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Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 60 (2015) 154–161
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Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
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A novel meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method for dynamic coupled thermoelasticity analysis under thermal and mechanical shock loading
Bao-Jing Zheng a,b, Xiao-Wei Gao a,c,n, Kai Yang a, Chuan-Zeng Zhang b
a School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, PR China
b Department of Civil Engineering, University of Siegen, D-57068 Siegen, Germany
c State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, PR China
article info
Article history:
Received 30 September 2014 Received in revised form
15 December 2014
Accepted 15 December 2014 Available online 6 January 2015
Dynamic coupled thermoelasticity Thermal and mechanical shock Meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method Moving Kriging interpolation method Backward difference method
1. Introduction
Coupled thermoelasticity is relevant to many problems in engi- neering and sciences. It encompasses the phenomena that describe the elastic and thermal behavior of thermoelastic solids and their interactions under mechanical and thermal loadings. In recently years, considerable attention has been paid to analyze the coupled thermoelasticity problems since the thermal stresses play an impor- tant role in the structures. Analytical solutions for some dynamic problems in uncoupled thermoelasticity were obtained by Danilovs- kaya [1,2]. For some quasi-static problems in coupled thermoelas- ticity, Boley and Tolins [3] obtained the analytical solutions. The class of problems which has analytical solutions in dynamic thermoelas- ticity is extremely limited. Therefore several computational methods have been proposed for the numerical analysis of the thermoelas- ticity problems with complex geometries and boundary conditions. Many of them have been directed to uncoupled problems in steady or transient states. Few investigations have been done successfully for coupled thermoelasticity.
Numerical solutions for the coupled thermoelasticity using the finite element method (FEM) have been reported by Keramidas and
n Corresponding author at: School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116024, P.R. China. Tel.: +86 411 84706332;
fax: +86 411 84706332.
E-mail address: xwgao@dlut.edu.cn (X.-W. Gao).
0955-7997/& 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
A meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method (MLPG) based on the moving Kriging interpolation is further developed for two-dimensional linear dynamic coupled thermoelasticity problems under thermal and mechanical shock loading. In this method the moving Kriging interpolation is employed to construct the shape functions, and the Heaviside step function is applied in the local weak-form as the test functions. The equations of motion and transient heat conduction equations of the coupled thermoelasticity interact on each other. So these equations must be solved simultaneously. In this paper the backward difference method is applied to approximate the time derivatives. The main idea of treating the time- dependent problem is based on the reduction procedure of the equations of motion, in which the displacements, velocities and temperature are taken as the field variables. Then a unified explicit expression of the system of differential algebraic equations is obtained. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the accuracy of this method.
& 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Ting [4], Ting and Chen [5], Prevost and Tao [6], Tamma and Railkar [7], Cannarozzi and Ubertini [8]. The boundary element method (BEM) has been developed and applied to analyze thermoelasticity problems by Rizzo and Shippy [9]. The radial-integration BEM for 2-D and 3-D uncoupled thermoelasticity analysis was presented by Gao [10]. The BEM also has been successfully applied to coupled thermoelasticity problems [11–17].
In recent years, meshless or element-free methods have been developed as alternative numerical approaches with efforts to eliminate some known shortcomings of the mesh-based methods [18–23]. The main objective of these methods is to reduce the difficulties of meshing and remeshing of complex structural problem domains. The solution is entirely built in terms of a set of distributed nodes, thus no element connectivity is required. The meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method (MLPG) is one of the most widely used meshless methods, as it does not need a mesh, either for the purpose of interpolation of the problem variables, or for the integration of the weak-form. A variety of meshless methods have been developed and applied to thermoelastic problems [24–31].
