignment. Students must adhere to the software requirements (command execution and output formatting) outlined in this assignment. For each assignment, some students will be randomly selected to demo their code to the course markers.

Figure 2: Example of test results with some failing cases.

Each student will have this opportunity to demo at least one assignment during the semester. Sign-up procedure will be discussed in class.
Our grading scheme is relatively simple.
• ”A” grade: A submission completing ALL Parts and all requirements of the assignment and all tests pass. The word_count programs runs without any problems.
• ”B+” grade: A submission that completes part A & B of the assignment and all tests pass. The word_count programs runs without any problems.
• ”B-/B” grade: A submission that completes part A of the assignment and all tests pass. The word_count programs runs without any problems.
• ”C” grade: A submission that completes part A of the assignment and passes some tests. The word_count programs runs with some problems.
• ”D” grade: A serious attempt at completing requirements for the assignment. The word_count program compiles and runs with some problems.
• ”F” grade: Either no submission given (or did not attend demo); submission represents very little work or understanding of the assignment.