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Learning Objectives
1 Relational Operators
Logical Expressions
Chapter 3
Stats 20: Introduction to Statistical Programming with R UCLA
1.1 Definitions……………………………………….. 2
1.2 Vectorization ……………………………………… 3
1.3 Recycling ……………………………………….. 4
1.4 Theany(),all(),andidentical()Functions…………………….. 4
1.5 SpecialValues……………………………………… 5
1.5.1 NA,NULL,andNaN ……………………………….. 5 1.5.2 Inf ………………………………………. 6
2 Logical Indexing 7
2.1 Subsetting……………………………………….. 7 2.2 Thewhich()Function…………………………………. 8
3 Boolean Operators (Combining Logical Expressions) 8
3.1 The&(and)Operator …………………………………. 9 3.2 The|(or)Operator ………………………………….. 9 3.3 The!(not)Operator …………………………………. 9 3.4 The&&and||Operators ……………………………….. 10 3.5 BooleanAlgebraandSetTheory ……………………………. 10
All rights reserved, Michael Tsiang, 2017–2020. Acknowledgements: Vivian Lew and Juana Sanchez
Do not post, share, or distribute anywhere or with anyone without explicit permission.

Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
• Use relational operators to compare values and create logical vectors. • Use logical vectors as vector indices for subsetting and assignment. • Use Boolean operators to combine logical expressions.
1 Relational Operators 1.1 Definitions
It is often necessary in programming to test relations between values. A relational operator is a binary operator that compares values in vectors. Applying a relational operator will produce a logical expression, which returns TRUE if the expression is true and FALSE if the expression is false. Many logical expressions in R use these relational operators.
A list of the relational operators in R is below: • < : Less than • > : Greater than
• <= : Less than or equal to • >= : Greater than or equal to • == : Equal to
• != : Not equal to
Caution: Notice that the logical comparison == uses a double equal sign, not a single equal sign. The single equal sign = is reserved for object assignment and setting default function arguments.
Some examples:
3 < 4 # Is 3 less than 4? [1] TRUE 7 > 7 # Is 7 (strictly) greater than 7? [1] FALSE
7 <= 7 # Is 7 less than or equal to 7? [1] TRUE 3 - 4 >= 0 # Is 3 – 4 greater than or equal to 0? [1] FALSE
TRUE == FALSE # Is TRUE equal to FALSE? [1] FALSE
9 * 3 != 2 # Is 9 * 3 not equal to 2? [1] TRUE
Note: When comparing logical values, TRUE is coerced into 1 and FALSE is coerced into 0.

Caution: Be careful with tests of equality (== and !=). Because R uses finite (double) precision when storing numbers, rounding errors may produce unexpected results. A test of equality will only return TRUE if the two values are represented exactly in R.
To illustrate this, consider this example:
49 * (4 / 49) == 4 # Is 49 * (4 / 49) exactly equal to 4? [1] FALSE
To help get around rounding errors when comparing values, it can be helpful to use the round() function, which rounds a numeric input. The second argument is called digits, which specifies the number of digits (decimal places) to use.
pi # Outputs pi to 6 digits [1] 3.141593
pi == 3.141593 # Is pi equal to 3.141593? [1] FALSE
round(pi, digits = 6) # Round pi to 5 digits [1] 3.141593
round(pi, 6) == 3.141593 # Is rounded pi equal to 3.14159? [1] TRUE
round(49 * (4 / 49), 8) == 4 # Is 49 * (4 / 49) (rounded to 8 digits) equal to 4? [1] TRUE
1.2 Vectorization
Relational operators are vectorized, meaning that the relational operator will be applied to each element of a vector individually.
When comparing vectors, the corresponding elements of each vector are compared.
