程序代写代做代考 C algorithm ER AI Notes on Better Master Theorems

Notes on Better Master Theorems
Divide􏰁and􏰁Conquer Recurrences
􏰃 Intro duction
Divide􏰁and􏰁conquer recurrences are ubiquitous known for solving recurrences such as􏰒
analysis of algorithms􏰉
Many metho ds are
Mathematics Laboratory for
Department and
Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge􏰂 Massachusetts 􏰆􏰇􏰃􏰈􏰅
Octob er 􏰅􏰂 􏰃􏰅􏰅􏰄
Computer Science
known as the Master Metho d 􏰊􏰇􏰋􏰉 Recently􏰂 Akra and Bazzi 􏰊􏰃􏰋 discovered a surprisingly elegant generalization of the Master Metho d that yields a very simple formula for solving most divide􏰁 and􏰁conquer recurrence s􏰉 In these notes􏰂 we provide a simple inductive pro of of the Akra􏰁Bazzi result and we extend the result to handle variations of divide􏰁and􏰁conquer recurrences that commonly arise in practice􏰉
for solving divide􏰁and􏰁conquer recurrences are routinely
students each year􏰉 The dominant approach to solving such recurrence s is
T􏰒n􏰓 􏰚
􏰇T 􏰒dn􏰚􏰇e􏰓 􏰔 O􏰒n􏰓 if n 􏰟 􏰃􏰝
but p erhaps the most widely taught approach is the Master Metho d that is describ ed in the seminal algorithms text by Cormen􏰂 Leiserson and Rivest 􏰊􏰇􏰋􏰉
The Master Metho d is fairly p owerful and results in a closed form solution for divide􏰁and􏰁conquer recurrences with a sp ecial 􏰒but commonly􏰁o ccurring􏰓 form􏰉 Recently Akra and Bazzi 􏰊􏰃􏰋 discovered a far more general solution to divide􏰁and􏰁conquer recurrences􏰉 The Akra􏰁Bazzi analysis is based on a sp ecial functional transform that they call the 􏰛order transform􏰉􏰑
In these notes􏰂 we give a simple inductive pro of of the Akra􏰁Bazzi result that is suitable for use in an undergraduate algorithms or discrete math class􏰉 We also show that the Akra􏰁Bazzi result holds for a more general class of recurrences that commonly arise in practice and that are often considered to b e di􏰐cult to solve􏰉
