Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
COMP4500/7500 July 24, 2019
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
What is an algorithm?
An algorithm is a well-defined computation procedure that takes some values as input and produces some value, or set of values, as output [CLRS CH1].
Usually defined to solve a specific computational problem.
We would like such algorithms to be correct (w.r.t. their problem) and efficient.
July 24, 2019
Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Sorting Problem
input Asequenceofnumbersha1,a2,…,ani
output A permutation ha10 , a20 , . . . , an0 i of the input sequence such thata10 a20 …an0
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Sorting Algorithm: Insertion Sort
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
for j = 2 to A.length key = A[j]
// Insert A[j] into the sorted sequence A[1..j 1] i=j1
whilei >0andA[i]>key
A[i + 1] = A[i]
i=i1 A[i+1]=key
Try it on A = [5,2,4,6,1,3].
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Sorting Algorithm: Insertion Sort
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
for j = 2 to A.length
// Invariant: A[1..j1] contains original elements // from A[1..j1], but in sorted order
// Insert A[j] into the sorted sequence A[1..j 1] i=j1
whilei >0andA[i]>key
A[i + 1] = A[i]
i=i1 A[i+1]=key
Loop invariants can be used to prove algorithms are correct.
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Execution Time
What does it depend on?
input size, e.g. sorting 10 elements versus 1000 elements
input value, e.g. sorting an already sorted list versus a reverse sorted list
Generally we want an upper bound on execution time.
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Execution time: Worst, Average and Best case
Definition (Worst case)
T (n) = Maximum execution time over all inputs of size n Definition (Average case)
T (n) = Average execution time over all inputs of size n, weighted by the probability of the input
Definition (Best case)
T (n) = Mimimum execution time over all inputs of size n
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Running Time Analysis
The running time of an algorithm on a given input can be measured in terms of the number of primitive steps executed.
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Sorting Algorithm: Insertion Sort
Let n be A.length.
Let’s measure time in terms of the number of array comparisons (in red):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
for j = 2 to A.length key = A[j]
// Insert A[j] into the sorted sequence A[1..j 1] i=j1
whilei >0andA[i]>key
A[i + 1] = A[i]
i=i1 A[i+1]=key
Worst case: T(n) = Pnj=2(j1) = n(n 1)/2 Bestcase:T(n)= nj=2(1)=n1
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Running Time Analysis: Recursion
More complicated than conditionals and loops.
Running time can often be described by a recurrence
Overall running time on a problem of size n is described in terms of running time(s) on smaller inputs and functions of n. (see CLRS Ch2 Ex: Merge Sort)
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Asymptotic Analysis: the general idea
Groups functions together based on their rate of growth. Merge sort ⇥(n lg n)
Insertion sort ⇥(n2)
For large inputs, difference in order outweigh constant factors:
E.g. Merge sort is ultimately better for large enough n no matter what the constant factors.
Ignores implementation dependent constants:
machine speed compiler
July 24, 2019
Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Growth of functions
July 24, 2019
Largest instance that can be solved in given time
1second 1, 000, 000 62, 746 1, 000 100 2n 19
1day 86, 400, 000, 000 2, 755, 147, 514 293, 938 4, 421 36
1year 31, 536, 000, 000, 000 798, 160, 978, 500 5, 615, 692 31, 593 44
T (n) n
n log n n2 n3
Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Asymptotic Analysis: limitations?