Most of the methods mentioned above for transient coupled thermoelasticity were based on the Laplace-transform technique to treat the time domain. However, the Laplace-transform of some boundary conditions may not exist. In this paper, the MLPG method based on the moving Kriging interpolation and with a Heaviside step function as the test functions [32–37] is further applied to solve two- dimensional dynamic coupled thermoelasticity problems. Since the

moving Kriging shape function possess the delta function property, the present method can easily enforce the essential boundary conditions as done in FEM. Then, the backward difference method is used to approximate the time derivatives instead of the Laplace-transform technique. For the dynamic coupled thermoelasticity, the equations of motion involve the second derivative with respect to the time, while the heat conduction equation has only the first time derivative. In order to use the backward difference method to discretize the time derivatives, velocities as extra field variables are used to obtain the reduction procedure for the equations of motion. A unified explicit expression of the system of differential algebraic equations is obtained. The accuracy and the efficiency of the present MPLG method are verified by two numerical examples.
2. Moving Kriging interpolation
Similar to the moving least-squares (MLS) approximation, the moving Kriging approach can be applied to any sub-domain Ωx D Ω. According to Ref. [34], the field variable uðxÞ in the problem domain Ωcan be approximated by uhðxÞ. For any sub-domain, the local approximation can be defined as follows:
[33]. In addition, the correlation matrix R1⁄2Rðxi;xjÞ is also given in an explicit form
B.-J. Zheng et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 60 (2015) 154–161 155
R1⁄2Rðxi;xjÞ1⁄46 ⋮ 4
⋮ ⋱⋮7 ð11Þ 5
2 1 Rðx1;x2Þ ⋯ Rðx1;xnÞ3 6Rðx2;x1Þ 1 ⋯ Rðx2;xnÞ7
Rðxn; x2Þ ⋯1
The partial derivatives of the shape functions can be easily
Rðxn; x1Þ obtained as follows:
φk;xl 1⁄4 ∂φkðxÞ 1⁄4 ∑m ∂pjðxÞAjk þ ∑n ∂riðxÞBik ð12Þ ∂xl j∂xl i∂xl
An important property of the moving Kriging shape function is
that the shape functions possess the delta function property [34],
1 ðk1⁄4j;k;j1⁄41;2;⋯;nÞ
φkðxjÞ1⁄4 0 ðkaj;k;j1⁄41;2;⋯;nÞ ð13Þ
Another important property of the moving Kriging shape functions is the consistency property [34]
∑ φkðxÞ1⁄41
ð14aÞ ð14bÞ
u ðxÞ 1⁄4 1⁄2p ðxÞAþr ðxÞBu ð1Þ
or n
uh ðxÞ 1⁄4 ∑ φk ðxÞuk ð2Þ
where the moving Kriging shape function φkðxÞ is defined by the following equation:
φkðxÞ 1⁄4 ∑ pjðxÞAjk þ ∑ riBik ð3Þ
The matrices A and B are given by the following equations: A1⁄4ðPTR1PÞ1PTR1 ð4Þ
B1⁄4R1ðIPAÞ ð5Þ where I is an identity matrix and the vector pðxÞ is the polynomial
with m basis functions
pðxÞ 1⁄4 ðp1ðxÞ; p2ðxÞ ;⋯ ; pmðxÞÞT ð6Þ
For the matrix P with the size nm, the values of the polynomial basis functions (6) at the given set of nodes are collected, i.e.,
∑ φkðxÞxk1⁄4x k1⁄41
3. MLPG discretization
3.1. Governing equations
26 p1ðx1Þ
p2ðx1Þ ⋯
pmðx1Þ 37
pmðx2Þ 7 ð7Þ
rðxÞ 1⁄4 ðRðx1 ; xÞ; Rðx2 ; xÞ; ⋯; Rðxn ; xÞÞT ð8Þ
Here, Rðxi;xjÞ is the correlation function between any pair of nodes located at xi and xj. Although many functions can be used as the correlation function Rðxi;xjÞ, however, a simple and frequently used correlation function is the Gaussian function