if n 􏰚 􏰃
taught to
thousands of

􏰇 The Akra􏰁Bazzi Solution
We b egin with of the form􏰙
inductive pro of of the
i􏰚􏰃 aiT 􏰒bix􏰓 􏰔 g􏰒x􏰓
number for which i􏰚􏰃 aibi 􏰚 􏰃􏰉 Then 􏰢
􏰢 Z x
g􏰒u􏰓 􏰣􏰣
du 􏰙 up􏰔􏰃
T􏰒x􏰓􏰚 P
􏰒 􏰌􏰒􏰃􏰓
for 􏰃 􏰧 x 􏰧 x 􏰆
for x 􏰟 x􏰆
Akra􏰁Bazzi result􏰉 The result
for recurrences
􏰃􏰉 x􏰨􏰃isarealnumber􏰂
􏰇􏰉 x􏰆isaconstantsuchthatx􏰆􏰨􏰃􏰚biandx􏰆􏰨􏰃􏰚􏰒􏰃􏰂bi􏰓for􏰃􏰧i􏰧k􏰂
􏰈􏰉 ai􏰟􏰆isaconstantfor􏰃􏰧i􏰧k􏰂
􏰕􏰉 bi􏰇􏰒􏰆􏰝􏰃􏰓isaconstantfor􏰃􏰧i􏰧k􏰂
􏰖􏰉 k 􏰨 􏰃 is a constant􏰂 and
􏰄􏰉 g􏰒x􏰓 is a nonnegative function that satis􏰎es the polynomial􏰁growth condition speci􏰎ed below􏰉
De􏰎nition􏰉 We say that g 􏰒x􏰓 satis􏰎es the polynomial􏰁growth condition if there exist positive con􏰁 stants c􏰃􏰂 c􏰇 such that for all x 􏰨 􏰃􏰂 for all 􏰃 􏰧 i 􏰧 k􏰂 and for all u 􏰇 􏰊bix􏰝 x􏰋􏰂
c􏰃g 􏰒x􏰓 􏰧 g 􏰒u􏰓 􏰧 c􏰇g 􏰒x􏰓􏰙
Remark􏰉 If jg 􏰆 􏰒x􏰓j is upp er b ounded by a p olynomial in x􏰂 then g 􏰒x􏰓 satis􏰎es the p olynomial􏰁 growth condition􏰉 For example􏰂 g 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 x􏰍 log 􏰎 x satis􏰎es the p olynomial􏰁growth condition for any constants 􏰍􏰝 􏰎 􏰇 R􏰉
Theorem 􏰃 􏰒􏰊􏰃􏰋􏰓􏰉PGiven a recurrence of the form speci􏰎ed in Equation 􏰃􏰂 let p be the unique real kp
p T􏰒x􏰓􏰚􏰌 x 􏰃􏰔
􏰜 If
􏰜 If
􏰜 If
􏰜 If
T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚
􏰇T 􏰒x􏰚􏰕􏰓 􏰔 􏰈T 􏰒x􏰚􏰄􏰓 􏰔 􏰌􏰒x log x􏰓􏰂 then
p 􏰚 􏰃
and T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 􏰌􏰒x log􏰇 x􏰓􏰉
􏰇T 􏰒x􏰚􏰇􏰓 􏰔 􏰘 T 􏰒􏰈x􏰚􏰕􏰓 􏰔 􏰌􏰒x􏰇􏰚 log x􏰓􏰂 then p 􏰚 􏰇 and T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 􏰌􏰒x􏰇􏰚 log log x􏰓􏰉 􏰅
T 􏰒x􏰚􏰇􏰓 􏰔 􏰌􏰒log x􏰓􏰂 then p 􏰚 􏰆 and T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 􏰌􏰒log􏰇 x􏰓􏰉
