程序代写代做代考 C AI go game clock Assessment 4

Assessment 4
Complete Project and Design Iteration
Due Dates:
Due via Canvas before 11:59pm Friday 23rd October Deliverables:
Unity Project Files:
This is your entire Unity project folder (including your .git folder and .gitignore file), zipped up (as a .zip, no other format), with the specified naming convention. Before creating the zip, delete the “Library” folder.
Student Submission Declaration:
A separate submission portal will be open on Canvas to submit a declaration. On this page, you will find a template file to complete and then submit. This template will be similar to the Status_StudentsSubmission.txt files you have completed for each lab activity.
(Added 28th Sept 2020) The use of Git will not be graded in this assessment. However, you are strongly encouraged to continue to use it in any workflow that works for you, committing and pushing often. For this reason, extension requests based around computer failure or project file loss will NOT be accepted – Online Git repositories exist to protect you from these issues and you should be working on your assessment earlier than the last few days.
Extensions will only be granted in the case of extenuating circumstances. You must provide evidence of this, such as medical certificates, official letters, photos or video of incident, etc. That you have found the assessment hard or mismanaged you time is not an extenuating circumstance.
Created by: Dr William Raffe UTS CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 00099F

Extension requests should be sent to the Subject Coordinator (william.raffe@uts.edu.au). A maximum of 1 week extension can be granted (though the granted time will be proportional to the circumstances. For longer extensions, you must submit an official request for Special Consideration (https://www.uts.edu.au/current-students/managing-your-course/classes-and- assessment/special-circumstances/special-consideration).
Plagiarism Detection Software:
Sophisticated code plagiarism software will be used to check all code submissions in Assessment 3 and 4 with those of other students in the subject, submissions from previous years, and online sources. While learning from online tutorials and communities is strongly encouraged, there is a difference between learning code segments and re-implementing the included concepts or specific Unity API calls, versus plagiarising large chunks of code. A similarity score higher than 25% between a submitted project and any single other source will be further investigated by the Subject Coordinator and, where necessary, raised with the university as Student Misconduct. Additionally, visual and audio assets will be manually checked for originality by marking staff. (Added 10/10/2020) Finally, you should not be using any assets, packages, or plugins other than those that come with the Unity Installation or that you have created yourself (except the audio assets). This includes any add-on packages found from websites like the Unity Asset Store.
Task and Grade Overview:
In this assessment you are going to be extending upon what you started in Assessment 3 and making the complete Pacman game. The table below is structured like the lab activities. You should start from the top and work your way downwards. These tasks are stacked in terms of difficulty as well as completing requisite functionality before moving on to later functionality that utilizes this.
(Added 10/10/2020) You must complete each section before moving onto the next. If there are major issues with an earlier section, we will not mark the later ones. E.g. If have made some ghost behaviors but your PacStudent movement is barely working, you will only be marked up to the 70% C level. Likewise, if you skip all of the earlier steps and go straight to the 100% HD Design Iteration, then you will only be marked to the 30% Z level. This is to encourage students to do good, consistent work throughout each section before moving onto the next and stopping student’s from thinking they can get easier grades by skipping steps.
This assessment is meant to be challenging. (though it is still easier than last year)
We do not expect everyone to aim for the 100% HD (or even the 90% HD or 80% D). We follow UTS policy in that a D should be good work, HD should be exceptional work, and a 100% HD is outstanding or near perfect work. Thus, the 100% HD level in this assessment is there to encourage those that want to push themselves. Making games is hard, for everyone. It is a “rockstar” industry that attracts the best-of-the-best software engineers and artist or those with an unwavering passion
Created by: Dr William Raffe UTS CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 00099F

