代写代考 Lecture 17: Dynamic Programming Overview

Lecture 17: Dynamic Programming Overview
Main idea of DP
STEP 1: Recursively define the value of an optimal
solution (difficult part)

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STEP 2: Compute the value of an optimal solution from the smallest to the largest problems.

One Dimensional (1D) Dynamic Programming
• Solve problems of minimum size first.
• Store solutions in 1D array.
• Gradually increase problem size.
• Choose the order that you solve problems, so that you re-use solutions of smaller problems stored in the 1D array.
• How to gradually increase the problem size:
• If you need to select among a set of n items, order
items (sometimes in arbitrary order) and allow
selection among the first 1,2,…,n items.
• If you need to solve for an integer amount or length n,
gradually solve for 1,2, …,n

1D DP Simple Problems
1. Fibonacci Numbers
2. Maximum Sum problem
numbers a1, a2, . . , an, find a subset S of A that has the maximum sum, provided that if we select ai in S, then we cannot select ai-1 or ai+1.
: Given a sequence A of n positive
LetA bethesubsequenceofthefirstinumbers(i≤n):a,a ,…,a
Let W be the sum of numbers in the optimal solution for A . ii
Recurrence: W = max{W + a, W } i i-2 i i-1
max(a1, a2)

1D DP More Complex Problems
1. Problem 􏰈 : Given a rod of length and prices for ,where 􏰌 isthepriceofarodoflength ,cuttherod
in order to maximize the total revenue.
• 􏰀 is maximum revenue from cutting rod of length n
• Recurrence: 􏰀 􏰆􏰜􏰌􏰜􏰀 􏰌 􏰀􏰓􏰌 , 􏰇
2. Minimum number of Coins : Given amount n and k denominations d1, … ,dk , find minimum number of coins for amount n
max(2p1, p2)
Let d be the last denomination used i
Then: C[n] = 1 + C[n-d ] i
– Because after using 1 coin, the amount left is n-di
But I have to consider all possible (k) denominations
Recurrence: C[n] = 1 + min{C[n-d ]}, for d , … ,d i1k

1D DP More Complex Problems -2
1. Weighted interval scheduling .
Goal: find maximum-weight subset of mutually compatible jobs. Sort jobs by finishing time: 􏰆 􏰈 􏰀.
• largest index such that job is compatible with job .
• value of optimal solution to the problem on jobs . • Recurrence: 􏰙 ,
􏰙􏰙􏰙 Two jobs compatible if they don’t overlap.
Job starts at , finishes at , and has weight (or value) .
2. Similar problem- Highway Billboards
from west to east. You can place billboards at locations x1, x2, …, xn. If you place a billboard at xi, you receive revenue of ri>0. You wish to place billboards as to maximize your total revenue, subject to the restriction that any two billboards must be at least 5 miles apart.
Sort the sites in increasing order of location {x , x , …, x } 12n
Recurrence and algorithm same as Weighted interval scheduling.
: Consider a highway

Exercise on Longest Oscillating Subsequence A sequence of numbers is oscillating if
• for every odd index i and
• for every even index i Example:
Describe a DP algorithm to find a longest oscillating subsequence (LOS) in a sequence of n integers. Assume that all numbers are distinct. Successive numbers in LOS do not have to be immediate neighbors in the initial sequence.

Longest Oscillating Subsequence: Recurrence
: length of the longest oscillating subsequence that ends at and has an even length
: length of the longest oscillating subsequence that ends at and has an odd length
􏰌 if 􏰙 is the last number before 􏰌 in subsequence (j 􏰌.
􏰌 if 􏰙 is the last number before 􏰌 in subsequence (j𝑀[𝑖,𝑗] then
𝑠𝑖,𝑗 ←𝑘 Construct-RNA(𝑠, 1, 𝑛)
Construct-RNA(𝑠, 𝑖, 𝑗):
if 𝑖≥𝑗−4 then return
if 𝑠 𝑖, 𝑗 = 0 then Construct-RNA(𝑠, 𝑖, 𝑗 − 1) print 𝑠 𝑖,𝑗 ,”-”,𝑗
Construct-RNA(𝑠,𝑖,𝑠𝑖,𝑗 −1) Construct-RNA(𝑠,𝑠𝑖,𝑗 +1,𝑗−𝟏)

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