􏰃 T 􏰒x􏰚􏰇􏰓 􏰔 􏰌􏰒􏰃􏰚x􏰓􏰂 then p 􏰚 􏰂􏰃 and T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 􏰌􏰒􏰒log x􏰓􏰚x􏰓􏰉 􏰇
􏰜 If
These conditions are somewhat less restrictive than those of 􏰊􏰃􏰋􏰉
􏰕T 􏰒x􏰚􏰇􏰓 􏰔 􏰌􏰒x􏰓􏰂 then p 􏰚 􏰇 and T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 􏰌􏰒x􏰇􏰓􏰉

The pro of of Theorem 􏰃 makes use of the following simple lemma from calculus􏰉
there are positive
From the
p olynomiaZl􏰁growth
bi x
condition we know that
􏰃􏰉 If g 􏰒x􏰓 is a nonnegative function that satis􏰎es the polynomial􏰁growth condition􏰂 then constants c􏰈 􏰂 c􏰕 such that Zfor 􏰃 􏰧 i 􏰧 k and al l x 􏰨 􏰃􏰂
x g 􏰒u􏰓
du 􏰧 xp􏰒x 􏰂 b x􏰓 i
c􏰇 g 􏰒x􏰓
minf􏰒b x􏰓p􏰔􏰃 􏰝 xp􏰔􏰃 g i
x g 􏰒u􏰓
c g􏰒x􏰓 􏰧 xp du 􏰧 c g􏰒x􏰓􏰙 􏰈 up􏰔􏰃 􏰕
where we
de􏰎ne c􏰕
to b e
a constant
bi x
􏰒􏰃 􏰂 bi 􏰓c􏰇
􏰧 c􏰕 g 􏰒x􏰓
g 􏰒x􏰓
min f􏰃􏰝 bp􏰔􏰃g i
c􏰕 􏰨 􏰒􏰃 􏰂 bi 􏰓c􏰇
minf􏰃􏰝 bp􏰔􏰃 g i
for 􏰃 􏰧 i 􏰧 k􏰉 Similarly􏰂
bi x
where we
de􏰎ne c􏰈
􏰨 c􏰈g 􏰒x􏰓
for which
to b e a
du 􏰨 xp􏰒x 􏰂 b x􏰓 i
x􏰓p􏰔􏰃􏰝 xp􏰔􏰃 g
g 􏰒u􏰓 up􏰔􏰃
c􏰃g 􏰒x􏰓
􏰒􏰃 􏰂 bi 􏰓c􏰃
maxf􏰃􏰝 bp􏰔􏰃g i
g 􏰒x􏰓
c􏰈 􏰧 􏰒􏰃 􏰂 bi 􏰓c􏰇
maxf􏰃􏰝 bp􏰔􏰃g i
for 􏰃 􏰧 i 􏰧 k􏰉
We will use induction
into intervals I􏰆 􏰚 􏰊􏰃􏰝 x􏰆􏰋 and Ij 􏰚 􏰒x􏰆 􏰔 j 􏰂 􏰃􏰝 x􏰆 􏰔 j􏰋 for j 􏰨 􏰃􏰉
prove Theorem 􏰃􏰂 and so it will
b e
to partition the
of x
By the de􏰎nition of x􏰆􏰂 we know that if x 􏰇 Ij for some j 􏰨 􏰃􏰂 then for 􏰃 􏰧 i 􏰧 k􏰂
bix 􏰇 Ij􏰆 for
some j􏰆 􏰞 j􏰉 This is because b x 􏰟 b 􏰒x 􏰔 j 􏰂 􏰃􏰓 􏰨 b x 􏰨 􏰃􏰂 and because b x 􏰧 b 􏰒x 􏰔 j􏰓 􏰧 ii􏰆i􏰆ii􏰆
x􏰆 􏰔 j 􏰂 􏰒􏰃 􏰂 bi􏰓x􏰆 􏰧 x􏰆 􏰔 j 􏰂 􏰃􏰉 As a consequence􏰂 we know that the value of T in any interval after 􏰊􏰃􏰝 x􏰆 􏰋 dep ends only on the values of T in prior intervals􏰉

Proof of Theorem 􏰃􏰉 We 􏰎rst show that there is a p ositive constant
c􏰖 such that for all x 􏰟 x􏰆 􏰂
􏰢 Zxg􏰒u􏰓 􏰣 T􏰒x􏰓􏰨c xp 􏰃􏰔 du 􏰙
􏰃 up􏰔􏰃
on the interval Ij containing x􏰉 when x 􏰇 􏰊􏰃􏰝 x􏰆􏰋 􏰒provided that we
