Differential Equations via Finite Differences¶
We now see our first application: solving differential equations.
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We will focus on the following differential equations:
Indefinite integration for $a ≤ x ≤ b$:
u(a) = c, u’ = f(x)
Linear time-evolution problems for $0 ≤ t ≤ T$:
u(0) = c, u’ – a(t) u = f(t)
Vector time-evolution problems for $0 ≤ t ≤ T$:
𝐮(0) = 𝐜, 𝐮’ – A(t) 𝐮 = 𝐟(t)
Nonlinear time-evolution problems for $0 ≤ t ≤ T$:
𝐮(0) = 𝐜, 𝐮’ = f(t, 𝐮(t))
Poisson equation with Dirichlet conditions for $a ≤ x ≤ b$:
u(a) &= c_0, u(b) = c_1, \\
u” &= f(x)
Our approach to solving these is to
Approximate the solution on $[a,b]$ evaluated on a $n$-point grid
$x_1,…,x_n$ (labelled $t_k$ for time-evolution problems) with step size
x_{k+1}-x_k = h = {b-a \over n-1}
for a vector $𝐮 ∈ ℝ^n$
that will be determined by solving a linear system:
\end{bmatrix} ≈ \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}
Replace the derivatives with the finite-difference approximations (here $m_k = (x_{k+1} – x_k)/2$ is the mid-point
of the grid):
u'(x_k) &≈ {u(x_{k+1}) – u(x_k) \over h} ≈ {u_{k+1} – u_k \over h} \qquad\hbox{(Forward-difference)} \\
u'(m_k) &≈ {u(x_{k+1}) – u(x_k) \over h} ≈ {u_{k+1} – u_k \over h} \qquad\hbox{(Central-difference)} \\
u'(x_k) &≈ {u(x_k) – u(x_{k-1}) \over h} ≈ {u_k – u_{k-1} \over h} \qquad\hbox{(Backward-difference)} \\
u”(x_k) &≈ {u(x_{k+1}) – 2u(x_k) + u_{k-1} \over h^2} ≈ {u_{k+1} – 2u_k + u_{k-1} \over h^2}
Recast the differential equation as a linear system whose solution
is $𝐮$, which we solve using numerical linear algebra.
Add the initial/boundary conditions as extra rows to make sure the
system is square.
Remark (advanced) One should normally not need to implement these methods oneselves as there
are packages available, e.g. DifferentialEquations.jl. Moreover Forward and Backward
Euler are only the first baby steps to a wide range of time-steppers, with Runge–Kutta being
one of the most successful.
For example we can solve
a simple differential equation like a pendulum $u” = -\sin u$ can be solved
as follows (writing at a system $u’ = v, v’ = -\sin u$):
using DifferentialEquations, LinearAlgebra, Plots
u = solve(ODEProblem((u,_,x) -> [u[2], -sin(u[1])], [1,0], (0,10)))
However, even in these automated packages one has a choice of different methods with
different behaviour, so it is important to understand what is happening.
1. Time-evolution problems¶
In this section we consider the forward and backward Euler methods, which are based on forward and backward difference
approximations to the derivative. In the problem sheet we will investigate a rule that that takes the average of the two
(with significant benefits). We first discuss the simplest case of indefinite integration, where central differences is also
applicable, then introduce forward and backward
Euler for linear scalar, linear vector, and nonlinear differential equations.
Indefinite integration¶
We begin with the simplest differential equation on an interval $[a,b]$:
u(a) &= c \\
u'(x) &= f(x)
Using the forward-difference (which is the standard finite-difference) approximation we
choose $u_k ≈ u(x_k)$ so that, for $k = 1, …, n-1$:
f(x_k) = u'(x_k) ≈ {u_{k+1} – u_k \over h} = f(x_k)
That is, where $u$ satisfies the differential equation exactly,
$u_k$ satisfies the difference equation exactly.
We do not include $k = n$ to avoid going outside our grid.
