程序代写代做代考 data structure ocaml (*** CSI 3120 Assignment 3 ***)

(*** CSI 3120 Assignment 3 ***)
(*** YOUR NAME HERE ***)
(* If you use the version available from the lab machines via VCL, the
version is 4.05.0 ***)

(* PROBLEM 1 *)

(* Problem 1a: Below is a definition of the datatype for propositional
logic from the Data Types tutorial, with connectives for
conjunction, (the operator written /\), disjunction (the OR
operator written \/), and logical implication (written =>). *)

type prop = string

type form =
| True
| False
| Prop of prop
| And of form * form
| Or of form * form
| Imp of form * form

(* Write a function “count_connectives” that takes a “form” as input
and counts the number of connectives. The connectives include
“And”, “Or”, and “Imp”. For example, the formula below contains 5
connectives including 3 Or, 1 And, and 1 Imp.

((p \/ q) /\ (False \/ p \/ r)) -> r


(* let rec count_connectives (f:form) : int = *)

(* Problem 1b: Consider the new types form’ and env below *)

type form’ =
| True’
| False’
| Prop’ of prop * bool
| And’ of form’ * form’
| Or’ of form’ * form’
| Imp’ of form’ * form’

type env = (prop * bool) list

(* The type form’ is like form, except that the constructor for
propsitional variables includes an additional boolean argument to
indicate the truth value of the proposition. The type env is a list
of propositional variables and their truth values. Write a
function “generate_env” that takes a proposition and returns an
“env”, which simply extracts the information from the propositional
variables in a formula and returns this information in the form of
a list. For example, if the input is the formula

(((p,true) \/ (q,false)) /\ (False \/ (p,false) \/ (r,true))) -> (r,true)

the output should be a list containing 5 pairs. Do not remove
duplicates and don’t worry about inconsistencies (the same
propositional variable paired with both “true” and “false”). *)

(* let rec generate_env (f:form’) : env = *)

(* Problem 1c: Write a function “validate_env” that takes an “env” as
input and returns tuple (bool, env). If the input is consistent
then return (true, original env) with the original env returned
back in the reply. If the input is inconsistent (i.e., there is at
least one propositional variable that is paired with both “true”
and “false”) then return (false, duplicate envs) where you only
return the duplicate env values

For example, consider the formula:

(((p,true) \/ (q,false)) /\ (False \/ (p,false) \/ (r,true))) -> (r,true)

The env for this formula is:

[(“p”,true); (“q”,false); (“p”,false); (“r”, true); (“r” true)]

This function should return:

(false, [(“p”,true); (“p”, false)]) because of the inconsistent
occurnces of (p,true) and (p,false).

Now consider this example:

(((p,true) \/ (q,false)) /\ (False \/ (p,true) \/ (r,true))) -> (r,true)

The env for this formula is:

[(“p”,true); (“q”,false); (“p”,true); (“r”, true); (“r” true)]

This function should return:

(true, [(“p”,true); (“q”,false); (“p”,true); (“r”, true); (“r”, true)])

because the formula is consistent.

Hint: you will likely need some helper functions. You can choose
to define them as local functions inside the main function, but you
do not have to. *)

(* let validate_env (e:env) : bool * (prop * bool) list = *)

(* PROBLEM 2 *)

(* Below is a signature of a module for a functional version of a
queue data structure where all elements of the queue are ints. A
queue is a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) data structure. In a FIFO data
structure, the first element added to the queue will be the first
one to be removed. This is equivalent to the requirement that once
a new element is added, all elements that were added before have to
be removed before the new element can be removed. By reading the
types and the comments, you will see the differences between
stacks, as studied in class, and queues. *)

module type IntQueue =
(* t is a queue whose elements have type int. *)
type t

(* The empty queue. *)
val empty : unit -> t

(* Whether a queue is empty. *)
val is_empty : t -> bool

(* [enqueue x q] is the queue [q] with [x] added to the end. *)
val enqueue : int -> t -> t

(* [peek q] is [Some x], where [x] is the element at the front of the queue,
or [None] if the queue is empty. *)
val peek : t -> int option

(* [dequeue q] is [Some q’], where [q’] is the queue containing all the elements
of [q] except the front of [q], or [None] if [q] is empty. *)
val dequeue : t -> t option

(* Problem 2a: Implement a queue (define a module called
ReverseListIntQueue containing a structure whose type is
IntQueue). Represent your queues as lists, whose elements are
in reverse order, which means that the first element of the list is
the last one entered into the queue, and the last element of the
list is the front of the queue. In other words, represent a queue
as a list, where the list [xn; …; x2; x1] represents the queue with
[x1] at its front, followed by [x2], …, followed by [xn]. You are
of course allowed to implement helper functions inside the structure
that do not appear in the signature above. *)

(* module ReverseListIntQueue … *)

(* Some code to help you test and debug
let q0 = ReverseListIntQueue.empty ()
let q1 = ReverseListIntQueue.enqueue 42 q0
let q2 = ReverseListIntQueue.enqueue 48 q1
let i = ReverseListIntQueue.peek q2
let j = let rest = ReverseListIntQueue.dequeue q2 in
match rest with
| Some q -> ReverseListIntQueue.peek q
| None -> None

(* Problem 2b: Modify the IntQueue signature above so that it is
polymorphic in the sense that it can be used to create queues of
elements of any type, not just ints. (This should be relatively
easy.) *)

(* module type Queue = *)

(* Problem 2c: Modify your solution to Question 2a by
introducing a new structure called ReverseListQueue with type
Queue so that it can be used to create queues of elements of
any type. (This should also be relatively easy.) *)

(* module ReverseListQueue … *)

(* Some code to help you test and debug
let q3 = ReverseListQueue.empty ()
let q4 = ReverseListQueue.enqueue 42 q3
let q5 = ReverseListQueue.enqueue 48 q4
let i1 = ReverseListQueue.peek q5
let j1 = let rest = ReverseListQueue.dequeue q5 in
match rest with
| Some q -> ReverseListQueue.peek q
| None -> None
let q6 = ReverseListQueue.empty ()
let q7 = ReverseListQueue.enqueue (3,”three”) q6
let q8 = ReverseListQueue.enqueue (4,”four”) q7
let i2 = ReverseListQueue.peek q8
let j2 = let rest = ReverseListQueue.dequeue q8 in
match rest with
| Some q -> ReverseListQueue.peek q
| None -> None

(* Problem 2d: Fill in all the “…” in the modified version below
of the IntQueue signature above so that it is a signature
for an imperative version of an int queue called ImpIntQueue. *)

module type ImpIntQueue =
(* t is a queue whose elements have type int. *)
type t

(* Create an empty queue. *)
val empty : …

(* Whether a queue is empty. *)
val is_empty : …

(* [enqueue x q] modifies [q] by adding [x] to the end. *)
val enqueue : …

(* [dequeue q] returns [Some x], where [x] is the element at the
front of the queue, or [None] if the queue is empty. It also
modifies q by removing the front element, if there is one;
otherwise no modifications are done. *)
val dequeue : …

(* Problem 2e: Modify your solution to Question 2a (using reversed
lists as before) by introducing a new structure called
ImpListIntQueue with type ImpIntQueue so that it
implements an imperative queue. *)

(* module ImpListIntQueue … *)

(* Some code to help you test and debug
let q’ = ImpListIntQueue.empty ()
let _ = ImpListIntQueue.enqueue 42 q’
let _ = ImpListIntQueue.enqueue 48 q’
let i = ImpListIntQueue.dequeue q’
let j = ImpListIntQueue.dequeue q’
let k = ImpListIntQueue.dequeue q’