The inductive step is argued as follows􏰙 Xk
the fact that T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 􏰌􏰒􏰃􏰓
case when j 􏰚 􏰆 follows from small enough􏰓􏰉
pro of is by induction
The base cho ose c􏰖
T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚
􏰨 􏰚
􏰨cxp 􏰃􏰔 􏰖
i􏰚􏰃 Xk
a c 􏰒b x􏰓p i􏰖i
􏰢 Zbixg􏰒u􏰓 􏰣
ai T 􏰒bi x􏰓 􏰔 g 􏰒x􏰓
􏰃 􏰔
up􏰔􏰃 􏰃
du 􏰔 g􏰒x􏰓
􏰒by induction􏰓
􏰒by Lemma 􏰃􏰓
c􏰖 xp
c􏰖 xp
cxp 􏰖
Xk 􏰢 Zxg􏰒u􏰓 Zxg􏰒u􏰓 􏰣 aibpi 􏰃 􏰔 p􏰔􏰃 du 􏰂 p􏰔􏰃 du
i􏰚􏰃 􏰃u bixu
Xk 􏰢 Zxg􏰒u􏰓 c 􏰣
􏰔 g􏰒x􏰓
aibp 􏰃 􏰔 i
du 􏰂 􏰕 g􏰒x􏰓 xp
􏰔 g􏰒x􏰓
x g 􏰒u􏰓 c􏰕
du 􏰂 g􏰒x􏰓 􏰔 g􏰒x􏰓
􏰃 􏰔
􏰢 Z􏰃up􏰔􏰃 􏰣xp
that c􏰖 􏰧 􏰃􏰚c􏰕 􏰉
The pro of that there is a
p ositive constant c􏰄
T􏰒x􏰓􏰧c xp 􏰄
such that
for all
􏰟 x􏰆 􏰂
x g 􏰒u􏰓
􏰖 up􏰔􏰃 􏰖􏰕
du 􏰔 g􏰒x􏰓 􏰂 c c
􏰃 􏰔 􏰢Z􏰃􏰣
x g 􏰒u􏰓 up􏰔􏰃
􏰢 Zxg􏰒u􏰓 􏰣
􏰃􏰔 du 􏰃 up􏰔􏰃
is nearly identical􏰉 We need only insure that c􏰄 is chosen large enough so that the base case is
satis􏰎ed and so
as claimed􏰉
Remark􏰉 If
do es not necessarily hold if g 􏰒x􏰓 do es not satisfy the p olynomial􏰁growth condition􏰉
that c􏰄 􏰨 􏰃􏰚c􏰈 􏰉 As a consequence􏰂 we can conclude that
􏰢 􏰢 Zxg􏰒u􏰓 􏰣􏰣
T􏰒x􏰓􏰚􏰌 x 􏰃􏰔 du 􏰝
􏰃 up􏰔􏰃
g 􏰒x􏰓 grows faster than any p olynomial in x􏰂 then T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 􏰌􏰒g 􏰒x􏰓􏰓􏰉 Hence􏰂 Theorem 􏰃

􏰈 Variations
Although the class of recurrences analyized in Section 􏰇 is quite broad􏰂 recurrences that arise in practice often di􏰍er in small ways from the class sp eci􏰎ed in Equation 􏰃􏰉 For example􏰂 in algorithm design􏰂 recurrences of the form
are common􏰉
Generally sp eaking􏰂 the inclusion
T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰧 ai T 􏰒dbi xe􏰓 􏰔 g 􏰒x􏰓
of 􏰏o ors and ceilings in a recurrence do es not signi􏰎cantly change
for all
􏰃􏰉 x􏰂 x􏰆 􏰂
