程序代写代做代考 html Assignment Task

Assignment Task
You are required to implement in Python a stripped down and simplified web server and web downloader client.  Before starting to panic, keep in mind that a web server is in essence a very simple program. In response to a request, it simply reads the contents of a named file and pushes it back over the same connection. That’s it!  (Also, keep in mind that we’ve looked at HTTP in our lessons, and could download things over a telnet connection … and we know from Assignment #1 how simple telnet is!) 
For this assignment, you only need to worry about implementing the GET request of HTTP/1.1. In other words, your downloader will open a TCP connection to your server and issue a request like: GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 with an appropriate Host: header.  Your server will open this file relative to its current directory, read the contents, and send back the results. The downloader will save the file to disk relative to its own current directory, and close the connection. 
When you are done, in theory, you should be able to use a web browser to talk to your server, or use your web downloader client to retrieve documents off of another web site, provided that the web site doesn’t require HTTPS for security.  (You might run into version compatibility issues since your client and server are trying to force HTTP/1.1, but it should otherwise work …)  Pretty neat!
Some Particulars
Here are some specific requirements and other important notes: 
• Your web downloader client and web server must communicate to each other using TCP/IP. Your server only needs to support one connection at a time, and it does need to worry about persistent connections. 
• The web downloader client only needs to download a single file and then quit. Your server must support many consecutive connections and not terminate unless the user interrupts (such as using a Ctrl-C).
• The server may listen on a fixed port, or may use one selected by the operating system (which would have to be printed out so you could instruct the client on where to find the server). If you choose to use a fixed port, you should define it as a constant in the server and it should be greater than 1024. If something else is already using the port you select, you will receive errors when trying to bind to it.
• The server will not require any command line options. The client will require the host name the server is executing on, the port number it is listening to, and the name of file to download as command line options. These can be provided as separate command line options, or you can choose to combine them together as a standard URL passed in as a single command line option, which will have to be split apart by your client. 
• All files requested will be stored relative to the current directory of the server when it was executed. So, if a requested file begins with a /, you must add a . to the beginning of the file name to ensure it is accessed in a relative fashion. When the client goes to save the file downloaded, it should strip off the path name and save it with the remaining file name in the current directory of the client. For simplicity, you can assume that there will be no white space or unprintable characters in the file names. 
• You only need to support the GET command of HTTP/1.1 in both your client and your server. Your client should send at least a Host: option to the request, as that is required by the standard, but your server is free to just ignore such things for now.  (If you want to experiment with using some of them, that’s up to you.) 
• In response to a GET command, your server should respond with a proper HTTP response header when the file exists and can be sent. The first line should be a valid status line like HTTP/1.1 200 OK. You should also include a header line specifying the content length; i.e., the size of the file you are sending back.  You should also provide a content type header line for GIF and JPEG files, to allow browsers to view embedded images and so on. Essentially, you just need to look for a .gif or .jpg or .jpeg file extension at the end of a file name, and add the content type line if the extension matches. Otherwise, do nothing, and the browser will assume it is an HTML file. You are welcome to add content type lines for other kinds of files, if you so choose.  You may also add additional header values to return, such as dates, and so on, but they are not required. 
• If the file requested in a GET request does not exist, you should return a 404 message to the client. The first line should be a status line like HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found. As a response body, it should include a simple HTML message describing the problem. A sample on can be found here. This can either be hard coded into the server to send, or stored in a file called 404.html and sent using the usual file transfer mechanism, when the original file cannot be found. 
• If the client uses a version in its request other than HTTP/1.1, you should return a 505 message to the client. The first line should be a status line like HTTP/1.1 505 Version Not Supported. As a response body, it should include a simple HTML message describing the problem. A sample on can be found here. This can either be hard coded into the server to send, or stored in a file called 505.html and sent using the usual file transfer mechanism. 
• If the client issues something other than a GET request, but still claims to be using HTTP/1.1, you should return a 501 message to the client. The first line should be a status line like HTTP/1.1 501 Method Not Implemented. As a response body, it should include a simple HTML message describing the problem. A sample on can be found here. This can either be hard coded into the server to send, or stored in a file called 501.html and sent using the usual file transfer mechanism. 
• If the web downloader client received a reply from the server other than a 200 message indicating everything is fine, the client should print the entire message to the screen, and quit without saving anything.  If successful, the file should be saved, and the client should exit normally. 
• Remember to follow the HTTP formatting conventions as discussed in the course text book and lessons. You must have a blank line between response headers and the file being sent. You must also use “\r\n” instead of just “\n” to terminate lines in your HTTP messages, to ensure both a carriage return and a line feed. 
You are to provide all of the Python code for this assignment yourself. You are not allowed to use Python functions to execute other programs for you!   All server code files must begin with server, and all client files must begin with client.  All of these files must be submitted with your assignment. 
As an important note, marks will be allocated for code style. This includes appropriate use of comments and indentation for readability, plus good naming conventions for variables, constants, and functions. Your code should also be well structured (i.e. not all in the main function). 
Please remember to test your program as well, since marks will obviously be given for correctness!  You should transfer several different HTML documents, as well as images or other binary files.   You can then use diff to compare the original files and the downloaded files to ensure the correct operation of your client and server.  You must capture a session of downloading a file from your server to show it in action.  (This can be done using the script command or by taking a screen shot or picture with your phone.)  For additional testing, you can try to use a standard browser to retrieve documents from your server, and use your client to download documents stored off of other servers.