程序代写代做代考 data structure C Java COSC 222: Data Structures

COSC 222: Data Structures
Lab 4 – Trees
Question 1 (Tree Basics) [10 marks]
This question does not require coding. You will need to submit a PDF file with your answers. This can be handwritten and scanned or created using a paint application or word processor. Name your file Lab4Question1.pdf.
Part A [6 marks]:
Write the sequence of nodes visited for the following trees for a preorder, inorder, and postorder traversal.
Part B [4 marks]:
Draw what a binary search tree would look like if the following values were added to an initially empty tree in this order. Partial marks will be awarded for wrong answers if you show your process step-by-step.
 Tree 1: 40, 50, 20, 10, 30
 Tree 2: 17, 8, 18, 21, 11, 16, 12
 Tree 3: 35, 25, 19, 62, 59, 41, 36, 27, 26
 Tree 4: 70, 52, 69, 97, 80, 46, 42, 100, 67, 81, 14
Question 2 [10 marks + (2 marks BONUS)]
Use the starter java files provided: TreeNode.java, BinaryTree.java, and
In this question, you will practice building a Binary Tree to solidify your understanding of the tree data structure. Begin with the BinaryTree.java file. In this file are several completed methods (3 constructors, inOrderTraversal(), and inOrderRecursive()), and several incomplete methods. You need to complete the following methods inside this file:
First, check the BinaryTreeTest.java file.

 If we call BinaryTree ll = new BinaryTree(5), it creates a new tree called ll with a root that contains 5.
 If we call BinaryTree lr = new BinaryTree(15), it creates a new tree called lr with a root that contains 15.
 If you call BinaryTree l = new BinaryTree(10, ll, lr), it creates a binary tree with a root (value 10) and assigns ll as the left subtree and lr as the right subtree of the root.
Part A [2 marks]:
attachToLeft(): The first thing you’ll want to do is create a way to add data to a tree. This method should add a new node with the given data to the left branch of the tree. If the left branch of the tree is already occupied, the method should show a message to inform users about this. Assume that we have a tree called ll, which only has a root that contains 5. If we call ll.attachToLeft(3), it will add a new node containing 3 and set the node as the left child of the root.
Part B [2 marks]:
attachToRight(): This method works exactly the same as the previous, except that it attaches the new node to the right branch, rather than the left. Again, show a message if the right node is already occupied. For the previous ll tree, if we call ll.attachToRight(7), it will add a new node containing 7 and set the node as the right child of the root.
Note: We can create another tree by using executing the following code:
BinaryTree lr = new BinaryTree (15);
Now, we have two trees: ll and lr. We would like to add these two trees under another tree with a new root (value 10). We can do this by calling BinaryTree l = new BinaryTree(10, ll, lr). Here, a binary tree is created with a root value 10 and assigned ll as the left subtree (i.e., the left child pointer of the root holds the reference of ll) and lr as the right subtree of the root (i.e., the right child pointer of the root contains the reference of lr).

Part C [2 marks]:
attachToLeftSubtree(): this method adds a sub-tree to the left branch of the tree. Show a message if the left branch is already occupied.
Part D [2 marks]:
attachToRightSubtree(): This method works the same as the attachToLeftSubtree() method, except that you will be attaching the new subtree to the right branch, rather than the left.
Part E [2 marks]:
height(): This method returns the height of the tree using recursion. (Hints: check lecture 7 slides 19 – 23 for details)
Part F [2 marks (BONUS)]:
size(): This method returns the number of nodes in the tree using recursion. (Hints: check for conditions where (i) a node doesn’t have any child, (ii) has a left child, or (iii) has a right child or, (iv) has both left and right child)
Sample Output:
—–Test Tree 1—–
Inordertraversal: 3571013151720253035 Size of the tree: 11
Height of the tree: 3
—–Test Tree 2—–
Inorder traversal: 31 41 60 24
Size of the tree: 4
Height of the tree: 2
—–Test Tree 3—–
Inorder traversal: 1 5 7 10 9 15 17
Size of the tree: 7
Height of the tree: 2

Submission Instructions:
 Create a folder called “Lab4_” where is your student number/ID (e.g. Lab4_12345678). Only include the mentioned java files in the folder. DO NOT include any other files (e.g., .class, .java~ or any other files)
o For question 1, Include Lab4Question1.pdf file.
o For question 2, Include your BinaryTree.java file.
 Make a zip file of the folder and upload it to Canvas.
 To be eligible to earn full marks, your Java programs must compile and run upon
download, without requiring any modifications.
 These assignments are your chance to learn the material for the exams. Code your
assignments independently.