1 Requirement
Pick up ONE (or more if you like) favorite problem below or from the datasets in textbook to attack. If you would like to work on a different problem outside the candidates we proposed, please email me about your proposal. Brave hearts for explorations will be encouraged!
Team work: we encourage you to form small team, up to THREE persons per group, to work on the same problem. Each team just submit ONE report, with a clear remark on each person’s contribution. The report can be in the format of either Python (Jupyter) Notebooks with a detailed documentation, a poster (you can download the templates here)
or a technical report within 8 pages, e.g. NIPS conference style https://nips.cc/Conferences/2016/PaperInformation/StyleFiles
In the report, show your proposed scientific questions to explore and main results with a careful analysis supporting the results toward answering your problems. Remember: scientific analysis and reasoning are more important than merely the performance tables. Separate source codes may be submitted through email as a .zip file, GitHub link, or as an appendix if it is not large. There is no restriction on the programming languages to use, but R or Python are recommended.
Regression: Animal Species Sleeping Hours
The following dataset contains n = 62 species with several features including the average sleeping hours per day (sleep). Some values are missing (NA).
Explore the question that what might affect the sleep that an animal needs. In this explorative study, you probably need to deal with
• remove or fill-in missing values;
• design your models, e.g. multiple linear regression;
• mixed-type of features: real-valued features (e.g. body weight (body) and life time (life)) and discrete-valued (categorical) features (e.g. predation (predation) and danger level (danger));
• estimation of prediction/test error by cross-validation, e.g. in MSE, and choose your favourite model;
• quantification of uncertainty in your model estimates, e.g. error bar for sleeping hour predic- tion by bootstrap.
3 Bi-Classification: Switch unsafe wells
The following data set contains decision of switching unsafe wells for arsenic pollution in Bangladesh.
The predictor arsenic described the measured amount of arsenic pollution and the distance is how far is the well from the nearest living area. The response is a binary decision variable on switching-off the well (TRUE/FALSE). You may explore the models on prediction of switching unsafe wells given various features about the situation. For example,
• • • • •
logistic regression with your chosen predictors, such as real-valued features (arsenic, unsafe, and distance etc.) and categorical features (education);
fit your models with z-values, p-values;
estimate the misclassification error, confusion matrix (type I and type II errors); compute the ROC curve and Area-Under-Curve to evaluate your model;
choose your favourite model by cross-validation;
quantify the uncertainty of your model, e.g. by bootstrap.
Multi-classification: Hand-written Digits
The following website about the Elements of Statistical Learning contains a subset of hand-written digit MNIST dataset, which contains 7,291 training examples and 2007 test examples, each example being 16-by-16 256 grayscale images. There are ten classes with id from 0 to 9.
Training (1.7M): https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/ElemStatLearn/datasets/zip.train. gz
Test (429K): https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/ElemStatLearn/datasets/zip.test.gz
Explore the dataset with your classifiers, such as LDA, QDA, logistic regression with various models.