Rðxi;xjÞ1⁄4expðξr2ijÞ ð9Þ
in which
rij 1⁄4‖xixj‖=h ð10Þ
and h is the average distance of the nodes in the support domain, ξ represents the value of the correlation parameter used to fit the model, and it is a good choice to take ξ 1⁄4 0:03  0:2 according to
p2ðx2Þ ⋯
64 ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 75 p1ðxnÞ p2ðxnÞ ⋯ pmðxnÞ
P 1⁄4 6 p1ðx2Þ
and the vector rðxÞ in Eq. (1) is also given by the following
We consider the dynamic coupled thermoelasticity problem of a homogeneous, isotropic and linear elastic heat conductor based on the classical thermoelasticity theory. Let Ω be a finite domain with boundary Γ, and T1⁄41⁄20;t be the time interval. The basic equations of linear coupled thermoelasticity can be written as follows:
εij 1⁄42ðui;jþuj;iÞ ð15Þ  Constitutive equation
σij 1⁄4 2μεkl þλεkkδij βθδij ð16Þ  Equation of motion
σij;jþbiρu€i 1⁄40 ð17Þ  Heat conduction equation
kθ;ii ρcθ_ βθ0u_i;i þQ 1⁄4 0 ð18Þ
In Eqs. (15)–(18), εij, ui, σij, β, θ, θ0, ρ, c, k, bi and Q are the strain tensor, displacement vector, Cauchy stress tensor, stress- temperature modulus, temperature difference, reference tempera- ture, mass density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, body force vector and heat sources, respectively, and λ and μ are Lame’s constants. The corresponding boundary and initial conditions are given as follows:
 Boundary conditions
ui 1⁄4ui onΓu T ti 1⁄4σijnj 1⁄4ti onΓt T
 Kinematic relation 1

B.-J. Zheng et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 60 (2015) 154–161
θ1⁄4θ onΓθ T  Initial conditions
the time. They can be expressed as follows:
q1⁄4kθ;ini 1⁄4q onΓq T; uiðx;0Þ1⁄4ui0ðxÞ u_iðx;0Þ1⁄4u_i0ðxÞ θðx;0Þ1⁄4θ0ðxÞ inΩ:
θðx; tÞ 1⁄4 uðx; tÞ 1⁄4
∑ φkðxÞθkðtÞ ð25Þ
∑ φkðxÞukðtÞ ð26Þ
where Γu is the part of the global boundary with prescribed displacements, while on Γt, Γθ and Γq the traction vector, the temperature and the heat flux are prescribed, respectively.
3.2. Local weak formulation
The local weak-form is constructed over a sub-domain Ωs bounded by Γs. The local sub-domains overlap each other, and cover the whole problem domain Ω. They could be of any geometric shape and size [20]. For simplicity, the sub-domains are taken to be of a circular shape or rectangular shape. Using the local weighted residual method, the generalized local weak-form of Eq. (17) can be written as follows:
wik ðσij;jþbiρu€iÞdΩ1⁄40 ð19Þ Ωs
where wik is the weight function.
Applying the divergence theorem to Eq. (19), the following
Substituting the displacement and temperature expressions in Eqs. (25) and (26) into the local weak-form (22), the discrete equations for all nodes are given as follows:
Mu u€ðtÞþK uuðtÞ þHuθðtÞ 1⁄4 FuðtÞ ð27Þ
where the submatrices of the mass matrix Mu, the stiffness matrix
Ku, the matrix Hu and the subvector of the load vector Fu can be
βnΦJdΩ ð30Þ
ð31Þ The matrices ΦJ, N, BJ and D, and the vector n in the above
( 2φ0321v03 δik; xAΩs J;x
Using the Heaviside step function as the test function and considering the natural boundary conditions, the local weak-form
(20) can be rewritten as follows: ZZZZZ
ρu€i dΩ tidΓ tidΓ1⁄4 tidΓþ bi dΩ ð22Þ Ωs Γsu Γsi Γst Ωs
where Γsi is a part of the local boundary of Ωs over which no boundary conditions are specified, Γst is the intersection of Γt and the boundary Γs, Γsu is the intersection of Γu and the boundary Γs.
