Final Exam Solution
CS 213 Fall 2002
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Expression Always True?
1. x < 0 => (x*3) < 0 N: x = TMin
2. x < 0 => (dx*dx*dx < 0.0) Y
3. ((y-x)<<3) + x-(2*y) == 6*y - 7*x Y: Associative, commutative, distributes
4. ((x-y)<<3) + (x>>1) – y == N: x = -1, y = 0
8*x – 9*y + x/2
5. (x-y) > 0 => -x < -y N: x = -1, y = TMin
6. ux - x == 0 Y: ux - x = ux + ~x + 1 = 11..1 + 1 = 0
7. x > 0 => !( x >> 31 | !x) == 1 Y: checks for a positive number
8. ((ux >> 1) << 1) = ux N: x = 1 (any number with lsb set)
9. dx / 3.0 == x / 3 N: x/3 == 0
10. x - (int)dx == 0 Y
x = 0x44556677
x = 0xffffffcc
int foo(int x, int y) {
return y+1;
return x+1;
return foo(x-1,y) * foo(x, y-1);
The cache holds 128 words.
Evict? i j Next conflicting block contents
16 y 8 0 a[8][0..3]
12 n - - a[10][8..11]
14 y 9 2 a[9][2..6]
10 n - - None. Entire array fits in cache
Parent: i = 10
Child: i = 20
malloc(n) m+n m+n n n
free(bp) 1 1 n 1
isRightFree(bp) 1 1 1 1
isLeftFree(bp) m+n 1 1 1
isValidAddress(p) m+n m+n n n
1. fd3 = 3
Problem 10
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