# Is 3 or 8 greater than or equal to 3?
c(3, 8) >= 3
# Is 1, 4, or 9 exactly equal to 9?
c(1, 4, 9) == 9
# Is 1, 4, or 9 not (exactly) equal to 9?
c(1, 4, 9) != 9
# Is 3 less than 1, and is 8 less than 4?
c(3, 8) < c(1, 4) 3 # Is 1 greater than 5, is 4 greater than 6, and is 9 greater than 7? c(1, 4, 9) > c(5, 6, 7)
1.3 Recycling
Relational operators also recycle vectors in the same way that arithmetic operators do.
c(1, 4) == c(5, 3, 7, 4) [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE
c(1, 4, 9, 3) >= c(5, 4) [1] FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE
c(1, 4, 9, 3, 8) > c(5, 6, 7)
Warning in c(1, 4, 9, 3, 8) > c(5, 6, 7): longer object length is not a multiple
of shorter object length
Question: What values are being compared in these examples?
Notice that the length of the logical output vector has the same length as the longer vector in the relational statement.
1.4 The any(), all(), and identical() Functions
The relational operators compare vectors elementwise using vectorization, so the result from an input vector is a logical output vector. If we want to know if any or all of the individual logical values are TRUE, we can use the any() and all() functions.
The any() function inputs a logical vector and returns TRUE if any of the values is TRUE. The all() function inputs a logical vector and returns TRUE if all of the values are TRUE.
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
# Create a vector of the integers from 1 to 10
first_ten <- 1:10 first_ten # Are any of the values greater than 7? any(first_ten > 7)
# Are any of the values greater than 70?
any(first_ten > 70)
# Are all of the values greater than 70?
all(first_ten > 70)
# Are all of the values greater than 0?
all(first_ten > 0)

The all() function can be used to test whether two vectors are equal. For example:
[1] TRUE
Another test for vector equality is to use the identical(), which inputs any two R objects and returns TRUE
if they are exactly identical. For example: identical(seq(1, 10), 1:10)
[1] TRUE
This shows that the seq() function and the colon operator : do generate identical sequences.
Side Note: Use caution with identical(). The identical() function tests whether two R objects are exactly identical objects in R, down to their storage mode and all their attributes. Notice the following example:
[1] 1 2 3 4 5
[1] 1 2 3 4 5
identical(first_five, seq_five) [1] FALSE
The issue lies in the fact that the integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 used in generating first_five are actually stored as floating point numbers (doubles), while seq() and : generate integers.
typeof(first_five) [1] “double”
typeof(seq_five) [1] “integer”
This technical point seldom comes up in practice, but it is important to be aware of in case it causes an unexpected issue.
Side Note: Add an L to the end of an integer to explicitly refer to the integer-stored version of the number For example, the number 4 is stored as a double, but 4L is stored as an integer.
1.5 Special Values
1.5.1 NA, NULL, and NaN
The special values NA, NULL, and NaN are incomparable using relational operators.