Similarly, the local weak-form of Eq. (18) can be written as follows:
In order to simplify Eq. (20), the test function w
Φ1⁄4 J ;N1⁄4 x y ;n1⁄4ðnx nyÞT; J0φJ 0nynx
ðbi ρ u€iÞ dΩ 1⁄4 0 ð20Þ
equations are defined by the following equation: “φ0#”n0n#
wik1⁄4 0; x2=Ωs ð21Þ BJ1⁄464 0 φJ;y75;D1⁄4 E 64v 1 0 75;forplanestress;
written as follows:
MuIJ1⁄4 ρΦJdΩ Ωs
KuIJ 1⁄4  HuIJ 1⁄4
Γsi βnΦJdΩþ
Γsi ZZ
form can be obtained as follows:
wik σijnjdΓ wik;j σij dΩþ wik Γs Ωs Ωs
is chosen in such a way that it eliminates or simplifies the domain integral over Ωs. This can be accomplished by using the Heaviside step function
Γsu FuI 1⁄4 tdΓþ bdΩ
Γqt Ωq
φ φ
1v2 0 0 1v 2
J;y J;x
21v03 1v
w ðkθ;iiρcθ_βθ0u_i;iþQÞdΩ1⁄40 ð23Þ Ωs
Eð1vÞ6v 1 07
D1⁄4ð1þvÞð12vÞ41v 5; forplanestrain ð32Þ
0 0 12v 2ð1vÞ
Similarly, substituting the displacement and temperature expressions in Eqs. (25) and (26) into the local weak-form (24), the discrete equations for all nodes are given as follows:
Cθ θ_ðtÞþKθ θðtÞþGθu_ðtÞ1⁄4FθðtÞ ð33Þ
where the submatrices of the heat capacity matrix Cθ, the stiffness
matrix Kθ, the matrix Gθ and the subvector of the load vector Fθ
can be written as follows:
CθIJ1⁄4 ρcφJdΩ ð34Þ Ωs
KθIJ1⁄4 knTPJdΓ knTPJdΓ ð35Þ
where w is the weight function.
Applying the Gauss divergence theorem to the local weak-form
(23) and considering the Heaviside step function for the weight function w and the natural boundary conditions, the following
βθ0PTJ dΩ
form can be obtained:
ρcθ_dΩþ βθ0u_i;idΩ qdΓ qdΓ1⁄4 qdΓþ
Ωs Ωs Γsθ Γsi Γsq Ωs
Q dΩ ð24Þ
GθIJ 1⁄4
FθI 1⁄4 Q dΩþ
ð36Þ ð37Þ
where Γsθ is the intersection of Γθ and the boundary Γs, Γsq is the intersection of Γq and the boundary Γs.
3.3. Numerical implementation
In the coupled thermoelastodynamics, the displacements and the temperature are functions of both the spatial coordinates and
Ωs Γsq in which
PJ 1⁄4ðφJ;x φJ;y ÞT
Eqs. (27) and (33) are formulated for the displacements and the temperature, and they must be solved simultaneously. In order to obtain a unified expression for the system of differential algebraic

B.-J. Zheng et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 60 (2015) 154–161 equations, the velocity terms are used as the field variables.
Eq. (27) can be rewritten as follows:
!_! !_ 
Mu 0 u_ þ 0 Ku u þHuθ1⁄4 Fu ð38Þ 0IuI0u 0
Combining Eqs. (33) and (38) we can obtain a unified expres-
sion as follows:
2 30 1 2 30 1 0 1
Mu 0 0 _ 0 Ku Hu u_ Fu u
640 I 075B@uCAþ64I 0 075B@uCA1⁄4B@0CA ð39Þ 0 0 Cθ θ Gθ 0 Kθ θ Fθ
C U_ þ K U 1⁄4 F ð40Þ
Using the backward difference technique for the approximation of the first time derivative, Eq. (40) can be written as follows: 1 1
Cþ2KΔt Unþ1 1⁄4Fnþ1Δtþ C2KΔt Un ð41Þ Eq. (41) is an explicit time-stepping scheme for computing the
vector U at the (nþ1)-th time-step.
