Overview GPU Memory The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
University of Leeds
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Lecture 16: GPU memory types
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
GPU Memory Previous lectures
The four device memory types Today’s lecture Summary and next lecture
Previous lectures
In the last lecture we saw how to program a simple GPU application:
Allocate memory on the device (the GPU). Copy host (CPU) data to the device.
Build and execute a kernel on the device that performs the computation.
Performed by many work items (threads).
Arranged into work groups of programmable size.
Can arrange work items in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions; the NDRange (=n-dimensional range).
Copy the result back from the device to the host.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
GPU Memory Previous lectures The four device memory types Today’s lecture
Summary and next lecture
Today’s lecture
In the vector addition kernel, all of the arguments had the prefix global:
void kernel(__global float *a,__global float *b,…) {
// Kernel body.
Today we will see what this means:
The different memory types available to a GPU. How and when to use them.
Performance issues related to register overflow.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
GPU Memory
The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
GPU memory architecture
Memory coalescing
The four memory types Allocating device memory
GPU memory
GPUs are designed as high throughput devices.
Many threads (100’s, 1000’s, . . . ) execute simultaneously.
By contrast, CPUs are latency reducing architectures, i.e. fast memory access by use of caches1, instruction level parallelism [cf. Lectures 1, 2], etc.
To maximise throughput, GPUs have multiple memory types: Architecture varies greatly between, and within, vendors.
Performance would ideally be optimised for each GPU on which the code may be deployed.
1Although modern GPUs increasingly also have memory caches. XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
GPU Memory
The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
GPU memory architecture
Memory coalescing
The four memory types Allocating device memory
Shared virtual, or ‘unified’, memory
In this module we treat CPU and GPU memory as separate. Typical of early GPU architectures.
Increasingly, CPU and GPU memory are presented to the programmer as unified1.
API decides whether CPU or GPU memory is allocated. Integrated GPUs may share physical memory with the CPU. Supported from OpenCL 2.0, CUDA 4.0.
We will not consider unified memory in this module.
1See e.g. Wilt, The CUDA Handbook (Addison-Wesley, 2013); Han and Sharma, Learn CUDA Programming (Packt, 2019).
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
GPU Memory
The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
GPU memory architecture
Memory coalescing
The four memory types Allocating device memory
Memory coalescing
When copying from e.g. global to local memory, adjacent threads will often access adjacent memory locations.
GPUs detect and optimise for this by memory coalescing: Coalesces multiple small memory accesses into a single large
memory access — much faster.
To exploit this, programmers can ensure nearby threads access nearby memory locations wherever possible.
For 2D/3D data, can use a technique known as tiling1. You are not expected to optimise your code for memory
coalescence in this module.
1Rauber and Ru ̈nger, Parallel Programming (Springer, 2012). Tiling is also used to optimise cache access in CPUs.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
GPU Memory
The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
GPU memory architecture Memory coalescing
The four memory types Allocating device memory
Memory types
GPUs typically contain 4 different types of memory.
Global Local1
Private Constant
Accessible to all work items in all work groups. Shared by work items within one work group only.
Accessible to a single work item only.
Global memory optimised for read-only opera- tions. Not available on all GPUs.
These are disjoint – it is not allowed to cast one address space to another.
1In CUDA and Nvidia devices, local memory is referred to as shared.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
GPU memory types1
Private memory
GPU Memory
The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
GPU memory architecture Memory coalescing
The four memory types Allocating device memory
Private memory
Private memory
Private memory
Private memory
Private memory
Local memory
Work group
Global memory
Constant memory
Local memory
Work group
1After Kaeli et al., Heterogeneous computing with OpenCL 2.0 (Morgan-Kauffman, 2015).
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
GPU Memory
The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
GPU memory architecture Memory coalescing
The four memory types Allocating device memory
Analogy with CPU memory
Notice there is a (loose) analogy with CPU memory types:
Shared memory Distributed memory
Global memory Local memory
Accessible by all processing units [threads (CPU); work items (GPU)] Only accessible to one process (CPU); work group (GPU).
To send data between work groups, must use global memory (or the host); a form of communication.
Cannot directly send data between the local memory of different work groups.
The analogy with distributed memory CPUs breaks down.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
GPU Memory
The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
GPU memory architecture Memory coalescing
The four memory types Allocating device memory
Allocating device memory
When allocating buffer memory on a device, it is placed in global memory.
For example, to allocate a global buffer called device array capable of storing N floats:
cl_mem device_array= clCreateBuffer(context , CL_MEM_READ_ONLY ,N*sizeof(float) ,…);
Note that CL MEM READ ONLY does not make it constant memory. Still allocated in the device’s global memory.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
GPU Memory
The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
GPU memory architecture Memory coalescing
The four memory types Allocating device memory
Read and write buffer flags
For OpenCL the buffer type should be specified as read-only, write-only, or read-write, by using one of the following flags:
The buffer should only be read from. The buffer should only be written to. Both read and write allowed.
Hint to allow optimisations by the runtime system. The default is CL MEM READ WRITE.