c(7, NA, 4) > 6
# Create a vector of the integers from 1 to 5 using c()
first_five <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) # Create a vector of the integers from 1 to 5 using : seq_five <- 1:5 # Are all the elements of first_five == seq_five TRUE? all(first_five == seq_five) 5 c(TRUE, FALSE) > NULL logical(0)
c(1, 4, 9) <= NaN [1] NA NA NA Since comparing special values is not possible, we instead are often interested in whether elements in a vector are special values or not. This is particularly useful in finding where entries in a dataset are missing values. The is.na(), is.nan(), and is.null() functions are used in this context. • The is.na() function inputs an object and outputs TRUE if the corresponding elements that are NA or NaN. • The is.nan() function inputs an object and outputs TRUE if the corresponding elements that are NaN. • The is.null() function inputs an object and outputs TRUE if the object is the NULL object. is.na(c(7, NA, 4, NA, 3, Inf, NaN)) [1] FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE is.nan(c(1, NaN, -4, Inf, NA)) [1] FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE is.null(NULL) [1] TRUE is.null(c(1, NULL, NA)) [1] FALSE Note: Notice that is.na() and is.nan() are vectorized functions, but is.null() is not. 1.5.2 Inf Since infinity represents a value that is larger than any finite number, Inf can be compared against numbers in an expected and intuitive way. c(1, 4, Inf) < Inf [1] TRUE TRUE FALSE -Inf < exp(100) [1] TRUE exp(1000) == Inf [1] TRUE Note: Even though exp(1000) is not technically infinite, exp(1000) == Inf returns TRUE. Because R cannot represent extremely large values, the object exp(1000) itself returns Inf, so R interprets exp(1000) as being the same object as Inf. The vectorized functions is.infinite() and is.finite() can be used to test whether elements are infinite or finite. is.infinite(c(7, -Inf, 8, NA, NaN, Inf)) [1] FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE 6 is.finite(c(7, -Inf, 8, NA, NaN, Inf)) [1] TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 2 Logical Indexing 2.1 Subsetting Logical vectors can also be used as indices for subsetting. Using a logical index will extract every entry that corresponds to a TRUE value in the index vector. A common use of logical indices is to extract only certain elements that satisfy some condition or criterion. As an example, we will return to Chris Traeger’s running times from the previous chapter. [1] 51 40 57 34 47 50 50 56 41 38 [1] TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE [1] 51 57 47 50 50 56 41 Question: How would we extract only Chris Traeger’s running times that were at most 35 minutes? Another example: [1] FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE [1] 40 34 50 50 56 38 Question: What kind of numbers in running_times will return TRUE from the logical_index command (running_times %% 2) == 0? If the logical index vector is shorter than the given vector, the logical index will be recycled. [1] 51 57 47 50 41 # Input the data into R running_times <- c(51, 40, 57, 34, 47, 50, 50, 56, 41, 38) running_times # Is the running time longer than 40 (minutes)? running_times > 40
# Extract only the running times that are longer than 40 (minutes)
running_times[running_times > 40]
# Create a logical index
logical_index <- (running_times %% 2) == 0 logical_index # Extract the values corresponding to the TRUE values in logical_index running_times[logical_index] # Create a logical index of length 2 every_other <- c(TRUE, FALSE) # Extract every other element from running_times running_times[every_other] 7 2.2 The which() Function Logical indices give us a way to extract elements of a vector that satisfies a certain criterion. In some scenarios, we may just want to find the positions within the vector at which the condition is satisfied. The which() function inputs a logical vector and returns a numeric vector of the indices (or positions) of the TRUE values. That is, which() outputs which elements of the input vector are TRUE. [1] TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE [1] 1 3 6 7 8 Question: What is the output of which(is.na(c(7, NA, 4, NA, 3, Inf, NaN)))? We can also use the output of the which() function as an index for subsetting. [1] 51 57 50 50 56 Note: In most cases, the which() function is unnecessary and redundant when used for subsetting. It is clearer and simpler to use the logical index itself instead of converting to a numeric index. running_times[running_times >= 50] [1] 51 57 50 50 56
3 Boolean Operators (Combining Logical Expressions)
So far, we have used each relational operator separately to create single logical expressions. Sometimes we want to combine two logical expressions to make a compound logical expression. The mathematical formalization for combining logical expressions is called Boolean algebra.
The three main Boolean operators are & (and), | (or), and ! (not). All three of these operators are vectorized.
