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Design Principles for Event- Driven Applications
Cpt S 321 Washington State University

Recall: Event-Driven Applications
• Recall that event driven applications sit idle until something (an event) happens
• The code you implement in your event-driven applications is just responding to such events
• Consider: You respond to an event such as a button click and make a modification to your application’s state and data
• Application UI must refresh in multiple places to respond to such a change
• Different components in the application need to know about different state changes and each responds in its own way

Simple Example: Microsoft Word
• When you click a location in a Microsoft Word document the cursor moves to the appropriate place in the text. But the toolbar also updates as needed.
Bold button non- highlighted Left align button highlighted
Bold button highlighted Left align button highlighted
Bold button non- highlighted Center align button highlighted

Simple Example: Microsoft Word
• These same contextual changes in the toolbar would happen if you used the keyboard to change the cursor location.
Bold button non- highlighted Left align button highlighted
Bold button highlighted Left align button highlighted
Bold button non- highlighted Center align button highlighted

What is NOT happening…
• Think about the code behind this. What is NOT happening is this: • If (keyboard_changed_cursor)
• If cursor on bolded text then highlight bold button
• If cursor on italic text then highlight italic button
• If cursor on centered text then highlight center-align button •…
• If (mouse_changed_cursor)
• If cursor on bolded text then highlight bold button
• If cursor on italic text then highlight italic button
• If cursor on centered text then highlight center-align button •…

Simple Example: Microsoft Word
• LOGICALLY obviously those types of updates mentioned on the previous slide need to happen
• But the design of the application is such that the toolbar (ribbon) code should be decoupled from the editing code
• Consider the diagrams on the following slides

How Too Many Developers Design
Toolbar code
Tells to alter window state when reading mode is changed
Window management code
Tells toolbar to highlight buttons based on state of selected text
Editor code
Ruler code
Status bar code
Tells editor to alter text based on clicked formatting buttons
Tells toolbar to resize and reposition elements as window size changes
Tells to reposition text when ruler markers are repositioned
Tells to reposition markers when cursor position is changed

Design Complexity
• The previous slide show a VERY small subset of the types of communications between components
• If applications were designed as the previous slide indicates, complexity would go up exponentially as you add more and more features
• This is not how we will design applications in this class
• Start by considering the simple design idea on the next slide

Decouple Logic/Data and UI
UI Dependency/visibility/call
Consider a design that has different key pieces of the application in distinct separable layers

Logic/Data layer
• This layer contains all the logic to perform relevant actions (minus UI interaction) with the data your application is designed to work with
• Take a spreadsheet application as an example. The logic/data layer is the spreadsheet engine that can
• Load and save spreadsheets
• Compute formulas
• Access and update any and all cells in memory
• Provide information about changes to the spreadsheet(s)
• We’ll see how the C# event keyword will assist with this design

UI layer
• Communicates with the logic/data layer
• Tells it when the user has made alterations
• Responds to alterations in the underlying layer and updates the interface appropriately
• A key point with the flexibility we’re aiming for here is that the UI layer could be swapped out with a new UI layer without needing to make changes in the logic layer
WinForms UI WPF UI Console “UI” Logic Engine or Logic Engine or Logic Engine

Software design principles and patterns
• Design principles: general guidelines on how to design applications with a “better” design
• Design patterns: “In software engineering, a software design pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design.” Wikipedia
• Gamma, Erich; Helm, Richard; Johnson, Ralph; Vlissides, John (1995). Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable
Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 978-0-201-63361-0.

Objects that Notify of Property Changes
• There is a design pattern (the observer design pattern) where you write a class (or struct) such that it notifies other sources when its state changes
• Sometimes it provides notifications for changes on just a few of its properties
• Other times it can notify if ANY aspect of its state has changed

Objects that Notify of Property Changes
• Look at this simple example: public class MyClass
public string name;

MyClass mc = new MyClass();
mc.name = “Some new name”;
• How do we implement MyClass so that it will be able to “notify others” when the name field changes?
• Is a field what we want here? What’s the other option for the name member declaration if we want the usage to remain the same?