4. Numerical examples and discussion
In order to demonstrate the versatility and the accuracy of the present meshless method, first we consider a quasi-static thermo- elasticity problem as a special case, and then a dynamic coupled thermoelasticity problem under several loading cases is consid- ered. The computed results by the present method are compared with that of the finite element method. Square sub-domain and square interpolation domain are used for the numerical imple- mentation of the meshless method, the parameters of the influ- ence domain and the sub-domain are taken as 4.0 and 0.5 respectively, the correlation parameter ξ is taken as 0.1, and two Gaussian points for each direction are used for integration of the domain-integrals.
For convenience we introduce the following dimensionless variables:
x tC1 σij θθ0 λþμ x^1⁄4l;t^1⁄4l;σ^ij1⁄4βθ;θ^1⁄4θ;u^i1⁄4aβui ð42Þ
where l 1⁄4 k=ρcC1 is the dimensionless length and C1 1⁄4 ðλþ2μÞ=ρ is the velocity of the longitudinal wave. In the following examples the dimensionless variables are used, we drop the hat for convenience.
To study the coupling effect, a measure of the thermoelastic coupling is defined by the dimensionless thermoelastic parameter [8]
θ0 β2
C1⁄4ρcðλþ2μÞ ð43Þ
Fig. 1. A suddenly heated unit square panel.
Fig. 2. Nodal distribution. are given by Carslaw and Jaeger [38]
8> 4 1 ð1Þn  ð2nþ1Þπ2κt ð2nþ1Þπy >θðy;tÞ1⁄41π ∑ exp  2 cos
< n1⁄402nþ1 4L 2L u ðy;tÞ1⁄4ð1þvÞαRy θðy;tÞdy; >2 ð1vÞ0
>:σ11ðy;tÞ1⁄4 αE θðy;tÞ: ð1vÞ
where C 1⁄4 0 corresponds to the materials, C ranges from 0.01 to 0.1.
case. For
where L is the diffusion length and κ is the diffusivity, both are being assigned unit values. The material constants used are α 1⁄4 0:02, v 1⁄4 0:3 and plane strain condition is assumed.
As shown in Fig. 2, 121 (11  11) uniform nodes are used to discretize the problem domain. Analysis is conducted for several non-dimensional time steps in order to investigate convergence characteristics. Numerical results for the temperature θ, the dis- placement u2 and the lateral stress σ11 at the mid-point of the y- axis are presented in Figs. 3–5, respectively. It can be seen that the results obtained by the present method have an excellent agree- ment with the exact solution for the time variation while the time step is small enough.
4.2. Dynamic coupled thermoelasticity problem
An isotropic and homogeneous square plate under three loading cases on the left side is considered in this section. The boundary element solution of the problem is given by Hosseini-Tehrani [15],
4.1. Quasi-static thermoelasticity problem
Consider a unit square panel under a sudden heating on the top side as shown in Fig. 1. The inertial terms ρu€ i are neglected and the reference temperature is assumed to be zero in this problem. The dimensionless thermoelastic parameter C is taken as zero for the uncoupled case. The analytical solutions to uncoupled thermoelasticity

158 B.-J. Zheng et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 60 (2015) 154–161
Fig. 3. Temporal variation of the temperature θ at the mid-point of the y-axis.
Fig. 4. Temporal variation of the displacement u2 at the mid-point of the y-axis.
Fig. 5. Temporal variation of the lateral stress σ11 at the mid-point of the y-axis.
and the finite element solution is obtained by the FEM software of COMSOL Multiphysics.