This condition can be recast as a linear system:
\underbrace{{1 \over h} \begin{bmatrix}
& \ddots & \ddots \\
\end{bmatrix}}_{D_h} 𝐮^{\rm f} = \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} f(x_1) \\ \vdots \\ f(x_{n-1})
\end{bmatrix}}_{𝐟^{\rm f}}
where the super-script ${\rm f}$ denotes that we are using
forward differences (and is leading towards the
forward Euler method).
Here $D_h ∈ ℝ^{n-1,n}$ so this system is not-invertible. Thus we need to
add an extra row, coming from the initial condition: $𝐞_1^⊤ 𝐮^{\rm f} = c$,
\end{bmatrix} 𝐮^{\rm f} = \underbrace{ \begin{bmatrix}
-1/h & 1/h\\
& \ddots & \ddots \\
&& -1/h & 1/h
\end{bmatrix}}_{L_h} 𝐮^{\rm f} = \begin{bmatrix} c \\ 𝐟^{\rm f} \end{bmatrix}
This is a lower-triangular bidiagonal system, so can be solved using
forward substitution in $O(n)$ operations.
We can also consider discretisation at the mid-point $m_k = {x_{k+1} – x_k \over 2}$,
which is the analogue of using central-differences:
u'(m_k) ≈ {u_{k+1} – u_k \over h} = f(m_k)
That is, we have the exact same system with a different right-hand side:
\underbrace{{1 \over h} \begin{bmatrix}
& \ddots & \ddots \\
\end{bmatrix}}_{D_h} 𝐮^{\rm m} =
\underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} f(m_1) \\ \vdots \\ f(m_{n-1})
\end{bmatrix}}_{𝐟^{\rm m}}
And of course there is $𝐮^{\rm B}$ coming from the backwards-difference
u'(x_k) ≈ {u_k – u_{k-1} \over h} = f(x_k)
which we leave as an exercise.
Let’s do an example of integrating $\cos x$, and see if our method matches
the true answer of $\sin x$. First we construct the system
as a lower-triangular, Bidiagonal matrix:
using LinearAlgebra, Plots
function indefint(x)
h = step(x) # x[k+1]-x[k]
n = length(x)
L = Bidiagonal([1; fill(1/h, n-1)], fill(-1/h, n-1), :L)
x = range(0, 1; length=n)
L = indefint(x)
10×10 Bidiagonal{Float64, Vector{Float64}}:
1.0 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
-9.0 9.0 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
⋅ -9.0 9.0 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
⋅ ⋅ -9.0 9.0 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ -9.0 9.0 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ -9.0 9.0 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ -9.0 9.0 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ -9.0 9.0 ⋅ ⋅
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ -9.0 9.0 ⋅
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ -9.0 9.0
We can now solve for our particular problem using both the left and
mid-point rules:
c = 0 # u(0) = 0
f = x -> cos(x)
m = (x[1:end-1] + x[2:end])/2 # midpoints
𝐟ᶠ = f.(x[1:end-1]) # evaluate f at all but last points
𝐟ᵐ = f.(m) # evaluate f at mid-points
𝐮ᶠ = L \ [c; 𝐟ᶠ] # integrate using forward-differences
𝐮ᵐ = L \ [c; 𝐟ᵐ] # integrate using central-differences
plot(x, sin.(x); label=”sin(x)”, legend=:bottomright)
scatter!(x, 𝐮ᶠ; label=”forward”)
scatter!(x, 𝐮ᵐ; label=”mid”)
They both are close though the mid-point version is significantly
more accurate.