tend to b e fairly tedious and of variations 􏰒which includes ceilings􏰓 and we show that the variations in this class do not a􏰍ect the solution of the
the nature
sp ecialized
􏰏o ors and
recurrence 􏰒up to constant factors􏰓􏰉 In particular􏰂 we show that the solution of Theorem 􏰃 holds
of the solution 􏰒e􏰉g􏰉􏰂 see 􏰊􏰃􏰂 􏰇􏰋􏰓􏰂 but the pro ofs of this fact in nature􏰉 In what follows􏰂 we describ e a general class
of the form􏰒􏰙 􏰌􏰒􏰃􏰓
ai 􏰂
bi 􏰂
k 􏰂 and g 􏰒x􏰓 all satisfy the conditions sp eci􏰎ed in Section 􏰇􏰂
T􏰒x􏰓􏰚 P k
for 􏰃 􏰧 x 􏰧 x
􏰆 􏰒􏰇􏰓
for x 􏰟 x􏰆
i􏰚􏰃 aiT 􏰒bix 􏰔 hi􏰒x􏰓􏰓 􏰔 g􏰒x􏰓
􏰇􏰉 there is some constant 􏰜 􏰟 􏰆 for which jh 􏰒x􏰓j 􏰧 x􏰚􏰒log􏰃􏰔􏰜 x􏰓 for 􏰃 􏰧 i 􏰧 k whenever x 􏰨 x 􏰂 i􏰆
􏰈􏰉 there exist p ositive constants c􏰃 and c􏰇 such that for all x 􏰨 􏰃􏰂 for all 􏰃 􏰧 i 􏰧 k 􏰂 and for all
u 􏰇 􏰊bix 􏰔 hi 􏰒x􏰓􏰝 x􏰋􏰂
c􏰃g 􏰒x􏰓 􏰧 g 􏰒u􏰓 􏰧 c􏰇 g 􏰒x􏰓􏰝
􏰕􏰉 x is chosen to be a large enough constant􏰇 so that for any i 􏰧 k and any x 􏰨 x 􏰂 􏰆􏰆􏰃􏰆
􏰢􏰣􏰦A 􏰒a􏰓􏰃􏰂􏰃p􏰃􏰔􏰠􏰃 􏰡􏰨􏰃􏰔􏰃􏰂
bi log􏰃􏰔􏰜 x 􏰆 log􏰜􏰚􏰇 b x 􏰔 x 􏰃 log􏰜􏰚􏰇 x i 􏰃􏰔􏰜
􏰢 􏰣 logx
􏰒b􏰓 􏰃􏰔 􏰃 􏰃􏰂 􏰠 􏰃 􏰡 􏰧􏰃􏰂 􏰃 􏰂
bi log􏰃􏰔􏰜 x log􏰜􏰚􏰇 b x 􏰔 x log􏰜􏰚􏰇 x 􏰢 􏰣 ilog􏰃􏰔􏰜x
􏰒c􏰓 􏰢􏰃􏰔 􏰜􏰚􏰇􏰣􏰧􏰃􏰂
􏰇 logx
􏰒d􏰓􏰇􏰃􏰂􏰃 􏰨􏰃􏰉 􏰜􏰚􏰇
log x
Such a constant value of x􏰆 can b e shown to exist using standard Taylor series expansions and asymptotic analysis􏰉

For example􏰂 we might cho ose hi so that
hi 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 dbi xe 􏰂 bix􏰝
thereby extending Theorem 􏰃 to handle ceiling functions􏰉 In this case􏰂 jh 􏰒x􏰓j 􏰞 􏰃􏰉 We can also use pi
much larger functions􏰂 however􏰉 For example􏰂 we could set h 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 􏰂 x or h 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 x􏰚􏰒log􏰇 x􏰓 for ii
x 􏰟 􏰃􏰉
To analyze the more general recurrence􏰂 we will need the following analogue of Lemma 􏰃􏰉
