程序代写代做代考 5004CEM Lab 4 Creating a Bootloader

5004CEM Lab 4 Creating a Bootloader
In this lab, you should complete the Basic Tasks and the Advanced Tasks.
I recommend you explore the helloWorld.asm and helloWorld_loop.am code that is provided in Session4 on the server and on AULA. To complete the Advanced Tasks, you will need to use full or parts of registers. As we are using 16-Bit NASM, the registers you can use are limited to 16-bits such as CX and DX and 8-bit sections of these registers such as CL, CH, DL, DH, as well registers such as AL.
See the ‘Getting Started with Lab 4’ video on AULA to give you additional information on completing this lab.
If you have any additional questions on this lab or any other labs please do not hesitate to ask your tutor and/or email me on ab0487@coventry.ac.uk.
Basic Tasks – Bootloader
Basic Task a)
Make a bootloader that displays on separate lines your student ID, course, and your favourite operating system. Copy the bootloader into the Pragma Linux image. Boot Pragma Linux using Bochs.
Basic Task b)
Make a bootloader that displays a Christmas Tree Shape without loops. Copy the bootloader into the Pragma Linux image. Boot Pragma Linux using Bochs.
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Advanced Tasks – Bootloader
Advanced Task a)
Make a bootloader that displays a Christmas Tree Shape using loops. Copy the bootloader into the Pragma Linux image. Boot Pragma Linux using Bochs.
Advanced Task b)
Make a bootloader that displays a Christmas Tree Shape using loops with the number of rows in the pyramid shape of the tree being set by user input. Copy the bootloader into the Pragma Linux image. Boot Pragma Linux using Bochs.
Portfolio Evidence
Source code sensibly commented for your bootloader(s).
Screenshots of Bochs running Pragma Linux containing your bootloader(s) that print the student details and the Christmas Tree Shape.
Mark Allocation
Up to 4 Marks for the Basic Task a) and the Advanced Task a).
Up to 5 Marks for the Basic Task a) and the Advanced Tasks a) and b).
See the coursework brief on page 2 for more details on the marking scheme.
Up to 2 Marks for the Basic Tasks a) and b).