Objects that Notify of Property Changes
• Name should be a property, not a field. That way we can add behavior, i.e., implement code to do something when the property value gets changed
• What does a “notification” really mean and how many things might want to be notified when the Name property changes?
public class MyClass
public string Name
get; set; }
MyClass mc = new MyClass();
mc.Name = “Some new name”;

Objects that Notify of Property Changes
public class MyClass
private string name = “(not named)”;
public string Name
get { return name }
// What goes here?
} }

public class MyClass
private string name = “(not named)”;
public string Name
get { return name }
if (value == name) { return; } // Important. Why? name = value; NotifyAllListenersOfPropertyChange(“Name”);
// Placeholder method above, but how to implement?
} }

• Before we finish the class implementation, let us define what we want: a list of observers/listeners/subscribers that will be notified when the property changes.
• This can just be a list of function pointers/references. Then outside sources can add functions to this list and those functions will be called when the property changes.
• This design is simple and can be done in a variety of languages.
Objects that support notification of property changes have a list of function pointers/references internally and call all functions in that list when a property is changed.

do it like
public class MyClass
private List listeners = new List();
private string name = “(not named)”;
public void AddListener(FuncPtr funcRef) { listeners.Add(funcRef); }
public string Name
get { return name }
if (value == name) { return; }
name = value;
foreach (FuncPtr ptr in listeners) { ptr.Invoke(“Name”); }
} }

… but there’s a better way to do this in C#
• C# has two things that allow us to deal with this situation
• First off, note that I just made up “FuncPtr” in the previous example, but there’s something in C# called a delegate that serves as a function pointer
• Represents a pointer (reference) to a function that has a specific signature (return type and parameter list)
• Second, we don’t need to manually keep a list of function pointers because C# has the event keyword, which internally is really just
a list of delegates

• In most scenarios you’ll be able to use a delegate that is already defined in the .NET framework
• Can define your own if you need to, but we’ll focus on using existing ones in this class
• PropertyChangedEventHandler Delegate on MSDN
• Exists for this exact type of design scenario
• Remember the concept: this is a delegate declaration, meaning that when you have an instance of the PropertyChangedEventHandler at runtime, it is a reference to a function with a specific signature
public delegate void PropertyChangedEventHandler(
Object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e);

• C# events tutorial on MSDN
• Internally this is a list of delegates
• add to this list with the += operator (i.e., subscribe to the event)
• remove from the list with -= (i.e., unsubscribe to the event).
• No further list functionality exists
• Designed to be protected
• The functions in that list can only be called by the class that contains the event

Finishing MyClass (almost)
public class MyClass : INotifyPropertyChanged {
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = delegate { };
private string name = “(not named)”;
public string Name
get { return m_name }
if (value == m_name) { return; }
m_name = value;
// The event gets called as if it were one function (in terms of syntax) // Calls everything (all subscribed delegates) in the internal list PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(“Name”));
} }

INotifyPropertyChanged Interface
• Since designing objects to notify of property changes is such a common thing, an interface already exists in C#: INotifyPropertyChanged Interface
• Implement this interface if you want a class or struct to be able to notify outside sources (subscribers) of property changes
• There’s a lot of information there on how to implement this interface and how to use events. Will need to know this well to implement your spreadsheet application.

Code demo
– Initial value;
– Updated with button clicks

What do we need to do to make it work?
• Through the designer set the tags of the 4 buttons to Joe, Bob, Smith, and Johnson, respectively.
• In the class Person
• Implement INotifyPropertyChanged
• Create and initialize a PropertyChangedEventHandler event
• Implement the set properties in a way that when the property value changes, we notify all listeners

What do we need to do to make it work?
• In the class Form1
• Define two fields: person and windowTitlePrefix • In the constructor:
1. Createanewpersonwithnoname
2. Subscribetothepropertychangeeventbyaddingthefollowingmethod to the event: Person_PropertyChanged (event handler; pay attention on the signature)
3. Settheperson’snametoJoeSmith
• Implement the following methods
• btnFirstName_Click (updates the person’s first name)
• btnLastName_Click (updates the person’s last name)
• Person_PropertyChanged (sets the buttons’ and the form’s text)