程序代写代做代考 game C /**


First test the game by consulting this file, then try the following commands
* look. — Tells you about your surroundings
* move(north). move(south). move(east). move(west). — Moves the agent
* pickup(type) — picks up an object of any liftable type; initially gold is the only
liftable type. The agent must be in the same cell as cell containing the object.
After picking up the object, the agent is holding the object, and the
object is no longer contained in the cell. The agent may hold more than
one object, but may not hold more than one object of the same type.

Now extend the game in the three following ways:

1. Showing what the agent is holding
2. Putting down objects
3. Winning the game
4. Wumpus repellant

1. The agent can pick up gold, but the game is not
showing what the agent is holding. Modify the code
so the look command also displays the types of the
objects the agent is holding.

2. Implement an action putdown(Type). The agent must be
holding an object of that type. After putting down an
object, it is contained in the cell where the agent is located,
and the agent is no longer holding the object.

3. Winning the game. If the agent is at (1,1) and is
holding gold, the agent wins. The look command should
display that the agent has won, and having won,
the agent can no longer move anywhere.

4. Wumpus Repellent. Wumpus repellent is an object that
can be found at various cells. The agent can pick
it up, and if the agent is holding Wumpus Repellent
and enters a cell with a Wumpus, the wumpus does not
kill the agent. However, if the agent puts down
the wumpus repellent in a cell containing a Wumpus,
the agent then dies. The type for these objects must
be wumpus_repellant.



This is how the map and coordinate system works, and
also how the world is configured for this example.

north — move to smaller index row
south — move to larger index row
west — move to smaller index column
east — move to larger index column

Coordinate system: [1,1] is at upper left, order is (row, col)
[1,1] [1,2] [1,3]
| A
| P
| WR
| W G


% Initial state

:- dynamic(agent_at/1).
:- dynamic(agent_holding/1).
:- dynamic(cell_contains/2).

% Every object except the agent has a type

type(g1, gold).
type(w1, wumpus).
type(p1, pit).



cell_contains((2,2), p1).
cell_contains((3,1), w1).
cell_contains((3,2), g1).

/** Look **/
look :- look_location,
look_dead, look_stench, look_breeze,

look_location :- agent_at(P), write(‘You are at ‘),
write(P), write(‘\n’).

look_contains :- agent_at(P), cell_contains(P, T),
type(T, Type),
write(‘There is ‘), write(Type) , write(‘ here\n’).
look_contains :- !.

look_dead :- dead, write(‘You are dead!\n’),!.
look_dead :- !.

look_stench :- agent_at(C), adjacent(C, C2), cell_contains(C2, W), type(W, wumpus),
write(‘You smell a stench!\n’), !.
look_stench :- !.

look_breeze :- agent_at(C), adjacent(C, C2), cell_contains(C2, P), type(P, pit),
write(‘You feel a breeze!\n’), !.
look_breeze :- !.

dead :- agent_at(C), cell_contains(C, T), type(T, wumpus), !.
dead :- agent_at(C), cell_contains(C, T), type(T, pit), !.

pickup(Type) :- \+ dead,
cell_contains(C,T), type(T, Type), liftable(Type),

move(D) :- \+ dead,
cell_toward(C, D, C2),

cell_toward((R, C), south, (R2, C)) :- size(S), R < S, R2 is R + 1. cell_toward((R, C), north, (R2, C)) :- R > 1, R2 is R – 1.
cell_toward((R, C), east, (R, C2)) :- size(S), C < S, C2 is C + 1. cell_toward((R, C), west, (R, C2)) :- C > 1, C2 is C – 1.

adjacent(C1, C2) :- cell_toward(C1, south, C2).
adjacent(C1, C2) :- cell_toward(C1, north, C2).
adjacent(C1, C2) :- cell_toward(C1, east, C2).
adjacent(C1, C2) :- cell_toward(C1, west, C2).