We can estimate how fast it converges:
# Error from indefinite integration with c and f
function forward_err(u, c, f, n)
x = range(0, 1; length = n)
uᶠ = indefint(x) \ [c; f.(x[1:end-1])]
norm(uᶠ – u.(x), Inf)
function mid_err(u, c, f, n)
x = range(0, 1; length = n)
m = (x[1:end-1] + x[2:end]) / 2 # midpoints
uᵐ = indefint(x) \ [c; f.(m)]
norm(uᵐ – u.(x), Inf)
ns = 10 .^ (1:8) # solve up to n = 10 million
scatter(ns, forward_err.(sin, 0, f, ns); xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10, label=”forward”)
scatter!(ns, mid_err.(sin, 0, f, ns); label=”mid”)
plot!(ns, ns .^ (-1); label=”1/n”)
plot!(ns, ns .^ (-2); label=”1/n^2″)
This is a log-log plot:we scale both $x$ and $y$ axes logarithmically so that
$n^α$ becomes a straight line where the slope is dictated by $α$.
We seem experimentally that the error for forward-difference is $O(n^{-1})$
while for mid-point/central-differences we get faster $O(n^{-2})$ convergence.
Both methods appear to be stable.
Forward Euler¶
Now consider a scalar linear time-evolution problem for $0 ≤ t ≤ T$:
u(0 ) &= c \\
u'(t) – a(t) u(t) &= f(t)
Label the $n$-point grid as $t_k = (k-1)h$ for $h = T/(n-1)$.
Definition (Restriction matrices)
Define the $n-1 × n$ restriction matrices as
I_n^{\rm f} := \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ &⋱ \\ &&1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}\\
I_n^{\rm b} := \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ &&⋱ \\ &&&1 \end{bmatrix} \\
Again we can replace the discretisation using finite-differences, giving us
{u_{k+1} – u_k \over h} – a(t_k) u_k = f(u_k)
for $k = 1,…,n-1$. We need to add the term $a(t_k) u_k$ to our differential equation,
that is. We do this using the $n-1 × n$ (left) restriction matrix that takes a vector
evaluated at $x_1,…,x_n$ and restricts it to $x_1,…,x_{n-1}$,
as well as the $n × n$ multiplication matrix
A_n = \begin{bmatrix} a(t_1) \\ &⋱\\&& a(t_n) \end{bmatrix}
Putting everything together we have the system:
D_h – I_n^{\rm f} A_n
\end{bmatrix} 𝐮^{\rm f} = \underbrace{ \begin{bmatrix}
-a(t_1)-1/h & 1/h\\
& \ddots & \ddots \\
&& -a(t_{n-1})-1/h & 1/h
\end{bmatrix}}_L 𝐮^{\rm f} = \begin{bmatrix} c \\ I_n^{\rm f} 𝐟 \end{bmatrix}
where $𝐟 = \begin{bmatrix} f(t_1) \\ ⋮ \\ f(t_n) \end{bmatrix}$.
Here is a simple example for solving:
u'(0) = 1, u’ + t u = {\rm e}^t
which has an exact solution in terms of a special error function
(which we determined using Mathematica).
using SpecialFunctions
a = t -> t
t = range(0, 1; length=n)
# exact solution, found in Mathematica
u = t -> -(1/2)*exp(-(1+t^2)/2)*(-2sqrt(ℯ) + sqrt(2π)erfi(1/sqrt(2)) – sqrt(2π)erfi((1 + t)/sqrt(2)))
h = step(t)
L = Bidiagonal([1; fill(1/h, n-1)], a.(t[1:end-1]) .- 1/h, :L)
norm(L \ [c; exp.(t[1:end-1])] – u.(t),Inf)
We see that it is converging to the true result.
Note that this is a simple forward-substitution of a bidiagonal system,
so we can also just construct it directly:
u_1 &= c \\
u_{k+1} &= (1 + h a(t_k)) u_k + h f(t_k)
Remark (advanced) Note this can alternatively be reduced to an integral
u(t) = c \hbox{e}^{a t} + \hbox{e}^{a t} \int_0^t f(τ) \hbox{e}^{-a τ} \hbox d τ
and solved as above but this approach is harder to generalise.
