程序代写代做代考 C HW3

25pts, no extra credit
Posted Friday, October 2, 2020
Due Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Problem 1 (10pts). Consider the following pseudocode, assuming nested subroutines and static scoping:
procedure main
g : integer
procedure B(a : integer)
x : integer
procedure A(n : integer)
g := n
procedure R(m : integer)
x /:= 2 — integer division
if x > 1
R(m + 1) else
— body of B
x := a * a
— body of main
a) (3pts) What does this program print?
b) (3pts) Show the frames on the stack when A has just been called. For each frame, show the
static and dynamic links. c) (4pts) Explain how A finds g.
Problem 2 (15pts). The grammar below generates Boolean expressions in prefix notation:
B ¡ú OBB|notB|id O ¡ú and|or

a) (5pts)
b) (10pts)
Write an attribute grammar to translate Boolean expressions into fully parenthesized infix form. For example, expression and and a or b c d turns into the following fully parenthesized expression ((a and (b or c)) and d).
Now write an attribute grammar to translate the Boolean expressions into parenthesized expressions in infix form without redundant parentheses. Use the established convention that not has highest precedence, followed by and, followed by or, and and and or are left-associative. For example, the above expression turns into a and (b or c) and d.