for games. To succeed in this industry, you always need to be pushing yourself to be better and continue to learn new skills and solve previously unseen problems throughout your life. This subject is no different. As mentioned on Canvas, this subject is designed for students in the BSc. Games Development and is here to prepare them for the challenges they will face in future years of their degree, not just to give an easy HD. We want our students to graduate this degree being at the top of their game and preparing them for the competitive industry. No matter which degree you are in, push yourself to the highest level you can and be proud of whatever personal achievement that you make for yourself.
(Added 10/10/2020) The below penalties have been added to discourage certain trends that we have noticed in student work. These penalties can be applied to any level that you get up to, reducing your overall grade:
 Red Compilation or Runtime Errors: If, when opening your project or when playing the game, there are any red errors in the Console Window, you will lose 2 points for each distinct error. This includes compilation errors, IndexOutOfRangeException, NullReferenceException, and others. This does not include Unity Engine errors, which usually come when you first open a project and will disappear if you hit the “Clear” button on the Console Window. We will not seek to break your game, so these errors should not appear in typical gameplay. You may think your game is fine with these errors, but it is not, it is very unsafe to leave them and seeing them in submitted work is a sign of an unprofessional developer. As soon as you see an errors (or even a yellow warning) during your development, stop everything you are doing and fix it.
 Resources Folder and Resources.Load(): You will lose 2 points if the Resources folder and/or Resources.Load is used for anything other than special circumstances in the 100% HD Design Iteration. Some of you have picked up the bad habit of using the Resources folder. This folder is meant for assets that are created at runtime, such as procedurally generated content or player made content, as well as some other rare cases. It should not be used to store sprites, audio files, prefabs, or any other typical game asset. This is because anything in the Resources folder:
o Must be manually unloaded from memory (e.g. Destroy and Scene.Load will not automatically free up the memory)
o Is kept in its raw form and not compressed with the other game files, making your game larger (a big issue if you are distributing to a mobile store) and making it easier for your assets to be pirated.
o Causes runtime importing of the assets. When you add an asset to Unity, it is imported to the engine with the settings that can be seen in the Inspector Window. Doing this at runtime will just reduce the framerate of your game.
Watch the Week 9 Lecture Video for more details and the labs from Week 4 onwards for example of how to reference visual and audio assets, prefabs, and other scripts from within a component. E.g. an audio file can be referenced by a public AudioClip variable – this will make a visible field in the Inspector Window that you can just drag the audio file into
Created by: Dr William Raffe UTS CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 00099F

Max grade possible
10.5 (30%, Z)
Catch-up from Assessment 3
 If you were unable to finish Assessment 3, complete as much as possible in any way possible.
o For example, the most common issue people had was with the LevelGenerator script. If you were unable to get this working in the end, simply hand craft the level in the scene (i.e. do not write the LevelGenerator script).
 The Ghosts should be placed in their center starting area, where they will start the game.
 Pacman should be placed in the top-left hand corner, where the player will start the game
 The power pellet flashing animation should be playing
 Remove the movement component for Pac-man from Assessment 3.
 Remove the ghost animation cycles (but don’t delete the animator from the Project
View, you may need it later)
 Remove any excess sprites that aren’t part of the core level (Pac-man, Ghosts, Walls,
Pellets, Power Pellets)
17.5 (50%, P)
Start Screen UI Appearance and Functionality
 Create a new scene called “StartScene”. This will be the first scene of the game and it will be your title screen.
 Create a title screen that has at least the following elements (though you can add more if you wish):
o The title “PacStudent” wording
o A creative subtitle for your game
o Your “Pac-man” (now “PacStudent”) sprite o Your “Ghost” sprites
o An animated border
 For example, moving dots around the title or anything else you can think of.
o “Level 1” and “Level 2” buttons.
 When Level 1 is pressed, load up you Assessment 3 scene (that
you will build upon in this assessment)
 When the Level 2 button is pressed, load the Design Iteration
scene (see the 100% HD below). If you do not get to the 100%
stage, this button does not need to do anything.
o Previous high score and time
Created by: Dr William Raffe UTS CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 00099F

 These can just be 0 and 00:00:00 respectively for now. You will need to adjust them further below when doing high score saving and loading.
 This scene should be playing the “Game Intro” background music from Assessment 3, on a loop.
21 (60%, P)
In-game UI Appearance
 Continue to create your PacStudent re-creation by building upon the scene you were working on in Assessment 3.
 Add a Screen Space Canvas called “HUD” and add the following elements to the canvas. Aside from the Exit button, nothing else needs to be functional yet, just appear on screen:
o Lives: A lives counter using the “Life Indicator” sprite from Assessment
 The player should start the game with 3 lives.
o Score: A text field to shows the numeric score and that starts at 0 o Game Timer: A text field that shows a numeric timer in the form of
mm:ss:msms (e.g. 01:32:25 is 1 minute, 32 seconds, and 250
milliseconds). This should display 00:00:00 at the start of the game.
o Ghost Scared Timer: A text field that shows seconds as an integer that
will appear and count down when the ghosts are in the scared state.
This should be invisible at the start of the game.
o Exit Button: When pressed, the game should go back to the Start Scene
from the previous section.
o Aspect Ratio: This HUD should scale to fit both 16:9 and 4:3 aspect
ratios in landscape mode.
 Add four World Space Canvas called “Ghost1Canvas” through to
o Each ghost should have one of these world space canvas as a child
o Each canvas should have a single text box that has a number from 1 to
4 in it such that your ghosts are labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the game view.
24.5 (70%, C)
PacStudent and Cherry Movement
 Create a script called “PacStudentController.cs”. In this script, implement PacStudent’s movement in the following way:
o Use a linear lerping/tweening approach to move from one grid position to another. This grid should align with the LevelGenerator.cs levelMap. I.e. PacStudent should be lerping from one pellet position (or empty space) to another at a fixed speed and be frame-rate independent.
o In Update(), gather player input for moving with the W, A, S, and D key to move PacStudent up, left, down, and right respectively.
Created by: Dr William Raffe UTS CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 00099F