Backward Euler¶
In Backward Euler we replace the forward-difference with a backward-difference,
{u_k – u_{k-1} \over h} – a(t_k) u_k = f(u_k)
This leads to the system:
D_h – I_n^{\rm b} A_n
\end{bmatrix} 𝐮^{\rm b} = \underbrace{ \begin{bmatrix}
-1/h & 1/h -a(t_2)\\
& \ddots & \ddots \\
&& -1/h & 1/h-a(t_n)
\end{bmatrix}}_L 𝐮^{\rm b} = \begin{bmatrix} c \\ I_n^{\rm b} 𝐟 \end{bmatrix}
Again this is a bidiagonal forward-substitution:
u_1 &= c \\
(1 – h a(t_{k+1})) u_{k+1} &= u_k + h f(t_{k+1})
u_{k+1} = (1 – h a(t_{k+1}))^{-1}(u_k + h f(t_{k+1}))
Systems of equations¶
We can also solve systems, that is, equations of the form:
𝐮(0) &= 𝐜 \\
𝐮'(t) – A(t) 𝐮(t) &= 𝐟(t)
where $𝐮, 𝐟 : [0,T] → ℝ^d$ and $A : [0,T] → ℝ^{d × d}$.
We again discretise at the grid $t_k$
by approximating $𝐮(t_k) ≈ 𝐮_k ∈ ℝ^d$.
This can be reduced to a block-bidiagonal system as in
the scalar case which is solved via forward-substitution. Though
it’s easier to think of it directly.
Forward Euler gives us:
𝐮_1 &= c \\
𝐮_{k+1} &= 𝐮_k + h A(t_k) 𝐮_k + h 𝐟(t_k)
That is, each time-step consists of matrix-vector multiplication.
On the other hand Backward Euler requires inverting a matrix
at each time-step:
𝐮_1 &= c \\
𝐮_{k+1} &= (I- h A(t_{k+1}))^{-1} (𝐮_k + h 𝐟(t_{k+1}))
Example (Airy equation)
Consider the (negative-time) Airy equation:
u(0) &= 1 \\
u'(0) &= 0 \\
u”(t) + t u &= 0
We can recast it as a system by defining
𝐮(x) = \begin{bmatrix} u(x) \\ u'(x) \end{bmatrix}
which satisfies
𝐮(0) = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} \\
𝐮’ – \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -t & 0 \end{bmatrix} 𝐮 = 𝟎.
It is natural to represent the time-slices $𝐮_k$ as
columns of a matrix $U = [𝐮_1 | ⋯ | 𝐮_n] ∈ ℝ^{2 × n}$. Thus we get:
n = 100_000
t = range(0, 50; length=n)
A = t -> [0 1; -t 0]
h = step(t)
U = zeros(2, n) # each column is a time-slice
U[:,1] = [1.0,0.0] # initial condition
for k = 1:n-1
U[:,k+1] = (I + h*A(t[k]))*U[:,k]
# We plot both the value and its derivative
plot(t, U’)
We leave implementation of backward Euler as a simple exercise.
Example (Heat on a graph)
Those who took Introduction to Applied Mathematics will recall
heat equation on a graph. Consider a simple graph of $m$ nodes labelled
$1, …, m$ where node $k$ is connected to neighbouring nodes ${k-1}$ and ${k+1}$,
whereas node $1$ is only connected to node $2$ and node $m$ only connected to
${m-1}$. The graph Laplacian corresponding to this system is the matrix:
Δ := \begin{bmatrix} -1 & 1 \\
1 & -2 & ⋱ \\
& 1 & ⋱ & 1 \\
&& ⋱ & -2 & 1 \\
&&& 1 & -1
If we denote the heat at time $t$ at node $k$ as $u_k(t)$,
which we turn into a vector
𝐮(t) = \begin{bmatrix} u_1(t) \\ ⋮ \\ u_m(t) \end{bmatrix}
We consider the case of a periodic forcing at the middle node $n = ⌊m/2⌋$.
