编程代写 XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Distributed memory architectures MPI Summary and next lecture
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

University of Leeds

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Lecture 8: Introduction to distributed memory parallelism
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Distributed memory architectures Previous lectures
MPI This lecture Summary and next lecture
Previous lectures
In the last six lectures we looked at shared memory parallelism (SMP) relevant to e.g. multi-core CPUs:
Each processing unit (e.g. thread, core) sees all memory. Want to achieve good scaling, i.e. speed-up for increasing
numbers of cores.
Without proper synchronisation, results can be
Dependencies can lead to data races.
Can reach deadlock if threads wait for synchronisation events that never occur.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Distributed memory architectures Previous lectures MPI This lecture
Summary and next lecture
This lecture
This lecture is the first of six on distributed memory parallelism, and we will see that some (but not all) of these issues remain relevant:
Each processing unit sees only a fraction of total memory. Data dependencies treated using explicit communication.
No data races.
Performance considerations remain the same, except now the
primary parallel overhead is communication.
Improper synchronisation can still lead to non-determinism and deadlock.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Distributed memory architectures
MPI Summary and next lecture
Clusters and supercomputers
Interconnection network Processes versus threads
Distributed memory systems
Multiple processes (rather than threads) that communicate via an interconnection network or ‘interconnect’.
For instance, one process per node, e.g. desktop machine.
Each process has its own heap memory.
If a process needs data currently held on another node’s memory, must communicate over the network.
node 1 Network
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Distributed memory architectures
MPI Summary and next lecture
Clusters and supercomputers
Interconnection network Processes versus threads
Current fastest supercomputer1
Fujitsu Fugaku, RIKEN, Kobe, Japan
ARM-based A64FX CPU.
48 compute cores, and 2 or 4 assistant cores.
Total 7,630,848 cores.
Draws nearly 30MW of power.
Benchmarked ≈ 442 PFLOPS.
1 PFLOPS = 1015 FLOPS.
1 FLOPS = 1 floating point operation per second.
1As of Nov. 2021; top500.org.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Distributed memory architectures
MPI Summary and next lecture
Clusters and supercomputers
Interconnection network Processes versus threads
Clusters as distributed systems
Supercomputers share features with other distributed systems such as data centres:
Nodes perform calculations in parallel.
Coordination requires explicit communication; there is no ‘global clock.’
May have high energy demand and cooling requirements.
Here focus on High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters: Individual cluster nodes use the same operating system. Cannot usually be addressed individually.
Requires a special job scheduler.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Distributed memory architectures
MPI Summary and next lecture
Clusters and supercomputers
Interconnection network
Processes versus threads
The interconnection network or ‘interconnect’
For the local area networks within HPC clusters, communication between nodes is carried over high performance interconnects:
Gigabit Ethernet and InfiniBand are the most common1. Latencies (i.e. delays) of around 1μs.
Bandwidths (i.e. throughput) of around 1-100 Gb/s.
These numbers are improving with time but more slowly than CPU performance.
The need to reduce communication overheads will only become more important in the foreseeable future.
1As of Nov. 2021; see top500.org.
and XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Distributed memory architectures
MPI Summary and next lecture
Clusters and supercomputers
Interconnection network
Processes versus threads
Network topology
If data sent via intermediate nodes, latency is increased.
Each node must parse data packet and decide where to send.
Therefore want smallest paths between nodes. Network as a graph G(V,E):
V = nodes (vertices).
E = connections (edges). Want G with smallest diameter δ
(largest path length between nodes).
A complete graph (right) has δ = 1, but is impractical (too many connections for each machine).
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Distributed memory architectures
MPI Summary and next lecture
Clusters and supercomputers
Interconnection network
Processes versus threads
Example topologies for p nodes
Linear Ring Hypercube
Hypercube topology preferred due to its short path lengths1.
1Rauber and Ru ̈nger, Parallel programming for multicore and cluster systems (Springer, 2013).
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Distributed memory architectures
MPI Summary and next lecture
Clusters and supercomputers Interconnection network Processes versus threads
Processes versus threads
Recall from Lecture 2 that processes communicate with other processes using e.g. sockets.
Must have at least one process per node to communicate across the network.
For multi-core nodes, could have one multi-threaded process per node, with one thread per core.
Avoids communication within a node.
Combination of OpenMP and MPI is quite common (‘hybrid’).
For simplicity, we consider one single-threaded process per core, and therefore multiple processes per node.
and XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Distributed memory architectures
MPI Summary and next lecture
Clusters and supercomputers Interconnection network Processes versus threads
Example for quad core nodes
One 4-thread process per node
4 one-thread processes per node
single process
4 processes
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Distributed memory architectures
MPI Summary and next lecture
Clusters and supercomputers Interconnection network Processes versus threads
Wilkinson and Allen [Lecture 1] covers distributed memory parallelism (MPI), and a little OpenMP, but no GPU.
General parallel algorithms but few code examples. Slightly old (2005) and covers architrectures we will not
consider (e.g. distributed shared memory systems). A more practical book for MPI coding is:
Parallel Programming with MPI, Pacheco (Morgan-Kauffman).
Old (1997), only covers distributed memory systems and MPI. Many code examples and snippets.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Distributed memory architectures MPI Summary and next lecture
APIs for distributed programming
Installing, building and executing ‘Hello World’
