程序代写代做代考 Expression Trees

Expression Trees
Cpt S 321 Washington State University

Expression Trees Needed for Spreadsheets
● Some sort of Binary Trees
● Used to parse and calculate the formulas in the spreadsheet cells
● Currently, our formulas don’t really need them
● For HW4, we can only set one cell equal to another
● But for later homehoworks the following operators are required: +,-,*, /
● Also, more cell references and complex sub-operations will be included

Expression Trees Needed for Spreadsheets
● Tree nodes need to be an abstract class with specialized sub-types: • Node representing a constant numerical value
• Node representing a variable
• Node representing a binary operator

Things to keep in mind
Binary Expression Trees ≠ General Binary Trees:
A node in a binary tree can have at most two children, right and left
In this assignment, a node (N) in our trees have either zero or two children
If N has zero children what kinds of nodes are possible for N? Number: string to double conversion to evaluate
Variable: dictionary lookup on key to return a string number If N has two children, what kinds of node(s) are possible for N?
Operand (with two children — no unary operators for now…)

Simple Expression Tree
● Start at root
Root can only operate on values
Recursively evaluate children if not values
Result will be values (in this case)

What is the expression that corresponds to this tree?

Examples of expressions
• 3+5+4 • 3-2+1
• 10/(7-2)
• 10/(2*5)
• (((((2+3)-(4+5)))))

Questions that we need to think about?
• What are the classes that we need and how are they connected?
• How do we construct an expression tree given an expression?
• Operators:
• Are all operators the same?
• How do we design for change?

Expression Tree Code Demo
• Let’s look at an example of how NOT to implement this
• Tasks for today:
1. Does that even work?
2. Find problems and solutions in the code and write this in the survey
• Hint: 1 solution might solve more than one problem • Use bullet points and be brief.

The “out” modifier
class Test {
static void Split (string name,
out string firstNames, out string lastName)
int i = name.LastIndexOf (‘ ‘); firstNames = name.Substring (0, i); lastName = name.Substring (i + 1);
static void Main() {
// a and b are declared on the fly:
Split (“Stevie Ray Vaughan”, out string a,
out string b); Console.WriteLine (a); // Stevie Ray Console.WriteLine (b); // Vaughan
} }
• Similar to “ref” but
• For the “out” modifier:
• Variables need not be initialized before going into the function
• Must be assigned before going out of the function