Heat equation on this lattice is defined as follows:
𝐮’ = Δ𝐮 + 𝐞_{⌊m/2⌋} \cos ωt
We can employ forward and backward Euler:
n = 1_000 # number of time-steps
t = range(0, 100; length=n)
h = step(t)
m = 50 # number of nodes
Δ = SymTridiagonal([-1; fill(-2.0, m-2); -1], ones(m-1))
f = t -> cos(ω*t) # periodic forcing with period 1
Uᶠ = zeros(m, n) # each column is a time-slice for forward Euler
Uᵇ = zeros(m, n) # each column is a time-slice for backwar Euler
Uᶠ[:,1] = Uᵇ[:,1] = zeros(m) # initial condition
for k = 1:n-1
Uᶠ[:,k+1] = (I + h*Δ)*Uᶠ[:,k]
Uᶠ[m÷2,k+1] += h*f(t[k]) # add forcing at 𝐞_1
𝐞 = zeros(m); 𝐞[m÷2] = 1;
for k = 1:n-1
Uᵇ[:,k+1] = (I – h*Δ)\(Uᵇ[:,k] + h*f(t[k+1])𝐞)
# Uᶠ[:,end] is the solution at the last time step
scatter(Uᶠ[:,end]; label=”forward”)
scatter!(Uᵇ[:,end]; label=”backward”)
Both match!
Remark If you change the number of time-steps to be too small, for example n = 100, forward
Euler blows up while backward Euler does not. This will be discussed in the problem
Remark (advanced) Memory allocations are very expensive so
in practice one should preallocate and use memory.
Nonlinear problems¶
Forward-Euler extends naturally to nonlinear equations,
including the
vector case:
𝐮’ = f(t, 𝐮(t))
𝐮_{k+1} = 𝐮_k + h f(t_k, 𝐮_k)
Here we show a simple solution to a nonlinear Pendulum:
u” = -\sin u
by writing $𝐮(t) := [u_1(t),u_2(t)] :=[u(t),u'(t)]$ we have:
𝐮'(t) = \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} u_2(t) \\ -\sin u_1(t) \end{bmatrix}}_{f(t, 𝐮(t))}
Again we put the time slices into a $2 × n$ matrix:
n = 10_000
Uᶠ = zeros(2, n)
t = range(0, 20; length=n)
h = step(t) # same as x[k+1]-x[k]
Uᶠ[:,1] = [1,0] # initial condition
for k = 1:n-1
u₁, u₂ = Uᶠ[:,k]
Uᶠ[:,k+1] = [u₁, u₂] + h * [u₂,-sin(u₁)]
# just plot solution
plot(t, Uᶠ[1,:]; label=”Pendulum angle”)
As we see it roughly predicts the oscillatory behaviour of
a pendulum, and matches the simulation using DifferentialEquations.jl
above. However, over time there is an increase as we have not
resolved the solution. Increasing n further will cause the error
to decrease as the method does indeed converge.