For example, suppose we have a vector of whole numbers (integers), in no particular order:
[1] 4 1 2 6 8 5 3 7
Which entries in some_nums are greater than 3?
some_nums > 3 # Which entries are greater than 3? [1] TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE
Which entries in some_nums are less than 7? some_nums < 7 # Which entries are less than 7? [1] TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE # Is the running time at least 50 (minutes)? running_times >= 50
# Which running times are at least 50 (minutes)?
which(running_times >= 50)
# Extract the running times that are at least 50 (minutes)
running_times[which(running_times >= 50)]
some_nums <- c(4, 1, 2, 6, 8, 5, 3, 7) some_nums 8 3.1 The & (and) Operator Suppose we want to know which entries of some_nums are both greater than 3 AND less than 7. To do this in one line in R, we can use the & (and) operator that compares two (or more) logical expressions of the same length and outputs a logical vector that is TRUE if both expressions are simultaneously TRUE and FALSE otherwise (both are FALSE or only one is TRUE). some_nums > 3 & some_nums < 7 # Which entries are greater than 3 AND less than 7? [1] TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE 3.2 The | (or) Operator Suppose we want to know which entries of some_nums are less than 3 OR greater than 7 (or both). This is an inclusive or, which means only one of the condtions needs to be satisfied for the statement to be true. To do this in one line in R, we can use the | (or) operator that compares two (or more) logical expressions of the same length and outputs a logical vector that is TRUE if at least one expression is TRUE and FALSE only if both are FALSE. some_nums < 3 # Which entries are less than 3? [1] FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE some_nums > 7 # Which entries are greater than 7? [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE
some_nums < 3 | some_nums > 7 # Which entries are less than 3 OR greater than 7?
Question: Use either & or | to find which entries of some_nums are greater than 4 AND less than 6. Question: Use either & or | to find which entries of some_nums are less than 4 OR greater than 6.
3.3 The ! (not) Operator
The exclamation point ! is the not or logical negation operator that returns TRUE if the input is FALSE and FALSE if the input is TRUE. The exclamation operation is placed at the beginning of a logical statement or vector. Parentheses help clarify which expressions are being negated.
!(some_nums < 3) # Which entries are NOT less than 3? [1] TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE !(some_nums < 3 | some_nums > 7) # Which entries are NOT (less than 3 OR greater than 7)? [1] TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE
!(some_nums < 3) | some_nums > 7 # Which entries are (NOT less than 3) OR greater than 7? [1] TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE
!(some_nums > 3 & some_nums < 7) # Which entries are NOT (greater than 3 AND less than 7)? [1] FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE 9 3.4 The && and || Operators The && and || operators are similar to their respective & and | counterparts but with two key differences. • The && and || operators are not vectorized. They will only compare the first element of each vector. • The && and || operators use short-circuit evaluation: They will evaluate expressions from left to right and only evaluate the right expression if necessary. For example, if A is TRUE, then A || B will be TRUE regardless of the value of B, so B will not need to be evaluated for A || B to output TRUE. Short-circuit evaluation is particularly beneficial when B is complicated, slow to evaluate, or evaluating B will throw an error or a warning when A is TRUE. c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) && c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE) [1] FALSE c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) || c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE) [1] TRUE Warning in sqrt(x): NaNs produced [1] TRUE x < 0 || is.na(sqrt(x) > 2) [1] TRUE
These non-vectorized operators are generally preferred/recommended for flow control statements, such as in if() statements or while() loops, where single logical values are expected.
3.5 Boolean Algebra and Set Theory
There is an important relationship between Boolean algebra and set theory. In statistics, we often represent events or collections of outcomes from random scenarios using set theory notation. The Boolean operators in logic correspond to the set theoretic operations we use to combine sets (or events).
Suppose we interpret logical statements A and B as sets. The set “A and B” consists of elements which are both in A and in B. In set theory, A and B is called the intersection of A and B, denoted by A ∩ B. Similarly, “A or B” is the set of elements that are in A or in B (or both), which is also called the union of A and B, denoted by A ∪ B. The set “not A” is called the complement of A, denoted by Ac.
Since logical statements can only have two values (true and false), we can put all of the results from Boolean operations in a table, often called a truth table, given below.
Boolean A B not A not B A and B A or B R A B !A !B A&B A|B
x <- -5 x < 0 | is.na(sqrt(x) > 2)
Table 1: Truth table for Boolean operators