The dimensionless size of the square plate l1⁄410 and a unit thickness are taken, as shown in Fig. 6. 169 (13  13) nodes with a regular node distribution as shown in Fig. 7 are used in the numerical computation, and the FEM mesh distribution is shown in Fig. 8. The time steps are taken as Δt 1⁄4 0:02, The thermal and the mechanical boundary conditions are prescribed as follows:
ui 1⁄40;q1⁄40; atx1⁄410;
ti 1⁄40;q1⁄40; aty1⁄475:
where ui, ti and q are the displacements, the traction components and the heat flux density. The left side of the plate is kinematically free and thermally exposed to a temperature or pressure shock described by the known function
fðtÞ1⁄45texpð2tÞ ð45Þ
where t is the dimensionless time. Three loading cases are considered in the following.
Fig. 8. FEM mesh distribution over the square plate.
1) Thermal shock alone: The thermal shock described by Eq. (45) is applied on the left side where ti 1⁄4 0. Figs. 9–11 show the comparisons of the temperature θ, the displacement u1, and the stress σx along the x-axis for the uncoupled (C1⁄40) and coupled (C1⁄40.1) cases at dimensionless time t1⁄43 and t1⁄46, respec- tively. Due to the coupling effect, the temperature distributions
Fig. 6. A square plate subjected to thermal shock loading on the left side.
Fig. 7. Node distribution over the square plate.

Fig. 9. Comparison of the temperature θ along x-axis for thermal shock.
Fig. 12. Comparison of the temperature θ along x-axis for pressure shock loading.
Fig. 10. Comparison of the displacement u1 along x-axis for thermal shock loading.
Fig. 11. Comparison of the stress σx along x-axis for thermal shock loading.
of the uncoupled and coupled cases are significantly different, and the thermal shock generating stress wave is clearly displayed. It is seen that the temperature θ, the displacement u1, and the stress σx results of the present method have good agreement with the finite element solutions for the uncoupled and coupled case.
2) Pressure shock alone: The pressure shock given by Eq. (45) is applied to the left side where q 1⁄4 0. Fig. 12 shows the compar- ison of the temperature distribution along the x-axis for the uncoupled (C1⁄40) and coupled (C1⁄40.1) cases at dimensionless time t 1⁄4 3 and t 1⁄4 6. The temperature is always zero for the uncoupled case. However, even though a pressure shock is applied, the temperature rises due to the mechanical energy being changed into the heat energy. Figs. 13 and 14 show the comparison of the displacement u1 and the stress σx along the x-axis for uncoupled (C 1⁄4 0) to coupled (C 1⁄4 0.1) cases at dimensionless time t 1⁄4 3 and t 1⁄4 6, respectively. The results of the present method agree well with the finite element solu- tions for the uncoupled and coupled cases.
Fig. 14. Comparison of the stress σx along x-axis for pressure shock loading.
3) Thermal and pressure shock in combination: The combined thermal and pressure shock loading determined by Eq. (45) is applied on the left side of the plate. The distribution of the temperature θ, the displacement u1, and the stress σx along the x-axis for the uncoupled (C 1⁄4 0) and coupled (C 1⁄4 0.1) thermo- elastic cases at dimensionless time t 1⁄4 3 and t 1⁄4 6 are shown in Figs. 15–17, respectively. It can be found that the results could be also superimposed from those of cases (1) and (2) as discussed above. The results of the present method have good agreement with the finite element solutions for the uncoupled and coupled cases too.
5. Conclusions
A meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method in conjunction with a backward difference method is successfully implemented and applied to two-dimensional linear dynamic coupled thermoelasticity pro- blems under thermal and mechanical shock loading. In the present
B.-J. Zheng et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 60 (2015) 154–161 159
Fig. 13. Comparison of the displacement u1 along x-axis for pressure shock loading.

160 B.-J. Zheng et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 60 (2015) 154–161 Acknowledgments
Fig. 15. Comparison of the temperature θ along x-axis for combined thermal and pressure shock.
The authors acknowledge the support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11172055, 11202045) and the Ger- man Research Foundation (DFG, Project-no. ZH 15/10-2). Baojing Zheng also acknowledges the support by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) for his PhD visit study at the Chair of Structural Mechanics, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Sie- gen, Germany.
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B.-J. Zheng et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 60 (2015) 154–161 161