CS代写 Part F: Sequential Devices (12 marks)

Part F: Sequential Devices (12 marks)
F1 The state table on the right represents the flip-flop values for a 0
finite state machine with flip-flops F2 & F1 and input X.
1 0 1 0 1 0

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Previous State Next State
1. The original state diagram was lost, except for the two transitions shown in the diagram above. Given the state table above, draw and label the missing transitions in the state diagram. (6 marks)
2. In the space below, draw circuit diagrams for the new values of F2 and F1, given the input X and the previous F2 and F1 values. For full marks, draw the smallest circuit composed of NAND gates. (4 marks)
3. How many transitions in this FSM cause a race condition? (1 mark) 4. Is this a Mealy or Moore machine? (1 mark)
Student Number: __________________ 10 (continued)

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