Distributed HPC programming
For distributed HPC, there is essentially only one option1: MPI Stands for Message Passing Interface.
Specifies a standard for communication (‘message passing’). MPI v1.0 finalised in 1994.
MPI v3.0 finalised in 2012, now widely implemented. Fully supports C, C++ and FORTRAN.
Most online examples are in one of these languages. Unofficial bindings for Java, MATLAB, Python, . . .
1Has superseded PVM = Parallel Virtual Machine (1989). Others such as Spark, Chapel etc. not (yet?) widely used in HPC.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Distributed memory architectures MPI Summary and next lecture
APIs for distributed programming
Installing, building and executing ‘Hello World’
The MPI standard only defines the interface; it is still down to a vendor to provide an implementation.
Code should be portable between implementations.
There are various freely available implementations: MPICH: www.mpich.org
OpenMPI: www.open-mpi.org
Don’t confuse OpenMPI with OpenMP . . . !
There are also commercial implementations: e.g. Intel MPI, Spectrum MPI (IBM).
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Distributed memory architectures MPI Summary and next lecture
APIs for distributed programming
Installing, building and executing
‘Hello World’
Installing MPI
The system cloud-hpc1.leeds.ac.uk has OpenMPI1 installed: module load mpi/openmpi-x86 64
For personal Unix machines, should be straightforward to install (cf. links on previous slide).
Mac users might like to try homebrew.
On Windows machines, Microsoft MPI2 is free.
Based on MPICH.
1Note the linux command “module avail” shows what modules are installed.
2 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/message-passing-interface/microsoft-mpi
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Distributed memory architectures MPI Summary and next lecture
APIs for distributed programming
Installing, building and executing
‘Hello World’
Building an MPI program
Need to use a special compiler for MPI programs:
Standard installation includes mpicc, mpic++, mpifort. Essentially a wrapper around a standard compiler. Passes command line arguments to the C compiler.
For example, to compile a file helloWorld.c:
mpicc -Wall -o helloWorld helloWorld.c
Will generate the executable helloWorld. All warnings on (‘-Wall’).
Add e.g. -lm for the maths library.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Distributed memory architectures MPI Summary and next lecture
APIs for distributed programming
Installing, building and executing
‘Hello World’
Executing an MPI program
Also need a special launcher to execute an MPI program1. For multiple processes all on the same local machine:
mpiexec -n 2 ./helloWorld
Creates 2 processes running the same program.
Trying to launch more processes than cores may lead to an error (‘too many slots’)2.
mpirun is the same/very similar to mpiexec.
Best to develop/debug code on a single machine (e.g. login node of cloud-hpc1.leeds.ac.uk), then run on multiple cores in batch mode for e.g. timing runs.
1Executing as usual (‘./helloWorld’) will launch one process, i.e. serial. 2With OpenMPI, can override with the argument -oversubscribe.
and XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Distributed memory architectures MPI Summary and next lecture
APIs for distributed programming
Installing, building and executing
‘Hello World’
Launching via the batch queue
The system cloud-hpc1.leeds.ac.uk has been set up to allow access to two 8-core nodes via slurm.
Follow a similar approach to running batch jobs for OpenMP: sbatch script.sh
Below is an example script…
#Request a single node, and 8 cores (adjust as necessary)
#SBATCH -N1 -n8
module add mpi/openmpi3-x86_64
mpiexec -n 8 ./helloWorld
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Distributed memory architectures MPI Summary and next lecture
APIs for distributed programming Installing, building and executing ‘Hello World’
A ‘Hello World’ example
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
#include “stdio.h”
#include “stdlib.h”
#include “mpi.h” // Need to include mpi.h
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
int numprocs , rank;
MPI_Init( &argc, &argv ); MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD , MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD ,
&numprocs ); &rank );
printf( “Process %d of %d.\n”, rank, numprocs );
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Distributed memory architectures MPI Summary and next lecture
APIs for distributed programming Installing, building and executing ‘Hello World’
Initialising and finalising
The first MPI call must be MPI Init():
Pass command line arguments argc and argv.
Will remove arguments relevant to MPI.
Specific to the implementation and not of interest here.
The final MPI call must be MPI Finalize(): Note the US spelling; finalize not finalise.
Any MPI calls before MPI Init() or after MPI Finalize() will result in a runtime error.
and XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Distributed memory architectures MPI Summary and next lecture
APIs for distributed programming Installing, building and executing ‘Hello World’
Number of processes and rank
MPI Comm size(MPI COMM WORLD,&numprocs)
Sets numprocs to the total number of processes. Should return the ‘-n’ argument in mpiexec. Similar to omp max thread num().
MPI Comm rank(MPI COMM WORLD,&rank)
Sets rank to the process number, known as the rank in MPI. Ranges from 0 to numprocs-1 inclusive.
Similar to omp get thread num().
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Distributed memory architectures MPI Summary and next lecture
APIs for distributed programming Installing, building and executing ‘Hello World’
For our purposes, whenever you see an MPI call with the argument communicator, just use MPI COMM WORLD:
Means ‘all processes available to us.’
The only communicator we consider in this course.
In general, communicators allow processes to be partitioned.
e.g. when developing a parallel library, don’t want the library processes to accidentally communicate with application processes.
An advanced feature we won’t consider.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

Overview Distributed memory architectures MPI Summary and next lecture
Summary and next lecture
Summary and next lecture
Today we have started looking at distributed memory parallelism:
Realised in clusters and supercomputers.
Requires communication between nodes.
For HPC, use MPI = Message Passing Interface. Seen how to build and execute a ‘Hello World’ program.
Next time we will see how MPI supports communication between processes, and use this to solve real problems.
XJCO3221 Parallel Computation

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com