 Store the last key that the player pressed in a member variable called “lastInput”.
 Do not override/clear this variable’s value unless the player provides more input
o In Update(), if PacStudent is not lerping (i.e. was not previously moving or has just reached a grid position), then…
 Check lastInput and try to move in that direction to the adjacent grid position.
 If the adjacent grid position from lastInput is walkable, then store lastInput in a member variable called “currentInput” and lerp to the adjacent grid position.
 If the adjacent grid position from lastInput is not a walkable area (e.g. a wall), then…
 Check currentInput (see below) and try to move in that direction to the adjacent grid position.
 If the adjacent grid position from currentInput is walkable, then lerp to the adjacent grid position.
 If the adjacent grid position from currentInput is not a walkable area (e.g. a wall), then do nothing (PacStudent stops moving).
o With this setup, PacStudent’s movement should feel like the reference example except with a slight delay in reaction time if the player provides input while PacStudent is lerping https://www.google.com/search?q=play+pacman+doodle
 Make sure that PacStudent’s movement animations and audio play when she is lerping, and stop when she is not moving
o Remember that there are two movement audio clips – one for when PacStudent is eating a pellet (or about to eat one) and one for when she is moving but not about to eat a pellet in the next grid position.
 Create a custom dust particle effect and play it around PacStudent when she is moving so that it looks like she is running through dirt (or a similar surface)
 Create a script called “CherryController.cs” to implement the spawning and movement of the bonus cherry sprite created in the previous assessment.
o The bonus cherry should spawn once every 30 seconds.
o It should be instantiated just outside of the camera view.
o It should move in a straight line, via linear lerping, from one side of the
screen to the other, passing through the center point of the level and
ignoring collisions with walls, ghosts, and pellets.
o If the cherry reaches the other side of the level, outside of camera
view, destroy it.
o See below for what to do if PacStudent collides with the cherry.
Created by: Dr William Raffe UTS CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 00099F

28 (80%, D)
Collisions, In-game UI Functionality and Saving High Scores
 Register collisions between PacStudent and the following elements and have the following effects:
o Walls:
 Prevent movement in that direction and (if need be) make sure
PacStudent is moved back to the previous lerp position before
the collision happened.
 Create a small particle effect and play it from the point of
collision of the first frame of the collision so it looks like
PacStudent has bumped into the wall.
 Play the wall collision sound effect on the first frame that
PacStudent collides with the wall.
o Teleporters:
 When PacStudent gets to the end of one of the empty tunnels on the left and right side of the map, move him to the tunnel on the other side.
 After teleporting, PacStudent’s movement should continue from that point, moving inwards towards the rest of the level.
o Pellets: Destroy the pellet and add 10 points to the player’s score and
update the UI element for this.
o Bonus Cherry: Destroy the cherry and add 100 points to the player’s
o Power pills:
 Change the Ghost animator state to “Scared”.
 Change the background music to match this state.
 Start a timer for 10 seconds. Make the Ghost Timer UI element
visible and set it to this timer.
 With 3 seconds left to go on this timer, change the Ghosts to
the Recovering state.
 After 10 seconds have passed, set the Ghosts back to their
Walking states and hide the Ghost Timer UI element.
o Ghosts
 PacStudent dies and loses a life. Update the UI element for this.
 Play a particle effect around PacStudent the spot of
PacStudent’s death.
 Respawn PacStudent by moving him to the top-left hand
corner, where she started the game, and wait for player input.
– Walking State:
o Ghosts
 The ghost dies and enters their Dead animator state.
 Change the background music to match this state.
 Add 300 points to the player’s score.
– Scared and Recovering States:
Created by: Dr William Raffe UTS CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 00099F