There are positive constants cZ 􏰂 c such that for 􏰃 􏰧 i 􏰧 k and all x 􏰨 􏰃􏰂 􏰈􏰕
Lemma 􏰇􏰉
Proof􏰉 of the
TheoremP􏰇􏰉 Given a recurrence of the form speci􏰎ed in Equation 􏰇􏰂 let p be the unique real number kp
􏰢 􏰢 Zxg􏰒u􏰓 􏰣􏰣
T􏰒x􏰓􏰚􏰌 x 􏰃􏰔 du 􏰙
􏰃 up􏰔􏰃
Proof􏰉 The pro of is very similar to that of Theorem 􏰃􏰉 The main di􏰍erence is that we use a slightly stronger inductive hyp othesis􏰉 In particular􏰂 we b egin by showing that there is a p ositive constant c􏰖
c g􏰒x􏰓 􏰧 xp
􏰈 up􏰔􏰃􏰕
bi x􏰔hi 􏰒x􏰓
g 􏰒u􏰓
pro of is identical to that for Lemma 􏰃 except that we use constraint 􏰈 ab ove in place
p olynomial􏰁growth condition of Section 􏰇􏰉
for which i􏰚􏰃 ai bi 􏰚 􏰃􏰉 Then
du 􏰧 c g􏰒x􏰓􏰙
such that for all x 􏰟 x􏰆 􏰂
􏰢 􏰃􏰣􏰢Zxg􏰒u􏰓􏰣 T􏰒x􏰓􏰨c xp 􏰃􏰔 􏰃􏰔 du 􏰙
fact that T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 􏰌􏰒􏰃􏰓 when x 􏰇 􏰊􏰃􏰝 x􏰆 􏰋 􏰒provided that c􏰖
is chosen to b e a small enough constant􏰓􏰉
log 􏰜􏰚􏰇 x 􏰃 up􏰔􏰃
The pro of is by induction on the interval Ij containing x􏰉 The base case when j 􏰚 􏰆 follows from the

The inductive step is argued as follows􏰙 Xk
T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚
ai T 􏰒bix 􏰔 hi 􏰒x􏰓􏰓 􏰔 g 􏰒x􏰓 􏰤􏰥
log 􏰜􏰚􏰇 􏰒bi x 􏰔 hi 􏰒x􏰓􏰓
a c 􏰒b x 􏰔 h 􏰒x􏰓􏰓p
􏰃 􏰔
􏰤Z􏰥 bi x􏰔hi 􏰒x􏰓 g 􏰒u􏰓
􏰃 􏰔
p􏰔􏰃 du 􏰔 g 􏰒x􏰓
􏰒by induction􏰓
􏰃u􏰆 􏰃 Xk􏰢􏰣p􏰦 A
􏰨abpcxp􏰃􏰂􏰃 􏰃􏰔􏰠􏰃 􏰡 ii􏰖 􏰃􏰔􏰜 􏰜􏰚􏰇 x
bi log x log bix 􏰔 􏰃􏰔􏰜 log x
􏰃 􏰔 p􏰔􏰃 􏰃 u
bi x􏰔hi 􏰒x􏰓
g 􏰒u􏰓
g 􏰒u􏰓
du 􏰂
Xk 􏰢􏰃􏰣􏰢Zxg􏰒u􏰓c􏰣
􏰨 aibpc􏰖xp 􏰃 􏰔
􏰢 􏰃 􏰣􏰢 Zxg􏰒u􏰓
􏰚 cxp􏰃􏰔 􏰃􏰔
􏰖 􏰜􏰚􏰇 up􏰔􏰃
p􏰔􏰃 du 􏰔 g􏰒x􏰓
􏰒by the
bounds on h􏰓
􏰨cxp 􏰃􏰔 􏰖
log 􏰜􏰚􏰇 x
x g􏰒u􏰓
The pro of of the
case􏰂 we
show by
induction that
there is a
c􏰄 such
x 􏰟 x􏰆 􏰂
i log􏰜􏰚􏰇x
􏰃 􏰔 du 􏰂 􏰕 g􏰒x􏰓 􏰃 up􏰔􏰃 xp
􏰔 g􏰒x􏰓
􏰒by constraint 􏰕􏰒a􏰓 on
􏰢 􏰃 􏰣􏰢 Zxg􏰒u􏰓 c 􏰣
􏰚 c􏰖xp 􏰃􏰔 􏰃􏰔
log􏰜􏰚􏰇 x 􏰃 up􏰔􏰃
du 􏰂
􏰕 g􏰒x􏰓 xp