2. Two-point boundary value problems¶
Here we will only consider one discretisation as it is symmetric:
u”(x_k) ≈ {u_{k-1} – 2u_k + u_{k+1} \over h^2}
That is we use the $n-1 × n+1$ matrix:
D_h^2 := {1 \over h^2} \begin{bmatrix}
1 & -2 & 1 \\ & ⋱ & ⋱ & ⋱ \\
&& 1 & -2 & 1
Example (Poisson) Consider the Poisson equation with Dirichlet conditions:
u(0) &= c_0 \\
u” &= f(x) \\
u(1) &= c_1
which we discretise as
u_0 &= c_0 \\
{u_{k-1} – 2u_k + u_{k+1} \over h^2} &= f(x_k) \\
u_1 &= c_1
As a linear system this equation becomes:
\end{bmatrix} 𝐮 = \begin{bmatrix} c_0 \\ f(x_2) \\ ⋮ \\ f(x_{n-1}) \\ c_1 \end{bmatrix}
Thus we solve:
x = range(0, 1; length = n)
h = step(x)
T = Tridiagonal([fill(1/h^2, n-2); 0], [1; fill(-2/h^2, n-2); 1], [0; fill(1/h^2, n-2)])
u = T \ [1; exp.(x[2:end-1]); 2]
scatter(x, u)
We can test convergence on $u(x) = \cos x^2$ which satisfies
u(0) = 1 \\
u(1) = \cos 1 \\
u”(x) = -4x^2*cos(x^2) – 2sin(x^2)
We observe uniform ($∞$-norm) convergence:
function poisson_err(u, c_0, c_1, f, n)
x = range(0, 1; length = n)
h = step(x)
T = Tridiagonal([fill(1/h^2, n-2); 0], [1; fill(-2/h^2, n-2); 1], [0; fill(1/h^2, n-2)])
uᶠ = T \ [c_0; f.(x[2:end-1]); c_1]
norm(uᶠ – u.(x), Inf)
u = x -> cos(x^2)
f = x -> -4x^2*cos(x^2) – 2sin(x^2)
ns = 10 .^ (1:8) # solve up to n = 10 million
scatter(ns, poisson_err.(u, 1, cos(1), f, ns); xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10, label=”error”)
plot!(ns, ns .^ (-2); label=”1/n^2″)
3. Convergence¶
We now study convergence of the approaches for the constant-coefficient case.
We will use Toeplitz matrices as a tool to simplify the explanation.
Definition (Toeplitz) A Toeplitz matrix has constant diagonals: $T[k,j] = a_{k-j}$.
Proposition ( inverse)
The inverse of a $n × n$ bidiagonal Toeplitz matrix is:
&-ℓ & 1 \\
&& ⋱ & ⋱ \\
&&& -ℓ & 1\end{bmatrix} =
\begin{bmatrix} 1 \\
ℓ^2 & ℓ & 1 \\
⋮ & ⋱ & ⋱ & ⋱ \\
ℓ^{n-1} & ⋯ & ℓ^2 & ℓ & 1
Theorem (Forward/Backward Euler convergence)
Consider the equation
u(0) = c, u'(t) + a u(t) = f(t)
𝐮 := \begin{bmatrix} u(t_1) \\ ⋮ \\ u(t_n) \end{bmatrix}
Assume that $u$ is twice-differentiable with uniformly bounded
second derivative.
Then the error for forward/backward Euler is
\|𝐮ᶠ – 𝐮\|_∞, \|𝐮ᵇ – 𝐮\|_∞ = O(n^{-1})
We prove the error bound for forward Euler as backward Euler is
similar. This proof consists of two stages: (1) consistency and
(2) stability.
Consistency means our discretisation approximates the
true equation, that is:
L𝐮 = \begin{bmatrix} c \\
{u(t_2) – u(t_1) \over h} + a u(t_1) \\
{u(t_n) – u(t_{n-1}) \over h} + a u(t_{n-1})
\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} c \\
u'(t_1) + a u(t_1) + u”(τ_1) h \\
u'(t_{n-1}) + a u(t_{n-1}) + u”(τ_{n-1}) h
\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} c \\
f(t_1) + u”(τ_1) h \\
f(t_{n-1}) + u”(τ_{n-1}) h
\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} c \\ 𝐟ᶠ \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ δ \end{bmatrix}
where $t_k ≤ τ_k ≤ t_{k+1}$, and uniform boundedness
implies that $\|δ\|_∞ = O(h)$, or in other words $\|δ\|_1 = O(1)$.
Stability means the inverse does not
blow up the error. We need to be a bit careful and
first write, for $ℓ = 1 + h a$,
L = \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ & h^{-1} \\ && ⋱ \\ &&& h^{-1} \end{bmatrix}}_D
\underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} 1 \\
-ℓ & 1 \\ & ⋱ & ⋱ \\
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