 Start a 5 second timer (this does not need to be visible). Once this 5 seconds has passed, transition the ghost back to the
Walking state.  Round Start:
o At the start of the round, on the HUD canvas, show a big count down of “3”, “2”, “1”, “GO!” (each displayed 1 second apart).
o During this time, the Game Timer (below) should remain at 0 and the player and the ghosts should not be able to move (see previous and later sections).
o After “GO!” has been shown for 1 second:
 Hide this UI element and start the game.
 Enable player control and ghost movement (if you complete the
90% section below)
 Start the background music for when ghosts are in their
Walking state, which should loop if it finishes.
 Game Timer:
o Make the timer functional. It should start at 00:00:00 and count
upwards after “GO!” disappears from the screen.  Start Scene High Score and Time:
o In the Start Scene, when the game starts, use PlayerPrefs to load the previous high score and associated time and update the UI element for this (see Game Over below for saving the score)
 Game Over:
o When either every pellet is eaten, or PacStudent has no lives left, show
“Game Over” text on the HUD canvas.
o Stop all player and ghost movement and pause the Game Timer
o Use PlayerPrefs to save the player’s current score and current time if
the current score is greater than the previous high score or if the score
is the same but the time is lower than the previous best time.
o The “Game Over” text should remain for 3 seconds and then return the
player to the Start Scene. If the high score has changed, make sure to update it on this scene.
31.5 (90%, HD)
Ghost Movement and Artificial Intelligence
 Place all four ghosts in the center area of the map.
 Create a new script called “GhostController.cs” to handle ghost movement.
 This should work in the exact same way as the player movement, except
instead of waiting for player input, at the end of each lerp each ghost should make a decision where to move next based on the following:
o No stopping: In all cases below, the ghosts never stop moving.
Created by: Dr William Raffe UTS CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 00099F

o No backstep: In all cases below, ghosts cannot move back to a grid position that they just came from (i.e. they cannot reverse direction) unless there is no other choice.
o Ghost cannot teleport: In all cases below, ghosts cannot use the teleporters.
o Ghosts spawning: If a ghost is in the spawn area and they are in a…
 Dead state:
 Remove the 5 second ghost respawn timer from the 80% section.
 When a Dead state ghost are in their spawn area, reset the ghost to Walking, Scared, or Recovering to match the other ghosts.
 If no other ghosts are in the Dead state, change the background music to match the new state.
 Walking/Scared/Recovering state: Move directly to leave the spawn area out (one) of the gaps in the spawn area walls.
 After exiting the spawn area, ghosts cannot re-enter unless they are in their Dead state.
o Walking state ghosts: Match Ghost behavior with number above each ghost’s head (see in-game HUD – world space section above)
 Ghost 1: Move in a random valid direction that is further than or equal to the distance from PacStudent to the current grid position.
 Ghost 2: Move to a random adjacent junction that is closer than or equal to PacStudent than the current grid position.
 Ghost 3: Move randomly at grid position
 Ghost 4: Move clockwise around the map, following the outside
o Scared and Recovering state ghosts: All ghosts use Ghost 1 behavior o Dead state ghosts: Move in a straight line, at a constant, frame-rate
independent speed, towards the ghost spawn area.
 Move through walls and ignore all collisions with PacStudent
35 (100%, HD)
Design Innovation
This is an opportunity for students to spread their wings and get creative.
Once you have completed everything above, create a second scene called “InnovationScene” and link it with the “Level 2” button on the main menu.
In this scene, design some meaningful gameplay innovation on top of the existing PacStudent experience.
This may include (but is not limited to) ONE of the following:
 A weapon / abilities / pickup system that enables extra controls for PacStudent
Created by: Dr William Raffe UTS CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 00099F

 A small assortment of slightly altered game modes that change the player’s objective or rules of the game (see the game “Move or Die” as an example)
 A single significantly different game mode that fundamentally changes the PacStudent experience.
 Enhanced visuals, particle effects, audio, and camera movement for better immersion.
 Procedural generation of the level or other content in the game to increase replayability.
 Enhanced ghost AI that behaves more strategically
 A full 3D remake of the game with either a 1st or 3rd person camera angle
 Etc.
If you have another idea and you are unsure whether it is too small or too large for the scope of this assessment, talk to your lecturer or tutors about it.
Created by: Dr William Raffe UTS CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 00099F