Constant factors are relevant for
small input sizes, and algorithms of same order
July 24, 2019
Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Asymptotic notation
July 24, 2019
For functions f and g
f 2 O(g) f is asymptotically bounded above by g to within a constant factor
n 2 O(n2)
64, 000n 2 O(n)
f 2 ⌦(g) f is asymptotically bounded below by g to within a constant factor
g 2 O(f) n2 2 ⌦(n)
f 2 ⇥(g) f is asymptotically bounded above and below by g to within a constant factor
f 2O(g)^f 2⌦(g) 42n 2 ⇥(n)
n 62 ⇥(n2)
Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Upper Bounds
Definition (Big-O)
O(g)={f|9c,n0 >0•8nn0 •0f(n)c.g(n)}
f 2O(g) () 9c,n0 >0•8nn0 •0f(n)c.g(n)
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Upper Bounds
Definition (Big-O)
O(g)={f|9c,n0 >0•8nn0 •0f(n)c.g(n)} Prove that: 2n3 2 O(n3)
Needconstantsc,n0 >0suchthat(8nn0 •02n3 cn3). Choosing c = 2 and n0 = 1 will suffice since:
8n1•02n3 2n3 ⌘ true
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Quick question: upper Bounds
Definition (Big-O)
O(g)={f|9c,n0 >0•8nn0 •0f(n)c.g(n)} Prove that: 2n2 2 O(n3 n2)
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Lower Bounds
Definition (⌦)
⌦(g)={f|9c,n0 >0•8nn0 •0c.g(n)f(n)}
f 2⌦(g) () 9c,n0 >0•8nn0 •0c.g(n)f(n)
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Lower Bounds
Definition (⌦)
⌦(g)={f|9c,n0 >0•8nn0 •0c.g(n)f(n)}
Prove that: 2n3 2 ⌦(n3)
Needconstantsc,n0 >0suchthat(8nn0 •0cn3 2n3). Choosing c = 2 and n0 = 1 will suffice since:
8n1•02n3 2n3 ⌘ true
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Tight Bounds
Definition (⇥)
⇥(g) = {f| 9c1,c2,n0 > 0 •
8nn0 •0c1.g(n)f(n)c2.g(n)}
f2⇥(g)() 9c1,c2,n0>0•
8nn0 •0c1.g(n)f(n)c2.g(n)
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Tight Bounds
Definition (⇥)
⇥(g) = {f| 9c1,c2,n0 > 0 •
8nn0 •0c1.g(n)f(n)c2.g(n)} Prove that: 2n3 2 ⇥(n3)
Need constants c1, c2, n0 > 0 such that (8nn0 •0c1n3 2n3 c2n3).
Choosing c1 = c2 = 2 and n0 = 1 will suffice since:
8n1•02n3 2n3 2n3 ⌘ true
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Tight Bounds: Prove: n2 2n 2 ⇥(n2) 2
Need constants c1, c2, n0 > 0 such that
2n2 2
(8nn0•0c1n 22nc2n).
0 c1n2 ⌘ true
ifn0 ifn>01
c1n2n2 2n 12
⌘ 2n(2c1) ⌘ 8n
ifc1=4 21
n2 2nc2n2
⌘ true ifn0andc2 2
Choosing c1 = 1 , c2 = 1 and n0 = 8 will therefore suffice. 42
July 24, 2019
Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Properties of asymptotic notation
f 2O(g) =) g+f 2⇥(g) Forexample,n2O(n2) =) n2+n2⇥(n2)
Fork >0, Theorem 2 ⇥(na) Fork >0and0ab 2 O(nb)
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Properties of asymptotic notation
For any functions f and g
f 2 O ( g ) () g 2 ⌦ ( f )
For any functions f and g
f 2⇥(g) () f 2O(g)^f 2⌦(g)
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Comparing Functions
Definition (Asymptotically non-negative)
A function f is asymptotically non-negative if 9n0 •(8nn0 •f(n)0)
If f and g are asymptotically non-negative functions, and limn!1f(n) =c0 then f2O(g)
=c>0 then f2⇥(g)
=1 then g2O(f) where c is a real-valued constant.
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Cannot compare all functions
July 24, 2019
For example the functions
n and n1+sinn
are not comparable.
Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
p(n)= Theorem
Ifad >0,
Xd k 0 1 2 d
akn =a0n +a1n +a2n +···+adn p(n) 2 ⇥(nd )
lim p(n) n!1 nd
PPk = lim d ak n n!1 k=0 nd
=lim adnd +Pd1aknk n!1 nd k=0 nd
=lim a+d1ak =an!1 d k=0ndk
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Running Time Analysis and Asymptotic Notation
Fora>1andd 0,
nd 2 O(an)
lim nd n!1 an
by L’Hôpital’s rule
= =
lim dnd 1 n!1 an ln a
by L’Hôpital’s rule lim d (d 1)nd 2
n!1 an(lna)2 d times
=limn!1 n d! d
lim d (d 1)(d 2)…1n0 n!1 an(lna)d
a (lna) d as d! and (lna)
are constants and a
tends to 1
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