程序代写代做代考 data structure algorithm graph chain Dynamic programming

Dynamic programming
Dynamic programming COMP4500/7500
Advanced Algorithms & Data Structures
November 5, 2019
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Dynamic programming
Overview this week
November 5, 2019
Dynamic programming continued: All-pairs shortest paths (n = |V |):
Straightforward approach (⇥(n4))
Straightforward improvement (⇥(n3 lg n)) Floyd-Warshall algorithm (⇥(n3))
Johnson’s algorithm (⇥(n2 lg n) for sparse graphs) (Note: overview only – not dynamic)
“Greedy” algorithms: Characteristics
Comparison to dynamic programming Examples:
Task scheduling Fractional knapsack

Dynamic programming
Overview today
November 5, 2019
Dynamic programming continued: All-pairs shortest paths (n = |V |):
Straightforward approach (⇥(n4))
Straightforward improvement (⇥(n3 lg n)) Floyd-Warshall algorithm (⇥(n3))
Johnson’s algorithm (⇥(n2 lg n) for sparse graphs) (Note: overview only – not dynamic)

Dynamic programming
Dynamic programming recap
Method for efficiently solving some problems with certain properties:
optimal substructure and
overlapping subproblems.
Give a (concise & intuitive) recursive definition of the solution;
Transform into a dynamic programming implementation:
Calculate and store solutions to sub-problems in an order that respects sub-problem dependencies.
The key idea:
No solution to a sub-problem is calculated more than once.
Massive speed improvements over a naive recursive implementation are possible:
from exponential-time to polynomial-time!
November 5, 2019

Dynamic programming
Dynamic programming recap
Calculating Fibonacci numbers,
Calculating longest common subsequences of strings. Calculating the fastest order to multiple chains of matrices.
November 5, 2019

Dynamic programming
Finding all-pairs shortest paths
Problem: Find the shortest path between all pairs of nodes in a graph.
Dijkstra’s finds all shortest paths from one node.
Fastest implementation is O(E + V lg V ), which is O(V 2).
Running Dijkstra’s from all nodes is therefore O(V3). However, this cannot handle negative-weight edges.
Bellman-Ford is O(VE), which is O(V3) already, so with an extra loop for each node gives O(V4).
We can get O(V3) and handle neg-weight edges for all-pairs.
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Dynamic programming
Recursive definition of all-pairs
Simplifying assumptions/notation:
There are N vertices with ids conveniently 1, 2, ..N.
Uses an adjacency-matrix representation, with weight(i,j) as the weight of the edge from vertex i to j
If no edge exists, the weight is 1, hence we will always return 1 as the weight of the shortest path if one does not exist.
weight(v, v) = 0 for all v
November 5, 2019

Dynamic programming
Recursive definition of all-pairs
November 5, 2019
A path from vertex i to j can be either:
a path with no edges of weight 0, e.g. hii for i = j, a path with more than one edge consisting of:
a path p from vertex i to some vertex k, and the edge (k, j)
The weight of such a path is weight(p) + weight(k, j) Key insight: If the shortest path hi, .., k, ji from i to j has m
edges, then
the path from i to k must have (at most) m 1 edges, and
it must be a shortest path from i to k.

Dynamic programming
Recursive definition of all-pairs
Let shortestPath(i, j)m represent the weight of the shortest path fromi toj ofatmostmedges.
Definition (Shortest path (based on path length))
shortestPath(i, j)0 = ⇢ 0 if i = j shortestPath(i, j)m = 1 otherwise
MINk2V (shortestPath(i, k)m1 + weight(k, j)) shortestPath(i, j)1 = weight(i, j)
Each sub-problem is described by 3 parameters, and so a 3D array required to store solutions.
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Dynamic programming
Dynamic implementation of all-pairs
Store shortestPath(i, j)m at L[m, i, j] in a n ⇥ n ⇥ n array L. Calculate L[1], then L[2] from L[1], then L[3] from L[2] etc.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
T(n) 2 ⇥(n4) November 5, 2019
/ L[m, i, j] is weight of the shortest path from i to j of at most m edges. L = new int[n][n][n] / initialise all elements to 1
L[1] = weights
d = L[m 1] d0 = L[m] for i = 1 to n
for j = 1 to n
for k = 1 to n
d0[i, j] = MIN(d0[i, j], d[i, k] + weight(k, j))

Dynamic programming
Even better
Calculate L[1], then L[2] from L[1],
then L[4] from L[2]), then L[8] (from L[4]) etc.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12
/ L[m, i, j] is weight of the shortest path from i to j of at most m edges. L = new int[n ⇥ n ⇥ n] / initialise all elements to 1
L[1] = weights