􏰔 g􏰒x􏰓 􏰢
􏰃 􏰣
􏰒by upp er b ound
x􏰆 􏰓􏰉
du up􏰔􏰃
x􏰆 and Lemma 􏰇􏰓
du 􏰔g􏰒x􏰓􏰂c c
􏰃􏰔 g􏰒x􏰓
􏰢 log x􏰣􏰢 Z􏰃
􏰖􏰕 􏰜􏰚􏰇 log x
provided that c􏰖 􏰧 􏰃􏰚􏰒􏰇c􏰕 􏰓
constraint 􏰕􏰒c􏰓 on
is quite similar􏰉 In this
that for all
T􏰒x􏰓􏰧c xp 􏰄
􏰢 􏰃􏰣􏰢Zxg􏰒u􏰓􏰣
􏰃􏰂 􏰃􏰔 du 􏰙 log 􏰜􏰚􏰇 x 􏰃 up􏰔􏰃

The base case is as b efore􏰉 The inductive step is argued as
T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 ai T 􏰒bix 􏰔 hi 􏰒x􏰓􏰓 􏰔 g 􏰒x􏰓
i􏰚􏰃 􏰤 􏰥 Xk 􏰃
a c 􏰒b x 􏰔 h 􏰒x􏰓􏰓p 􏰃 􏰂 i􏰄ii
log 􏰜􏰚􏰇 􏰒bi x 􏰔 hi 􏰒x􏰓􏰓
􏰤Z􏰥 bi x􏰔hi 􏰒x􏰓 g 􏰒u􏰓
􏰃 􏰔
p􏰔􏰃 du 􏰔 g 􏰒x􏰓
􏰒by induction􏰓
􏰃u􏰆 􏰃 Xk􏰢􏰣p􏰦 A
􏰧abpcxp􏰃􏰔􏰃 􏰃􏰂􏰠􏰃 􏰡 ii􏰄 􏰃􏰔􏰜
bi log x log􏰜􏰚􏰇 b x 􏰔 x
i 􏰃􏰔􏰜
􏰧 aibpc􏰄xp 􏰃 􏰂
p􏰔􏰃 du 􏰔 g􏰒x􏰓
􏰒by the
on h􏰓
log x 􏰤ZxZx􏰥
􏰃 􏰔 p􏰔􏰃 􏰃 u
bi x􏰔hi 􏰒x􏰓
g 􏰒u􏰓
g 􏰒u􏰓
du 􏰂
Xk 􏰢􏰃􏰣􏰢Zxg􏰒u􏰓c􏰣
i log􏰜􏰚􏰇x
􏰃 􏰔 du 􏰂 􏰈 g􏰒x􏰓 􏰃 up􏰔􏰃 xp
􏰔 g􏰒x􏰓
􏰒by constraint 􏰕􏰒b􏰓 on
􏰢 􏰃 􏰣􏰢 Zxg􏰒u􏰓 c 􏰣
du 􏰂
􏰚 cxp􏰃􏰂 􏰃􏰔
􏰈 g􏰒x􏰓 xp
x􏰆 and Lemma 􏰇􏰓
􏰔 g􏰒x􏰓 􏰢
􏰃􏰂 g􏰒x􏰓 􏰈􏰄 􏰜􏰚􏰇
􏰢 􏰢 Zxg􏰒u􏰓 􏰣􏰣
T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 􏰌 xp 􏰃 􏰔 du 􏰝 􏰃 up􏰔􏰃
log􏰜􏰚􏰇 x 􏰃 up􏰔􏰃
du 􏰔g􏰒x􏰓􏰂c c
􏰃 􏰣
􏰢 􏰃 􏰣􏰢 Zxg􏰒u􏰓
􏰚 cxp􏰃􏰂 􏰃􏰔
􏰄 􏰜􏰚􏰇 up􏰔􏰃
log x
􏰢 log x􏰣􏰢 Z􏰃 􏰣 􏰃 x g􏰒u􏰓
􏰧cxp 􏰃􏰂 􏰃􏰔 du
log 􏰜􏰚􏰇 x 􏰃 up􏰔􏰃
provided that c􏰄 􏰨 􏰇􏰚c􏰈 Hence􏰂 we can conclude that
as desired􏰉
􏰒by constraint 􏰕􏰒d􏰓 on x􏰆 􏰓􏰉
Remark􏰉 It is worth noting that the x􏰚 log􏰃􏰔􏰜 x limit on the size of jh 􏰒x􏰓j is nearly tight􏰂 since i
the solution
of the
recurrence 􏰒 T􏰒x􏰓 􏰚
􏰌􏰒􏰃􏰓 􏰠􏰡
􏰇T x 􏰔 x
􏰇 log x
for 􏰃 􏰧 x 􏰧 x􏰆 for x 􏰟 x􏰆
is T 􏰒x􏰓 􏰚 x log􏰌􏰒􏰃􏰓 x􏰂 which is di􏰍erent than the solution of 􏰌􏰒x􏰓 for the recurrence without the x􏰚 log x term􏰉

􏰊􏰃􏰋 M􏰉 Akra and L􏰉 Bazzi􏰉 􏰛On the solution of linear recurrence equations􏰉􏰑 To app ear􏰂 􏰃􏰅􏰅􏰄􏰉
􏰊􏰇􏰋 Thomas H􏰉 Cormen􏰂 Charles E􏰉 Leierson􏰂 and Ronald L􏰉 Rivest􏰉 Introduction to Algorithms􏰉 The MIT Press􏰂 Cambridge􏰂 Massachusetts􏰂 􏰃􏰅􏰅􏰆􏰉