(* Preface: Some OCaml code that you may need in some of your answers
below. (Some questions will refer to code in the preface, and you
can find that code here.) *)
let inc x = x+1
let square y = y*y
let add x y = x+y
let mult x y = x*y
let double s = s ^ s
let uppercase s = String.uppercase_ascii s
let concat s1 s2 = s1 ^ s2
let add_to_ends s s’ = s’ ^ s ^ s’
type ‘a tree = | Leaf of ‘a
| Node of ‘a tree * ‘a tree
let rec map (f:’a -> ‘b) (xs: ‘a list) : ‘b list =
match xs with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> (f hd) :: (map f tl)
module type STACK =
type ‘a stack
val empty : unit -> ‘a stack
val push : ‘a -> ‘a stack -> ‘a stack
val is_empty : ‘a stack -> bool
val pop : ‘a stack -> ‘a stack * ‘a option
module ListStack : STACK =
type ‘a stack = ‘a list
let empty() : ‘a stack = []
let push (x:’a)(s:’a stack) : ‘a stack = x::s
let is_empty(s:’a stack) =
match s with
| [] -> true
| _::_ -> false
let pop (s:’a stack) : ‘a stack * ‘a option =
match s with
| [] -> ([],None)
| h::tl -> (tl,Some h)
type ‘a mlist =
Nil | Cons of ‘a * (‘a mlist ref)
(* Question A (10 marks) Types in OCaml *)
(* For all parts of Question A, uncomment and fill in the expressions
below to satisfy the types and follow any other instructions that
are given. As in Assignment 2, for option, list, and function
types, you must provide a nontrivial answer. For a list that means
a non-empty one, for an option type that means a Some construction,
and for a function, that means using all its arguments to generate
the return value. *)
let a1 : int list =
let a2 : (string * bool) list list =
let a3 : (int -> int -> int) list = let inc x = 1 in let square y =
(* (a4) Define a function a4 that has type string -> string -> string tree. *)
let a4 =
(* (a5) Using the ‘a tree data type defined in the preface, represent
the following tree. You may define auxiliary functions and
variables to help build the tree step-by-step, but this is not
required. *)
/ \
/ \
/ (sqrt 2.0)
/ \
/ \
3.14 2.718
let a5 : float tree =
(* Question B (7 marks) Options *)
(* Question B *)
(* Write a function that takes two int option arguments and returns a
float option. The function should divide the first argument by the
second if both arguments are present and the second is not 0.
Convert values of type int to float when necessary. Otherwise, the
function must return None. Name your function “div_option” *)
let div_option (a : int option) (b : int option) : (float option) =
(* Question C (8 marks) Programming with Data Types *)
(* Question C *)
type newtype =
| C1 of float * string
| C2 of string * int
(* Write a function that takes a string and a list of elements of
newtype and counts the number of times that the string appears in
the elements of the list. For example, the function should return 2
if the input string is “yes” and the input list is:
[C1 (45.5, “yes”); C2 (“green”, 3); C2 (“yes”, 4)]
Your function should be called count_occurrences and have type
string -> newtype list -> int.
let rec count_occurrences (x:string) (lst: newtype list): int =
(* Question D (7 marks) Higher-Order and Polymorphic Programming *)
(* Question E (7 marks) Modules and Abstract Data Types *)
(* The interface and structure for the polymorphic immutable stack
datatype given in the code in the preface is very similar to the
code in the course notes. The only difference is that there is no
“top” operation and the “pop” operation returns a tuple containing
both the new stack and the top element. Replace all of the
occurrences of ?? in the bodies of teststack1 and teststack2 so
that when they are called they return true. *)
let teststack1 () =
let emp = ListStack.empty() in
let s0 = ListStack.push “x” emp in
let s1 = ListStack.push “y” s0 in
let s2 = ListStack.push “z” s1 in
let (s3,a) = ListStack.pop s2 in
let (s4,b) = ListStack.pop s3 in
let (s5,c) = ListStack.pop s4 in
(a = ?? && b = ?? && c = ?? && ListStack.is_empty ?? ) ;;
let teststack2 () =
let emp = ListStack.empty() in
let s0 = ListStack.push ?? emp in
let s1 = ListStack.push “b” s0 in
let (s2,a) = ListStack.pop ?? in
(a = Some “a” && ListStack.is_empty s2)
(* Question F (5 marks) Mutable Types *)
(* Question F1 (2 marks) *)
(* The code in the preface includes the ‘a mlist data type for fully
mutable lists studied in class. *)
(* Below is an example mutable list. *)
let ml_example : string mlist = Cons(“snow”, ref (Cons(“rain”, ref (Cons(“sun”, ref Nil)))))
(* Consider a new alternative representation of mutable lists as a
list of references, where each reference is a pointer to some
value. *)
type ‘a new_mlist = ‘a ref list
(* Build a new version of ml_example using this new representation.
The new list should have the same elements occurring in the same
let rl : string ref list =
(* Question F2 (3 marks) *)
(* Describe briefly what the following function does. *)
let mlist_example (x:’a) (xsr:’a mlist ref) (ys:’a mlist): unit =
match !xsr with
Nil -> xsr := ys
| Cons(y,t) -> if x = y then () else t:=ys
let string = ” “