These refer to the device accessibility, i.e. from inside kernels, not from the host.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
Overview GPU Memory The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
Global memory
Local memory Private memory Constant memory
Memory type 1. Global memory
Global memory
Accessible to all processing units, but bandwidth is slower compared to the other memory types. Typically cached in modern GPUs, but not in older devices.
This is the memory type we have used already (cf. Lecture 15). Convenient from a programming perspective.
Generally poor performance, although typically still faster than host-device communication.
and XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
Overview GPU Memory The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
Global memory
Local memory Private memory Constant memory
Using global memory in OpenCL1
Allocate global memory using clCreateBuffer(): 1
cl_mem device_buffer = clCreateBuffer(context,flags, size ,…);
In the kernel, prepend
global before the pointer(s):
void vectorAdd( __global float *a, __global float *b,
__global float *c ) {
int gid = get_global_id(0);
c[gid] = a[gid] + b[gid]; }
1In CUDA: clCreateBuffer()→cudaMalloc(); no
global specifier.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
Overview GPU Memory The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
Global memory
Local memory
Private memory Constant memory
Memory type 2. Local memory
Local memory
Accessible to all work items in a work group, but not between groups. Much faster than global memory.
Typically used as a scratch space for calculations involving more than one work item in a group.
Use for intermediate calculations.
Place final answer in global memory.
In practice, this also requires synchronisation which is next lecture’s topic, so will see an example of local memory then.
and XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
Overview GPU Memory The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
Global memory
Local memory
Private memory Constant memory
Static local arrays
To use local memory in a kernel, simply place variable1 :
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local before the
void kernel(__global int *device_array) {
__local int temp [128];
// Calculations involving temp.
// Place final answer in device_array.
However, this is static allocation – the size of the array must be known when the kernel is built.
1In CUDA: local → shared .
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
Overview GPU Memory The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
Global memory
Local memory
Private memory Constant memory
Dynamic local arrays
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
To create dynamic local arrays, declare it as a kernel argument
with the specifier
void kernel(__local int *temp,__global int *device_a) {
// Calculations involving temp.
// Place final answer in device_a.
Then when setting kernel arguments, specify the size but set the pointer to NULL:
clSetKernelArg(kernel ,0,N*sizeof(int),NULL);
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
Overview GPU Memory The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
Global memory Local memory Private memory Constant memory
Memory type 3. Private memory
Private memory
Only accessible to each work item. Very fast access.
In practice, private memory is almost always implemented in hardware as registers:
Small amount of memory that can be accessed quickly. Faster access than even local memory.
Automatic storage duration, i.e. deallocated at the end of the kernel (or enclosing code block).
and XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
Overview GPU Memory The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
Global memory Local memory Private memory Constant memory
Using private memory
There is no specifier for private memory (i.e. no private). Variables declared within a kernel default to private.
For instance, in this kernel . . .
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void kernel(__global float *array) {
int gid = get_global_id(0);
. . . the variable gid is treated as private memory.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
Overview GPU Memory The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
Global memory Local memory Private memory Constant memory
Private kernel arguments
Kernel arguments without a specifier are also treated as private. In this example, N is treated as a private variable:
1 2 3 4 5 6
void kernel(__global float *array ,int N) {
// Calculations involving N.
The corresponding call to setKernelArg() would be:
int N=…;
clSetKernelArg(kernel ,1,sizeof(int),&N);
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
Overview GPU Memory The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
Global memory Local memory Private memory Constant memory
Register overflow
Code on Minerva: registerOverflow.c, registerOverflow.cl, helper.h
Devices have a fixed amount of register memory. What happens if this is exceeded is device-dependent, but is usually one of:
1 Private memory will ‘spill over’ into global memory.
2 Fewer work groups will be launched simultaneously, resulting
in an under–utilisation of available processing units.
Either mechanism reduces performance.
Kernels should be small (in the sense of low register usage) to limit the risk of register overflow.
and XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
Overview GPU Memory The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
Global memory Local memory Private memory Constant memory
Memory type 4. Constant memory
Constant memory
Accessible by all work items and work groups, but read only (by a kernel). Faster than global memory. Not available on all GPUs.
GPUs often have memory that is global in scope, but can only be read from within kernels:
Known as constant memory.
Can still be written to by the host.
Originally to accelerate the mapping of textures to polygons (‘texture’ memory1).
Typically much smaller than global memory, even if it exists.
1CUDA treats texture memory separately to other constant memory. and XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
Overview GPU Memory The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
Global memory Local memory Private memory Constant memory
Using constant memory1
For kernel arguments, use the constant specifier:
void kernel(__constant float *a,…) { … }
Initialise the array (i.e. copy from the host) and set the kernel argument as normal.
Variables within kernels can also be constant, but must be specified at compile time:
1 __constant float pi = 3.1415926;
1In CUDA: Device data specified constant , and copy from host using cudaMemcpyToSymbol().
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
Overview GPU Memory The four device memory types Summary and next lecture
Summary and next lecture
Summary and next lecture
Today we have look at the different memory types in GPUs: Global (slow), local (faster), private (very fast).
Possibly also constant (faster than global).
Private memory can overflow, resulting in performance loss.
The main use of local memory is to coordinate calculations between work items in a group. We will see an example next time when we look at synchronisation in GPUs.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation
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