程序代写代做代考 algorithm SI211: Numerical Analysis Project

SI211: Numerical Analysis Project
Prof. Boris Houska Deadline: Oct 28, 2020
The goal of this project is to implement algorithmic differentiation in forward and backward mode by using operator overloading. Requirements are:
• Think about an efficient storage format and use a programming that supports operator overloading (such as Matlab, Julia, C++, etc).
• Implement algorithmic differentiation in forward mode (similar to what we discussed in the lecture) and provide a user interface of the form
g = ADforward(f) .
Here, the user provides the function f : Rm → Rn. The function “ADforward” should then
return the function
g(x,d)= ∂f(x)d ∂x
to the user in order to evaluate the forward derivative of f with respect to the given direc- tion d ∈ Rn. Make sure that your code works for all combination of the atom operations
+, −, ∗, /,sin, cos .
• Implement algorithmic differentiation in backward mode and provide a user interface of the
As above, the use provides the function f : Rm → Rn. The function “ADbackward” should
then return the function
h(x,d) = d􏰀 ∂f(x) ∂x
h = ADbackward(f) .
to the user in order to evaluate the backward derivative of f with respect to the backward seed vector d ∈ Rm. As for the foward mode, make sure that your code works for all combination of the atom operations
+, −, ∗, /,sin, cos .

• Implement the function
function f(x)
a a = 1;
a b = 1;
a for i=1:length(x)
aaa y = 0.3*sin(a)+0.4*b;
aaa z = 0.1*a+0.3*cos(b)+x[i];
aaa a = y;
aaa b = z;
a end
a return [a;b];
and compute the gradient of f : R2020 → R2 at x = [1;1;1…;1] ∈ R2020 with
1. Numerical differentiation using finite differences 2. Using your AD forward code (with 2020 seeds) 3. Using your AD backward code (with 2 seeds)
and compare your results in terms of accuracy and run-time (in milliseconds). Which of the three implementations is the fastest / most accurate ?
The project consists of a report (≥ 6 pages) and a software. Please submit both to our TAs before the above mentioned deadline.
1 Requirements on the Project Report
Write a short report (preferably in Latex) containing the following sections:
1. Title and Authors of your report
2. Introduction (Briefly explain how AD works)
3. Code Design (explain what you have implemented and how your code works. Which data format do you use? How did you implement the AD backward routine by using operator overloading)
4. User Manual (briefly summarize how to run your code; such that at least the TAs can reproduce your results).
5. Numerical Results (plot/visualize and explain your numerical results)
6. Conclusion (summarize the highlights of your results and outline what could still be im- proved)