程序代写代做代考 compiler C interpreter go C311/B521/A596 Programming Languages

C311/B521/A596 Programming Languages








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Assignment 7: ParentheC Interpreter

“Code should run as fast as necessary, but no faster; something important is always traded away to increase speed.”


This assignment relies on your successful completion of a5. If you haven’t successfully completed a5 and maintained the versions of your code along the way, please complete this before starting this assignment. Save a new copy of your interpreter after you finish each step. We will expect you to have all of these intermediate files available during your demonstration. Also, you will often need to go back to an older version of your interpreter and having copies of all of them will save a lot of time.
▪ Once you’ve done the assignment, you must meet with one of the AIs to demonstrate your knowledge of your code. This meeting is a required part of the assignment and must take place on or before 10/21.

▪ Consider reading the ParentheC paper, Using ParentheC to Transform Scheme Programs to C or How to Write Interesting Recursive Programs in a Spartan Host . It is slightly out of date viz. registerization, but can still prove a useful resource.

▪ Download pc2c.rkt, and parenthec.rkt. 

▪ You will also need to use the following define-union for expressions and main program:

(define-union expr
(const cexp)
(var n)
(if test conseq alt)
(mult nexp1 nexp2)
(sub1 nexp)
(zero nexp)
(letcc body)
(throw kexp vexp)
(let exp body)
(lambda body)
(app rator rand))
;; (let ((f (lambda (f)
;; (lambda (n)
;; (if (zero? n)
;; 1
;; (* n ((f f) (sub1 n))))))))
;; (* (letcc k ((f f) (throw k ((f f) 4)))) 5))
(define main
(lambda ()
(expr_zero (expr_var 0))
(expr_const 1)
(expr_mult (expr_var 0) (expr_app (expr_app (expr_var 1) (expr_var 1)) (expr_sub1 (expr_var 0)))))))
(expr_app (expr_var 1) (expr_var 1))
(expr_throw (expr_var 0) (expr_app (expr_app (expr_var 1) (expr_var 1)) (expr_const 4)))))
(expr_const 5)))
Notice that this test program is not quoted data.
Your assignment is to complete the transformation of your interpreter from a5 to a version we can translate to C. When your interpreter is complete, turn it into C programs using pc2c, and run the test program provided. Here are the steps you will need to accomplish. Save a new copy of your interpreter after you finish every step. We will expect you to have all of these intermediate files available during your demonstration. Also, you will often need to go back to an older version of your interpreter and having copies of all of them will save a lot of time.
1. Below #lang racket, add the line (require “parenthec.rkt”)
Next add the expr define-union to your file, change the match-expression in value-of-cps to instead be a union-case-expression. Consult the ParentheC paper or the example from class to see how to do this. Make sure to remove the backquotes and commas in the patterns of what was your match expression. Add main to the bottom of your file, and make sure it returns 120 when you invoke it. 

2. Transform your closure constructor to a define-union, change the match in apply-closure to instead use union-case, and ensure that your constructor invocations are preceded with clos_, or something other than clos if you use a different name for your union. Make sure to remove the backquotes and commas in the patterns in what was your match expression.

3. Transform your environment constructors to a define-union, change the match in apply-env to instead use union-case, and ensure all constructor invocations are preceded with envr_, or something other than envr if you use a different name for your union. Make sure to remove the backquotes and commas in the patterns in what was your match expression.

4. Transform your continuation constructors to a define-union, change the match in apply-k to instead use union-case, and ensure all constructor invocations are preceded with kt_, or something other than kt if you use a different name for your union. Make sure to remove the backquotes and commas in the patterns in what was your match expression.

5. Transform all your serious function calls to our A-normal form style, by adding let* above your serious calls, and ensuring that the names of the actual parameters to the serious calls are *exactly* the names of the formal parameters in the definition.

6. Registerize the interpreter. Turn each let* expression to a begin block: the former let* bindings will become set! expressions, and the body becomes the invocation of a function of no arguments. Change all serious functions to be functions of no arguments. Define your global registers using define-registers at the top of the program. 

7. Change all of your (define name (lambda () …)) statements to instead use define-label. Define your program counter at the top of the program using define-program-counter.

8. Convert all label invocations into assignments to the program counter, and then add calls to mount-trampoline and dismount-trampoline. Note this will require modifying empty-k in your kt union, and the empty-k clause in the union-case inside apply-k. On the last line of main, print the register containing the final value of the program, e.g. (printf “Fact 5: ~s\n” v) See the parentheC document for notes on these steps. 

9. Comment out the lines #lang racket, (require “parentheC.rkt”)
and your invocation of main (that is (main)) if you added it to your file. And save a copy of this file named interp.pc. 

10. Open and run pc2c.rkt. This should load without errors. In the associated Racket REPL with no other files loaded, type (pc2c “interp.pc” “a7.c” “a7.h”)
which will generate C code from your interpreter. Compile the C program with the C compiler of your choice. The SOIC linux machines have gcc installed, and you can find here binaries for many different systems. Alternately, you could use an online C compiler Run the resulting executable, verifying that you see the correct output. 

Just Dessert
Add a callcc form to your interpreter that behaves like Racket’s call/cc. Change the test program to one that uses callcc and send this, along with any other required changes, in an email to your grader.
assignment-9.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/13 11:43 by mvc