程序代写 ECS 122A – Algorithm & Analysis Homework 02 Solution

ECS 122A – Algorithm & Analysis Homework 02 Solution
Problem 1 (5 points each)
For each of the recursive function, write down its runtime as a recurrence. Note: If you write 1 or any constant number instead of Θ(1), that’s ok.
Answer: T(n) = T(n − 1) + Θ(1) 2. fun2:

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Answer: T(n) = T(n−1)+T(n−2)+Θ(1) 3. fun3:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Answer: T(n) = 2T( n2 ) + Θ(1) 4. fun4:
1 2 3 4 5 6
if n <= 0: return fun1(n-1) * n if n <= 1: return fun2(n-1) + fun2(n-2) fun3(A[0...n-1]): if n <= 0: return 1 if n == 0: return A[1] a = fun3(A[0...n/2]) b = fun3(A[n/2+1...n-1]) return a + b fun4(A[0...n-1]): if n <= 0: return 1 if n == 0: return A[1] return fun4(A[0...n/3]) + fun4(A[n/3+1...2n/3]) + fun4(A[2n/3+1...n-1]) Answer: T(n) = 3T( n3 ) + Θ(1) Problem 2 (16 points each) Prove or disapprove the time complexity guess for each of the following recurrences using the subsitu- tion method. Note: You only need to get a condition for c. You don’t have to pick an actual number for it. 1. T(n)=T(n−1)+nisO(n2) Answer: Letk≥1.AssumeT(n)≤cn2 forsomeconstantc>0andforall1≤n 0 and for all 1 ≤ n < k. To show T(k) ≤ ck2, i.e., So there exists c > 0 such that T(k) ≤ ck2.
Pick c = 1, then k ≥ 1. Conclusion: T(n) is O(n2).
To show T(k) ≤ clogk, i.e.,
T ( k ) = T ( 2k ) + 1 ≤ c l o g 2k + 1
= clogk − clog2 + 1 = clogk − c + 1
clogk−c+1 ≤ clogk c≥1
Pick c = 1. So there exists c > 0 such that T(k) ≤ clogk. Conclusion: T(n) is O(logn)

3. T(n) = T(n/2) + n2 is O(nlogn) Answer:
There are three ways to disprove it. If asked in the exam, the second way of proving a lower-order term as lower bound should be used.
(a) Intuitively, T(n) has n2 in it. It must be at least O(n2).
(b) By proving T(n) is Ω(n2): Letk≥1.Assumeforall1≤n0. Need to prove that T(k) ≥ ck2.
To show T(k) ≥ ck2, i.e.,
T ( k ) = T ( 2k ) + k 2 ≥ c ( 2k ) 2 + k 2
c ( 2k ) 2 + k 2 ≥ c k 2 c ( 12 ) 2 + 1 ≥ c 1 ≥ 34 c
c ≤ 43 Pick c = 1. So there exists c > 0 such that T(k) ≥ ck2.
Conclusion: T(n) is Ω(n2). It cannot be O(nlogn).
(c) Try to prove that T(n) is O(nlogn) using substitution:
Let k ≥ 1. Assume T(n) ≤ cnlogn for some constant c > 0 and for all 1 ≤ n < k. To show T(k) ≤ cklogk, i.e,. T ( k ) = T ( 2k ) + k 2 ≤ c ( 2k ) l o g 2k + k 2 = cklogk− ck +k2 22 cklogk − ck + k2 ≤ cklogk 22 − 2c + k ≤ 2c l o g k 2k ≤ clogk + c When k ≥ 1, k > logk. So no matter what c is, 2k will be larger than clogk + c for sufficiently large k.

If we try to add a lower order term such as dn: Assume T(n) ≤ cnlogn + dn for some constant c > 0 and for all 1 ≤ n < k. T ( k ) = T ( 2k ) + k 2 ≤ c ( 2k ) l o g 2k + d ( 2k ) + k 2 = cklogk− ck + dk +k2 222 To show T(k) ≤ cklogk + dk, i.e., cklogk− ck + dk +k2 ≤ cklogk+dk − 2c + k ≤ 2c l o g k + 2d 2k ≤ clogk + d + c When k ≥ 1, k > logk. So no matter what c and d are, 2k will be larger than clogk + d + c for sufficiently large k.
Conclusion: T(n) is not O(nlogn).
4. T(n) = 3T(n2 ) + n is O(nlog3) Answer:
Letk≥1.AssumeT(n)≤cnlog3 forsomeconstantc>0andforall1≤n 0 and d and for all 1 ≤ n < k. T ( k ) = 3 T ( 2k ) + k ≤ 3 ( c ( 2k ) l o g 3 + d 2k ) + k = cklog3 + (3d + 1)k 2 To show T(k) ≤ cklog3 + dk, i.e,. cklog3 + (3d + 1)k ≤ cklog3 + dk 2 3d + 1 ≤ d 2 Pick d = −2, c = 1 (c can be any positive number). So there exists c > 0 such that T(k) ≤ cklog3 + dk.
Conclusion: T(n) is O(nlog3).
5. T(n)=T(n−1)+T(n2)+nisO(n2n) Answer:
Letk≥1.AssumeT(n)≤cn2n forsomeconstantc>0andforall1≤n0whenk≥1. Second,2k≤c2k whenc=2andk≥1. Sopickc=2,thenck22k +2k≤ck2k+c2k. Conclusion, T(n) is O(n2n).

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